Curiosity, Receptivity, Openness - BitchScopes for the week of May 30th

How the hell are we in JUNE? Other than hating the summer heat, I ain’t mad about it, because May was a doozy…so was April…as was most of 2021. Anyway…here we are!

We’ve come through an intense eclipse season. Eclipses hasten changes, speed up timelines, and can cause dramatic events…such as? Oh Idanno. Bold legal moves about women’s rights, righteous rage about gun violence, asshole leaders to take over sovereign countries and need to be checked…

All of what we are going through as a country (USA) is happening under the umbrella of the Pluto return. People don’t get Pluto returns (unless they are Yoda, but then again, Yoda wasn’t a person.) Pluto’s cycle is 248 years long. And this is not a “return” that any of us would like. Pluto doesn’t fuck around. Pluto looks around at what’s wrong and sets it on fire. “Try again!” is the “suggestion”. Pluto and Saturn met up in 2020 to discuss how to restructure the company. Who is getting fired? Who is getting a raise? What departments need downsizing and who needs more support? This department over here is a total hot mess, and that one is lazy AF. Then they called in a few fellows and colleagues and went to work. And here we are, in what seems like an endless mess the last few years. The restructuring is in progress, and it's not pretty or fun.

We are finishing up an intense Mercury retrograde. One is never quite sure to expect with Mercury retrogrades, so we just estimate and buckle up. My chart is ruled by Mercury, and it is also my most dominant planet. This retrograde took place in its own sign of Gemini, and hence my 1st house of self. But then it backed into Taurus in my 12th house, and I knew during that part of the transit, I would be digging. I had some deep and profound revelations about myself during this Mercury retrograde, because the 12th house is just like that. So, like all of you, I am coming out of this intense period, trying to make sense of what is happening within me and around me. And the last few weeks in America have been very, very, very sad.

Cue Mars square Lilith on May 30, same day as the New Moon. This is righteous anger and uprising. Then Venus sextiles Lilith, and our broken hearted rage creates intense compassion.

Mercury comes to a halt as it stations to go direct. The day that Mercury stations retrograde or direct is always the most bajiggity. (My kids both graduate this week on the 1st and 2nd, so on the 3rd I will hopefully be having a cocktail in peace!)

Saturn goes retrograde this week, as he does every single year around this time. Saturn represents government, structures, foundations, and authority. If Saturn is the work boss, this annual retrograde is like the review period. No one loves it, but it is ultimately for the good of the company. Its also a time of collective weirdness, unpredictability, growth and authority issues. Hmmm. weird. Nothing seems to be going on with our government….ooooh right. That’s the problem!

Mercury is loosely squaring Saturn thru June 7, so if you feel more depressed and pessimistic, it could be the daily news, it could be your brain chemistry, or it could be Saturn. Bleh. Keep an eye on yourself. Empathy and Compassion fatigue are rampant right now, and I feel there’s a deep wave of depression beneath us. Don’t be weird if you need help. Talk to your doctor, see your therapist, try medications. Listen, don’t look at me in that tone of voice! Let’s get over our collective reticence about depression medication. If your head hurts, you take aspirin. If your hormones are goofy, you take some supplements. Your brain is part of your physical body, not some magical being that is above imbalances. If your brain chemistry is out of whack, you take some meds to help you get out of bed every day and live life! End of love rant.

Also in USA news, Roe v. Wade is having a Chiron return. I realized this the other day because I am having a Chiron return and I was born 2 days before the Roe v. Wade ruling of January 1973. Chiron returns suck, frankly, and mine and Roe’s aren’t even exact yet. This is like poking a sharp, hot thing into your core wound to evaluate progress and invite some continued healing. However, Chiron doesn’t look at this wound as wrong or broken or weak; rather, he sees it as an opportunity to be badass, to be strong, and to find the impetus to do your life’s work in some cases. So as we are forced to examine the possible “holes” in the original Roe v. Wade ruling, it gives an opportunity to do it better.

I wanted to mention Chrion because this week we get a Sun sextile Chiron moment, which could be really beneficial. But then as I looked into that, I found some cool stuff about Chiron’s wife. Stay with me for a moment.

The New Moon in Gemini on Monday the 30th encourages us to cultivate new connections, to be curious, and to seek clarity after swimming in the murky waters of the eclipses, and the overall fuckery of May. Rinse your mind of foregone conclusions in the dark of the new moon and be open to new ideas. This is the first new moon after an eclipse cycle that has rocked us, and it is an important manifesting window. Don’t miss out on this chance to create more of what you want. Mars conjunct Jupiter has some holdover energy available to this new moon, giving it some added umph.

This moon has some interesting connections that I don’t normally discuss. The first is fixed star Aldebran. Aldebran is conjunct both sun and moon, and he is said to be the stuff Mars is made of: honor, bravery, boldness. He is also called one of the 4 archangel stars, and this one would represent Michael. Aldebran is thought by some to be the portal that souls pass through when reincarnating, and its energy bathes souls in protective light for the journey. Um…COOL!!!

watercolor 1890 by Gustave Moreau
Trine this moon is Chariklo - wife of chiron; She is the largest (and most stable in her orbit) of the centaur asteroids moving between Saturn and Uranus. She offers grace, healing, compassion and alignment; she cares for the sick and dying (including her wounded partner Chiron), and helps us hold our own space to individuate. She’s in Aquarius now, hence the trine to the Gemini moon, giving a gentle and easy flow of compassion and receptiveness to your manifestation work. And perhaps if we lean into her ability to hold sacred space and witness, she might soften the effects of Saturn in Aquarius, especially during retrograde.

So, there you have it. I have accidentally been gentle and optimistic in the end, damnit. Even though we are collectively going through some really deep shit in this world, the month of June is going to be less exhausting than April or May. We have the solstice to look forward to, as well as some time to sit in the sun and take a breath. Welcome, June….let’s braid each other's hair…

ARIES - The Gemini new moon lands in your 3rd house, so you may have a boost in your social media presence over the next few weeks, or receive needed information that can benefit new projects.  There's also still a lot of energy in your 2nd house of income. Mercury going direct in that house could juice up your bank account in the coming days.  Saturn will station retrograde starting in your 11th house, where you'll need to take inventory of how you've been living, goals you have not yet met, and things you may have pushed aside regarding social issues. Get on it and do the work. 

TAURUS - The Gemini new moon will sit in your 2nd house of values and money.  What a juicy moon to manifest with! With all the planets and energy in your 1st house of self, you should have a good handle on what you need in order to show up more as yourself in the world.  Saturn will begin retrograding in your 10th house of public image. Use this time to take stock of what is and isn't working in your career, your sense of security and personal authority, and recalibrate your ambitions. 

GEMINI - Happy Birthday, Gemini. This new moon is for you. This is an opportunity for new beginnings, fresh starts (I know I say that often, but the Universe is generous and we need fresh starts a lot, apparently!).  How do you want to show up in the world? Who do you want to BE? Manifest the bejeezus out of this moon! There's a lot of energy in that shadowy 12th house, so don't be superficial and ignore that deep, old, karmic, profound stuff. That info can help you be your best you in the 1st house! Saturn will begin its retrograde in your 9th house, giving you an opportunity to reassess what your deep beliefs are.  Chances are you've had some aha moments in the last few weeks, so continue to dig into what is "truth" for you.  

CANCER - This Gemini new moon will help you grab on to some of the more abstract concepts of the unconscious mind.  Your dreams are more meaningful during this time, and you can have profound awarenesses rise to the surface. Meditation is the perfect way to connect to those deeper experiences. Meanwhile, Taurus energy is packing your 11th house of dreams and connections to like minded people.  Saturn begins its retrograde in your deep 8th house.  This summer, take stock of your debt, think about refinancing your home or working on other types of loans.  Have a look at your will and your insurance coverages. And finally, explore the intimate connections you have - what works and what doesn't and how does it all feel? 

LEO - The new moon lands in your 11th house of dreams, ambitions, and connections.  A new group, tribe, friend or alliance is likely.  As you manifest, keep in mind that it is not what you know but who you know, at this juncture, that matters.  You should see some progress in your career or public image from all the action that has built up in your 10th house.  And Saturn will begin retrograde in your 7th house.  Saturn in the 7th can upset relationships that don't have a strong foundation, and show you where the cracks are, should you desire to patch them.  In a strong relationship, it is likely that the bond and foundation will deepen even further.  Either way, its a good opportunity to look at your relationships and take some inventory. 

VIRGO - Now is the time to work on manifesting that dream job and the public life you most desire. The new moon will be in your 10th house of career, so set new goals.  All the energy in the 9th house where your  Taurus lives will serve as a moral compass or guide as you set those goals that resonate with your personal beliefs and truths, and this will allow your public life to align with your values. Saturn will begin retrograde in your 6th house of work and habits, which is the home of your sign.  Take inventory of your daily habits and your immediate environment and see what can be tweaked for better overall wellness. 

LIBRA - The Gemini new moon transits your 9th house of beliefs and experiences.  As you work on manifesting for this new cycle what kinds of experiences does your heart want to have?  All the Taurus activity in your 8th house will deepen your intimate connections and give energy to your shared resources, making the next few weeks pretty sweet! Saturn will begin its retrograde in your 5th house. Do you need to work on having fun? Do you have too much fun? How are you present with your children or your inner child? Summer is a great time to explore those questions. 

SCORPIO - This new moon in Gemini will sit in your 8th house of all the things you love and that Scorpio rules.  There is strong financial opportunity with this transit, so line up your manifestations for winnings, loans, and money that just falls into your lap. There's a lot of planetary build up in your 7th house where Taurus resides makes for some beautiful and sensual partnering, if that is something that's available to you.  Taurus also rules money, so business partnerships are also very favored for you right now.  Saturn will begin its retrograde in your 4th house of home and family.  This summer, make a to do list for things that need to be taken care of in your home, but also take notice of what makes you feel secure and what you might need to work on to achieve that sense of belonging and safety.

SAGITTARIUS - Set your manifestation machine for positive new relationships.  The Gemini new moon will transit your 7th house.  This isn't just about could be a great new business opportunity.  But if you manifest in this area, you may just end up with more than 1 kind of new relationship! The Taurus planets are all piled up in your 6th house of work and habit.  You should find that your motivation levels increase over the next few weeks.  Saturn will begin retrograding in your 3rd house.  Be aware of negative thinking and overwhelm.  Stay organized as you receive new information. 

CAPRICORN - Is it time for a new routine of some kind? Yes. The answer is yes, of course.  The Gemini new moon in the 6th house offers this opportunity to tweak your daily habits. Minor changes can bring really beautiful awarenesses and gifts.  The 6th house is about wellness and health, as well as your immediate surroundings. Could be time for some Feng Shui!  Your 5th house of romance is pretty packed out with sexy Taurus energy, so...enjoy! Mercury going direct there could get it going even more.  Saturn will begin retrograding in your 2nd house of income. But before you piss your pants and call the bank, this is an opportunity to make things better. Redo your budget. Renegotiate your salary.  Examine what you need to feel more materially secure.  

AQUARIUS - The new moon in Gemini transits your 5th house of fun and romance (and children and play).  So when you do your manifesting, intend to draw in more joy. The build up of Taurus energy lies in your 4th house of home and family.  Hmmm, have you noticed any themes with your home? Like, uh...moving? Decorating? Thinking about family members? I'm being silly because I know several Aquarians who have been doing those exact things right along with ME.   What makes you feel safe, at home, and secure? And finally, Saturn will being retrograding in your 1st house of self. OOF.  That's a doozy.  You know Saturn pretty well because it is one of your co-rulers. This retrograde asks you to examine how you show up in the world, and are you fulfilling your mission here. Keep and eye on your health and wellbeing, as well as your mental health and thought processes.  

PISCES - If you are eyeing your Aquarius friend's new house and having a twinge of envy, then get out your manifesting notebook. The Gemini new moon happens in your 4th house, so set some intentions for moving home if that's what you want.   This can also be a change for renewal in your existing home.  Do you feel at home and safe in those 4 walls? What does home mean to you? What is family?  Meanwhile, your 3rd house  is brimming over with Taurus energy.  This can be a little unmotivating when it comes to communicating and scheduling, because you'd much rather be cuddling.  Finally, Saturn will begin its retrograde in your 12th house.  OOF. This can be tough.  Keep an eye on your mental health.  Watch for too much self isolation. But this transit is an invitation to focus on YOU. Let go of the expectations of others and release any parts of your previous identity that don't work for you anymore. You know, light and fluffy stuff! 


May 30
New Moon Gemini 4:30 am pacific - connections, curiosity, clarity
Mars square Lilith - conflict, violence, righteous anger

June 1
Venus sextile Lilith - vocal and bold about self advocacy, intense compassion

June 2

June 3
Mercury Direct at 26 Taurus
Mercury sextile Neptune - psychic sensitivity, creativity

June 4
Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius - societal weirdness, unpredictability, growth; authority issues
Sun square Juno - great relationship vibes
Venus sextile Ceres - love, compassion, nurturing

June 5

June 6
Sun sextile Chiron - opportunities for growth and healing
Uranus conjunct Pallas - passionate convictions about societal change
Mars square Ceres - finding the balance between lover vs. fighter