Newton's 3rd Law - BitchScopes for the Week of May 16th
In looking at the whole of May, I can’t help but notice how quiet the goddess asteroids are this month. There are fewer transits of my favorites asteroids this month than any month I can remember. Where are the badass ladies? I would like to think they are having a meeting about the fuckery that’s currently happening, planning the next steps they will take; especially Lilith and Eris, who both embody righteous anger, resentment of oppression, and refusal to be subservient. I think we are in the calm before the storm, or in the eye of the hurricane. The forces of resistance are gathering their weapons. There are a few transits with a couple of the goddesses this week, but 3 out of 4 of them are squares, indicating tension and conflict.
It's no secret that in current events, the patriarchy is running amok and drinking the misogyny kool-aid. Everything in our world seeks balance. When you observe social issues and politics over a long period of time, you will notice that when things swing hard to one side or the other, there is a response to that which is equal in intensity. You can see this in politics between Republicans and Democrats. When Democrats have had the floor or the office for a bit, the Republicans step in and things swing hard the other way, and visa versa. The reason we see so much chatter about socialism, a topic that has traditionally been very taboo in the USA, is because Capitalism is unchecked right now. There are multiple mega industries that constitute, monopolies, and the US has basically become an Oligarchy where the rich dominate politics and create an ever widening divide between the super rich and the rest of us schmucks.
(I’m real popular at family dinners, as you can imagine.)
The patriarchy is all Lord of the Flies right now, but for every pound of downward pressure they exert on women, as hard as they stomp us down, we will rise back up with that same intensity. That is the nature of things. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction- isn’t only true in your Junior High science book. That doesn’t make what is currently happening any less awful, disheartening, frustrating, or disgusting. I am very disturbed by what is unfolding. If you are still reading my BitchScopes, I can only assume that our politics align somewhat so I will make this Netflix recommendation: “Overturning Roe” is excellent and educational AF! Also, I just learned that the original Roe decision was also leaked. WUT! Yep.
We are in Mercury retrograde (and the leak happened in the shadow period), so we are REassessing and REorganizing and REacting. The full moon is likely to uncover some secrets and skeletons as well. This week Mercury backs into Taurus, affecting things involving loyalty, security, & finances, as well as issues with authority and needing to have your voice heard.
The Sun enters Gemini this week, bringing intellectual depth to the conversations, as well as research, curiosity, and generally speaking, more information. So it is definitely a time of gathering info. You can tell I’m a Gemini rising with Saturn in Gemini by the length of this entry. Am I sorry? Not really. Love you. Here’s your BitchScopes
ARIES - Watch your wallet and bank account. Not because there’s anything shady going on, but because you might miss something important. Mercury in Taurus sits in your 2nd house so errors, mistakes, missed payments, and maybe overspending are possible. When the Sun enters Gemini this week, it starts a busy season for you. You may struggle to stay organized and keep track of things because of Mercury, so keep good notes, or whatever organizational tools work for you. It is very likely that joint bank accounts and other jointly held assets will be discussed now as well.
TAURUS - Hey big spender…put your credit card away. The current transits suggest you might be nesting and over spending as a means of comforting yourself. A healthy focus for you right now would be to assess your own value and what you offer the world and your relationships, especially if you’ve been feeling insecure. When was the last time you actually thought about your talents and gifts? This is also the perfect time to sit down and organize your finances if you want actual financial security.
GEMINI - Your ruling planet Mercury will back into Taurus and your 12th house this week. This is likely to be an introspective and/or introverted time for you. The difficulty will come from the conflict between solitude and scheduling. With the Sun entering your sign, you are likely to be busy, in demand, and in the spotlight. Make sure you’re carving time out for you to be alone and to rest and process. This is a brilliant opportunity for you to work on forming new and healthy habits and routine incorportating self care.
CANCER - Mercury backing into your 11th house could re-activate some hopes and dreams you put on the back burner. When the Sun enters Gemini this week, it will be in your 12th house of solitude, so this is a great opportunity for you to go deep and examine your desires and dreams for your life. Don’t completely become a hermit, however, because your friendships and your tribe will be a source of comfort and security for you. Find a good balance between being alone and being with others.
LEO - You are likely to be in the spotlight or be advancing in your career in some way. The actual raise and or promotion may not come until mid-late June, but the conversations are happening now. Be careful about what you say and to whom, because success and achievement can also be helped along (or shot down) by your friends and colleagues. Office gossip is a hard pass right now. Time with your family and friends will help you stay grounded and light hearted.
VIRGO - Mercury backs into Taurus in your 9th house, and the Sun will be activating your 10th house. It might be time to further your education and career. Learning another language is another great focus for you now, and depending on what language and what you do for a living, it might help your career as well. You might also be experiencing a shift in your beliefs and what you want to do with your life. These kind of shifts and realizations can cause a little panic, but it’s really natural and normal, as well as healthy! If you want to make a change of direction, this is a great time to start planning for it.
LIBRA - You are likely going through a period where your beliefs are shifting, and maybe you’re checking out more spiritual “stuff” than you have in the past. There’s nothing wrong with trying a new church, even if you’ve said in the past it's not your thing. In general, you’ll be more focused on things outside of yourself for this period of time, and having deep realizations or questions you want to explore. Discoveries you make now can forge a new path for you a little later.
SCORPIO - The Sun’s ingress into Gemini this week will orient your thoughts toward intimacy and joint resources. Mercury will also back into Taurus in your 7th house, further emphasizing your relationships. Gemini and Mercury are constantly hungry for knowledge and information, so you might find yourself really introspecting and reassessing your desires and needs, as well as weighing current relationships to see if they embody what you need. This shouldn’t tax you too much at all, as you’re not afraid of depth. Partners may not be so brave though, so keep track of your compassion.
SAGITTARIUS - There will be a focus on all things mundane as Mercury backs into Taurus. It might be an issue with your body or your health, or some important part of your daily routine that gets screwed up. Re-organize and re-evaluate your habits, routine, diet, and things in your immediate environment that don’t contribute to your happiness. Any vulnerability you feel has the potential to activate a new or deeper relationship. So don’t fight the feelings or the flow.
CAPRICORN - You will probably find some strange joy in organizing and cleaning for the next few weeks. Creative and do-it-yourself type projects are highlighted now, and you might find this to be a productive outlet for any career frustrations you have, and the physical work will make you feel good too. Mercury will back into Taurus in your 5th house of creativity and romance, so you perhaps more than most other signs, might be hearing from your ex during this Mercury cycle. That doesn’t mean you should initiate contact with your ex.
AQUARIUS - The Sun’s ingress into Gemini this week activates a time of fun and romance for you (thank goddess!). It's time to emerge from your cocoon where you conveniently can hide with a long list of things to do. Put the post its down and go out! Mercury backs into your 4th house of home and family. You may be thinking a lot about your childhood, or reflecting on why you are who you are. Spending time with your family is favored (if they aren’t toxic), and will help you re-focus.
PISCES - You, more than other signs, might fall victim to Mercury retrograde’s communication hijinx. As Mercury backs into Taurus, it moves into your 3rd house of communication, so…double check your emails before you send them, back up information that is critical, and try to keep a sense of humor when things go a little sideways. You might also be realizing that the way you communicate on your own behalf needs a little tweaking. Maybe you soft-sell your own needs too much. The Sun moving into Gemini will focus on family or on your physical home. You might be repairing things in the home, or figuring out a better way to communicate with your family.
May 15/16
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Total) 25° Scorpio (9:15pm 5/15 pacific) - revelations, secrets, ending, releasing
May 17
May 18
Mars conjunct Neptune - passionate and romantic
Jupiter square Ceres - desire to nurture conflicts with ideals/beliefs
May 19
Sun trine Pluto - intensity
Mercury sextile Jupiter - optimism
Sun square Vesta - confidence at “the office”
May 20
Sun enters Gemini - sociable, curious
May 21
Sun conjunct Mercury - communication, internal realizations
May 22
Mars sextile Pluto - determination
Mercury Rx enters Taurus - can affect things involving loyalty, security and finances; frustration with authority and desire to have your voice heard
May 23
Venus conjunct Eris - desire for sovereignty and respect
Sun sextile Jupiter - lucky
Mercury sextile Mars - confidence in expression
Mercury square Vesta - interruptions at “the office”
It's no secret that in current events, the patriarchy is running amok and drinking the misogyny kool-aid. Everything in our world seeks balance. When you observe social issues and politics over a long period of time, you will notice that when things swing hard to one side or the other, there is a response to that which is equal in intensity. You can see this in politics between Republicans and Democrats. When Democrats have had the floor or the office for a bit, the Republicans step in and things swing hard the other way, and visa versa. The reason we see so much chatter about socialism, a topic that has traditionally been very taboo in the USA, is because Capitalism is unchecked right now. There are multiple mega industries that constitute, monopolies, and the US has basically become an Oligarchy where the rich dominate politics and create an ever widening divide between the super rich and the rest of us schmucks.
When gay rights were oppressed to the point that people were being murdered, the gay community rose up. When I hear people complain about LGBTQ issues being too much “in their face”, I like to point out that that is because the LGBTQ community has been oppressed and abused and marginalized and murdered.
When I hear people talk about black issues and complain about the BLM movement, or say that they never owned slaves so wtf is this “restitution” bullshit, I like to point out that racism did not end when slavery ended and that our entire culture is built on a foundation of racism from top to bottom. Oh, and black people are being murdered.
When I hear people whine about how feminism is ruining families or that “feminazis” are just bitter man haters, I like to point out that women barely got the right to vote, the right to have their own bank accounts, and the right to be on birth control without their spouse’s consent in the middle of the last century, and that women make less than men in every job sector, and that women have to fight for all of their rights constantly because no one else does, and because the Constitution barely treats women better than blacks. We all were property. And women will die by coat hangers and in all manner of ways no one gives a shit about.
The patriarchy is all Lord of the Flies right now, but for every pound of downward pressure they exert on women, as hard as they stomp us down, we will rise back up with that same intensity. That is the nature of things. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction- isn’t only true in your Junior High science book. That doesn’t make what is currently happening any less awful, disheartening, frustrating, or disgusting. I am very disturbed by what is unfolding. If you are still reading my BitchScopes, I can only assume that our politics align somewhat so I will make this Netflix recommendation: “Overturning Roe” is excellent and educational AF! Also, I just learned that the original Roe decision was also leaked. WUT! Yep.
We are in Mercury retrograde (and the leak happened in the shadow period), so we are REassessing and REorganizing and REacting. The full moon is likely to uncover some secrets and skeletons as well. This week Mercury backs into Taurus, affecting things involving loyalty, security, & finances, as well as issues with authority and needing to have your voice heard.
The Sun enters Gemini this week, bringing intellectual depth to the conversations, as well as research, curiosity, and generally speaking, more information. So it is definitely a time of gathering info. You can tell I’m a Gemini rising with Saturn in Gemini by the length of this entry. Am I sorry? Not really. Love you. Here’s your BitchScopes
ARIES - Watch your wallet and bank account. Not because there’s anything shady going on, but because you might miss something important. Mercury in Taurus sits in your 2nd house so errors, mistakes, missed payments, and maybe overspending are possible. When the Sun enters Gemini this week, it starts a busy season for you. You may struggle to stay organized and keep track of things because of Mercury, so keep good notes, or whatever organizational tools work for you. It is very likely that joint bank accounts and other jointly held assets will be discussed now as well.
TAURUS - Hey big spender…put your credit card away. The current transits suggest you might be nesting and over spending as a means of comforting yourself. A healthy focus for you right now would be to assess your own value and what you offer the world and your relationships, especially if you’ve been feeling insecure. When was the last time you actually thought about your talents and gifts? This is also the perfect time to sit down and organize your finances if you want actual financial security.
GEMINI - Your ruling planet Mercury will back into Taurus and your 12th house this week. This is likely to be an introspective and/or introverted time for you. The difficulty will come from the conflict between solitude and scheduling. With the Sun entering your sign, you are likely to be busy, in demand, and in the spotlight. Make sure you’re carving time out for you to be alone and to rest and process. This is a brilliant opportunity for you to work on forming new and healthy habits and routine incorportating self care.
CANCER - Mercury backing into your 11th house could re-activate some hopes and dreams you put on the back burner. When the Sun enters Gemini this week, it will be in your 12th house of solitude, so this is a great opportunity for you to go deep and examine your desires and dreams for your life. Don’t completely become a hermit, however, because your friendships and your tribe will be a source of comfort and security for you. Find a good balance between being alone and being with others.
LEO - You are likely to be in the spotlight or be advancing in your career in some way. The actual raise and or promotion may not come until mid-late June, but the conversations are happening now. Be careful about what you say and to whom, because success and achievement can also be helped along (or shot down) by your friends and colleagues. Office gossip is a hard pass right now. Time with your family and friends will help you stay grounded and light hearted.
VIRGO - Mercury backs into Taurus in your 9th house, and the Sun will be activating your 10th house. It might be time to further your education and career. Learning another language is another great focus for you now, and depending on what language and what you do for a living, it might help your career as well. You might also be experiencing a shift in your beliefs and what you want to do with your life. These kind of shifts and realizations can cause a little panic, but it’s really natural and normal, as well as healthy! If you want to make a change of direction, this is a great time to start planning for it.
LIBRA - You are likely going through a period where your beliefs are shifting, and maybe you’re checking out more spiritual “stuff” than you have in the past. There’s nothing wrong with trying a new church, even if you’ve said in the past it's not your thing. In general, you’ll be more focused on things outside of yourself for this period of time, and having deep realizations or questions you want to explore. Discoveries you make now can forge a new path for you a little later.
SCORPIO - The Sun’s ingress into Gemini this week will orient your thoughts toward intimacy and joint resources. Mercury will also back into Taurus in your 7th house, further emphasizing your relationships. Gemini and Mercury are constantly hungry for knowledge and information, so you might find yourself really introspecting and reassessing your desires and needs, as well as weighing current relationships to see if they embody what you need. This shouldn’t tax you too much at all, as you’re not afraid of depth. Partners may not be so brave though, so keep track of your compassion.
SAGITTARIUS - There will be a focus on all things mundane as Mercury backs into Taurus. It might be an issue with your body or your health, or some important part of your daily routine that gets screwed up. Re-organize and re-evaluate your habits, routine, diet, and things in your immediate environment that don’t contribute to your happiness. Any vulnerability you feel has the potential to activate a new or deeper relationship. So don’t fight the feelings or the flow.
CAPRICORN - You will probably find some strange joy in organizing and cleaning for the next few weeks. Creative and do-it-yourself type projects are highlighted now, and you might find this to be a productive outlet for any career frustrations you have, and the physical work will make you feel good too. Mercury will back into Taurus in your 5th house of creativity and romance, so you perhaps more than most other signs, might be hearing from your ex during this Mercury cycle. That doesn’t mean you should initiate contact with your ex.
AQUARIUS - The Sun’s ingress into Gemini this week activates a time of fun and romance for you (thank goddess!). It's time to emerge from your cocoon where you conveniently can hide with a long list of things to do. Put the post its down and go out! Mercury backs into your 4th house of home and family. You may be thinking a lot about your childhood, or reflecting on why you are who you are. Spending time with your family is favored (if they aren’t toxic), and will help you re-focus.
PISCES - You, more than other signs, might fall victim to Mercury retrograde’s communication hijinx. As Mercury backs into Taurus, it moves into your 3rd house of communication, so…double check your emails before you send them, back up information that is critical, and try to keep a sense of humor when things go a little sideways. You might also be realizing that the way you communicate on your own behalf needs a little tweaking. Maybe you soft-sell your own needs too much. The Sun moving into Gemini will focus on family or on your physical home. You might be repairing things in the home, or figuring out a better way to communicate with your family.
May 15/16
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Total) 25° Scorpio (9:15pm 5/15 pacific) - revelations, secrets, ending, releasing
May 17
May 18
Mars conjunct Neptune - passionate and romantic
Jupiter square Ceres - desire to nurture conflicts with ideals/beliefs
May 19
Sun trine Pluto - intensity
Mercury sextile Jupiter - optimism
Sun square Vesta - confidence at “the office”
May 20
Sun enters Gemini - sociable, curious
May 21
Sun conjunct Mercury - communication, internal realizations
May 22
Mars sextile Pluto - determination
Mercury Rx enters Taurus - can affect things involving loyalty, security and finances; frustration with authority and desire to have your voice heard
May 23
Venus conjunct Eris - desire for sovereignty and respect
Sun sextile Jupiter - lucky
Mercury sextile Mars - confidence in expression
Mercury square Vesta - interruptions at “the office”