Ridiculously Optimistic! BitchScopes for Feb 1 - 7
For the last couple years, I feel like I, and many many other astrologers, have been saying over and over “things are intense” or “things are challenging”. And I’ve joked with my astro colleagues about it. I wondered “are we just a bunch of jaded assholes now? Was there a time when things were not so damn intense? I don’t remember!”
But guess what? This year is going to be quite a bit less intense and problematic than the last couple. It will have its bumps and challenges of course, but this year is not defined by Saturn Square Uranus, so that’s a big help. The Capricorn stellium has been breaking up slowly, and that helps. And this week we have a stunning array of positive aspects and transits. So much so that I had to double check myself. Am I drunk? Did I read this correctly?
I was not drunk, and I did read it correctly! So take off your rose colored glasses, because you won’t need them this week!
Last week Venus stationed direct and she is slowly building up forward momentum so your financial and romantic life can make some progress. This week we have Mercury going direct in Capricorn, after a bassackward romp through Aquarius. We can start to feel more confident in our goals and plans, as well as our expressions.
There are no major transits on Wednesday 2/2, and I almost joked that you could take a nap that day. However…2/2/2022 is irresistible! The day of 2/2/2022 is a 1 vibration, which is about bold beginnings. And the month of February is an 8, which is a number of authority and power. First of all, the moon is in Pisces that day, which lends strong intuition all on its own. But the number 2 is also intuitive. This is the number of balance, partnerships, and cooperation. 2 is a feminine number that is associated with inclusivity and intuition, and also faith. The 2 correlates with the High Priestess in Tarot, who is powerful and intuitive, but her strength is quiet and doesn’t need a show. She doesn’t question what will come, she has faith in her position and in her instincts.
It would be silly for you to not take advantage of not only the new moon on Tuesday, but this powerful energy on Wednesday to as some kick to your manifesting activities and rituals.
Later in the week we have optimism and motivation, as well as increased personal power and recognition, along with opportunities for meaningful leadership.
How can it get any better than this?
If you’ve done any clearing work with me at 12Listen, you may have heard me suggest this phrase to you as a powerful transformation tool. It works, and if you use it regularly, you will see big shifts in your life for the better. When you find a dollar on the street, instead of saying “hmpf, I wish it was a hundred”, or “well it doesn’t get any better than this!” (which limits you to one dollar as the maximum surprise reward) say “woohoo! How can it get any better than this?” and leave the door open for even more pleasant surprises!
Last year was rough. This year is not going to be without its challenges. But let’s just revel in this week’s beautiful and positive energy as much as possible. Roll around in it. Swim in it until your fingers are wrinkly. And, congratulations on the fabulous things that you are about to attract into your life!
Tuesday 1 February
New Moon in Aquarius (9:45pm 1/31 pst, 12:46am 2/1 est) - set intentions around friendships, group projects, and humanitarian efforts. Make a list of your hopes and dreams for this year, or the next 6 months. This is the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Water Tiger. Expect big changes and some volatility. Be bold and take big actions!
This moon does square Uranus, so be flexible and go with the flow when unexpected changes arise. But you may be able to exercise your rebellion and spicy ideals. If you feel bajiggity, that’s Uranus acting on your emotions. The good news: Venus trine Uranus can bring some spiciness and romance to your life, or perhaps some kind of bonus money.
Juno enters Aquarius - Juno rules marriage, and in Aquarius, she is more detached and independent.
Wednesday 2 February
No major transits. However…the date 2/2/2022 is pretty juicy. Read the full summary for the whole scoop, but this is a strong vibration for feminine power.
Thursday 3 February
Mercury Direct in Capricorn - Moon sextile Mercury offers calm confidence about expressing our thoughts…However…
Mercury square Eris - impulsive or rebellious speech, you may encounter resistance to your expressed ideals (just because you’re confident doesn’t mean the Patriarchy will like it)
Friday 4 February
Mars sextile Jupiter - You feel strong, energized and optimistic.
Sun conjunct Saturn - Hard work is necessary, but it feels satisfying and you may also be recognized for your achievements.
Saturday 5 February
Pluto sextile Pallas - Your natural skill set can be recognized, and you have opportunities for deep transformation (yourself and groups you interact with)
Sunday 6 February
Mars square Chiron - Mars square Chiron - something can be triggering; take action to heal
Monday 7 February
Pallas sextile North Node - opportunities for leadership that aligns with your ideals
ARIES - The area of your chart getting lots of love and luck has been, and continues to be, your public sector. This week it continues to gather energy, and the new moon happens in your house of hopes and dreams, friends, and associations. The public facing and social part of your life is on fire in a very good way. Take advantage of this time and set some intentions to grow your business and connections this week!
TAURUS - You are refining your beliefs and expanding your knowledge of the world and who you are in it. There’s a bit of a reinvention happening, or a coming of age (depending on how old you are). This new moon hits your house of career, reputation and ooooh, destiny. That’s a big word that I try not to throw around too much. But you probably are starting to feel a gentle tingle and pull towards something. Use this moon to set some intentions and manifest what you would like your life to look like!
GEMINI - You have been in the deep waters of intimacy for a couple years now, really learning more about yourself in how you deeply connect with others. This probably has you feeling pretty antsy and ready to go out and DO some stuff, rather than feel all the stuff. You’re ready to explore, expand, and connect to the world at large. Use this new moon to manifest that vacation or adventure you’re craving. The time will come sooner than you think.
CANCER - Your life will continue to be focused on your partnerships and intimate friendships for awhile. If there are changes you’d like to see happen in those relationships, this is a great opportunity to set intentions and manifest those things. Uranus may inspire you by way of making you feel a bit restless. It may be time for a little getaway with your significant other, or with your BFF, to just let off some steam and experience some new stuff.
LEO - If you’ve felt that your routine or work day schedule has been messed up lately, that should be getting better very soon. Consider making some small tweaks to your daily routine; even little changes can make a difference! Make sure you have a clear delineation between work and home so that you can be present with your family when you get there. This new moon gives you an invitation to manifest the kind of relationship (or professional partnerships) you really want
VIRGO - What does your ideal work day look like? Use this time to design a routine that really feels good to you. Make sure you make time for fun, laughter, romance, and play. That may mean forcing yourself to leave the office for a treat yourself lunch at least once a week, or going to the park on the way home from work and getting in the swings. Make your work environment a little more colorful or playful. Let the border between work and play blur just a little and see what happens.
LIBRA - This new moon invites you to play. Imagine what your life would look like with play incorporated on a regular basis, and then set intentions for that. Your kids or family should be a part of this plan, ideally. Or maybe your physical home needs a make over that adds color and warmth. It’s time to be creative about home and family. Even if you have to just start doing it by yourself, the energy of change will bring your family in around you and they’ll join in.
SCORPIO - If you’ve felt like you can’t get the words out right lately, that should be improving with Mercury direct. Your thought processes should gain clarity and you won’t have to work so hard to turn your thoughts into words. This will be important at home and with family. This new moon invites you to create the kind of home life that really makes you sing. That may be physical changes to your home, or changes in how you and your family function within it. This can be an ongoing project all year if you’d like. You won’t regret it!
SAGITTARIUS - If there’s been a hiccup in your finances, you can blame Mercury. Things should straighten out with Mercury direct. You are likely to see an income increase this year, if you haven’t had it happen already. Don’t get too lost in the dollar signs. Make smart investments for the long run. This new moon gives you a chance to learn something new, so whether its money, or another subject…dive in!
CAPRICORN - Mercury retrograde happened pretty much in your front yard. And while it may have brought necessary attention to some things, it can still be a pain in the ass. You’ve been pretty hammered the last few years, from all the heavy activity in your sign. But you know what makes all Caps happy? Money. And this new moon falls into your income sector. Set some intentions and manifest some money magic. Be careful about language that limits the possibilities and just believe in the magic of receiving. That should soothe your frazzled nerves.
AQUARIUS - Mercury dug through the closets and found some crap you thought you’d forgotten about. It probably is stuff you’d rather not think about, but it comes up for a reason. Learn from whatever this crap is and forgive either yourself or the other parties involved. This is important work because you’re in a period of redefining yourself. Who do you want to be in the world? This isn’t about how other people see you, but how you see yourself. Give it some thought and manifest it with this juicy new moon in your sign!
PISCES - If friendships have felt weird for the last few weeks, blame Mercury. The truth is that this area of your life has been undergoing some changes for awhile, and its probably time to move on from some of the connections you have. This new moon invites you to take a step back and reflect and heal. You may become aware of something just beneath the surface and will bug you until you pay attention to it. Do the shadow work, purge the unhealthy relationships, do the forgiveness. Listen to the quietly nagging whisper in your soul that wants you to follow a different path.
But guess what? This year is going to be quite a bit less intense and problematic than the last couple. It will have its bumps and challenges of course, but this year is not defined by Saturn Square Uranus, so that’s a big help. The Capricorn stellium has been breaking up slowly, and that helps. And this week we have a stunning array of positive aspects and transits. So much so that I had to double check myself. Am I drunk? Did I read this correctly?
I was not drunk, and I did read it correctly! So take off your rose colored glasses, because you won’t need them this week!
Last week Venus stationed direct and she is slowly building up forward momentum so your financial and romantic life can make some progress. This week we have Mercury going direct in Capricorn, after a bassackward romp through Aquarius. We can start to feel more confident in our goals and plans, as well as our expressions.
There are no major transits on Wednesday 2/2, and I almost joked that you could take a nap that day. However…2/2/2022 is irresistible! The day of 2/2/2022 is a 1 vibration, which is about bold beginnings. And the month of February is an 8, which is a number of authority and power. First of all, the moon is in Pisces that day, which lends strong intuition all on its own. But the number 2 is also intuitive. This is the number of balance, partnerships, and cooperation. 2 is a feminine number that is associated with inclusivity and intuition, and also faith. The 2 correlates with the High Priestess in Tarot, who is powerful and intuitive, but her strength is quiet and doesn’t need a show. She doesn’t question what will come, she has faith in her position and in her instincts.
It would be silly for you to not take advantage of not only the new moon on Tuesday, but this powerful energy on Wednesday to as some kick to your manifesting activities and rituals.
Later in the week we have optimism and motivation, as well as increased personal power and recognition, along with opportunities for meaningful leadership.
How can it get any better than this?
If you’ve done any clearing work with me at 12Listen, you may have heard me suggest this phrase to you as a powerful transformation tool. It works, and if you use it regularly, you will see big shifts in your life for the better. When you find a dollar on the street, instead of saying “hmpf, I wish it was a hundred”, or “well it doesn’t get any better than this!” (which limits you to one dollar as the maximum surprise reward) say “woohoo! How can it get any better than this?” and leave the door open for even more pleasant surprises!
Last year was rough. This year is not going to be without its challenges. But let’s just revel in this week’s beautiful and positive energy as much as possible. Roll around in it. Swim in it until your fingers are wrinkly. And, congratulations on the fabulous things that you are about to attract into your life!
Tuesday 1 February
New Moon in Aquarius (9:45pm 1/31 pst, 12:46am 2/1 est) - set intentions around friendships, group projects, and humanitarian efforts. Make a list of your hopes and dreams for this year, or the next 6 months. This is the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Water Tiger. Expect big changes and some volatility. Be bold and take big actions!
This moon does square Uranus, so be flexible and go with the flow when unexpected changes arise. But you may be able to exercise your rebellion and spicy ideals. If you feel bajiggity, that’s Uranus acting on your emotions. The good news: Venus trine Uranus can bring some spiciness and romance to your life, or perhaps some kind of bonus money.
Juno enters Aquarius - Juno rules marriage, and in Aquarius, she is more detached and independent.
Wednesday 2 February
No major transits. However…the date 2/2/2022 is pretty juicy. Read the full summary for the whole scoop, but this is a strong vibration for feminine power.
Thursday 3 February
Mercury Direct in Capricorn - Moon sextile Mercury offers calm confidence about expressing our thoughts…However…
Mercury square Eris - impulsive or rebellious speech, you may encounter resistance to your expressed ideals (just because you’re confident doesn’t mean the Patriarchy will like it)
Friday 4 February
Mars sextile Jupiter - You feel strong, energized and optimistic.
Sun conjunct Saturn - Hard work is necessary, but it feels satisfying and you may also be recognized for your achievements.
Saturday 5 February
Pluto sextile Pallas - Your natural skill set can be recognized, and you have opportunities for deep transformation (yourself and groups you interact with)
Sunday 6 February
Mars square Chiron - Mars square Chiron - something can be triggering; take action to heal
Monday 7 February
Pallas sextile North Node - opportunities for leadership that aligns with your ideals
ARIES - The area of your chart getting lots of love and luck has been, and continues to be, your public sector. This week it continues to gather energy, and the new moon happens in your house of hopes and dreams, friends, and associations. The public facing and social part of your life is on fire in a very good way. Take advantage of this time and set some intentions to grow your business and connections this week!
TAURUS - You are refining your beliefs and expanding your knowledge of the world and who you are in it. There’s a bit of a reinvention happening, or a coming of age (depending on how old you are). This new moon hits your house of career, reputation and ooooh, destiny. That’s a big word that I try not to throw around too much. But you probably are starting to feel a gentle tingle and pull towards something. Use this moon to set some intentions and manifest what you would like your life to look like!
GEMINI - You have been in the deep waters of intimacy for a couple years now, really learning more about yourself in how you deeply connect with others. This probably has you feeling pretty antsy and ready to go out and DO some stuff, rather than feel all the stuff. You’re ready to explore, expand, and connect to the world at large. Use this new moon to manifest that vacation or adventure you’re craving. The time will come sooner than you think.
CANCER - Your life will continue to be focused on your partnerships and intimate friendships for awhile. If there are changes you’d like to see happen in those relationships, this is a great opportunity to set intentions and manifest those things. Uranus may inspire you by way of making you feel a bit restless. It may be time for a little getaway with your significant other, or with your BFF, to just let off some steam and experience some new stuff.
LEO - If you’ve felt that your routine or work day schedule has been messed up lately, that should be getting better very soon. Consider making some small tweaks to your daily routine; even little changes can make a difference! Make sure you have a clear delineation between work and home so that you can be present with your family when you get there. This new moon gives you an invitation to manifest the kind of relationship (or professional partnerships) you really want
VIRGO - What does your ideal work day look like? Use this time to design a routine that really feels good to you. Make sure you make time for fun, laughter, romance, and play. That may mean forcing yourself to leave the office for a treat yourself lunch at least once a week, or going to the park on the way home from work and getting in the swings. Make your work environment a little more colorful or playful. Let the border between work and play blur just a little and see what happens.
LIBRA - This new moon invites you to play. Imagine what your life would look like with play incorporated on a regular basis, and then set intentions for that. Your kids or family should be a part of this plan, ideally. Or maybe your physical home needs a make over that adds color and warmth. It’s time to be creative about home and family. Even if you have to just start doing it by yourself, the energy of change will bring your family in around you and they’ll join in.
SCORPIO - If you’ve felt like you can’t get the words out right lately, that should be improving with Mercury direct. Your thought processes should gain clarity and you won’t have to work so hard to turn your thoughts into words. This will be important at home and with family. This new moon invites you to create the kind of home life that really makes you sing. That may be physical changes to your home, or changes in how you and your family function within it. This can be an ongoing project all year if you’d like. You won’t regret it!
SAGITTARIUS - If there’s been a hiccup in your finances, you can blame Mercury. Things should straighten out with Mercury direct. You are likely to see an income increase this year, if you haven’t had it happen already. Don’t get too lost in the dollar signs. Make smart investments for the long run. This new moon gives you a chance to learn something new, so whether its money, or another subject…dive in!
CAPRICORN - Mercury retrograde happened pretty much in your front yard. And while it may have brought necessary attention to some things, it can still be a pain in the ass. You’ve been pretty hammered the last few years, from all the heavy activity in your sign. But you know what makes all Caps happy? Money. And this new moon falls into your income sector. Set some intentions and manifest some money magic. Be careful about language that limits the possibilities and just believe in the magic of receiving. That should soothe your frazzled nerves.
AQUARIUS - Mercury dug through the closets and found some crap you thought you’d forgotten about. It probably is stuff you’d rather not think about, but it comes up for a reason. Learn from whatever this crap is and forgive either yourself or the other parties involved. This is important work because you’re in a period of redefining yourself. Who do you want to be in the world? This isn’t about how other people see you, but how you see yourself. Give it some thought and manifest it with this juicy new moon in your sign!
PISCES - If friendships have felt weird for the last few weeks, blame Mercury. The truth is that this area of your life has been undergoing some changes for awhile, and its probably time to move on from some of the connections you have. This new moon invites you to take a step back and reflect and heal. You may become aware of something just beneath the surface and will bug you until you pay attention to it. Do the shadow work, purge the unhealthy relationships, do the forgiveness. Listen to the quietly nagging whisper in your soul that wants you to follow a different path.