A Spicy Week, A Spicy Essay - BitchScopes for 9/26-10/3
I have to say this week looks a little spicy. Recurring themes are: passion, rebellion, impulsiveness, & intensity. But there are some definite gifts this week as well.
Monday, Jupiter is opposite the Sun, and will be the closest to Earth as it has been in 59 years. This is a good day to try your luck, do some post-new-moon manifesting, or to do some abundance and receiving affirmations.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and part of Thursday there’s a great deal of passion, dedication and devotion. Thursday is the pivot point. On that day, Venus and Ceres change signs.
But then Thursday through Sunday there could be disagreements, angry words, and general instability. Sunday Mercury stations direct, and that’s always a doozy.
Monday the 3rd of October has no significant transits and so is “no pants day”, as per the declaration that occurred on September 3rd, the inaugural no pants day.
And now, for something completely different (a little soft shoe…)
I was preparing to write the scopes, and this summary, as I do every week. And one thought led to another led to another led to another…you get the idea…so much air. Anyway, I started thinking about co-rulers and new/alternate rulers for some of the signs and asteroids. This is a hot topic in astro-nerd communities, but as we discover new planets and learn about their mythology and symbolism, I think it would be a waste to not give those energies a place in our collective consciousness to express. And I want to talk about Lilith and Eris.
This is gonna get real deep and nerdy.
Lilith was mythologically Adam’s first wife who refused to submit and was thereby cast out and abandoned. Some versions of the story say she refused to lie beneath Adam for sex… a bitch just wants to be on top, ADAM! sheesh! There are a variety of stories of what happened next. Some say she left Eden and found some cool demons to hang out with. There she had a sexual awakening, boned all the demons and had demon babies. Adam was pouty and wanted to have her demon babies taken away but Lilith wasn’t having any of his shit and thus the independent woman was born.
She is referred to as a succubus in Sumerian myths, and is part of the same mythology as Ishtar and Inanna. Strong, independent women who wanna be on top have always been villainized, it seems. In the horror movie community, she’s often referred to or depicted as a demon, a vampire, or some other nasty naughty villanness. One thing is certain, Lilith takes no shit.
There are (confusing) astrological references to Lilith as 3 different things: 1) the black moon (which is just a point, like the midheaven, not an object) which is the moon at its farthest distance from Earth, 2) “ghost moon” or dark moon. It was first thought to be a 2nd moon but then discovered to be a dust cloud…or was it? Maybe it was a flickering of a parallel dimension? And finally, 3) the asteroid Lilith. The 3 incarnations of Lilith tell her journey: the asteroid is the initial disappointment and rebellious part of her journey, the dark moon/ghost moon is when she is exiled, and the black moon is when she assimilates her shadow and transmutes all that rage into wisdom. In your chart, Lilith is where you have felt ashamed, humiliated, misunderstood, ridiculed, repressed. You may struggle to express the traits of your Lilith placement, and you may be triggered by seeing others express those things comfortably

Eris is called the goddess of discord and strife and represents the imbalance of power, the injustices and abuse of power, and conditions which create jealousy, competition, and enemies. Her story is as follows: Eris was daughter of Nyx, sister of Aries. There was a wedding (and don’t all weddings end up hurting someone’s feelings!?) and Eris wasn’t invited. So she engraved a golden apple with “to the most beautiful one”, and tossed it in amongst the guests, which included Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera and their men. All 3 goddesses claimed the apple. And Zeus (which if you know mythology, you know Zeus was a shady motherfucker) wasn’t getting caught up in this mess, so he told Paris to decide. Paris awarded it to Aphrodite, and basically then everyone was pissed. The Trojan war followed, and ultimately led to the end of the age of heroes and gods.
And the truth is, the dudes/gods scapegoated Eris and blamed her for the whole thing. (similar to the Eve story, which also had an apple…hmmm!) The guys wouldn’t own up to anything and just painted her to be the asshole. She was hurt, and after the events unfolded, she was permanently wounded, and so are we, as a culture, as a gender, as a society. Eris represents the muffled and repressed cries of women, their subjugation by the Patriarchy (you see why I love her?), and the structures and power plays that victimize the feminine. She’s had it. She will no longer be silenced, abused, or invisible. Lilith is personal, Eris is a collective energy. Because they have very similar archetypal energy, they vibe with each other. Eris brings enlightened information in from way out past Pluto’s darkness, filters it through her characteristics, and delivers the information to Lilith, who is able to communicate it to our body and our beliefs.
Remember when Pluto was kicked out of the solar system? When the asteroid Eris was discovered in 2005 and they classified her as a dwarf planet. However, she’s a little bigger and denser than Pluto, so they had to reclassify and demote Pluto as a dwarf planet. It’s no joke to demote and ostracize the god of the underworld! But she did!
Like Pluto, she ain’t fuckin’ around! She’s like “sure, Pluto. I’ll see your death and rebirth, and I’ll raise you - destruction, vengeance, and righteous rage” She is womanhood’s collective jealousy, wrath, anger, rejection. Eris as a social planet also represents global rebellion, reactions against civilization, feminist movements, striving (sharing a root with strife and stride), climate change, global terrorism, the use of technology against nature.
Having read all that, I immediately was struck with the thought “Why has no one proposed Eris as the modern ruler for Aquarius?!” Aquarius, being the messy, rebellious, humanitarian, visionary, dreamer, inventor, scientist, astrologer, technology nerd, future-focused, member of the weirdo club, president of the avant-garde association, eccentric odd-ball, and outsider…I feel like Eris and Aquarius are MFEO! (Made for each other)
So, I am proposing that Eris be a modern co-ruler of Aquarius, along with Uranus, and Chaos. (More on Chaos later, and I’m ditching Saturn as the ancient rule of Aquarius because it makes NO sense to me! What other sign is ruled by a planet whose energy is its opposite?) Huzzah!
So for this week’s scopes, I’m going to tell you where Eris and Lilith are in your current chart. Black Moon Lilith is very active, whereas. Asteroid Lilith is a very long term energy. So you get a picture of the immediate present time, and the longer range. Eris isn’t going anywhere for 20+ years so that’s a pretty fixed energy. I’m also going to tell you who I propose as co-rulers for your sign, and why. Someday I will write “The Book of BitchStrology” and I’ll call it “Bob” (because I’m an Aquarian).
TAURUS - Taurus, your ruling planet is Venus. I wouldn’t even think of removing that. But I would add Ceres as a co-ruler. Ceres is about nurturing, specifically the body. Ceres rules food and nourishment, and we all know that there are many famous chefs with strong Taurus charts. You show love through food sometimes, but always with profound caring about the other person’s well being. Lilith can show where you feel under-nurtured, or ignored. Asteroid Lilith is currently in your 4th house (Leo), and Black Moon Lilith is transiting your 3rd house (Cancer). This indicates feelings of shame, possibly a feeling of rejection with family, and difficulty in loving yourself. Or you may be rejecting certain family patterns or traditions. The way you express yourself, or the ideas that you express, may be rejected. Eris in Aries (for many years to come) is how you suppress your more chaotic and wild urges. You may find the freedom and new traditions you seek in mysticism and spirituality.
GEMINI - Gemini, your ruling planet is Mercury. Period. End of story. I can’t think of a co-ruler that would do your lightning fast mind justice. Lilith the asteroid is currently transiting your 3rd house, and Black Moon Lilith is in your 2nd. Presently you are dealing with some financial losses, or feelings of insecurity about money and possessions. You have a fear of failing, or are afraid due to past financial traumas. Lately you may behave with money in a way that is completely counter to actually soothing your money insecurities. You repress the fear you feel, and struggle to expressing your beliefs and fears about these things for fear of rejection. Eris is in your 11th house of hopes and dreams (I love how Eris and Lilith work together!) and humanitarianism. Call it ironic, but volunteering for a charity of some kind, and actually giving away a little bit of your “sacred coin” could heal your money vibration!
CANCER - You’re ruled by the Moon, and that is beautiful and perfect. But it has to be hard for you to have your feelings changing every time the moon moves and changes signs and phases (and that’s a lot). I propose Ceres as a co-ruler for Cancer. I actually wish we could rename the zodiac sign of Cancer something else completely because it makes me think of the disease! Can’t we call you Luna, or something? I even looked up how to say “crab”, “tide”, “shell” in other languages. Someone needs to figure this out. Ok anyway, Ceres is about nurturing and who does that better than you? Asteroid Lilith is currently in your 2nd house and Black Moon Lilith is transiting your 1st. Lilith in the 2nd house speaks to insecurity about money in the present day. There could be fixation or obsession with making money, or a desire to rebel against economic “rules”. Fear of failure looms in your mind. The first house is how you express your authentic self to the world. You may be feeling rejected and insecure about your appearance. Eris in Aries is in your 10th house (and will be for many more years). This is your career house, which is directly and figuratively feeding your 2nd house of income (crazy how Eris and Lilith work together, huh?). Authority is going to be a bee in your bonnet. It probably has been for a long time and it will continue to be. Expressing your own authority and power and rebelling against abuse of power is going to fuel your career path.
LEO - So, Leo is ruled by the Sun. And I guess that makes sense because you do like to be at the center of things. But it always felt like …ok it’s a bit much. The actual Sun? Leo gets the SUN? So in the Book of Bitchstrology (BOB) I’ll keep the Sun as a ruler of your sign. But I might add Jupiter because it’s big, bright, and beautiful. Venus is already kinda busy, but I like her for you too. There’s an asteroid called Chaos, which represents raw human potential, and I’m assigning that as your co-ruler. Asteroid Lilith is transiting your 1st house of self, and Black Moon Lilith is currently in your 12th house, so her energy is buried deep in your unconscious mind and deeply held limiting beliefs. She’s hard to predict in the 12th, she is unseen and definitely feels that way. If you can heal the feeling of being lost and ignored, you can transform how you present yourself to the world. Eris is in your 9th house of beliefs (I love the connection between Eris and Lilith, and here you have internalized beliefs and externally studied beliefs!). You might find the freedom you seek and the empowerment to express yourself through study, philosophy and travel. Those experiences will communicate to your unconscious mind and heal the feelings of isolation and abandonment.
VIRGO - I have the hardest time trying to understand Mercury’s assignment to Virgo. I know that it’s because Mercury rules thought processes, and order. But there’s so much more to you than the OCD I make fun of you for. There’s a deep need to be of service, and a devotion to caring for others. Virgos and 6th house people make great doctors and nurses and caregivers. So it makes sense to me that some astrologers think Chiron would be a good co-ruler for you. I agree. You are a healer. In “BOB” (Book of BitchStrology if you didn’t read the essay), I would also assign Vesta to you. Vesta rules the hearth and home. She is about devotion and sacred purpose. In mythology, the sacred fire is kept burning by the Vestal Virgins. Virgo is a wild dual archetype - the virgin and the whore. Vesta’s desire for purity and order in the home is all you, baby. It works. I said so. So asteroid Lilith is currently in your 12th house, so you may feel rebellious and reject convention spirituality. Your sexual nature may be wrapped up in your spiritual pursuits. Much of this is buried in your unconscious until you become aware, which may have just happened. Black Moon Lilith is in your 11th house giving you a deep desire for independence and freedom. You’ve likely felt rejected recently by some group or by your friends. Eris is transiting your 8th house (she’ll be there for a good, long time). This is a very transformative placement and represents a long term goal around acceptance and intimacy. When you understand that intimacy begins with understanding yourself, you will heal many things, including some friendships.
LIBRA - Well there’s no question I would leave Venus as your ruler. There has been some discussion about Eris being the co-ruler of Libra, but this makes me shake my head and blink fast. Wut? Eris does represent justice and power balances, ok. But her anger and rage are so out of place with Libra, who will sacrifice too much to achieve harmony. I don’t like the idea of assigning a planetary ruler that represents the opposite of the sign. “They” did that with Saturn and Aquarius and I think it’s dumb. There I said it! (Is my Lilith showing?) But…how did they miss adding Juno to your sign as a co-ruler? She is the protector of marriage! In your natal chart, she represents what you need in a partner and sacred connection. Asteroid Lilith is transiting your 11th house of friends, hopes and dreams. Black Moon Lilith is currently in your 10th house of career. There’s a sense of rejection in a peer group of some kind. There is some aspect of yourself that you hide and protect, errrr…bury, so the public doesn’t see it. There is shame around some part of yourself that keeps you from being embraced by those same groups. Eris is in your 7th house of marriage and contracts. While you have scars from past relationships or past traumas in the current one, there is freedom wounding because it helps you find balance, because you tend to be overly sacrificial to keep the peace. Taking back your personal power will even the scales.
SCORPIO - Scorp, Pluto is perfect for you. I’m not messing with perfection. I don’t hate that Mars was your original ruler. It fits. But Mars without Pluto feels like it lacks purpose, and that isn’t how I feel you. When I write “BOB”, I am going to add Lilith as your co-ruler. I mean, could it be more perfect? If Pluto represents the rebirth, Lilith is the catalyst and the wound. Lilith, goddess of hell. Lilith, the representative of the sexual desires and urges we repress. So much juicy shadow behavior! Asteroid Lilith is in your 10th house currently. She’s giving you that itch to rebel or to just walk out of your job and start over. There’s something around your career that you have been shamed for. Black Moon Lilith is in your 9th house. Maybe your education or religious upbringing is a source of shame. Meanwhile, Eris is in your 6th house of routine and habit making you really resent the 9 to 5 routine, or other traditional and conventional structures, including medicine and wellness. It might be time to do your own thing, go out on your own, or otherwise break out of the box that your job has put you in.
SAGITTARIUS - Your ruler is Jupiter, giver of luck and gifts and ruler of knowledge and experiences. There’s no question that this fits. When I write The BOB, I am going to add Pallas as a co-ruler. Pallas actually refers to Pallas Athena, goddess of wisdom. Pallas has a gift for recognizing patterns, strategy, and other mental gifts. She is brilliant. As for Lilith and Eris - Asteroid Lilith is in your 9th house and Black Moon Lilith is in your 8th house. The relationship between the 8th and the 9th is that your learn yourself, you learn intimacy with others, you share things in the 8th and then you take them into the more public world and learn about things outside of yourself. Lilith struggles here because she carries shame about intimacy, and she does not align with traditional religion and philosophies embodied in the 9th house. She is either going to fake it, or spray paint the church with pink pussies. There’s little in between the extremes. Eris lives in your 5th house, which governs sex and romance. Again, she’s either going to fake it, or she’s going to wear assless chaps to the local fair. If you find yourself being offended by certain lifestyles, or what other people find fun, you need to examine why. Chances are that there is an envy in the freedom of expression that other people allow themselves to have.
CAPRICORN - Well Cap, I’m super familiar with who you are, because I am you. I mean, I am an Aquarius, but I have a lot of Cap energy. I don’t even dislike Saturn cuz he’s my Pop. He’s it. Saturn is our guy, period, end of story. There are no other entities that embody the focus and determination of a Capricorn. Lilith and Eris are bound to be awkward for you. You represent convention and tradition, and she/they represent disruption of tradition. She hates it. She resents it. And so do you, but you haven’t realized it yet. Eris lives in your 4th house of home and family. Family and traditional values are what you absorbed. But Eris here indicates part of you really wants to rebel and break free of what you grew up with and you want to raise your family differently. Asteroid Lilith is in your 7th house of marriage and Black Moon Lilith is in your 8th house of intimacy and freakiness. I mean, we all know that buttoned up Caps are actually freaks, right? I think we do. There’s a core wound around sex or your sexuality. It could be a trauma from childhood, or just a lifestyle or sexuality preference that you are possibly not giving voice to. Or if you are expressing it, you either feel some shame, or you bury the shame and go overboard and wear the assless chaps to Christmas dinner at Grandma’s. These are hard oppositions to overcome, but you will. Without question, you will.
AQUARIUS - Well obvs, you’re my favorite because I’m a smidge biased. I mentioned earlier that I have never understood why Saturn was assigned to us, ever. The supposed logic is that Saturn represents all the things we rebel against, and we literally represent rebellion, so sure…that works. Meh. I don’t think it works at all. Now Uranus is great. Uranus is quirky and unpredictable and future oriented and genius and wild. That’s Aquarius. But I really feel a great co-ruler would be Eris. She represents all the things we rebel about: humanitarianism, environmentalism, racism, sexism…all the isms. We hate isms. I would also add the asteroid Chaos as a co-ruler because it represents raw human potential, potential reached by going through difficulty. Aquarius is chaotic. My favorite way to work is the disassemble and blow up whatever the thing is and then reassemble it better. That’s Chaos. There’s creativity galore,its just messy at first. So anyway, Lilith…the asteroid is in your 7th house right now and will be for quite awhile. You will seek partnerships that are freeing. And you will seek partners who embody the wildness of Lilith, because you bury your true desires. Black Moon Lilith is in the 6th house currently. You probably have a different way of accomplishing tasks and maybe someone in authority or that is a mentor gives you shit about it. Maybe you have some shame about how you get things done. Eris is living in your 3rd house and absolutely informs your 6th house Lilith. Eris in the 3rd tells us that during your primary education, you struggled, or you were made to feel ashamed, or you were made fun of for being a smarty pants. You did things a little differently, and you still do. And the teachers at school and the workplace might make you feel badly. If you don’t embrace your weirdness and stop apologizing for it, you’re bound to rebel and quit jobs. (um, ask me how I know)
PISCES - Pisces, I just love Neptune for you. They nailed this one. Jupiter as your traditional ruler…eh. It’s just OK and a lukewarm fit for me. In the BOB, I am going to add Chariklo as your co-ruler. Chariklo is the wife of Chiron, who is the co-ruler of your opposite sign, Virgo. Virgo and Chiron are the healers. Pisces and Chariklo hold the space for the healing to happen. Chariklo embodies compassion, just like Pisces does. She’s very empathetic and empathic, so she’s perfect for you! Asteroid Lilith is in your 6th house making you feel funky about routines and tasks and how you are asked to do them. There are better ways, and they aren’t listening to you about it. Black Moon Lilith is currently in your 5th house, inviting you to stay in the discomfort of having the focus on you and the weird way you do things. Your children may have the same issues with you that your employers and co-workers do. When you judge the way other people experience joy, you are just deflecting attention from you, who desires to feel joy in an unconventional way. Eris lives in your 2nd house, so there’s a history of shame around money. You’re damned if you have money - shame on you for being materialistic; and your damned if you don’t have money - shame on you for not being a better saver. Financial and economic systems in general chafe your soul. But you push those feelings down because you’d be made fun of and there’d be attention on you and oh my god…Fuck that. Become a socialist. Go live off the grid. Be a sex worker. Make money and have things in a way that is authentic.
SUN - Libra
MERCURY - Virgo (Rx, stationing direct Sunday)
VENUS --> Libra
MARS - Gemini
JUPITER - Aries (Rx)
SATURN - Aquarius (Rx)
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius (Rx)
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces (Rx)
VESTA - Aquarius (Rx)
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Mon 26 Sept
Venus trine Pluto
Mercury conjunct Venus
Sun opposed Jupiter
Tues 27 Sept
Mercury trine Pluto
Mars trine Saturn
Sun trine Chariklo
Uranus sextile Lilith
Wed 28 Sept
Pallas trine Juno
Thurs 29 Sept
Venus enters Libra
Ceres enters Virgo
Mercury quincunx Eris
Fri 30 Sept
Venus square Chaos
Sat Oct 1
Venus opposite Jupiter
Ceres sextile Chaos
Saturn quincunx Lilith
Sun Oct 2
Mercury direct at 5:57am @ 24° Virgo
Sun quincunx Juno
Mon Oct 3
-No pants day
Venus trine Pluto
Mercury conjunct Venus
Sun opposed Jupiter
Tues 27 Sept
Mercury trine Pluto
Mars trine Saturn
Sun trine Chariklo
Uranus sextile Lilith
Wed 28 Sept
Pallas trine Juno
Thurs 29 Sept
Venus enters Libra
Ceres enters Virgo
Mercury quincunx Eris
Fri 30 Sept
Venus square Chaos
Sat Oct 1
Venus opposite Jupiter
Ceres sextile Chaos
Saturn quincunx Lilith
Sun Oct 2
Mercury direct at 5:57am @ 24° Virgo
Sun quincunx Juno
Mon Oct 3
-No pants day