Not Small Potatoes - BitchScopes for the week of January 17th
There are quite a few significant things happening this week: 1) the Full moon in Cancer, opposite Pluto 2) Uranus direct 3) the nodes of the moon changing signs 4) Sun and Mars changing signs. And honorable mention for Mercury conjunct Sun (Cazimi)
This week kicks off with that uber emo full moon in Cancer, opposite Pluto, which is “offering” (which is a euphemism for “shoving it at your face”) a deep emotional release around something. When I say “something”, chances are that a situation or circumstance popped in to your head. That’s probably the something that is up to bat. I don’t think this is an emotional crisis or nervous breakdown necessarily; I feel this is more like a big ol’ mood. If you can keep yourself from spewing all over your family members or co-workers, this should be deep/intense but very temporary. Mindfulness is key. There’s always a reason for the emotions you feel, and you don’t always have to understand them, you just need to acknowledge them. If you feel jealous, triggered, betrayed, manipulated, or maybe even sense that you are doing some manipulating, take a moment to question why. Pluto always applauds shadow work!
After the dust from the full moon settles, your intellect is more highlighted than your emotions. This is a good thing, except for the fact that in this energy you may have a hard time pinpointing your emotions and therefore difficulty expressing them clearly. Your intellect will help you out of this quandary as much as it helped you into it. You may just feel slightly more disconnected from your emotional self than usual. For native Aquarians, as well as Geminis, this is normal and comfortable…haha! (Libra is also an air sign and therefore more cerebral than emotional, but Libra vibrates a little differently, so the lack of perfect harmony may be slightly annoying for them.) But for water signs, it may be a little frustrating. Just remember that nothing is broken just because you can’t name that feeling.
Uranus is a future oriented sign. If you are stuck in the the past, old thinking, old situations and patterns, etc., Uranus is good at shaking those things loose. If you aren’t expecting the changes, they can be jarring. But if, during the last 6 months, you realized something significant needs to change, Uranus’ direct motion will help clarify that.
The nodes of the moon move from Gemini and Sagittarius into Taurus and Scorpio. This only happens every 18 months. This begins a new eclipse cycle officially, and changes our collective moods and focus a bit, which is good! In this case, we are shifting out of the intellectual and philosophical signs into signs that deal with money, security, and values. Societally, you’ll start to see this more and more. Crypto currency is apparently here to stay, thanks to Uranus (visionary, change, futuristic) in Taurus (money, values, currency). I expect we will see more and more of it over the next year and a half and it will become more common place than we expected. (I guess I’d better figure out what it freakin’ means. When I do, I’m going to start a crypto currency called “BitchCoin”. Hahaha. I’m joking, but nobody better take that name!)
When planets change signs, there is always a bump and an adjustment period. The Sun changing signs is always significant, and it moves into Aquarius this week on the 20th, which is obviously the best day of the year! (My birthday is January 20th, so I’m a 0° Aquarius and I will argue with anyone about cusp energy.) Mars moves into Capricorn, where he is exalted, ambitious, organized, and ready to kick ass.
Mercury is Cazimi, or in a tight conjunction, with the Sun on Friday the 23rd. You may have an epiphany, a stroke of genius, a revelation, or big idea. You also may have a moment of clarity about what this Mercury retrograde cycle is bringing up for you. This is the halfway point and peak of the Mercury retrograde. This happens at 3° of Aquarius, so see where that is in your chart to see what the flavor of this might be.
Wow, that ain't no small potatoes this week! Take your potatoes and fry em, mash em, dice em, roast em, hash em...make whatever kind of potato life you want, Bitches!
Jan 17
Full Moon at 27° Cancer 3:48 pm pst - cathartic emotional release
Moon opposite Pluto - dramatic emotions are possible. Watch for jealousy.
Neptune conjunct Pallas - artistic imagination with some manipulation sprinkled in
Jan 18
Uranus Direct in Taurus - unlocks our ability to be our authentic selves and feel secure about it
North Node enters Taurus - (South Node enters Scorpio) Our global focus slowly shifts from communication, information and beliefs, to finances, values, security, and truth
Sun trine Ceres - your loved ones benefit from your confidence and courage
Mercury Rx sextile Chiron - your intellectual gifts may offer insight into past wounds
Sun trine North Node - your goals and achievements are boosted
Jan 19
Jupiter sextile Vesta - sacrifices made at work can pay off
Jan 20
Sun enters Aquarius - obviously the best day of the year (wink wink) Collectively we are more focused on humanity and the future.
Jan 21
Mars quincunx Ceres - your desires and passions do not align neatly with your nurturing needs and desires. For instance, you may get bent out of shape if a family member does not prioritize you.
Jan 22
Mars quincunx North Node - irritable and frustrated by what feels like lack of progress
Jan 23
Sun conjunct Mercury Rx - big ideas as possible
Jan 24
Mars enters Capricorn - Mars is happy in Cappy. Mars is exalted here and is deliberate and rational
Ceres conjunct North Node - your sense of purpose and your compassion unite
Pluto conjunct Juno - intense and magnetic attraction
ARIES - Family dynamics might contain a week bit of drama, or there could be an issue illuminated with your physical house. Your money and your shared resources with partner/spouse are likely to become a focal point. Changes that are necessary to prosper will come to light. You may have a light bulb moment about a dream or plan you have and who you need in your corner to make it come to life.
TAURUS - Be aware, because a verbal confrontation is possible, particularly with your partner (possibly with a sibling). That will be a short lived issue if it does arise. However, the issue of “me and we” is likely to be a theme for most of this year and you may start to feel its emergence this week. What this means is you may start to look at “who am I now?” and “how do I fit in to this partnership with who I am now?” A job lead, or an idea for a new solo project is possible this week.
GEMINI - If there is a leak in your money bucket (aka your budget), this full moon will illuminate it. But it also may show you some money that was hidden or that you can recover. Your deeply held beliefs, and your service roles in society (we all have some of these roles), may come into your consciousness for examination now. It’s just personal evolution.
CANCER - You may get the itch to start something new and sort of reinvent yourself. Don’t make a decision in a high emotional state, and don’t make it for awhile. Instead…just explore. While it may seem non-sequitur, see if you can channel some of your energy into something artistic or creative. Play of all kinds is highlighted for you all year. That means your children, your inner child, your friends, and your crayons should all have a pretty good time. You could have a stroke of genius about how to solve a financial quandary.
LEO - Personal realizations or truths that you’ve kept from yourself may trigger your emotions and you might want to just be alone for a couple days. Your romantic partner could be a great source of comfort and security for you while this wave washes over you, so lean in to them. The push and pull between your home life and your work life is something you’ll be working on this year, so start paying attention to issues that come up around that.
VIRGO - There could be an upset about a social gathering, friendship issue, or co-worker drama. It will be short lived in most cases. Whatever this is, there’s a strong chance it will actually benefit you if you keep your head. A change in your routine or work environment may catch you off guard, but this will also benefit you. All year, publishing, speaking, broadcasting, and teaching are favored for you.
LIBRA - Professional recognition is a possibility over the next few days (maybe a couple weeks). Or you may suddenly find a sweet professional opportunity. If you find yourself feeling bored, seek intellectual stimulation. Plays and poetry might scratch that itch for you, so keep that in mind. Financial debts and catching up around that area is a theme for you this year. Making money will come pretty easy, so don’t worry about that. Start making a plan for paying things off.
SCORPIO - The conflict you feel this week, if any, is very likely to be internal. Beliefs you inherited from your family may clash with what you have come to understand at this point in your life. There is a possibility for some intellectually based exchanges around this issue with family members, but most of the drama will be on your insides. This year relationships are a focus for you, so if you’re single…are you ready?
SAGITTARIUS - You will definitely be swimming in the deep end, and not just this week! Your 8th house of intimacy is highlighted by this full moon, so your feelings may go real deep. You will have great communication skills on your side, so if you need to share with someone, you should feel empowered and capable and safe doing so. This year one of the themes for you is your role in society as a soul and as a human in the daily grind. Meaningful work will be very important to you.
CAPRICORN - You will be interacting with others a great deal, not just this week, but this year. This week, contracted relationships (that could be work relationships or marriage partners) may have a spotlight thrown on them. If there are any chinks in the armor, you’ll find out sooner than later. These issues come up so you can correct them. You may have a positive “aha!” moment regarding earned money this week. It could be an idea on how to make money, not that you’re short on those ideas usually. This year, you get to play with your friends more than in the past few years. That may seem unlikely with the current covid crap, but it will unfold. Child like energy is something you should try to embrace.
AQUARIUS - You need to get your act together a little bit, in terms of your routine and your work life. Just because you’re the weirdo of the zodiac, doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from some organization and routine. In fact, the work-life balance is going to be key for you this year, with more of the emphasis being on family than in years past where you worked and worked and worked. But even family life needs order. What is likely for you, is that you’ll tear through all the closets and make a giant mess, and then put everything back in some spectacular system. This is one of your skills, making order of chaos, and you should be proud of it. What else are you proud of? Your sense of self may get a shot in the arm this week (that’s supposed to be a good thing but it’s a weird saying, especially in current times.)
PISCES - This full moon will tickle your funny bone, in that you may be craving more play, fun, and romance. Writing and publishing are emphasized for you all year, so don’t be shy about putting pen to paper to see what develops. While you likely have an active dream life, this week you might get some important information in your sleep. It may not even make it into your conscious mind, so try some automatic writing this week and see what shows up. In general, embrace doing things just for the hell of it, rather than needing to have a purpose. Pursue joy, and you’ll find more of it.