Eclipse and Election Week 11/7 - and a Reminder that We really ARE going to be OK!
I tend to take for granted that clients, readers, and people in general are not always viewing things the way I am. And I sometimes forget to remind ya’ll…it’s going to be ok! I am very comforted by the patterns in astrology, and in humanity, frankly. Whatever difficulties you are going through personally, you’re going to get through it! And on the other side of it, coming at an annoyingly slow pace, is a version of you that is thriving. Trust me, I have been in the position of being on my knees or on my face just begging the Universe for a break, for a gift. It felt eternal when I was down there. I have been in that position several times in my life, and so have you. And look, we are up! We are reading this! We are doing the work! There are people in this community and tribe who are still down. They can’t find the focus or the motivation to read this, do the work, or even get out of bed. That is part of being human. Do what you can for the people who are really struggling and offer them some love, some comfort, some hope.
You know those dumb desk adornments our dads had in the 70’s…I had to look up what they are called: Newton’s Cradle, or…the executive ball clicker. Hahaha. Anyway, it embodies a principle of physics that applies to societal changes and government swings from the right to the left. If you pull one ball out from one side and drop it, all the balls swing in the opposite direction, and then back. Eventually they come to rest in the middle. That’s what will happen politically and socially. Balls are swingin’ real hard right now - patriarchy pun intended! Everything is very polarized. But the nature of the universe is that is wants balance and stasis. We will get there. And then it will swing hard the other way again. and on and on. You can only do what you can to affect change that is important to you. Then you have to allow yourself peace and hope...and share that with others!
As the outer planets move out of Capricorn and into Aquarius we WILL see a shift from those patriarchal ideas to something more socialist and humanitarian. And If the word socialist triggers you, please understand we already have many socialist structures in place: Social Security, fire departments, police departments, libraries, schools…and much more. Socialist does not equal communist. Please tell a friend! And we will thrive in a more humanitarian focused world for a bit. So don’t worry too deeply. Do the work inside yourself. Once you do that, you can do work in the community, and that grows and grows and that’s how individuals change the world. All that’s required is AWARENESS!
So don’t be afraid. Just be informed!
Alright on that note: buckle up, bitches, because we are in for a bumpy ride this week. Obviously we have the Election Day Eclipse so that’s huge. But you can also tell when a period of time is really significant by how many aspects the Sun makes to other planets; some weeks there are no sun aspects, but this week there are several, as well as some challenges between personal planets. Mars, Venus and Mercury are all very active, and Neptune is making things confusing.
Tuesday is election day AND a full moon AND a lunar eclipse. We will not have another total lunar eclipse like this one until 2025. AND Mars is retrograde in the sign of communication. To get the whole scoop on the eclipse or Mars retro, read the last couple BitchScopes.
This is a keep your pants on kind of week, with a confusing or challenging aspect almost every day. So let’s go through it.
Monday, get grounded, get centered, take care of yourself as much as possible. There’s nothing spinning out of control, until…
Tuesday. Vote. Make sure your ballot is tracked and counted. And then sit back and set intentions for calm, peace, and miracles. I say miracles are needed because it is almost guaranteed one side is going to go off in the wake of this election. The Sun conjuncts Mercury in Scorpio, which is a quest for the truth. Good luck finding it, because Mercury opposes Uranus, so it will be chaotic and probably a bit of a shit show. Everyone will be claiming to know the outcome before anyone really does.
Wednesday the Sun opposes Uranus, which is just general unpredictable chaos, which is typical after most elections.
Thursday Mercury squares Saturn, which makes for difficulty in getting information conveyed and understood. Venus (what we valued) trines Neptune, which makes things cloudy and declarations of victory are going to be premature.
Friday the Sun square Saturn, and Venus makes quincunxes with both Mars and Eris. When Mars and Venus are in hard aspects, people are not likely to be getting along. And remember, Mars is retrograde in Gemini, making getting to the facts really difficult.
Saturday we are just tired and confused with Mercury trine Neptune. Just sleep, meditate or do something artistic.
Sunday we get our values (Venus) sextiling Pluto (shit stirring transformation)
Monday we are likely to still be figuring out what the final outcome is with Mercury sextile Pluto and Sun trine Neptune.
To keep things a little lighter, I’m pulling a card for each sign from my new Cat tarot deck. Meow. We gotta find play where we can right now! I’ll include photos of these cards on the blog.
ARIES - Your card for this week is the King of Swords. See? This week comes out swinging! This cardis associated with the sign of Aquarius and is mentally sharp and not at all timid. Be aware of things this week like direct eye contact - both directed toward you and coming from you. This is a card of authority. Stand in your own authority. When we are secure, we are not engaging in petty battles. The sign of Aquarius is aloof and seems disconnected. This card tells us that we should not underestimate anyone, and beware to anyone who is foolish enough to underestimate you. The full moon eclipse happens on your money axis, so be level headed and secure about what is yours and what you owe to or carry for others.
GEMINI - Your card is the 6 of coins/pentacles, which speaks to being a good citizen. Interestingly, the eclipse also falls on your work and service axis (the 6 & 12 houses). With Mars retrograde in your 1st house of self right now, you may be pondering the balance of giving and receiving in your life, or this may come up in the next couple of weeks. This card is associated with Capricorn energy, which isnothing if not stable, responsible, and independent. Capricorn doesn’t answer to authority other than its own very often. Regardless of how this week goes or what the outcome is, the cure for whatever is making you bitter about your responsibilities is very likely found in charity.
CANCER - Your card is the 3 of Cups, reversed, which isn’t a super happy card. Instead of feeling supported, you feel the opposite, perhaps even betrayed. This doesn’t mean your spouse or partner is going to betray you (though you may feel a bit betrayed by a child). Actually, with the eclipse falling in your 11th house of friends, associates, hopes
& dreams, this is more likely to come from a friend group, a club or someplace where you just don’t feel you belong anymore (This could totally be a political party as well!) The breaking off may come from you or from them, but either way, this will be better for you. This card is also associated with Capricorn energy, which means you’ll be fine on your own or independently. You deserve to be recognized for your efforts, and a new tribe is likely to form around you, rather than you having to find one.
LEO - Your card is the Ace of Coins/Pentacles, reversed. This indicates that there’s a missed opportunity, probably related to money. The eclipse falls on your 4/10 axis, which pertains to home andcareer, private life and public life. So maybe you work extra hours but miss out on some family time, or you don’t get the raise you were counting on for the holidays. This is your sign to conserve money and spend carefully for the next several weeks. I pulled a 2nd card for you, which is the Page of Cups. This card is associated with the sign of Cancer and is telling you to listen to your intuition, and because it is Cancer-esque, that makes me think that erring on the side of family is probably the correct choice. I always come back to the fact that what is meant for you will find you. So just because this opportunity may not have worked out, doesn’t mean everything is fucked. It means something more aligned with you is on the way!
VIRGO - Your card is the Hermit, reversed! Either you are not taking enough time to introspect, being super busy and social in order to avoid confronting issues, or you are being too withdrawn. The eclipse falls on your 3/9 axis of learning and wisdom. A Full moon in your 9th house will inevitably out the truth and expose information that was previously unavailable to you. So whether you’re being a recluse, or you haven’t been alone for more than 10 minutes in 6 months, or whatever the case is, it will become obvious to you after this eclipse, and you’ll know where you need to let go.
CANCER - Your card is the 3 of Cups, reversed, which isn’t a super happy card. Instead of feeling supported, you feel the opposite, perhaps even betrayed. This doesn’t mean your spouse or partner is going to betray you (though you may feel a bit betrayed by a child). Actually, with the eclipse falling in your 11th house of friends, associates, hopes
& dreams, this is more likely to come from a friend group, a club or someplace where you just don’t feel you belong anymore (This could totally be a political party as well!) The breaking off may come from you or from them, but either way, this will be better for you. This card is also associated with Capricorn energy, which means you’ll be fine on your own or independently. You deserve to be recognized for your efforts, and a new tribe is likely to form around you, rather than you having to find one.
LEO - Your card is the Ace of Coins/Pentacles, reversed. This indicates that there’s a missed opportunity, probably related to money. The eclipse falls on your 4/10 axis, which pertains to home andcareer, private life and public life. So maybe you work extra hours but miss out on some family time, or you don’t get the raise you were counting on for the holidays. This is your sign to conserve money and spend carefully for the next several weeks. I pulled a 2nd card for you, which is the Page of Cups. This card is associated with the sign of Cancer and is telling you to listen to your intuition, and because it is Cancer-esque, that makes me think that erring on the side of family is probably the correct choice. I always come back to the fact that what is meant for you will find you. So just because this opportunity may not have worked out, doesn’t mean everything is fucked. It means something more aligned with you is on the way!
VIRGO - Your card is the Hermit, reversed! Either you are not taking enough time to introspect, being super busy and social in order to avoid confronting issues, or you are being too withdrawn. The eclipse falls on your 3/9 axis of learning and wisdom. A Full moon in your 9th house will inevitably out the truth and expose information that was previously unavailable to you. So whether you’re being a recluse, or you haven’t been alone for more than 10 minutes in 6 months, or whatever the case is, it will become obvious to you after this eclipse, and you’ll know where you need to let go.
LIBRA - Your card is the 8 of Coins/Pentacles, which is about working hard and mastery of a skill. The eclipse falls in your 8th house of debt and other people’s money, so it seems you are putting in a lot of effort to improve things financially. Because this is a lunar eclipse, I feel your hard work will be paying off for a while to come. Keep doing what you’re doing. This card, like several others I’ve pulled for these scopes, is associated with Capricorn. This is about responsibility, and even burden, but alsoambition and success. Another card did fall out of the deck with this pull, and it was the 6 of Wands, reversed. This cards indicates that you accept your successes with humility and without the need for praise or attention. Sometimes this comes after a setback where your confidence has taken a hit. This may be the reason you keep your victories private, and that’s probably wise.
SCORPIO - Your card is the Justice card, reversed. This is about accepting responsibility. If you tend to deflect blame onto others, you’ll know that this is rebuking you. But you also might be over critical of yourself. The eclipse is in your 7th house of relationships - I just peeked back at last week’s eclipse scopes to remind myself what the scoop was and man, does it match up with this one! The injustice here might not just be that you have done something morally askew, but that someone is possibly not doing you right. Remember the 7th house pertains to employment relationships as well as personal. I pulled a 2nd card for you and it is the 7 of swords, reversed. This is one of those cards which is generally more positive when reversed, and can indicate imposter syndrome, or some kind of lie you tell yourself. Whatever the case, what isn’t fair now, will always be corrected later.
SAGITTARIUS - Well happy almost birthday to you! You get the 9 of Cups card, and it's a sweet one. This card is often called “the wish card”, because it represents winning and getting what you want.Because the eclipse falls in your 6th house, you might be getting a raise, a better job, or a sweeter office. This card is associated with the sign of Pisces, which is fitting because the other end of the 6th house axis is the 12th house and the home of Pisces & Neptune. Listen to your intuition, your dreams, and be generous with others. Additionally, you win the shortest horoscope of the week prize, because not much else needs to be said here! Enjoy!
CAPRICORN - I pulled the Queen of Coins/Pentacles for you. This card is
associated with Taurus energy and shows the Queen resting comfortably on her lovely throne (or in the case of this deck, her fancy cat bed). This card is rich with fertility symbolism. Appropriately, the eclipse happens in your 5th house of children, but also creativity, play, and romance. Taurus generally represents a more conservative approach to things, which suits you nicely. It is time for you to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Lounge in the equivalent of your cat bed and enjoy the stability that hard work brings. Yep, that’s it.
AQUARIUS - Your card is the Fool card. This card is about new beginnings, innocence, spontaneity. Being ruled by Uranus, you are no stranger to chaos, and probably thrive in measured amounts of it inorder to feel creative. The fool card embodies the freedom of letting go and letting the chips fall, which would send other signs into a tailspin. The eclipse is in your 4th house indicating a period of finding security (Taurus) with what’s at home. However, what is opposite your 4th house is the 10th house of public life and career success. Let your creativity lead the way on your next venture.
PISCES - Your card is the Knight of Swords. Knights have a tendency to charge ahead, and this one is competitive. You will stop at nothing to achieve your
dreams and goals, especially ones of an intellectual nature. Make sure you are thinking things through, especially in the wake of this eclipse in your 3rd house. Some piece of information is likely to be illuminated that will prompt you to want to act…to jump on your horse and charge ahead courageously, but without paying attention to the details. Touch base with some earth energy (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) to check yourself.
SCORPIO - Your card is the Justice card, reversed. This is about accepting responsibility. If you tend to deflect blame onto others, you’ll know that this is rebuking you. But you also might be over critical of yourself. The eclipse is in your 7th house of relationships - I just peeked back at last week’s eclipse scopes to remind myself what the scoop was and man, does it match up with this one! The injustice here might not just be that you have done something morally askew, but that someone is possibly not doing you right. Remember the 7th house pertains to employment relationships as well as personal. I pulled a 2nd card for you and it is the 7 of swords, reversed. This is one of those cards which is generally more positive when reversed, and can indicate imposter syndrome, or some kind of lie you tell yourself. Whatever the case, what isn’t fair now, will always be corrected later.
SAGITTARIUS - Well happy almost birthday to you! You get the 9 of Cups card, and it's a sweet one. This card is often called “the wish card”, because it represents winning and getting what you want.Because the eclipse falls in your 6th house, you might be getting a raise, a better job, or a sweeter office. This card is associated with the sign of Pisces, which is fitting because the other end of the 6th house axis is the 12th house and the home of Pisces & Neptune. Listen to your intuition, your dreams, and be generous with others. Additionally, you win the shortest horoscope of the week prize, because not much else needs to be said here! Enjoy!
CAPRICORN - I pulled the Queen of Coins/Pentacles for you. This card is
associated with Taurus energy and shows the Queen resting comfortably on her lovely throne (or in the case of this deck, her fancy cat bed). This card is rich with fertility symbolism. Appropriately, the eclipse happens in your 5th house of children, but also creativity, play, and romance. Taurus generally represents a more conservative approach to things, which suits you nicely. It is time for you to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Lounge in the equivalent of your cat bed and enjoy the stability that hard work brings. Yep, that’s it.
AQUARIUS - Your card is the Fool card. This card is about new beginnings, innocence, spontaneity. Being ruled by Uranus, you are no stranger to chaos, and probably thrive in measured amounts of it inorder to feel creative. The fool card embodies the freedom of letting go and letting the chips fall, which would send other signs into a tailspin. The eclipse is in your 4th house indicating a period of finding security (Taurus) with what’s at home. However, what is opposite your 4th house is the 10th house of public life and career success. Let your creativity lead the way on your next venture.
PISCES - Your card is the Knight of Swords. Knights have a tendency to charge ahead, and this one is competitive. You will stop at nothing to achieve your
dreams and goals, especially ones of an intellectual nature. Make sure you are thinking things through, especially in the wake of this eclipse in your 3rd house. Some piece of information is likely to be illuminated that will prompt you to want to act…to jump on your horse and charge ahead courageously, but without paying attention to the details. Touch base with some earth energy (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) to check yourself.
SUN - Scorpio
MERCURY - Scorpio
VENUS - Scorpio
MARS - Gemini (Rx)
JUPITER - 29° Pisces (Rx)
SATURN - Aquarius (recently direct)
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn (recently direct)
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces (recently direct)
VESTA - Aquarius
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
SUN - Scorpio
MERCURY - Scorpio
VENUS - Scorpio
MARS - Gemini (Rx)
JUPITER - 29° Pisces (Rx)
SATURN - Aquarius (recently direct)
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn (recently direct)
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces (recently direct)
VESTA - Aquarius
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 7 November
No pants day…but get ready…because…
Tuesday 8 November
No pants day…but get ready…because…
Tuesday 8 November
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in 16° Taurus
Sun conjunct Mercury
Mercury opposition Uranus
Mercury sextile Ceres
Sun sextile Ceres
Wednesday 9 November
Sun opposition Uranus
Mercury square Saturn
Uranus trine Ceres
Pallas square Eris
Thursday 10 November
Mercury square Saturn
Venus trine Neptune
Venus trine Lilith
Friday 11 November
Sun square Saturn
Venus quincunx Eris
Venus quincunx Mars
Venus trine Pallas
Saturday 12 November
Mercury trine Neptune
Sunday 13 November
Venus sextile Pluto
Mercury trine Lilith
Mars sextile Eris
Mercury quincunx Mars
Mercury quincunx Eris
Monday 14 November
Mercury sextile Pluto
Sun trine Neptune
Sun conjunct Mercury
Mercury opposition Uranus
Mercury sextile Ceres
Sun sextile Ceres
Wednesday 9 November
Sun opposition Uranus
Mercury square Saturn
Uranus trine Ceres
Pallas square Eris
Thursday 10 November
Mercury square Saturn
Venus trine Neptune
Venus trine Lilith
Friday 11 November
Sun square Saturn
Venus quincunx Eris
Venus quincunx Mars
Venus trine Pallas
Saturday 12 November
Mercury trine Neptune
Sunday 13 November
Venus sextile Pluto
Mercury trine Lilith
Mars sextile Eris
Mercury quincunx Mars
Mercury quincunx Eris
Monday 14 November
Mercury sextile Pluto
Sun trine Neptune