BitchScopes for the week of September 19th and the Libra New Moon
There’s a couple of significant shifts this week. Let's just look at this day by day...
Monday we can be surprised by some emotions and emotional experiences. This could come from any direction. Whatever it is, it will offer you an infusion of passion into things you feel strongly about.
Tuesday we are likely to feel somewhat insecure and wonky about love and finances.
Wednesday - heal yourself and you’ll heal those around you as well
Thursday is a red letter day. On Thursday, Mercury retrograde is in an “inferior conjunction” with the Sun. This is part of every retrograde period. This energy favors reflection over action, and cautions us against impulsivity during the last phase of the retrograde. Also on Thursday, the Sun enters Libra, where we focus on relationships, balance, and harmony. The day the Sun changes signs is always a big energetic bump and adjustment.
Friday, is another day to highlight on the calendar, as Mercury retrograde enters Virgo. This phase is particularly prone to miscommunications at work, delays, and missed deadlines.
Saturday is a murky day. We can have trouble knowing what we want or how we feel, and there could be disruptions in the flow.
Sunday is the big day this week, because we have a lovely and generous new moons. The new moon in Libra is a beautiful time for potential and intention, especially as it regards relationships. New moons are always great for manifesting, and this one gives the green light for manifesting romantic relationships. This moon is opposite Jupiter, which actually offers good luck. Those of us already in relationships are encouraged to prioritize our own needs within the relationship, and finding balance between the “Me” and the “we”. While we are looking at our own needs and how they are or are not met, we also need to acknowledge where we have not been as open or giving as we could have been. Maybe you’ve been more of a receiver lately, or in a more extreme example, perhaps you’ve been a more selfish partner or even a taker. It might be time to give more. Whatever the equation, it will seek balance. Use this moon to manifest a great and well balanced partner, or to recalibrate and rebalance an existing relationship.
Monday just underscores that New Moon energy by giving us some passion, and service within relationships. Do you and your partner serve each other equally? Does the word “serve” trigger you? Good. Lean in to that and explore why.
Here’s how the New Moon will affect your sign (I would suggest you read both your sun sign, and your rising sign).
ARIES - This moon falls into one of the ideal spots in your chart - your 7th house. Libra (your actual mirror and the sign directly opposite yours) asks if your existing relationship is balanced. Are your “me” and “we” equal? Is your hard-core goal oriented nature neglecting your relationship? If you aren’t currently in a relationship, take this time to get some clarity about what you want. Remember to actually tap in to your feelings during this time; what you want now may be different than what you used to want, or what you think you should want. What are the qualities you need in a partner?
TAURUS - Take this opportunity to revamp your day to day routine and make sure you aren’t so busy being busy that you don’t take time for others or your relationship. Consider using Monday after the new moon to be present and mindful about each task in your daily schedule. Why do you do it? Why do you do it when and how you do it? Make some notes and review them later. Shuffling things around can change the energy of your day in a huge way. Is there even room in that schedule for love? Better make some if you want some!
GEMINI - This new moon asks you to add more fun to your relationship. The Libra new moon in your 5th house of sparks, romance and joy is an invitation to do something new. Change up your sex life, your date night, your dating profile. Try to remember how to be a flirt (unlikely you’ve forgotten, but it may be an underutilized skill lately).If relationship vibes are not your jam right now, this is a great time to get a creative project going. You will have lots of great ideas and creative insights, so don’t let them go to waste!
CANCER - The Libra new moon lands in your 4th house of home. Libra loves a good decorating splurge and some fall scented candles. But on the deeper side of this, take some time to explore what makes you feel safe? That’s what home is after all…the place where we can feel secure, let our hair down, let down the walls and the drawbridge. Who are the people you feel that way with? What places make you feel safe? What characteristics in a partner make you feel safe to be vulnerable and intimate? If you need to manifest more of that, this is the time!
LEO - If you get too wrapped up in yourself, your tasks, your jobs, your whatever, you can feel disconnected from the people around you. You need the people around you in order to function…its part of your make up. Likewise, if you are spending too much time in other people’s energy (the sign opposite you is humanitarian Aquarius) you lose track of your bright inner light. Take this time to reconnect or manifest new connections. Between Mercury retrograde and the moon in your 3rd house, the need for good communication is highlighted and underscored. Reach out to the people that have fallen off your task list. Reconnect with your own gifts.
VIRGO - Use this time to manifest a more secure future. The moon falls in your 2nd house of earned money, so re-do your budget, or your resume, whatever feels right. But also, take a good look at what you already have, either financially or in personal gifts, and see how you might utilize those resources to create more security. If you’re single, work on manifesting a partner who brings balance and security to you. What do you truly value in a partner, and most importantly, in yourself?
LIBRA - This is your new moon. When was the last time you put yourself truly first? Most of you won’t be able to answer that. As the sign which symbolizes balance, you don’t always embody it, because you’re human, after all. But you do tend to be an over-giver in relationships. After awhile that becomes fused into your identity and you forget to think about yourself. Feeling complete as an individual makes you a better partner. So instead of asking what your partner deserves (because you are the sweetest), set some intentions around what you deserve, and integrating those new beliefs into your core self.
SCORPIO - You’re not going to hate this message…Use this new moon time to curl up and spend some time alone. This moon falls in your 12th house, which is a whole bunch of things, but one of them is rest. The 12th house is a place of solitude, and in extreme, isolation. But you are one of the signs that needs space to think and feel. Make some lists about whatever is weighing you down right now. Then consider what the opposite of that feeling is. Generally I prescribe manifesting for new moon energy. But in this placement, you could feel more directed to release, and that’s totally fine. Release what weighs you down. Call in the opposite. Then re-emerge from your cocoon in a few days feeling rejuvenated.
SAGITTARIUS - Like Scorpio, you’re not likely to hate this message…hang out with your friends and have a good time. Oh gee whiz. Damnit. Ugh. You hate being social. Hahaha. Get together with your friends and let them know you appreciate them. If you are in need of a new group of friends, this is a great moon to manifest that. If your social life isn’t your focus right now, use this moon to manifest some of your big and important dreams. Write them down and spend some time visualizing them. Your ruling planet Jupiter is boosting this new moon, so don’t let this opportunity slip away.
CAPRICORN - This is your invitation to manifest the shit out of this new moon to call in a better and more satisfying job or career. You have some Mercury hijinx in this same house stirring things up. Mercury retrograde here will also allow you to introspect and really identify what is and isn’t working for you and what you really want and need instead. Visualize how you would feel if your job felt more satisfying and rewarding, both spiritually and financially. That feeling is what really fuels manifesting work.
AQUARIUS - Oh this is juicy, Aquarians. I love this for us. This new moon falls into our 9th house of beliefs. That house also rules experience, culture, language and travel. So yes, absolutely manifest your travel dreams and let’s go! But on a deeper level, take inventory of your personal beliefs…the ones that you likely inherited from your parents about the world. Beliefs like: hard work is the only way to make money, money is the root of all evil, jobs are not meant to be satisfying, there’s no such thing as an ideal partner, marriage is forever, health is related to body size, church is how we connect with God…I could go on and on. These are the deeply held beliefs that we inherit. What are yours and which ones don’t work for you? Create new beliefs and manifest from there.
PISCES - This new moon in Libra lands in your 8th house of intimacy. If you’re in a committed relationship, you can use this time to enhance connection, closeness and intimacy. Or you can use it to unravel what might be going wrong with your intimacy. If you are single, or wanting more of a commitment, use this moon to manifest that partnership. Call in the love life that you want and need. The 8th house is deep, so superficial hookups need not apply. Sex is only intimate in a very small sense of the word. You crave something much deeper, and so does that 8th house which rules all your partnerships.
SUN --> Libra
MERCURY --> Virgo (Rx)
VENUS - Virgo
MARS - Gemini
JUPITER - Aries (Rx)
SATURN - Aquarius (Rx)
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius (Rx)
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces (Rx)
VESTA - Aquarius (Rx)
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Mon 19 Sept
Venus trine Uranus
Venus sextile Lilith
Tues 20 Sept
Pluto quincunx Ceres
Venus quincunx Saturn
Wed 21 Sept
Jupiter sextile Chariklo
Thurs 22 Sept
Sun conjunct Mercury Rx
Sun enters Libra
Fri 23 Sept
Mercury Rx enters Virgo
Sat 24 Sept
Venus opposite Neptune
Venus quincunx Eris
Sun 25 Sept
New Moon 2° Libra 2:54 PM Pacific Time
Mon 26 Sept
Venus trine Pluto
Mercury conjunct Venus
Sun opposed Jupiter