Bust out the catnip - Leo New Moon - BitchScopes for July 25-31

This is a week I look forward to every year - the Leo New Moon. I love Leo season, and this new moon will offer a lot of comfort and respite from the harsh world full of bullshit and assholery that we have all grown so exhausted from. Leo is heart centered, proud and confident, as well as playful and expressive. Even when we don’t feel confident, Leo season sprinkles a little of its magic on all of us. As with every new moon, you should take advantage of this opportunity for a fresh start by doing some work manifesting or setting intentions. 

Because I am surrounded by cats, I get a lot of Leo energy every damn day. Dogs just look at your with their plaintive eyes, as they beg for food while you eat. They are not generally as “in your face” (literally) as cats are. Cats are not subtle about what they want. One of my cats scratches at the door at night (for hours) if I don’t let him sleep with me. One lays on my face when he wants affection. One paws my face if she wants to drink from the faucet. She slaps my face in the wee hours of the morning when she wants out of my room (after she’s insisted on being in the room, mind you.) They roll on their backs when they want rubs. They push their faces into my plate when they want food. They put their butts in my face for what reason I can only guess. They just straight up as for what they want. I love dogs, but dogs are so much more people-pleasing. They are happy with the bare minimum and will tolerate so much more than cats. They are loyal to a fault. Cats on the other hand are like “love me or fuck you”.

There is a time to have dog energy, and there is a time to have cat energy. Many of us have been dogs for a long time. I think after 40, women become progressively more cat-like. I greatly admire young women in their 20’s who are as bold as my friends who are in their 40s and 50s. (I would be president of some small country if I was as bold in my 20s as I am now!)

Anyway, cats are in tune with what they want, vs. “what do you want to give me?” In addition to the other Leo traits, it also rules romance and sex. Venus conjuncts Lilith this Wednesday, so unconventional romance is possible, or it could just be a night where you let your kink fly.

The new moon is on Thursday. Set goals for achieving various kinds of satisfaction, getting your needs met, and asking for (errrr demanding?) exactly what you want. To figure that out, though, you have to listen to your heart, not your head. Mercury is active this week, so you may feel challenged to tune in to your desires vs. some intellectual rationale. Get quiet and connect with your heart, your feelings, your desires. Write them down, but state is as though it has already happened and you feel “xyz” about having/achieving it. Leo is a fire sign, so I would absolutely burn your slips of paper (have a bowl of water nearby). Art, dancing, orating, theater, and generally not giving a fuck are all very Leonine, so feel free to incorporate any of that into your ritual.

There is some tension and anxiety present in this week’s stars. Also, communication issues, the call to use your talents for the greater good, and unexpected opportunities are all on the docket. Jupiter begins its annual retrograde, this year in Aries, and this offers an opportunity to reflect on our general direction and beliefs in life. Do your beliefs support your desires and goals? Listen to your heart.

ARIES - This new moon falls in your 5th house of play, romance, and all things Leo. If you’ve been sitting on any creative projects, this Leo season is a great time to pick it back up and bring it to fruition! Jupiter will begin its retrograde in your sign over the next few months and then back into Pisces. It will start in your 1st house, so you may feel particularly introspective and desire to reexamine how you present yourself to the world. What do you believe about yourself? You may experience a mini existential crisis…why am I here and what am I doing? Or you may just change your hair do. Don’t sweat it too hard, it’s temporary and you’re doing fine!

TAURUS - The Leo new moon falls in your 4th house of home and family. Is it time to snaz up your walls? Maybe your home needs more music. This is a great time to go through old photos and maybe put some out that you haven’t looked at in awhile. Look at pictures of yourself as a kid and see what it brings up for you. Jupiter will begin its retrograde in your 12th house of “all the things”, as I like to call it. This is a house of spirituality, and also your shadows, secrets you’ve buried, (intentionally or not), and ways you may isolate yourself (again, maybe unintentionally). So over the next few months, you might be more introspective than usual. Make sure you’re connecting with your loved ones regularly.

GEMINI - Your conversations are about to get spicier! Leo rules your 3rd house of communication and your immediate environment and neighborhood. There could be drama when you mix Leo and Gemini! If you have a neighbor that is doing something you don’t like, it might stir up some dust. It could also be a sibling. This could also lead to good drama, exciting self expression, and fun social events. Live it up! Jupiter will begin its retrograde in your 11th house which rules friendships, associations and your dreams and ambitions. You might be thinking about old friends, or reassessing some of your connections.

CANCER - Get creative with your money, honey. Leo rules your 2nd house of earned income. Creative endeavors can make you money during this season. The new moon is a great time to start new projects anyway, but with this placement, you have the goose that laid the golden eggs! Jupiter will begin its retrograde in your 10th house of career and public image. You might find yourself rethinking your career path, or wanting to tweak it (perhaps to include more creativity all the time).

LEO - Happy new moon! RAWR. This week is all you, bitchwhiskers! The moon is dark, but the spotlight is on you. What will you say and do? What do you WANT? Examine how you do or don’t stand in your power, or ways that you give your power away too easily. Jupiter will begin its retrograde in your 9th house of experience and education. This is a natural placement for Jupiter. You may be revisiting education goals and ideas, or rehashing a travel plan. If you are traveling soon, be flexible and book your flights so that late flights don’t screw up your whole trip. It’s not like Mercury retrograde, but all retrogrades are best approached with flexibility. You may also wax a bit more philosophical and begin to reexamine your personal belief systems. Whatever it is, it's all for your highest good!

VIRGO - You’re entering deep waters this week. This Leo new moon hits your shadowy 12th house. You may just need a nap, period. You may crave a bit of solitude, or a little trip by yourself. Get reacquainted with the darker parts of yourself. Jupiter will begin its retrograde in your 8th house of secrets, taboo, intimacy, and transformation. Jupiter is also very psychic in the 8th house, especially when retrograde. Your intuition may be off the charts for a few months so take full advantage of following your gut!

LIBRA - Stop, collaborate and listen! Um…this Leo new moon hits your 11th house, so creative endeavors with associates and friends are favored. Lean on your people for inspiration. Find your muse. Be the drama queen, in a good way! Jupiter will begin its retrograde in your 7th house of partnerships. This gives you an opportunity to examine how things are going, how you show up for your loved ones and how they show up for you. Balance, or at least a reciprocal relationship, is the goal, and this time of introspection can help you get there.

SCORPIO - This Leo new moon hits your 10th house, making your career your current stage. Scorpio might be shy about being in the spotlight, so maybe you’ll work backstage…but you’ll be calling the cues…and the shots. What are your ambitions? Are you pointed in the right direction? Use this new moon to take stock and set new intentions to take full advantage of this time. Jupiter will begin its retrograde in your 6th house, which can also relate to career. The 6th house is more about your work environment, how you serve others, and your habits, health and routines. You will have a few months to assess any bad habits and create new ones before Jupiter slips into Pisces and you forget what you’re doing.

SAGITTARIUS - This Leo new moon invites you to look at your long range goals and plans. Leo resides in your house of rulership, the 9th. Education and travel are some themes you’ll want to put up on your vision board. What do you want to learn? Where do you want to go? What do you believe? You know…little stuff. Ha. Jupiter will begin its retrograde in your 5th house of fun and creativity. Examine how you can experience more joy in your life. This is a great time of introspection and a good opportunity for you to get back in touch with your inner child. What did you get or not get in your childhood and how can you use or correct that now?

CAPRICORN - The new moon in Leo hits your 8th house of “other people’s money”. Set some goals around paying off loans and refinancing where needed. This is also a good time to dig deep and investigate things. If you are working on yourself, use this opportunity to get some therapy, dig into some astrology, or any kind of research that feels fairly personal. Jupiter will begin its retrograde in another water house - the 4th. Who is your family? If you’re interesting in genealogy, this period of time would be great for looking into your roots. You might also be focused on your physical home, so use Leo season to kick start your project or house hunting. Get your credit in order, look for good loans, etc.

AQUARIUS - Your personal relationships are about to get a boost of fun and romance with the new moon hitting your 7th house. Your work relationships could benefit from some extra creative energy as well. This is a great time to let your light shine bright and notice who notices your talents. Jupiter will begin its retrograde in your 3rd house. This is a very introspective placement. Your inner dialogue may be louder than your outward expression. You might consider picking back up communication projects you’ve been sitting on. The 3rd house also rules siblings, and your neighbors. You may feel less social and more homey for awhile.

PISCES - The Leo new moon lands in your 6th house of health, wellness, and habits. This placement also affects your work environment and routine. If your office needs to be redecorated, this would be a good time to do it, because your creativity will be high. Creative work projects are also favored, so set some intentions in that direction. Jupiter will begin its retrograde in your 2nd house. Even though it is retrograde, that laser-focused inward facing energy can help boost your income at this time (especially creative projects, in the short term).


SUN - Leo
VENUS - Cancer
MARS - Taurus
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Gemini
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Pisces
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer


25 July
Venus square Jupiter 

26 July
Mercury square Mars 

27 July
Venus conjunct Lilith 

28 July
Sun quincunx Vesta
Mercury square Nodes 
New Moon in Leo 5° Leo 10:54 am
Jupiter Retrograde in Aries
Mercury square Uranus 

29 July

30 July
Mercury quincunx Juno 

31 July
Uranus conjunct North Node 
Sun trine Jupiter
Mercury opposite Saturn 
Venus square Chiron