Venus to the rescue - BitchScopes for August 1-8
Well, HellOOO August. In true Leo fashion, August starts off with a bang. On Sunday July 31, Uranus conjuncted the North Node, which presents shake ups to the direction we are headed.
I would like to interject that I am SO.TIRED. of living in extraordinary times. Boredom, where art thou? I miss thee…
Ok anyway, then on August 1st Mars hops into the line up, creating this triple conjunction that I’m sure you’ve heard about several times now. This is very rare. Uranus and the North Node meet up every 15 years, but they haven’t been in Taurus together since ancient times - i.e. a long ass time ago! To have the 3 of them together is remarkable. And do we ever need some Divine shake ups here on Earth! Everyone be cray! All the countries and all the humans and errrrthang be cuckoo! A friend of mine was commenting on the very hot weather here and jokingly said “does God hate us?” Another friend replied “I would if I was God”. It made me chuckle. Sometimes I wonder if God/Goddess regrets how much free will we have. But I digress…
So….the month starts off with this major shake up. There’s a sense of urgency, sudden changes, plot twists, total upheavals. Can’t wait. Good times. The good news is that this isn’t exactly a personal experience, it is more of a societal or collective vibe. But Mars is a personal planet so I think we might feel frustrated and have to keep our impulsivity in check.
Unexpected love and/or money could show up, because Venus enters, stage left, tosses her lovely hair, gazes at us with her twinkling eyes, and distracts us all with charm and beauty and sexual goodness. There is a strong theme of feminine energy and healing the feminine this week, as well as some good love and sex juju for relationships.
You should check in with yourself and see how you might be censoring yourself unnecessarily. This could be sexual - maybe you want something from your partner that you’ve not asked for. Or it could be that you water down your personality to not rock the boat at work. Work on letting those inhibitions go. This is the work of the current lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio. In order to realize and feel the stability we long for, we have to release the shit that drains us, and in Scorpio, that’s wounds, shadows, secrets, taboo stuff, etc. Let that shit go! Holding it in is holding you back.
As next week begins, there could be some relationship bumps with jealousy, or just intensity in general. Looking ahead to the month of August overall, our best bet is to keep our energy close to us, focus on our own healing, and stay light on our feet as course corrections occur. Where we feel frustrated or stifled, we can recalibrate and find solutions. Reactionary energy is not the best use of your personal resources. Be chill, Bitch.
Love you all. Thank you for the little messages and emails that you send me. When you tell me before a reading, “I love BitchScopes”, I store that shit up and it keeps me going when life feels sloggy (is that a word?). I hope you are following me on Instagram (@I_am_KellyMc and @Bitchstory.pod). I am interacting less and less on Facebook. I’m trying to do TikTok but I just don’t like it. I am a fixed sign and I do not like changes damnit! (I also hate how when I open the TikTok app, instantly there is sound blasting at me, and it's usually not pleasant.) But I am feeling sorta OK about Instagram, even though they are screwing it up and making it TikTok-y. That is actually a great illustration of the current energies….Be your unique, original, badass self. Don’t morph yourself into something just because it makes other people comfortable or it's the current trend. YOU need to be comfortable in your own flesh suit, and that means letting go of outside pressures and expectations. Changing the world starts with changing individuals, and that means healing your own shit.
I hope you can feel the Venusian vibes this week.
ARIES - You can find comfort and feel soothed when you are at home this week. You have a great gift for problem solving at work while Mercury is in Virgo, but you’re better off directing most of your energy into your home life. Check yourself to make sure you’re not using your keen mind and detective skills to be too nosey about other people’s lives or business. Mind your damn business, and use your creativity to decorate your house.
TAURUS - You will feel your best this week when you are connected with your friends and peers. Good conversation and company will fill your cup. Romance drama can be diffused with playfulness, lightness, and fun. If you’re having romantic drama, again, it’s time for you to pull your energy back from the source of the drama, especially if it is your ex. If your thoughts and memories are coloring your mood, you gotta let that shit go so you don’t poison the water of your current relationships.
GEMINI - This week you should think about things that feel luxurious. It might be a fancy massage, or a scented bath. It might just be a candlelit day curled up on the couch with some really tasty snacks. Indulge yourself to comfort yourself. You will be in problem solving or fix-it mode with things around the house, or maybe (I hope not) a family squabble. Let go of the need for things to be intense in order for them to feel important, especially at work. Not everything you do needs to be a profound and world-changing feat.
CANCER - You have the attractive and seductive powers of Venus in your 1st house this week. This is a good time for a new hairdo, or wardrobe upgrade if you feel an itch for that. Otherwise, enjoy the goddess energy at your fingertips. Misunderstandings will be solved with relative ease, in part because of Mercury in your 3rd house, and in part because of that Venusian charm you have access to. Work on letting go of being a drama queen, especially as it relates to any creative projects you have.
LEO - Family drama may have you feeling like hiding and just meditating until it all goes away. If you can avoid getting pulled into any family scuffles, do. Your relationship, or your ego, may feel like it needs a little more privacy, or protection, possibly from the family drama. Overall, intimacy and seclusion might soothe any rough edges you feel this week. This is a good week for you to re-do your budget, shuffle your money around, and otherwise solve financial issues.
VIRGO - You should have pleasant interactions and friend experiences this week, thanks to Venus’ placement in your chart. Mercury in exaltation in your 1st house will give you lots of confidence and you might speak up for yourself more than usual. Your problem solving abilities will be super on point. Use your powers for good, though, and avoid any petty arguments. Yes, you can win them, but it is usually unimportant. Avoid “right fighting”, and focus on your friends and people in your tribe, rather than trying to “convert” people.
LIBRA - You will be a success magnet this week. People you meet can help you on your path. Mercury is transiting your 12th house, and you might be prone to “ennui”, thinking about stuff in the past, and you might be afraid of sharing your opinion, or receiving judgment. Guess what…fuck that. You are already a success, and speaking up for yourself is healthy, and other people’s opinions are …plffffft. Avoid getting caught up in “keeping up with the whoevers”. Don’t value yourself based on what your income is, or how nice your house is. Your value is not in material things, it's in your heart.
SCORPIO - Relationship drama…you? Um, yes. Intensity and “passion” in relationships aren’t necessarily an indicator of relationship health. If you tend to be attracted to “passion”, let’s figure that out. For real. Call me, because this is my area of expertise. If you know this about yourself and it's something you’ve been working on, great. If you need respite and soothing, you will find it with your friends and peers. Go on a trip with your pals. Find some adventure with your tribe. This is also a call to action for you to actively release parts of your personality that you don't need anymore. It's ok to become the actual person you are now. The parts of you that you no longer identify with are dead weight.
SAGITTARIUS - Career or job is a big focus for you right now. Making money makes nearly everyone happy. You have good money making juju in your favor right now, so jump on it. Mercury in Virgo transiting your 10th house gives you a keen ability to problem solve in the public sector. If you need some PR, you might be the best person to do it! Boredom is a huge motivation killer for you, but everything in life isn’t an adventure. Jobs are sometimes boring so learn to be reliable and dependable and don’t fall into the trap of something having to be deep and meaningful every hour of the day.
CAPRICORN - You are both the counselor and the client at the moment. On one hand, you may be giving advice about relationships, but you also may need some of your own wisdom. Your problem solving abilities and skills for spotting the flaw in things has given you a wisdom not everyone has. You are always one of the wisest people in your group anyway, but If you don’t currently have friends who you can lean on for advice, it might be time for a tribe upgrade.
AQUARIUS - “Work” is a strong focus for you at the moment. Not necessarily “career”, so much as the day to day grind within it. Does your routine work for you? If it causes you stress either because it’s too loose or too rigid, make some changes. A good routine can soothe you when life is crazy. Be careful of falling into the trap of defining yourself based on the work you do or career you have. If there are issues in your current workplace, or with people in your regular routine (appointments with clients or service providers), you currently have extra ability to discern people’s motives, and that could be a huge help in solving problems.
PISCES - The planets are lined up to give you some great relationship juju right now. You are both charming and romantic yourself, and are able to attract the same, thanks to Venus’ placement in your current chart. Be aware of how you may hide behind religion, intense opinions, or dogmatic beliefs. As a sensitive person, this is understandable. But it can lead to unhealthy things (cults!). Learn how to enjoy small talk and lighter life experiences.
SUN - Leo
VENUS - Cancer
MARS - Taurus
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Gemini
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Pisces
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer
Uranus conjunct N Node is Sun 7/31
Monday 1 August
Mars conjunct N Node
Mercury trine Eris
Mercury quincunx Neptune
Mars conjunct Uranus
Venus sextile N Node
Tuesday 2 August
Ceres quincunx Vesta
Mercury quincunx Pluto
Venus sextile Uranus
Venus sextile Mars
Wednesday 3 August
Mercury enters Virgo
Thursday 4 August
Venus trine Juno
Friday 5 August
Mars sextile Juno
Saturday 6 August
Mercury opposite Vesta
Ceres opposite Chariklo
Sunday 7 August
Venus square Eris
Mercury quincunx Chariklo
Venus trine Neptune
Mars square Saturn
Monday 8 August
Chiron sextile Pallas
Sun trine Chiron
Venus opposite Pluto
Mercury enters Virgo
Thursday 4 August
Venus trine Juno
Friday 5 August
Mars sextile Juno
Saturday 6 August
Mercury opposite Vesta
Ceres opposite Chariklo
Sunday 7 August
Venus square Eris
Mercury quincunx Chariklo
Venus trine Neptune
Mars square Saturn
Monday 8 August
Chiron sextile Pallas
Sun trine Chiron
Venus opposite Pluto