Chaos & the Full Moon - BitchScopes for June 13-20

Take my hand and let’s go down a rabbit hole.

If you’ve followed me for a while, you know I’m an Aquarius, and if you’ve been paying attention, you know Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which can be chaotic, as well as rebellious. This was one of the early aha moments for me when I began to learn astrology via my own chart. When I problem solve, I am very likely to take apart, disassemble, or completely blow up what was already in existence so that I can see all the parts and thingies and then come up with a way to put it back together so it meets the current needs. I always thought I was just a little broken, until I met other Aquarians who operate much the same way. Look to where you have Uranus, and Aquarius, and see if this doesn’t apply to you.

My Uranus is in my 5th house of creativity. Having Uranus here in this area of my chart amplifies my creative energy, and it gets that dose of chaos and visionary magic. Most art (I would argue “all art”, to varying degrees) is born out of some kind of chaos, and chaos itself is a vast, unidentified, unpredictable, massless void of unlimited potential. We (and God) reach into the void and we come out with a creation. Tada!

Chaos is an intrinsic part of the creative process. Think of a volcano and its violent, unpredictable, chaotic, destructive nature, which literally creates new land mass, or changes the existing land mass forever. Soon the blackened earth sprouts little green saplings, and we have the circle of life. Destruction (death) - Chaos (decomposition) -Creation (new life) is the cycle.

This is just a thread that I’m fond of pulling on (which is an interesting way to describe my love affair with chaos). So when I was working on the transits for this coming week, I saw something that caught my attention. If you don’t know, there are a bajillion asteroids and minor planets that aren’t discussed in every day astrology. I’ve been picking the “goddess asteroids” for BitchScopes because we are feminists in these here parts, and BitchScopes deal with the Divine Feminine within all of us (yes, men too). So I eliminate a lot of asteroids from my list. I’ve seen this one before but it just never grabbed me. The asteroid I’m referring to is called “Chaos” and its number is 19521 if anyone is curious.

Chaos, the asteroid, was discovered in November of 1998 (which, humorously, was the month and year of my first marriage and that is oh, so fitting!) Chaos, mythologically was the first, original, primordial god. Chaos represents when the heavens were torn from Earth and we were then separated from god. Chaos contains all of the elements of creation in one big void which contains…everything…all matter, and hence, unlimited potential, but also, anarchy, separation, etc. But just like Chiron is a source of healing…there’s a flip side. Chiron’s healing powers come from an unending wound. Chaos powers of potential come from fighting the most difficult battle we have - it could be an addiction, or a temptation, or just a point of view or personal struggle, and we fight it over and over until we see that monster coming and just finally go around it. It is our greatest challenge and of course holds our greatest potential...our super power(s).So I, knowing nothing about this asteroid’s placement, orbit etc., took a wild guess about where it would be in my natal chart, where I have always had difficulty...near Chiron.  And boom, there it is...Chaos is just 7 degrees away from my Chiron in the same sign and house. And its in one of the angular houses, giving it even more emphasis. Damnit! Where is my cape?!! 

Bringing us out of the rabbit hole and back to the reason it caught my eye this week, is that the Sun (always important when looking at transits) is conjunct Chaos. Ok that sounds like…a thing. And it is at 29°.   29 degrees in astrology is the last degree of any sign, and as such, it imparts a bit of “holy shit” to whatever it is touching. It’s a crisis point, an anxiousness…a bajiggityness, if you will.
And so here we are. The Sun conjuncts Chaos at 29 degrees of Gemini on Monday the 20th. Does this mean your world is ending? Far from it, you silly bitch. The Sun gives you the impetus to make progress in this battle, whatever it is. This is a moment of glimpsing your potential.
(As for my own situation: 29° of Gemini is the first degree of my 1st house of self. My mind is rather blown. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk…)

This week’s BitchScopes a focus on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis because we have a full moon in Sagittarius Tuesday!

Sagittarius Full Moons are no-filter truth tellers, whistle blowers, maybe even tattle tales. If you have been hiding anything, it might come out and bite you this week. Sagittarius craves knowledge and experience. It is ruled by Jupiter, so its go big or go home. Full moons illuminate what was previously hidden from us, in this case, some kind of truth. This moon might be the moment when you find your voice, the nerve etc, to speak your personal truth. Or you might be a little too unfiltered and shove your foot in your mouth, as Sagittarians are known to do occasionally. Full moons favor releasing, so at this time, consider releasing any deeply (or not deeply) held beliefs that don’t resonate with you any longer. This could be a religious or philosophical belief, or an inherited, limiting belief you have about yourself, the world, education, truth, or any of the aspects ruled by Jupiter and Sagittarius. The rule of thumb for this period is choosing the adventure and the experience of the journey over simply arriving at the destination.

So without further adieu:

ARIES - The energies this week are primarily on your 3rd/9th house axis. Mercury in Gemini (and that crazy 29° Chaos) can stimulate a breakthrough, or give you that last bit of information. You may feel anxious about the intellectual pieces of this coming together, but they will! This full moon is encouraging you to embrace a new perspective or experience. This could be a story you tell yourself (limiting beliefs) or a path that you previously wanted that you don’t want anymore. You’re allowed to change your mind!

TAURUS - The energies this week are primarily on your 2nd/8th house axis. Mercury in Gemini (and that crazy 29° Chaos) can provide a breakthrough in finances. The full moon is in your 8th house of intimate connections and transformation. Release things around shared resources (or intimacy) that don’t feel supportive of who you are. This could mean setting new boundaries with some people. Transformation is a big and profound concept, but it is made up of smaller transformations, so don’t freak out about the word. The trick for you will be letting go and having the experience, because you aren’t easily budged, as you know.

GEMINI - The energies this week are primarily on your 1st and 7th house axis. Mercury in Gemini (and that crazy 29° Chaos) can have a shazam! effect on the “you” that you present to the wider world. Overall, this week is about “me” and “we”. Who are you, or who do you want to be? And when you place that person in an existing or desired relationship, how does that look and function? This full moon will show you who is on your side, as well as the truth of your relationships.

CANCER - The energies this week are primarily on your 12th/6th house axis. Mercury in Gemini (and that crazy 29° Chaos) can create a little frustration about self expression - like your words are trapped. This is temporary and will pass so don’t freak out. The full moon highlights yur 6th house of health, wellness, habits, and routine. This is a great opportunity to let go of bad habits and embrace, or be open to, a new wellness path.

LEO - The energies this week are primarily on your 11th/5th house axis. Mercury in Gemini (and that crazy 29° Chaos) can create a momentary crisis around “belonging”. The full moon in the opposite 5th house, however, is all about joy and inspiration. You may not even notice anything except a sense of joy in creating, expressing, parenting, or in romance. Dance like no one is watching, because they really aren’t (they’re too busy thinking of their own stuff)!

VIRGO - The energies this week are primarily on your 10th/4th house axis. Mercury in Gemini (and that crazy 29° Chaos) can cause a bump on your career path, but it is just a momentary crisis. What might come out of that hiccup is some brilliance, so it all works together for good! The full moon shines a light of truth on your 4th house of home and family and roots. You may become aware of dysfunction, or some bullshit that you have always carried around. With some effort and self love, you can give to yourself what you were not given in childhood.

LIBRA - The energies this week are primarily on your 9th/3rd house axis. Mercury in Gemini (and that crazy 29° Chaos) can give you a lightning bolt of brilliance that allows you to connect some dots about truths and beliefs. The full moon illuminates information now newly available to you in the 3rd house. Make sure you have an eye on any tendency to gossip, because it will bite you later. The next few weeks may be very busy or social for you, but don’t spread yourself too thin. Be conscious of what you expend your energy on.

SCORPIO - The energies this week are primarily on your 8th/2nd house axis. Mercury in Gemini (and that crazy 29° Chaos) can provide you with both psychic insight and sharp detective skills for any problem afoot. The full moon is in your 2nd house of income, so you may get the recognition you deserve, or make peace with a new budget. If you’ve been saving for something, this might be the time to buy it.

SAGITTARIUS - The energies this week are primarily on your 7th/1st house axis. Mercury in Gemini (and that crazy 29° Chaos) can provide great communication within your closest relationships (even with your boss). But the big news is that full moon in your 1st house of identity. This is your moon, and it will illuminate …YOU. You are likely nearing the end of a project or some other kind of finish line. Celebrate & congratulate. A new cycle of you is forming.

CAPRICORN - The energies this week are primarily on your 6th/12th house axis. Mercury in Gemini (and that crazy 29° Chaos) can provide some great impetus (perhaps by way of a meltdown about it) for getting organized and checking things off of your list. The full moon hits your weird 12th house (it’s weird for everyone, not just you), and it might make you emotional. Your dreams may be informational, or vivid. You may also have a major aha moment (or truth bomb) about something that has been in the closet (no pride pun intended).

AQUARIUS - The energies this week are primarily on your 5th/11th house axis. Mercury in Gemini (and that crazy 29° Chaos) can provide a creative breakthrough in this placement. The full moon in the opposite 11th house enhances that creative energy with vision and the right connections. Networking is favored for you. You may also have a realization about the people around you/your teammates and whether or not they inspire you. You may want to make some changes accordingly in the coming weeks.

PISCES - The energies this week are primarily on your 4th/10th house axis. Mercury in Gemini (and that crazy 29° Chaos) can provide focus, but is also likely to make your thinking and decision making more emotionally based. The full moon illuminates your career house. This is a good time to take stock of what irons you have in the fire and which ones are most important, letting go of the ones that don’t resonate or aren’t bearing fruit (irons in the fire bearing fruit? I mixed my metaphors so you get a BBQ’d plum?) and you are likely to get some good news in the next couple-ish weeks regarding a project, raise, promotion, recognition, etc.


Mercury re-enters Gemini


Sagittarius Super Full Moon - illuminating truth 4:52am pacific
Venus conjunct Pallas - sense of beauty and intelligence work together


Sun sextile Eris - empowered to be your edgy self
Mars conjunct Chiron - activates a drive to be healed


Sun square Neptune - lazy and unmotivated energy


Uranus sextile Juno - changes in partnerships or points of view therein


Venus square Saturn - relationship or financial tension
Venus sextile Neptune - sensual and caring energy
Sun opposite Galactic Center - alignment with/access to ultimate truth


Sun quincunx Pluto - triggered: mini crisis, defensiveness, obsessive
Mercury square Vesta - communication issues or disruptions at “work”


Mercury sextile Jupiter - planning for the future
Sun conjunct Chaos 29 gem - ultimate potential glimpsed through perpetual struggle
Venus quincunx Galactic Center - could manifest as a minor personal crisis where personal values are out of sync with ultimate truth