Coping by Cleaning - BitchScopes for August 22 - 29
Ok gang, buckle up. If I am any indication of the coming energy, and I often am, we are in for a very busy, very distracted, possibly chaotic week with some guaranteed power struggles. I try to keep things positive around here in Bitchdom, and we will bring it around to that, but I’m not going to blow sunshine up your skirt about this energy.
First, I was rather taken aback that we are already at a New Moon. I guess the start of the school year really threw me off because I swear the Full Moon was just a couple days ago, but…obviously it was 2 weeks ago!
You know I love a new moon, but this one has me giving some side eye. More on that in a moment.
The Sun enters Virgo on Monday, Uranus stations retrograde on Wednesday and Mercury enters Libra on Thursday. This amount of personal feeling change is bound to make many people feel a bit wobbly. But we will get our shit together quickly. The Sun in Virgo is such a great opportunity to get your house in order - be it your literal house, your school backpack, your car, your office or your kitchen…whatever needs organization and cleaning, you will have the focus for it. Thank Goddess because I couldn’t find focus with both hands and a flashlight today! Mars in Gemini might have your brain a little squirrelly, but if you can find a way to work with it, you can make great progress and have some cool breakthroughs and ideas. So the brain will be quite active, and I would say probably too active. This is normal for me. I am a Gemini rising with the Sun in the 3rd house, and an air sign sun. My brain is a shit show. Lately I feel like I have full blown ADHD, and frankly I probably do. But who cares, this isn’t about me. If YOUR brain is on fire this week, find a way to get quiet. Put in some earphones and listen to a podcast or some classical music, or some punk or a guided meditation or whatever the eff works for you (all of those work for me, in case you wondered). When I have anxiety, which some of you might definitely experience this week and next, I listen to a playlist that is nothing but different versions of Ave Maria. That song just soothes me. Again, not about me so..
There are too many aspects that indicate impulsivity, tempers, anger, and toxic masculinity this week for me to ignore. Which brings me back to that side eye I’m giving to this new moon. This moon is in Virgo, and it makes an unpleasant and confrontational square to Mars. It is also influenced by some MEH energy between Venus and Saturn and Uranus. That fucking Saturn square Uranus aspect that is defining much of this year is working toward exactness again in October. Feeling sad, undervalued, criticized, and restless are very possible. This is not a moon where I would recommend making new
wishes or setting new intentions, instead, I would write down what your existing wishes and intentions have been for the last couple cycles, and tidy them up. Streamline. Declutter that vision board. Eliminate rather than add.
And now we know why I’m side eyeing this situation.
There’s a tendency to be too fixated on one’s path this week, too. Rather than worrying about where you’re headed, you’d be better off just trying to remain present and adjusting to the bumps as they come. Many cosmic corrections are being made on both a personal and global level, and we aren’t going to know where we’re going until we get there. If you focus too much on “(said with gritted teeth)’m.going!”, you could end up self sabotaging and rebelling in a cutting-off-your-nose-to-spite-your-face way.
However, not one to leave you with an empty bag of hopes… There is great potential for getting shit done and having creative bursts of genius. Chaos is part of the creative process. If you are halfway through cleaning your fridge and you get a bout of anxiety, no matter how much it pains you to leave the project half finished, step away and dance, or finger paint, or go slap on some crazy eye shadow and give yourself some space to play. I promise you will get back to that fridge cleaning with more focus and energy!
ARIES - This Virgo situation falls in your 6th house, naturally. So if you have any habits that you want to break, this is a great cycle to do it. New career opportunities are likely to come up over the next several weeks (even after Virgo has moved on). Do you have too many irons in the fire? Are you over burdened at work? Does your work area need a make over? This is also a good time to look at your body and physical health. If you’ve been putting off Dr. appointments, get your act together and go. Your words have the golden touch and the charm to get what you want in partnerships and at work, at least up to the point that Mercury retrogrades, and possibly during that time. Craft your emails and proposals with care and it’ll pay off.
TAURUS - It is time for you to lighten the eff up, babe. Fun…you need some. This period of time bodes very well for romance. Shared work, passions and hobbies are great for your relationships. You could meet someone at work or school that is equally as charming as you. The way you operate, manage, and deal with tasks and finances could be changing. It is likely just a change in tactic and quality, rather than in quantity.
GEMINI - This Virgo action falls in your 4th house of home and family. Get that mud room organized, clean out the closets or the garage, do some Marie Kondo’ing and streamline items, processes, and the way your house flows. Focus on paring things down and getting rid of things that no longer are needed or work for your routine. Involve the kids if possible. Once you’ve made some progress, establish a weekly or monthly game night or movie night with your family, or close friends to keep playtime a part of your ongoing routine.
CANCER - It’s time to clean up your email inbox, your laptop, your computer that has files from 10 years ago, and throw out that pile of junk mail that is accumulating in your kitchen drawer. If you want to do a Christmas mailing, start working on it now. It's not a bad idea to start getting gift lists started either. This is also the time of year I recommend that you remove some items from your to do lists. Write down everything that needs to be done in the short and long term (within 6 weeks and within 6 months) and see what you can cross off. You might be surprised that some things are already done, and other things just don’t matter anymore!
LEO - Chances are strong for improved finances this year. Part of this will come from a good budget. Don’t underestimate the idea of finding money just by looking at everything on paper. But career boosts and salary increases are also very possible by the end of this year. By march of next year, you will be in a very different and improved situation. If you need to update your resume and polish it up, this is a great time of year to do it. You will have Mercury in your 3rd house and all these other influences around your dreams, your career, and your money.
VIRGO - Changes to how you operate in the world are going to benefit your bottom line and your career. You’ve changed…probably a lot…in the last year or so. You are a different person in many ways, so the way you approach things you’ve always done need to change too. These changes can happen automatically but it is better if you have some awareness around them. The way you handle money is one area that you will want to look at. Maybe you make more now and need to adjust taxes or charitable contributions. If money is tight now, it won’t be for too much longer. Your career is going to expand this winter.
LIBRA - This Virgo energy falls in your weird 12th house (Everyone’s 12th house is weird, not just yours). This can be a time where you feel not quite at home wherever you are. Your compassion is dialed up and you are likely to feel concerned about how you contribute to the care of others. Don’t panic if you feel a little down during this brief period of time that precedes your birthday. Spend some time examining your beliefs about life and see if you can let any of them go. Work on subconscious programming and cleaning up your thoughts is perfect for this new moon, as well as all of Virgo season.
SCORPIO - The Virgo situation falls in your 11th house of associations and dreams. Who are the people in your corner? Or, phrased in a more Scorpionic way, who are the people that you thought were in your corner but have shown themselves not to be? Cut your losses and move on. There might be friendships that you expected to last that have disappointed you. Take some time to figure out how to let go of either the expectations, or the person. You’re likely to feel pretty sensitive for the next several weeks. Write some poetry or music if that is your thing, or find some kind of outlet for your ennui.
SAGITTARIUS - It's time to tidy up your public image and the level of maturity and authority that others have of you. You might interpret that as “it’s time to grow up” and you would not be wrong. This grow up is specifically happening in your career house. You have the intellect and communication skills to give people the right impression to get ahead. If you have habits that need to be broken, you may find out that life breaks them for you in an unexpected way. Close relationships may be hard for you to focus on for awhile, so unless you are married, you don’t need the distraction. If you are married, make sure you’re communicating and not leaving them in the dark during this time of change for your individual self.
CAPRICORN - What are some bullshit beliefs you still hold that are not doing a damn thing for you? I promise there are some. We call these “limiting beliefs” and often we inherit them from our family at a young age. Knowing your nature, you’ve probably already released a good amount, but this new moon invites you to take inventory again and see what is no longer serving you, especially as it relates to your career. You are undervalued, or undervaluing yourself in some way. Create new habits that actually work for you instead of against you and that support a new set of beliefs. (For example, the habit of eating better to support an energy level you need; the habit of daily affirmations to rewrite beliefs; the habit of regular fun and play to support your general mental health)
AQUARIUS - Your vibe could be killing the mood, babe. If you aren’t careful, you can intellectualize or criticize intimacy to the point of snuffing the flame. Let go for the sake of letting go. Relinquish control and let your freak flag fly. Don’t question it, just feel it, and enjoy it. On a less sexy note, get your spending and your debt under control. Get a list of all your debt and a plan of how to attack it through the rest of this year. Creative thinking will solve any conflicts or shortages. Learn how to play more often, and hey, sex is (usually!) free.
PISCES - Take time to tidy up and review your contracts. With Virgo in the 7th house of your chart, you will have a sharp eye for anything that needs it. Your close relationships probably need some attention and care, and you’re likely to feel more inclined to give it during this time. Be careful of being over critical or expecting perfection, however. That will damage the connection and it’ll be hard to get it back. Rather than trying to figure out how to say something to your partner, for the time being, just don’t say it if it is not mission critical. You might also consider saying it with actions - show what you need by giving it to them.
SUN → Virgo
MARS - Gemini
JUPITER - Aries (Rx)
SATURN - Aquarius (Rx)
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius (Rx)
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Gemini
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Aquarius (Rx)
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
SUN → Virgo
MARS - Gemini
JUPITER - Aries (Rx)
SATURN - Aquarius (Rx)
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius (Rx)
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Gemini
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Aquarius (Rx)
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 22 Aug
Sun enters Virgo
Mercury trine Pluto
Venus conjunct Ceres
Sun opposite Vesta
Tuesday 23 Aug
Sun sextile Chaos
Wednesday 24 Aug
Uranus Retrograde
Venus trine Chiron
Mercury quincunx Vesta
Thursday 25 Aug
Venus square Lunar Nodes
Mercury enters Libra
Neptune square Pallas
Friday 26 Aug
Pallas sextile Eris
Venus quincunx Juno
Mercury square Chaos
Saturday 27 Aug
Venus square Uranus
Sun square Mars
New Moon in Virgo 04:16 am Pacific
Chiron trine Ceres
Sunday 28 Aug
Venus opposite Saturn
Monday 29 Aug
Pluto quincunx Pallas