I’m late, I’m late…BitchScopes for May 1-8

Sorry scopes are late.  I took a beat to rest, feel like shit, have a migraine, sweat profusely due to prednisone withdrawal, swear at boxes, shuffle aimlessly through the cardboard chaos that is moving, and basically just be a mess.  I suck at resting.  A lot.  But my body is forcing me to.   I had covid last August and I’m definitely having some long covid issues.  Then I got shingles. My migraines are hormonal.  I’m all fucked up, y’all.  

Anyway that’s why they’re late.  

So there are a large number of sextiles in the transits this week.  Sextiles are chill and cooperative, so it looks like this week will be mostly gentle. (Thank fuck for small mercies!) 

There’s a lot of change afoot, stirred up by the eclipse and Uranus. Idanno how I feel about that, in light of the “news” around Roe v Wade. The US is in the midst of its Pluto return, and the chart for Roe v Wade has some challenging transits happening as well.  It’s interesting to study, disturbing to watch unfold.  

Excuse me, I must go iron my red handmaids robe.  Here are your extra bitchy BitchScopes! 

ARIES - keep your head down and focus on whatever your current pet project is.  There’s potentially some drama among friends that you want no part of.  It will settle without your help, so just stay out of the fray. 

TAURUS - Happy Birthday! If you feel a tad blue and withdrawn, it will pass. It’s normal around birthdays, actually.  But the eclipse and it’s dust ups might have you feeling a little bajiggity, needy, or nostalgic. This week, treat yourself to what your heart needs;  If that’s a cashmere pillow and some Godiva chocolate, well then the heart wants what the heart wants! 

GEMINI - if your nervous system has been out of whack or over-wound, Mercury retrograde may actually help you.  It is in your sign, and it is likely to be a pain in the ass for all the stereotypical reasons (communications, computers, cars, you know). BUT, there’s a reset for you within this cycle.  Mercury stations retrograde next Tuesday, so set some intentions for it like you would for a new moon.  Crazy? Maybe.  Do it anyway cuz I said so! 

CANCER - one of the changes stirred up for you may be around a theme of “focus”. your attention may be in too many different places/groups/projects.  You’ve pulled this off for quite awhile but you may need to rein it in for the 2nd half of this year.  This relatively peaceful week is a good time to make some lists and examine what your true priorities are. 

LEO - there’s a mixture of sincere pride in your own work, and a sort of wistfulness about things you haven’t done and that you realistically may not get to do.  Accepting limits is not always your strong suit.  But knowing yourself and your limitations makes a good leader, and you are already that.  Make peace with what is and what is not meant to be.  

VIRGO - you are definitely having a period of golden glory, and you deserve it.  You’ve been through more than most.  There’s someone who has played an important role that you are deliberately avoiding gratitude for.  That’s worth looking into to see why that is.   Mercury retrograde might is a good opportunity to explore this.  

LIBRA - Nostalgia may get the best of you and have you longing for what you think were simpler times.  They weren’t simpler.  The mind is a powerful and protective thing and I can blur the difficult details sometimes.  What’s in front of you is way better than what’s behind you.  The eclipses will be blowing good stuff your way soon.  

SCORPIO - you may feel like your mojo is out to lunch.  Don’t be a silly bitch! Your mojo is as hot as it ever was.  However, you may be experiencing a shift in how your magic expresses itself.  Let this develop and don’t try to steer the river.  Be an observer while we are in this eclipse hallway. You’ll figure out the password to your mojo very soon!

SAGITTARIUS - if you feel like you’re doing the 2 steps forward 1 step back dance, you likely are.  There seems to be moments and bursts of progress and then periods of ebb.  You are making progress, just not as fast as you’d like, as usual.  If you look back over the last 6 months at how much you’ve changed and learned, it might help your perspective.  

CAPRICORN - take your vitamins, because you will find yourself on a mission or a passion project soon, (if it hadn’t already happened).  It’s not as though moss has been gathering on your back (it never has!) but your fire has been on low for a bit.  You’ll feel that satisfaction you’ve been craving soon enough.  

AQUARIUS - if you’ve been feeling that your friends group has been very thinned out or stripped down (and it may have been for quite awhile), you have some great new connections to look forward to.  It will be coalescing over the course of this year, but your tribe is forming.  It’s overdue for you, and you’ll feel great about it. 

PISCES - if you recently took a gamble and spoke your mind to someone and it didn’t go the way you hoped, don’t freak out.  The can of worms you opened may be just the right worms for the job.  Try to let things unfold without fussing too much.  Be cool.  Let mercury retrograde do its thing, too.  It will suss out details you need to see