Full Moon in Capricorn - BitchScopes for the week of July 11-18
Wow, the sky is busy this week. The goddess asteroids, which have been a bit quiet for the last few weeks, are back in action. I said a few weeks ago that when they re-emerged they would have a strategy, and…late last week Biden signed an executive order in an effort to protect abortion rights. Its scope is limited and temporary, and is not enough by some standards, but it is a step in the right direction. You can read a well summarized article about it here: https://www.vox.com/23200938/joe-biden-executive-order-abortion
The highlight of the week is the full moon in Capricorn, which brings our compassionate, nurturing side in opposition with our steely determination. The influence of Pluto suggests our shadow will be illuminated, which means you’ll be triggered. Listen to your intuition and think outside the box to solve problems. Have you become overly hardened about some aspect of your life to preserve peace at work or at home? Release people who bring negativity to your life, and reflect on work-life balance. Allow yourself to feel the difficult feelings that may arise.
ARIES - While your thoughts are focused on home and family, your feelings will be pushed to the surface by this full moon and they are more oriented toward your career. Welcome to the opposition of a full moon. It is about finding balance to be a whole person. As Venus moves from Gemini into Cancer, you will find that the value you place on family is likely to win, at least at this time. Work on releasing guilt under this full moon - “Guilt is to the spirit was injury is to the body” (from my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck #2)
TAURUS - You are entering a period of “coming out of your shell”. Your communication skills are great right now. Use them to put your thoughts and feelings out into the wider world, possibly by publishing something. It doesn’t have to be a “book”, and you don’t have to give a speech on a stage before hundreds. Start a blog, upload a youtube, or write some poetry. As Venus moves out of Gemini and into Cancer, you may notice yourself feeling more socially inclined as well. Work on releasing shame under this full moon - “Shame is like a vampire and can only thrive in darkness. Open the curtains and let the light heal you” (from my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck #2)
GEMINI - Hello sexy time. Your thoughts are focused on all things body, and your feelings will draw you toward intimacy with someone (maybe yourself?). There is also a money message here, between earning and borrowing. Are you in balance? Let this moon guide you to more stability. As Venus moves from your sign into Cancer, the things you value will shift from defining your “self” to more grounded and embodied ideals. Work on releasing shame under this full moon - “Shame and guilt keep you curled up in the fetal position in your life. In this position you cannot walk or hug or feel worthy. Please stand up…you are loved” (from my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck #2)
CANCER - While your thoughts are focused on your self, your feelings will be pushed to the surface by this full moon and they are more oriented toward relationship. Welcome to the opposition of a full moon. It is about finding balance to be a whole person. You cannot be an effective partner if you are not a well defined individual. As Venus moves from Gemini into Cancer, you will find that the value you place on developing your self likely to win, at least at this time. Work on releasing perfectionism under this full moon - “Some chaos is fundamental to creation. The road to success is rarely tidy and straight” (from my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck #2)
LEO - Hello service. Your thoughts are pointed toward healing, and your feelings will draw you toward service to others. Because Divine Design is perfect, its not surprising that one of these often leads to the other. Service to others is a powerful way to heal yourself! As Venus moves from Gemini into Cancer, you are likely to find more things that need healing. Work on releasing fear under this full moon - “You can’t just “let go” of your fear. You can, however, stare at it until it lets go of YOU” (from my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck #2)
VIRGO - Creativity meets ingenuity. Your thoughts are focused on your hopes and dreams, and your feelings will allow you to draw on a deep reservoir of creativity to make your dreams closer to reality. As Venus moves from Gemini into Cancer, you may find that you are learning to value more than just a career, and feeling like you really want a calling. Don’t distract yourself from those feelings, but allow them to inform your thoughts. Work on releasing distraction under this full moon - “Are you SO busy, or does being busy just keep you distracted from things you need to feel?” (from my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck #2)
LIBRA - The classic home vs. career quandary is in your face. While your thoughts are on career, your feelings are at home, perhaps with people you miss. Welcome to the opposition of a full moon. It is about finding balance to be a whole person. As Venus moves from Gemini into Cancer, you are likely to have a realization that work is a means to an end, rather than a thing to live for in and of itself. Work on releasing frustration (which is just energy without a goal) under this full moon - “Evolution doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by change, and change happens by choice” (from my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck #2)
SCORPIO - Hello expansion. While your thoughts are focused on the great big world outside, which feels out of your control, your feelings can draw your attention to your immediate surroundings and things that you do have control over. Once you cultivate a sense of safety within yourself, you can go out and expand your world. As Venus moves from Gemini into Cancer, you are likely to feel more ready to get out there. Work on releasing self criticism under this full moon - “People who call you crazy are just unwilling to embrace life at the same speed as you. Or…maybe you are crazy. Can you love and accept yourself either way?” (from my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck #2)
SAGITTARIUS - Hello intimacy. Your thoughts are focused on things you share with others (including yourself), and your feelings are focused on your personal body and resources that are solely yours. Also, are you in financial balance? Let this moon guide you to more stability between what you keep and what you offer. As Venus moves from Gemini into Cancer, your relationships may naturally deepen. Don’t worry about how things will happen and just allow things to flow. Work on releasing control and worry under this full moon - “Worry is exhausting and causes wrinkles. Ask instead “what could go right?”’ (from my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck #2)
CAPRICORN - Happy full moon to you! This is an opposition between the Sun (your drives) and the moon (your feelings). While your thoughts are focused on your current relationships (which include business relationships), your feelings are asking you to not push your own needs aside. This full moon is likely to shed light on the latter, making sure you don’t leave your self behind on the road to commitment. As Venus moves from Gemini into Cancer, relationships with others gain more weight and focus. Work on releasing your resistance to change under this full moon - “The thing you hold on to the tightest and assign the greatest importance to…the thing you cling to the tightest, is often the thing that you need most to let go of. ” (from my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck #2)
AQUARIUS - Hello habits. Healing often requires a change in our habits, our surroundings, and our routines. This full moon illuminates what is in your closet (your shadow) that needs to be purged. This could be secrets you keep, or habits you are ashamed of. As Venus moves from Gemini into Cancer, you are likely to find some inspiration for changing things that will lead to healing. Work on releasing fear under this full moon - “What holds you together? Fear? Success? Expectations? Responsibility? What if you let yourself “fall apart”?” (from my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck #2)
PISCES - Hello thinking outside the box. You very much want to do things that are creative, but this full moon might remind you to reassess your hopes and dreams so that your creative endeavors are pointed in the right direction. Once again you are being guided to more play. Heal and embrace your inner child. As Venus moves from Gemini into Cancer, you may find that you are learning to value creativity with purpose rather than as an act of rebellion, or art for art’s sake. There’s nothing wrong with any of that, but you may feel a slight shift. Work on releasing self judgement under this full moon - “What are you relentlessly pursuing in life that you are certain will make you feel accomplished and satisfied? What if you stopped chasing it, and let something come TO you…what might happen?” (from my “Sweary Spirituality” Deck #2)
SUN - Cancer
MERCURY - Cancer
VENUS → Cancer
MARS - Taurus
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHAOS - Gemini
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Cancer
PALLAS - Gemini
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Pisces
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer
11 July
Mercury square Chiron
12 July
Ceres square Eris
Sun sextile N. Node
Venus trine Saturn
13 July
Full Moon July 22 at 21° Capricorn 11:37 am PDT
Mercury sextile Uranus
Neptune trine Ceres
Sun trine Juno
Venus sextile Eris
Venus square Neptune
14 July
Mercury sextile N Node
Mars sextile Vesta
15 July
Venus quincunx Pluto
Mercury trine Juno
16 July
Sun conjunct Mercury
Sun quincunx Saturn
Mercury quincunx Saturn
Mercury square Eris
17 July
Sun square Eris
Pluto opposite Ceres
Mercury trine Neptune
Sun trine Neptune
Venus enters Cancer
18 July
Mercury conjunct Ceres
Pallas square Vesta
Mercury opposite Pluto