Conjunction Junction, what's your function? BitchScopes for April 11-18

First off, yes, I am quite pleased with that title, thank you. If you are a kid of the 70's you'll appreciate the ear worm I just gifted you. If not, just move along to the scopes, bitches. 

There’s a lot of movement, inspiration, and creative energy available this week.  The goddesses are very determined this week, so if you’re on a mission and someone is in your way, well….goddess help them! And…we have a full moon, which is also a feminine energy. So let’s see what’s cookin…

So right out of the gate on Monday we have Saturn square the North Node, which is feeling like there are obstacles on your path. And there are. But creativity will show the way.

Tuesday is the a major red letter day…or maybe a pink letter day. It has some really lovely potential. Jupiter and Neptune meet up in Pisces. They are both co-rulers of Pisces, and haven’t been there together since 1856!! These two creative geniuses are happy to see each other and can’t wait to see what kind of magical experiences they can cook up. There’s a lot of compassion in this transit, as well as philanthropy and art. I highly recommend that you play with some manifesting tools on Tuesday. And if you are artsy, you should lean into that! These 2 will stay within reach of each other until the end of May. Some astrologers are watching to see if a new Covid variant shows up as a result of this conjunction. I am choosing to be in denial with my fingers in my ears…la la la la la la la!!! But it is a possibility. UGH. fuck covid. I can’t stand mint toothpaste, anything with garlic,  chicken in any form, or the smell of lavender as a result of covid! Hmpf. Moving on.

Wednesday Jupiter sextiles the North Node, which is how you’re going to overcome those previously mentioned obstacles! Thursday Mars enters Pisces. This is not Mars’ favorite placement. However, this can favor humanitarianism, philanthropy, charity, etc. It also may inspire us to be creative. See what I mean by the creativity this week?

Saturday is the full moon in Libra. Full moons always make the current emotional energy a bit denser. This makes the Neptune and Jupiter energy more noticeable, which is good. What we are aware of we can tap into. Our girl Eris is prominent in this energy, as she’s directly opposite the moon (conjunct the sun). We have feminine power galore to utilize. But this opposition can increase feelings of vulnerability and exclusion. I’ll be watching the news to see if anything of note happens in the world of feminism.

Sunday, Mercury sextiles Venus, which is just plain lovely, friendly, and fun, and also artsy! Aaaand then Monday, the Sun and Pluto square up, so watch yourself at work or with authority figures. If you ARE an authority figure, don’t be a dick. I think that’s good advice to wrap up on.

Monday 11 April
  • Saturn square North Node - restricted by obligations
  • Sun conjunct Pallas - creativity, passion, genius moments

Tuesday 12 April
  • Jupiter conjunct Neptune - gold star transit. Key words: belief, perceptions, creativity, compassion, sensitivity, psychic
  • Sun sextile Saturn - patience and perseverance

Wednesday 13 April 
  • Jupiter sextile North Node - connections that help you overcome obstacles, or bring your work out of anonymity

Thursday 14 April 
  • Mars enters Pisces - not a very motivated placement for Mars, but can be good for philanthropy. Our own goals and drives may wane a bit
  • Sun conjunct Eris - feeling isolated and/or identifying with events in the past
  • Saturn sextile Pallas - recognition for past efforts; taking your “mission” seriously
  • Neptune sextile North Node - your intuition assists you in reaching your goals
  • Lilith enters Cancer - emotionally invested in “causes”, and things related to family and roots

Friday 15 April 
  • Mars trine Lilith - inspirational leadership

Saturday 16 April 

  • Pallas conjunct Eris - strategy, ambition, rebellion
  • Full Moon in Libra 11:56AM PST - emotional, in need of balance

Sunday 17 April 

  • Mercury sextile Venus - fun & friendly

Monday 18 April 
  • Mercury conjunct Uranus - stimulates thinking; flashes of brilliance
  • Venus sextile Uranus - fun, excitement, receive unexpected money
  • Sun square Pluto - ego conflicts, authority issues, conflict

ARIES - Don’t be shocked if you get fired up about something that feels very important, emotionally. The goddesses are activated in your 1st house of identity, and the full moon in Libra is in your 7th house of partnerships. So your emotional energy may be focused on your family, either feeling protective of them or defensive with them. You still have a lot of good money juju related to “your calling”. Whatever you feel that is, pursue it. It will pay off. You might find yourself needing a little more alone time, solitude, down time, etc. while Neptune and Jupiter transit your 12th house. There is no better placement for meditation than this, so try to take time to get still for the next few weeks. Make it a daily practice.

TAURUS - Guard your boundaries this week. That means protecting your personal boundaries from others, and respecting the boundaries of others even when you feel impulsive. Don’t go running over people to meet your own goals. The full moon may remind you of goals and tasks you’ve neglected or forgotten about, or you may become aware of something work related (ie. someone is leaving.) You may find your voice about something this week, or feel very protective (read: defensive) of your opinion or point of view. Cool the embers of argument with art. Creative activities with friends or like minded people is emphasized while Neptune and Jupiter transit your 11th house. Goat yoga anyone? Painting with food perhaps?

GEMINI - You may find yourself sort of pushing your big goals aside in favor of spiritual and philosophical musing. You might feel protective of your ideas and dreams, and you should. When other people piss on our ideas, it really screws us up. This has been going on for a while now, so you aren’t really a slacker. Your creative energy is simply craving some solitude. Creativity will get you far for the next several weeks while Neptune and Jupiter transit your 10th house of career. Creative problem solving, here I come! That includes your home, where you will likely be spending some money throughout this year. But all that seriousness is literally lit up by the full moon in your 5th house of fun. It’s saying “why so serious? Let’s play!”

CANCER - At work, or wherever you carry a leadership or public role, you may be fired up and ready to knock down problems and competitors. You are focused on the future and your success in a big way, and you may be financially investing in this area. Other people, clients, co-workers, will sense a strength and power about you, and they may react to you differently than they have in the past. This is all underscored by the full moon transiting your 4th house, naturally ruled by your sign. Family issues may come up, especially if your energy is focused on career. But your 9th house is the juicy goodness! Neptune and Jupiter will be transiting the 9th, and that is home for Jupiter, giving it extra oomph. Your intuition may deepen, or you may acquire new knowledge or a new skill set during this time.

LEO - I pity the fool who dares to question your beliefs any time soon. You will feel very protective/defensive about what you know and what you believe. There are at least 2 strong placements right now that indicate deepened intuition and psychic sensitivity. So you may just “know” things, especially while Neptune and Jupiter are transiting your 8th house. The full moon is in your 3rd house, so that’s another indication of information, talking, and communication. Also, “over sharing” and previously unknown/hidden information may arise. Use your intuition to discern truth from any drama

VIRGO - Money stuff is on the docket for you. The full moon lights up your 2nd house of earned income. So you may be going over your budget, or purchasing something significant. The goddess asteroids transiting to your 8th house might make you seem more intense or mysterious. You and your friends may have difficulty connecting because you just aren’t on the same page. You need deep connection and spiritual intimacy right now, so you may feel a bit estranged. Fall back on to your deeply held beliefs as your compass. But here’s the good news: Neptune and Jupiter are transiting your 7th house, making committed partnerships very juicy and expansive. Romance should be sparkling well through May, and I think some sweet stuff is headed your way!

LIBRA - Equality and fairness are always important to you. But the full moon in your sign will emphasize that energy. And, as a few of the goddesses transit the 7th house of your chart, you may be more fired up about an issue than usual. I feel this will be work related, or that there’s an authority figure that you want to really stand up to on behalf of others. This is underscored by Neptune and Jupiter transiting your 6th house of work and routines. Dreaminess, optimism and idealism will make you less accepting of harsh realities of injustice and unfairness. You may also find peace in your habits and routines, almost like the repetition of day to day is soothing and meditative.

SCORPIO - You’re pretty gifted with secrets, and this week the full moon transits your 12th house, which could have someone’s secrets tumbling out into your lap. Will it be your secret? It could also be an emotional awareness of something you did not have before. Maybe related to this or maybe not, your work environment is also activated with some fired up energy. What you believe, you will be passionate about protecting. Neptune and Jupiter meet up in your 5th house of fun, romance and creativity. Don’t squander this opportunity to add some of that good stuff to your life.

SAGITTARIUS - I feel there’s somethin’ sweet and sexy in the air for you. You have activity in your 5th and 8th houses, and a full moon in your 11th. A person you thought was just a friend may reveal otherwise. Your charisma and magnetic charm will be working its magic while the full moon shines a light on things that may surprise all parties. It feels like a good revelation, though it may kick up a little chaos. Neptune and Jupiter conjunct in your 4th house, so you may be decorating or changing your house in some way, moving in with someone, or redefining what “home” feels like.

CAPRICORN - The full moon is in your 10th house of career and public recognition, so you may receive some accolades or acknowledgement of your awesomeness within the next week or 2. You might find yourself feeling defensive about your home/family/partner this week, or ready to take on some task related to those people. Your creative energy remains really high as long as the North Node is in your 5th house (which it is all year) so you can come up with creative solutions. The real juice, though, is the neptune and jupiter meet-up in your 3rd house. Intellect and spirituality meet up, and you may find yourself sharing some of your spiritual beliefs with others in a way that you don’t usually.

AQUARIUS - The full moon lights up your 9th house of learning and beliefs, so if you’ve been feeling a little lost or like you don’t know what your path is lately, this could really help! Your communication might be very snippy this week, especially at work. You may be having some of your strong feelings about authority and hierarchies. So just be forewarned. Neptune and Jupiter meet up in your house of income and earned money so your creativity may really benefit your bank account from now until the end of May.

PISCES - You have a transformative time coming up. The full moon is in your 8th house of “other people’s stuff”, so you may become aware of what you have been given or not been given by your partner and close intimates. Secrets can reside here as well, so some things may come out of the closet. It can be a very transformative moon for you, however. So let go of what is hiding in the literal and figurative corners. Lilith moves into Cancer in your 5th house, and this could be a change in how you create, or how you find inspiration to create.
Don’t be afraid of your dark side! The real juice is Neptune and Jupiter, because they conjunct in your 1st house of identity. Put yourself first for a while. Expand what the definition of you really is. You have this energy available to you through the end of May, and amazing transformations can be made during this time.