Don't miss out: 2/22/2022

 Back on February 2nd,  I briefly mentioned some of the numerological significance of all the 2's.  I did an Instagram post about it as well.   I feel like this phenomena deserves a little more attention, so I thought I'd write an article about the next big 2 day...2/22/2022. 

It is special for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that we won't see this again until 2222. 

2022 is a 6 year, which is about healing and finding balance after the mess of the last 2 years (2020 was a 4 year of building foundations, and 2021 was a 5 year of changes). 6 relates to home, health, humanitarianism, and responsibility (If you think this is sounding like Virgo, you're right. Virgo is the 6th sign of the Zodiac). (The last time we had 6 years was 2013, 2004)

The number 2 is a number of intuition, balance, cooperation, duality, internal/external.  It is a feminine number associated with inclusivity and faith.  The number 2 correlates to the High Priestess card in Tarot, who is quietly confident and trusts her intuition.  

On 2/2/2022, we had a 1 vibration in an 8 month (add up all the 2's to get 10, which reduces to 1, and add the month 2 to 2022 to get 8).   That day was about new beginnings, and personal power.  This came on the heels of the Aquarius New Moon, Venus stationing Direct, and the Lunar New Year.  The New Moon was hailed by some as the most powerful new moon of the year,  offering a clean slate and new beginnings. 

Now we are at 2/22/2022.  This is a 3 vibration in an 8 month, which is about creativity, communication, inspiration, optimism (If you think this sounds like Gemini, you're right again).  

The number 22 is considered a "master number".   22 is not "reduced" to 11 (which is a fantastic master number that most know as the "make a wish" number) but is left whole, and as such, represents building something out of seeming "nothing", accomplishment, achievement, fulfillment of your highest aspirations.

In Tarot, the number 22 correlates with the Fool Card.  The Fool is the first card of the Major Arcana and is numbered 0, but it also 22.  The last card is 21, and the cycle begins again with the Fool.  The Fool is about setting out on new adventures, and the potential that exists when there is nothing holding you back or weighing you down. 

Finally, this all happens on a TWOsday! The Moon is in Scorpio (which is another 8) and is in a waning gibbous phase. During this phase,  we should express gratitude as we begin to benefit from the work of the last 2 weeks (and farther back).

I don't even know if I can properly summarize all this, so here are the key words for harnessing the power of Tuesday:  

High Priestess, Fool, intuition, feminine, home, heart, healing, new beginnings, personal power, transformation, creativity, communication, optimism, accomplishment, fulfillment, gratitude