Sweary Spirituality Advice - BitchScopes for April 18-25
Hey my beautiful Bitchtresses and Bitchsters, this weeks Scopes are going to be a bit brief due to the fact that I am in the middle of a bunch of “stuff” right now. (Nothing terrible, just the chaos of moving, and a bunch of ordinary life shit, plus teenagers, graduations, proms, etc etc. You get the idea. Just a nutty week!)
There is a fair bit of emphasis on relationshippy stuff this week, but I do also sense the potential for some tensions. Part of this is due to some of us being activated and triggered by Lilith. For some of us, our expressions of independence and original thinking will be a boon to our relationship; for others, it may stir up some insecurities. However, there is enough soft and romantic vibes floating about to soothe some of what may come to the surface.
There’s a carry-over theme of work being a bit disrupted, or the flow being interrupted. This may be extra frustrating if you have a strong Mercury in your chart. Mercurial minds will be sharp and fast and ready to solve problems, but may be frustrated when the rest of the world is 2 pages behind them.
The big news this week is the Sun moving into sexy Taurus. We will instinctively want to slow down and experience things more than usual. Our senses become more activated. We will crave comfort and security in various forms. And we will be determined. Once we set our sights on something this month, we will be driven to reach that goal. Balance is going to be important. So for every project you tackle out of sheer stubbornness, treat yourself to a bath, a good meal, a massage, etc. It’s a beautiful time of year (it it has stopped snowing where you are) to smell the flowers. The world is starting to bloom and come back to life, so take some time to get out and see, smell, hear, touch, and taste it.
The ingress of the Sun into Taurus is going to be the defining theme of the scopes for each Sign. And I’m going to pull an oracle or tarot card for each to show us where the Taurus energy will touch us….oooh, that sounded Taurean…touch us…hee hee.
ARIES - I pulled for you one of my favorite cards from my Sweary Spirituality deck: You can NOT eat a pizza through the screen door. Neither can you be open to truly receiving if you are trying to filter what you receive.” This means that if you want to attract abundance and good stuff in to your life, you need to be open to receiving criticism and some judgement too. Should other people be judging you? No. But they will anyway. You have to open the door all the way to receive the pizza, or else you have to just lick the pizza through the screen door so you don’t risk letting in anything else.
I often use this phrase to explain this: “You know you’re over target when you start catching flak”. This supposedly originated during WW2 from bomber pilots. Bottom line: Some vulnerability is required to get what you want.
TAURUS - From my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck 2: “Reflection Projection - assuming people don’t accept you because it feels less risky than finding out.” Yet another challenge about vulnerability. So, you’re a Taurus, and Tauruses are pretty damn likeable. However, there will always be some people who don’t like you for whatever reason. Can you be ok with that? Instead of guarding yourself and feeling on the defensive so much, just be your amazing self and if you’re not someone’s cuppa tea, oh well!! That is OK! There’s no need for you to make yourself uncomfortable and prickly so that someone can’t hurt you just by not “liking” you.
GEMINI - From my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck 2: “Rejection Deflection - blaming other people for their non-acceptance of us so we don’t have to own our own actions”. Oof, this one can feel harsh. (I swear I shuffled the deck! Your card is the natural next card after the one I pulled for Taurus!) The best example I have for this right now is people who date married men/women. There are so many explanations for why people do this. But the best one I know is that if you date a married person and it ends, probably badly, you can blame the other person and their spouse rather than looking at your own issues, flaws, and character faults. Own your own shit, that’s all. It’s not always easy…it’s called Shadow Work.
CANCER - From my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck 2: Where have you made yourself unavailable to success because you’re afraid of the commitment (to your own greatness)?” We often refer to “fear of failure, but I’ve found that fear of success is often just as significant. Success requires vulnerability, visibility, time, commitment, and living large. You can’t remain small and in a tiny, pleasing box, probably crafted for you by other people, if you want big success, fame, acknowledgement, etc. Come out of your shell!
LEO - I have to say, I really love this damn deck that I created. It is so attuned! From my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck 2: “Bravery isn’t absence of fear. Courage is persistence in spite of fear.” Dude, that is so Leonine! You are famous for being brave and bold and confident, but the shadow side of that is that strength can become a habit, and sometimes, a facade. It is important you allow yourself time and space to feel fear, anger and sadness, and not just feel like you HAVE to be a big, brave badass all the time. Courage requires authenticity and vulnerability!
VIRGO - Another hit from my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck 2! “Guilt is to the spirit what injury is to the body”. Virgo, feel guilt? Wuuuuut? Look, you hold yourself to the high standard that you hold everyone else to, and generally your standards can be somewhat unrealistic. You can’t possibly be all things to all people and fix everyone’s broken things. Guilt can also become a coping mechanism to avoid vulnerability. Stay with me on this. This falls in the same vein as “tis better to give than to receive”. Sure, because giving makes you the hero and receiving requires some vulnerability. If you didn’t give your ALL, and you’re feeling guilty about it, flip the script and pat yourself on the back! Keep some for yourself!!
LIBRA - Oh, I love this card for you! From my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck 2: “It is a great art to saunter” (Thoreau) Do you have more than 2 speeds? “Downshift” does not necessarily lead to “downfall”. You don’t have to work yourself to death and hold yourself to a standard that sacrifices so much other sources of joy in your life. What would it take for you to slow down and receive? What if you didn’t constantly judge yourself for not doing enough, or not achieving enough or not earning enough? Can you be OK with things being just “ok”? Saunter. It is OK!
SCORPIO - From my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck 1 - “Stop taking shit as payment for your love”. Scorpios get a bad rap for being dark and moody and secretive and vindictive and suspicious and paranoid. And look, you know you’re all those things. We love your spooky, moody ass! But being familiar with the shadow means sometimes you can embrace it a bit too much. You can be very sensitive and loving and vulnerable, and you should expect the same in return. Someone needs to take care of the dark little corners of your heart when you can’t. So hold your partners to higher standards, OR stop holding it against them when you’ve accepted it as “fine”.
SAGITTARIUS - From my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck 1, a card that leapt out of the deck as I’d expect from a Sagittarius…”Emotions are like water. Let them flow. (Alternatively you could think of them as little creatures who will stalk you relentlessly until you acknowledge them.) A Sagittarius might enjoy the stalking, but the point is, feel your feelings. You don’t need to philosophize your feelings, or take them on a hike in the desert, or pontificate on them. Just feel them. When you acknowledge and feel your feelings, they actually will just continue moving and the anxiety will recede. Then you can go for a hike.
CAPRICORN - From my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck 1- “Saying NO helps you honor your boundaries. You are obligated to do that which you are paid for. Otherwise…fuck that shit.” This is perfect for Capricorn because you are so driven to achieve, you have a hard time turning opportunities down. The thing is, because you are good at so many things, people want your help and advice and time. Not everything that is offered to you is worth your time and effort, period. This applies to feelings as well as tasks.
AQUARIUS - From my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck 2 - “Evolution doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by change, and change happens by choice.” Ah Aquarius, the sign of the future, the visionary, the Uranus ruled rebel, the bitch that hates change! Wuuuut?! What was Goddess thinking when she put those things together in a single entity? So contradictory, but exactly what an Aquarius needs to be pushed forward. Where you feel frustrated, really examine what change you are resisting.
PISCES - From my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck 1 - Pretty simple: “You deserve joy. Choose it.” Is it simple? No, of course not. We didn’t sign up for “simple”, we signed up to be human…ugh. But it is not simple when you are the sign that embodies all the energies. I mean, no presh, just be everything to everyone! That is your auto-pilot mode: please, merge, become one with. But sometimes, you can actually exist as a single drop of water within the ocean. Do something that pleases only YOU on a regular basis. Try once this week to start. Joy is your fucking birthright!
Monday 4/18
- Mercury conjunct Uranus - stimulates thinking; flashes of brilliance
- Venus sextile Uranus - fun, excitement, receive unexpected money
- Sun square Pluto - ego conflicts, authority issues, conflict
Tuesday 4/19
- Sun enters Taurus - we are grounded, practical, determined, and ready to experience all our senses
- Sun sextile juno - focus on relationship
Wednesday 4/20
- Mercury square Vesta - interruptions in the work environment, communication and flow
- Juno enters Pisces - romance and dreaminess with partner
- Sun sextile Lilith - independent and fiercely proud
Thursday 4/21
- Saturn square North Node - restricted by obligations
Friday 4/22
take a break!
Saturday 4/23
- Juno trine Lilith - your independent personality can actually facilitate ease in relationship
- Mercury conjunct North Node - stimulated and strategic mind
Sunday 4/24
- Mercury square Saturn - focus; working alone
- Mercury sextile Neptune- relaxing, creative energy
Monday 4/25
- Venus square Ceres - expressing love and nurturing
- Venus sextile North Node - attracts positive things, comfort, compassion