Gumption Conjunction, What's your Function? BitchScopes for the week of October 3rd and the Aries Full Moon

Alrighty, let’s see what kind of fuckery this week has in store for us. 

As you may recall if you read last week’s *essay*, we begin the week with no pants. No pants day is where there are no major astrological transit to transit aspects. Remove your pants, sit on the couch, drink wine for breakfast and have cereal for dinner.  

Tuesday we have everybody’s favorite transit: Saturn Square Uranus! Oh yay.  So this is the last time this square will peak until 2043.  This square has a history of undoing governments and fucking up the economy so…good news kids, we are right on track! Uranus rules the future and technology and progress, Saturn rules tradition, foundations and rules. These 2 were last squared up in 1999-2001 when Saturn was in Taurus and Uranus was in Aquarius.  Taurus is the earth and natural disasters, as well as money and currency. Aquarius is freedom and rebellion and humanitarianism (and is ruled by Uranus).  During that time, we saw the emergence of the internet (that’s Uranus’ influence) and the election of Putin as President of Russia. (I would love to see this square end that run!) The Euro was born, NATO (led by the US) bombed Yugoslavia (without UN approval), Russia was at war with Chechnya, there was a 7.4 earthquake in Turkey, there was the first crew to live on the International Space Station, the whole Bush vs Gore cluster fuck, with Florida at the center of the fuckery as ever. Vermont legalized same sex marriage (uh, fuck you Saturnian patriarchy much?). There was the USS Cole attacks, California had rolling blackouts, Gates stepped down as CEO of Microsoft, mobile phones became more common, there was a 7.9 earthquake in Indonesia and a 7.4 in Azerbaijan. And then of course 2001 brought terrorism to US soil and changed everything around the world. 

So Tuesday, the Uranus and Saturn square is exact, and they will be slowly moving out of square for several months.  They will still be spittin’ distance from an exact square for quite a while, but the temperature will slowly decrease. 

Wednesday through Saturday there are a number of transits that create insecurity, doubt, uncertainty and general bajiggityness about everything from our relationships to our life’s mission. And there’s a strong theme of “healing” all week.

But remember - healing isn’t the kumbaya part of the journey. Healing is painful and sore, and tender, and swollen and itchy and scabby and oozy.  And that brings us to the Full Moon.  Aries is a symbol of action and personal power, and the moon is feelings. Often, people with a natal Aries Moon are people that might have a lot of feelings, but not really know what to do with them, which I call “not knowing what to do with my hands”.  Emotions need to just be expressed, feelings just need to be felt, and yet, Aries wants to DO something. Which leads to awkward hand placement and lots of shifting around uncomfortably. 

This full moon in Aries is strongly influenced by a conjunction with Chiron, and an  opposition with Venus. This makes us more aware (full moons shine light on circumstances and truths) of our wounds that we haven’t processed or healed. (Great. When aren’t we doing that, Kelly?!  Honestly, I don’t know.)  Fears, doubts, and insecurities surrounding our gifts, strengths, skills, and confidence can pop out of the closet around this time and be all “Look at me and this gross unhealed insecurity from 1987!”  Then Venus joins the party and asks that we face our relationships without leaving our true selves, our truth, our authenticity, behind.  

The Full moon also sextiles Saturn. But this actually can provide us with the gumption (that’s not a word I use often - so you know that means it will be in the title!) to do the emotional work that is necessary. Saturn might actually help us calm our tits and keep our minds a little more focused.  So this moon may be uncomfortable, but it will bring up stuff that needs to come up (I’m making a blah blah blah mocking face at my very own words!). Ugh. 

The Sun will be trine Saturn as well, which gives us a commanding presence and a feeling of control over our own self so that we can do badass things in the world around us. 

However, it is just a day, so maybe just focus on small things like I do:  

  • staying out of jail, 
  • not saying everything I think, 
  • not making faces while other people talk, etc.  ;)

#RealisticGoals #PracticalButStillCrazy #CapAquariusCusp #TheySayCuspsDoNotExist #HaveTheyMetMeTho

ARIES - This full moon can increase your self awareness and give you downloads of insight and clarity.  Your path and purpose can become a little clearer and more accessible. This is an opportunity for you to assess how you show up in the world. You will be able to see/feel what is no longer working for you and that’s what you want to release under this moon in order to clear the path forward.  Authenticity and comfort in your fleshsuit are the goals! 

TAURUS - A full moon in the 12th house, which is what you have going on this week, is a deep experience if you are tuned in. Things that you have buried or hidden from yourself can come up at this time. Sometimes it's a goal or project that you set aside for emotional reasons and your subconscious is asking you to revisit that issue. If you enjoy dreaming, pay attention to your dreams this week and next. Your subconscious mind, which absorbs everything, will not only be purging, but giving you clues on what you need to work on. You can’t really see into the subconscious, but it can communicate with you about what is gumming up the gears of progress.  

GEMINI - Honesty within friendship is key. This full moon may open a door for meaningful exchange of feelings with friend(s) or associate(s).  The 11th house also rules hopes and dreams for the future, so this moon might also illuminate your path forward in regard to closing in on those dreams. If you do any work with the public, you may receive some clarity about your mission/message.  Don’t back away from what you feel passionate or creative about, even if there are trolls trying to cramp your buzz. 

CANCER - If you work in the public eye or in social media, this week could be great in terms of attention focused on you. That’s only really a problem if you aren’t ready for attention to be on you.  This is not a time to hold back or play things safe. The full moon will illuminate what is in your way on your path of achievement and career.  It’s tempting to be small and avoid criticism,or attention, or failure, but that won’t really move you forward very much. Be a bold bitch!

LEO - The full moon falls in your 9th house, and that’s a spiritual placement. Your beliefs and philosophies about life and how you live it are lit up by this lunation. Your path forward can become clearer.  You may also realize around this time that you don’t believe some of the things you thought you did. Let that shit go! Declutter your belief system and your dreams for the future and focus on the adventures and experiences that are worth the work and effort. 

VIRGO - This moon is going to be a deep one for you, but it also has the potential to be incredibly healing and propel you forward.  This moon lights up your 8th house. This is like lighting up the closet or old storage unit where you’ve accumulated emotional baggage from intimate connections. This house also rules debt, taxes, and money that comes to you that you didn’t “earn” (at a job).  So this is a very good time to unpack those bags! Use this time to notice, acknowledge, and work through wounds around intimacy, money, or behaviors that hold you back.  

LIBRA - Your sign rules relationships and contractual partnerships like marriage. And it seems like that’s a big focus for you this whole year. And here it is again. This full moon lights up your 7th house, and will show you what needs to be leveled up in your relationships. Issues that come up now are ones you need to focus on, and as you do that, a portal develops that allows you to evolve within that partnership.  (This does also refer to employer relationships.) Let the light shine on the things that need work and don’t be shy about allowing things to change.

SCORPIO - I love a full moon in the 6th house. This is a great placement for purging and purification.  Release old habits that aren’t healthy. Release anything that hampers your healing process. You may become aware of some body issues that you need to take care of (i.e. just make the damn Dr. appt!) This house is also about work. Projects or plans you have been working on will be finishing up for better or worse around this time. Take time to breathe and replenish your energy.

SAGITTARIUS -  The 5th house is the house of creativity, fun, romantic sex, and courtship. Creative projects can be wrapping up or coming to fruition around this full moon.  Give credit where credit is due, especially if that is you. You may become aware of feeling like you’re missing something. It might be that you’re working too hard, or not hard enough.   We all need balance. You have to replenish the well. If you’ve been playing too hard, that will show up as well.  Listen to your inner child at this time and see what he/she is needing. 

CAPRICORN - Family issues and obligational detritus can float to the surface around this full moon which illuminates what’s going on in your 4th house.  You may be more aware of dysfunction and things that weigh you down.  Examine your roots and ancestral history and see what resonates with you.  This is a good time to release guilt, which you excel at.  What makes you feel secure and taken care of? That isn’t always the family of birth. Sometimes we have to do for ourselves what wasn’t done for us. Doing it without victim or martyr thinking is imperative. 

AQUARIUS - This moon in your 3rd house is likely to generate busy-ness for you.  Whatever your message is, people are listening. That may become more apparent during this time. Information and messages are almost guaranteed during this full moon, so pay attention. Secrets coming to light are possible. An issue with a sibling or a neighbor might pop up as well.  Use this moon to clear your planner. If you’ve taken on too much and you don’t have energy for growth, prune some branches.  

PISCES - Feelings and maybe fears around money, income, and assets are likely around this full moon. What exchanges of money energy make you feel oogie and which ones make you feel abundant. Pay attention to that. Use this moon to release old feelings and beliefs about money that hold you back.  This moon in your 2nd house can also help you see where the leaks and holes are, and give you clarity about exactly what you want to manifest.  Work on your budget and see about paying off some smaller bills, because it will really boost your overall vibe!


SUN - Libra
MERCURY --> Libra (now direct!)
VENUS - Libra
MARS - Gemini
JUPITER - Aries (Rx)
SATURN - Aquarius (Rx)
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius (Rx)
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces (Rx)
VESTA - Aquarius (Rx)
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Mon 3 October
No pants day

Tuesday 4 October
Saturn square Uranus
Mercury quincunx Eris

Wednesday 5 October
Jupiter quincunx Ceres
Vesta stations direct

Thursday 6 October
Venus quincunx Juno
Sun square Pallas
Sun quincunx North Node
Mercury trine Pluto

Friday 7 October
Sun opposite Chiron

Saturday 8 October
Chiron square Pallas
Pluto stations direct 26° cap
Ceres quincunx Chariklo

Sunday 9 October
Venus quincunx N Node
Full Moon 16° Aries 1:55pm PDT

Monday 10 October
Venus opposite Chiron
Pallas sextile N Node
Mercury enters Libra