What to Expect When You're Eclipsing - New Moon Solar Eclipse BitchScopes for the week of April 25th
Hey bitches! I’m buried in boxes so I’m gonna cut right to the chase. The big deal this week is the New Moon Solar Eclipse, of course. This is a Taurus new moon, and this set of eclipses will be in Taurus and Scorpio all year. When the feminine energy of the moon blocks out the masculine energy of the sun, we are reminded, perhaps not subtly, that we must pay attention to our bodies, our senses, our physicality, our sexuality. We are “asked” to pay attention to our own value, as well as what we value. New moon eclipses are a wilder version of a new moon, and can cause a little chaos. But chaos is a core element of the creative process, so we can expect new opportunities and projects to start swirling around us. Some doors will fly open and some will slam shut, and all of this is a course correction to get us back in alignment with our purpose and our path.
Uranus in Taurus is conjunct the eclipse, which normally could indicate some possible upsetting surprises, but Mars in Pisces sextile the eclipse offsets that with motivation and well-directed energy. Changes that come from this eclipse are likely to be very positive ones that offer a breath of fresh air. (The exception to that would be if you have been holding on to something for way too long and the Universe has to pry it from your blue fingers for your own good. In such cases, the changes would be more jarring and upsetting.) New projects are very much favored in this swirl of planetary juju. Money, Luck and love are all around. Then, as we emerge from the eclipse energy into the month of May, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune are in a triple conjunction in Pisces that sextiles this eclipse, offering a dreamy, artsy, sensitive hug.
While new moons are great for manifesting rituals, an eclipse can be a little too “busy”, so it's often better to pull in the oars and go with the flow. However, spend some time in the days leading up to the eclipse thinking about things you really want to materialize in your life. If you’ve been doing “the work” up to this point, then you’ve likely decided which river to set your kayak in, which is like setting an intention for the journey.
So without further adieu, let’s see what each sign can expect for this eclipse.
ARIES - You’ve got money on your mind, and the desire to increase that flow into your bank account. This eclipse could definitely open a door for a new opportunity to make some moola. You may also feel pretty spendy. So depending on what you’re trying to accomplish, you may need to get your finances organized and look at an actual budget. Your self esteem could get a boost during this time as well.
TAURUS - It could be time for a “new you”. If you’ve been thinking about a new hair style or having some kind of “work” done on yourself, this is good time for it. This moon is going to give a zhuzh to your overall energy level too. So if you’ve had the winter blahs, you should start to feel better, even if the weather is still weird where you are.
GEMINI - If you feel called to do it, volunteering for a cause you care about is well-timed after this eclipse. Comfort is a theme of Taurus, so you might be able to offer some to someone else, and it will fill your cup as well. Be aware of any sneaky Taurus behaviors you might be doing, like overspending or over indulging. Seclusion and quiet time is good for you right now.
CANCER - Friendships can get a boost during this new moon solar eclipse. Your connection may become more honest/genuine/easy than in the past. If you’re called to it, joining a group that deals in humanitarian issues would be the perfect new project for you. You have a lot to offer such a group and it will shift some things in your life that might feel stuck.
LEO- If you are a career-minded person, this new moon solar eclipse could very well stir up a promotion or raise for you. Regardless of what you do or don’t do for work, there is some advancement imminent in your public sector, and there will be more attention on you. If you become the topic of discussion or gossip, consider it a good sign. Don’t even blink about what’s being said, because it doesn’t matter…it is an indication that your star is indeed rising.
VIRGO - This eclipse is likely to stir up both desire and opportunity for you to expand your current life experience. Travel is one such opportunity that may show up, so dust off your luggage. This transit also bodes well for writing and publishing, and may give you the prod you need to move forward with a project.
LIBRA - If you are looking for a loan, the next few weeks is a good window for you to apply. You might also work on paying off some debt or other things that relate to “other people’s money”. This eclipse also activates personal transformation, and sexuality. Intimacy may be a theme that rises to the surface. Depending on how well you know yourself, it could be a little uncomfortable. However, if you are an intense person, then the intensity of these transits probably won’t even faze you.
SCORPIO - This new moon solar eclipse rules all of your contractual relationships, as well as “the devil you know”. Most of the time, you don’t give much of a damn about people who don’t like you. But if something starts nagging at you about such a person or situation, do the deeper work and examine why it bothers you. Opportunities for new relationships can present now, too.
SAGITTARIUS - this eclipse may kick off a cycle for you of awareness of your personal health and wellness. A new fitness routine is one possible outcome. If your life has felt messy, you may also be motivated to impart some order to the chaos, which may include a change to some of your personal habits. This transit also affects small pets and your daily work, so a new fur baby may be cards for you in the near future.
CAPRICORN - Good news for you! This eclipse will spark a new cycle of overall fun for you. Playing, going to gatherings and parties, a romance are very possible outcomes for you over the course of this year. This is cosmic justice for all the crap you’ve been through with the tough planets in your sign for so long. You should expect an uptick in your creative energy too, though it may not come as a lightning bolt so much as a slow simmer that builds up to your previous levels.
AQUARIUS - This eclipse affects your home life, your actual dwelling, and your family. If you’ve been following me, you know I am an Aquarius, and that I JUST moved houses and am in the midst of cardboard chaos. So if you’re an Aquarius, you may be moving this year (because eclipse energy carries out over months, and other eclipses will take place on this same axis all year), or you may be remodeling, decluttering, or decorating. I will be doing all of those, and I already need a drink and a nap! This transit also indicates more focus on family and more time with them. (is that good or bad?) If you’re moving and you need boxes…holla at ya girl.
PISCES - This eclipse will kick off a cycle of communication and information. If you’re a writer, this bodes well for both writing and publishing all year. You will have an easier time gathering and understanding information in general, and communication with others will be good. Your sibling relationships can benefit from this transit as well. And you may find yourself with new neighbors. (They are probably an Aquarius!)