Neptune on the Loose - BitchScopes for October 10-17
Meanwhile, back at the Bitchtropolis...
Idanno about you all, but my energy is lowwww. I’m writing this smack in the middle of the Full Moon energy and full moons always drain me. But we also have Mars and Neptune doing some bad dancing and those add some drag to our fleshsuits too. My fleshsuit really needs a forest bath, but the mosquitos would literally drain me dry, and I’d probably break my leg getting into place. But a girl can dream…about a flat and short path to a forest clearing with a comfortable recliner surrounded by a mosquito net.
But enough about my weird fantasies.
The first part of this week is a continuation of last week’s insecurity, leading into this week’s restlessness and anxiety. Mid week we start to find our voice and our balls, so to speak, and begin to feel fired up about facing our fears. Personal relationships may take a temporary back seat to passion projects at this time. Anxiety is catharted and becomes confidence over the weekend and into next week.
Mercury seems to be very inspired right now. After a long nap, some big ideas are coming to the surface. Mercury will be exiting the shadow period at 8° of Libra on Sunday, and that’s a big green light to take your inspiration out into the world and do big things with it. Information that has been delayed is coming to light now as well, for better or worse.
This week is heavily influenced by the fog and haze of Neptune. Mars square Neptune is a fairly big deal this week. This square can bring rumors and scandal and a general feeling of discouragement. Later this week we have the Sun quincunx Neptune, which brings a feeling of dissatisfaction and vague sense of feeling lost and disempowered. And then next Monday Venus is quincunx Neptune, adding difficult emotional and financial adjustments.
With all of this Neptune influence, it is a great week to dive into your art. It is not a great week to read and listen to all the news if you are sensitive or very empathic. If you have projects that are close to completion and you have the energy to finish them, I would advise you to jump on it. When Mars retrogrades, we all may feel lower energy than usual.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go shop for mosquito nets.
ARIES - Your dream life is likely to be rich right now, and it will inform your conscious mind and drives. Your self image and identity are undergoing a healing process right now as well, and this healing will ripple out into all areas of your life. This could be a time where you are generating a lot of ideas and solutions. Your personal relationships will benefit the most from your creative process right now. It may seem boring to utilize your higher mind for mundane needs, but humans are, unfortunately, mundane. You should motor, babe…you’re late for the gym.
TAURUS - General feelings of insecurity about your material needs will give way to practical solutions if you do the work. There will be an emphasis on money, comfort, security - all your favorite things, as Mars sets up camp in your 2nd house for several months. You have strong energy gracing your 6th house of getting shit done, so take advantage of it while it is there. A feeling of productivity will grease the wheels of change in your mental processes. In other words, doing stuff will pull you out of a funk. Change doesn’t happen with chenille blankets and new shoes alone, friend.
GEMINI - How you present yourself to the world both professionally and personally currently feels like jeans that are too tight when you sit down. First of all, take off your pants…no one needs that kind of negativity. Secondly, you have tremendous creative energy at your disposal right now, so use it. If you don’t know where to start, just get out a piece of paper and pens or a pencil and start doodling. Write down the words that come to mind, write down things you’re worried about or goals that are on your mind.. Change pen colors if you have options. Make arrows, circle things, scribble little notes. Let this doodle session flow. When you’re done, you may have only doodles of cats with thought bubbles (ok maybe that’s just me). But you may see some patterns, solutions, or find some insight about your path forward.
CANCER - Things you believe, both about yourself, and about big things like higher powers, past lives, the philosophies of governments, and other things that you forget after the edibles wear off, are highlighted right now. You may be moodier than usual (Goddess help us! heehee) while Mars transits your 12th house for a few months. You may feel more introspective and less social. Home is not only where your sign is ruler, but you have fantastic energy available in you in your 4th house right now. So it may be that you want to hunker down with your family, or you get the urge to do projects around the house this fall and winter. I like oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, if you were wondering.
LEO - While your most personal relationship(s) might be doing really well these days, it may be conflicting with some of your goals. I guess you gotta get outta bed and put your clothes on, horndog. Check your emails, sexy mcsexy pants! No for real, you may be operating in a pink cloud. Maybe you’re hiding, or maybe you’re just a little lost. You can blame Neptune if you feel foggy, hazy, lazy, confused, or like you’re operating on a different plane than everyone else. Your 3rd house is very strong right now, so you are likely to be busy socializing over the next few weeks, but don’t lose track of those long term goals and the spiritual insight available to you right now..
VIRGO - If you’re in a relationship, the juicy love goodness may be bumping heads with your career. Your 2nd house of earned income is very empowered right now, so I would advise you take advantage of any motivation or insights you have at the present time. The love bubble you might be in will not pop any time soon (if it's the right person, that is). In fact, your romantic partner might be a source of artistic or spiritual inspiration for you, which could inform some of your career goals. So yeah, I guess you can brainstorm in bed…but what will you write with? If you are uncoupled, then you can focus on your work relationships and make that money!
LIBRA - Work might be a source of some confusion for you at the moment. You may be questioning if you’re in the right place. Maybe the daily crap that happens is rubbing up against your personal ethics in an irritating way. Just remember who you are and how you got where you are. This is your season. Your 1st house of identity is empowered right now, so tapping into your personal authenticity will come just a little easier. But it is also possible that you have changed, and your moral compass has shifted a bit, and that is healthy! Don’t be afraid of some change, or to assert yourself in the workplace when you know something is wrong.
SCORPIO - This could be a time of profound creativity for you. You have access to some deep wells and the ability to put inspiration into action. You might also be experiencing some profound insights and downloads in regards to wounds and healing. Your spiritual self is having some major breakthroughs. One place this might materialize is with the children in your life, or with your own inner child. Use creative energy or the energy of play to let healing and spiritual downloads flow toward your consciousness. That’s all very deep, so you should probably have some wine or edibles with your crayons.
SAGITTARIUS - Your sign is known as the free wheeling eternal bachelor of the zodiac. So this week, where everything is about relationships, might bring on some bajiggityness for you. Relationships reflect back at us who we are and what we need. And your relationships may not be properly feeding your pie-in-the-sky, unrealistic expectations for your life. (Yes, that was a tiny dig.) Your home/family home can be a source of rest and inspiration for you, but too much dependence on family can hold you back. Your family and your romantic life may not be in great alignment. Maybe your partner is not well liked by your family or visa versa. Lean on your friends for more impartial guidance, because your 11th house is full of good stuff right now.
CAPRICORN - Well your current forecast looks like …work. So, nothing you aren’t comfortable with. And honestly this doesn’t look like more work, this looks like productivity. You could be receiving a good amount of information that you can apply as needed to your routine and career needs. This information may come from dreams, artistic inspiration, or from the people directly around you on a daily basis. I feel this is an energy of leveling up and gaining focus about the future. Mars will be camping out in your 6th house of service, health and routine for a good long while, so check in with those areas of your life and don’t be caught off guard. Get clear about what you truly desire for your future and maybe trim back some areas of effort that aren’t producing much fruit. Ugh, this horoscope was SO practical!
AQUARIUS - You have the opportunity right now to really do some work around limiting beliefs, inherited beliefs and shedding the stuff that doesn’t feel right to you anymore. Growth and change mean that we outgrow certain systems and paradigms, and actually it’s an exciting opportunity to clean out your unconscious mind. Do some reading about a subject that feels interesting and see what gets tickled in your brain. Also, don’t be afraid to tap into your creative side while Mars is squatting in Gemini this winter. You could make money from your artistic endeavors! Don’t take yourself too seriously. Make sure you incorporate play into any of your money making efforts.
PISCES - Your personal, individual identity and the identity that is projected on to you from your family could be at odds right now. This will be an ongoing issue for a few months, so you have plenty of time to parse through any information you receive in this regard. You have the ability to deep dive into places of intimacy and shadow thanks to a well populated 8th house right now. Utilize it to get clear on who you want to be and how you want your partnerships to reflect back at you. Just plant this seed in your mind and let information come to you with ease. The houses that inform this are the other water houses so it will not be difficult for you to access the information. Its how to employ/deploy the information that you may need help clarifying. Dude. I feel like I wrote this under the influence of an edible!
SUN - Libra
MERCURY --> Libra
VENUS - Libra
MARS - Gemini
JUPITER - Aries (Rx)
SATURN - Aquarius (Rx)
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius (Rx)
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces (Rx)
VESTA - Aquarius (Rx)
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 10 October
Venus opposite Chiron
Pallas sextile N Node
Mercury enters Libra
Tuesday 11 October
Mars trine Vesta
Venus square Pallas
Mercury square Chaos
Sun quincunx Uranus
Sun trine Saturn
Mars square Neptune
Wednesday 12 October
Mercury opposite Jupiter
Thursday 13 October
Sun square Lilith
Venus quincunx Uranus
Venus trine Saturn
Mercury trine Chariklo
Friday 14 October
No pants day -
Saturday 15 October
Venus square Lilith
Sunday 16 October
Mercury quincunx Juno
Sun trine Vesta
Sun quincunx Neptune
Mercury leaves shadow phase @ 8° Libra
Monday 17 October
Thursday 13 October
Sun square Lilith
Venus quincunx Uranus
Venus trine Saturn
Mercury trine Chariklo
Friday 14 October
No pants day -
Saturday 15 October
Venus square Lilith
Sunday 16 October
Mercury quincunx Juno
Sun trine Vesta
Sun quincunx Neptune
Mercury leaves shadow phase @ 8° Libra
Monday 17 October
Ceres opposite Juno
Mars sextile Eris
Sun opposed Eris
Venus quincunx Neptune
Sun trine Mars