New Moon Gifts - Wear a Dress with Pockets - BitchScopes for November 21-28
Hey cats, kittens, bitches and badasses! This week I am thrilled to tell you that we get a nice, deep breath! Just in time for the holidays, we get a sweet new moon, free of fuckery and negative influence. No eclipse. No major bullshit. Just a good ol’ optimistic, manifesting magic new moon! Let’s go through the week.
Monday is a great day for socializing and brainstorming. Connections to others will bring some kind of information. We can make good financial plans under this aspect. This is a great day to tell someone how you feel or make something official in relationships.
Tuesday the Sun enters Sagittarius so in general things get an uplift. We will feel more optimistic, adventurous, hopeful, and connected. These ingresses usually take a little adjustment for us. Adding to that need for adjustment are some weird interactions with the asteroid Chaos. I would expect some hiccup of confusion or tension during the day. Chaos can also be harnessed for inspiration though, so the hiccup might bear fruit. (Wow, that’s a weird analogy/metaphor/visual).
Wednesday and Thursday, there’s a whole bunch of aspects around the new moon. Astrologers are all excited about this new moon because it is just plain good. It is good like a plain donut with coffee. A manifesting classic. A few hours before the new moon, Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) at 28° Pisces trines the Moon at 29° - and you know how I feel about 29°! In this case, Scorpio, dumps some mystery prizes into the lunar recipe. Then just a few minutes after the the new moon is exact, Jupiter (Sagittarius’ ruler) stations direct (in Pisces). Its almost as if Jupiter says to the Moon “Make a wish”, and then shoots it forward as an arrow out of a bow when it goes direct. All of this will give us better access to our intuition and inspiration. All of this is optimistic, lucky, enthusiastic. We are geeking out about it. Then the Moon, happy as a bride at the reception, takes a spin with several planets (check out the transits list).
Sagittarius and Jupiter govern beliefs. This is a beautiful opportunity for a ritual under this breath of fresh air new moon. Write down what you want to manifest into reality in the next 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. Think of your desires. Now expand them just to the point that they are uncomfortably good, where you start to resist the possibilities. Put a pin in that feeling and use it for your manifesting and intentions. (Perhaps make a copy of it so you can refer back to it.) Then burn your words in a small fire (outdoors of course! This is a disclaimer I have to make now that I am married to a fireman!). As the smoke rises up toward the sky, imagine your intentions being carried up and received by the Universe. Visualize how you will feel when these things come into being, and sit with those feelings. Then offer thanks, roast some marshmallows, put on some music and let Sagittarius have a moment on the dance floor.
Thursday is an interesting day for Mercury. There is a moment where we lose access to our thoughts, memories, ideas and information when Mercury is occulted (eclipsed) by the Moon. Mercury goes into the dark and scoops up some deep thoughts. When that switch gets flipped again, we can expect a sudden download of truth or information. Take time to process it accordingly.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday carry some of the Mercury information forward. Venus has some direct and indirect exchanges with Mercury which offer us healing to some part of our lives or ourselves and which puts us in touch with what we are meant to have or do or be. Intuitively, this feels mysterious and powerful, perhaps magical. I believe this is some kind of handoff from the Sagittarius new moon. I am not sure what it will look like, but I believe we will feel it.
This week’s Scopes are about what you might expect from this New Moon in Sagittarius. It has gifts. Wear a dress with pockets.
ARIES - This fabulous new moon will be scooping up goodness from the mysteries of your 9th house and Jupiter will be moving direct in your 12th house. Both houses refer to a kind of dream - the 9th is the beliefs and dreams you have for your life, and the 12th is your unconscious beliefs and sleep dreams. I would recommend a visualization meditation before you do your new moon intentions. Imagine some big super-hero kind of person, entity, animal, or energy. Picture them entering a dark cave and coming out with arms full of gifts of all sizes and values. What do they look like?
TAURUS - This fabulous new moon will be scooping up goodness from the mysteries of your 8th house and Jupiter will be moving direct in your 11th house. These 2 houses are both “other people’s stuff”. The 8th house is about other people’s money. The 11th house is friends, associations and visions for humanity’s future. A new moon in your 8th house can be a financial opportunity, renewed intimacy, or a chance to take back your power in some situations. Set some intentions around gifts, money, and opportunities, as well as feeling safe and having good friends.
GEMINI - This fabulous new moon will be scooping up goodness from the mysteries of your 7th house and Jupiter will be moving direct in your 10th house. You have a glorious opportunity to manifest new romantic partners, friendships, business partners, roommates, or other contracts or commitments. Jupiter in your 10th house will sprinkle some serious luck on your professional life or public image. Visualize what it feels like to be in a mutually supportive relationship (of any kind). Visualize a partnership that benefits both people, financially and emotionally. Visualize more balance or equality in your life, in whatever area that is needed.
CANCER - This fabulous new moon will be scooping up goodness from the mysteries of your 6th house and Jupiter will be moving direct in your 9th house. What does your ideal day or routine or lifestyle look like? What is perfect health to you? What does your ideal job environment look like? Set your intentions for manifesting there, and get ready for a chunk of information or truth after this new moon, regarding what your next steps are to claim these gifts. The 9th house is Jupiter’s domicile, and as such, he’s at full strength there. What are your beliefs about life, yourself, God? What beliefs have you outgrown, moved past, or set aside? What you believe becomes reality…
LEO - This fabulous new moon will be scooping up goodness from the mysteries of your 5th house and Jupiter will be moving direct in your 8th house. These 2 houses have some vibes in common. The 5th house deals with romantic sex and seduction, and the 8th house is about intimacy, fetishes, and kink. So I don’t think I need to draw a picture for you. Leo rules the 5th house, so you can definitely experience this, if you want to. The other options deal with creativity (5th) and intuition (8th). If you have a project that you want to launch or finish up, your instincts will lead the way. The 8th house can also provide you with necessary financing, and with Jupiter going direct there now, those prospects are looking up.
VIRGO - This fabulous new moon will be scooping up goodness from the mysteries of your 4th house and Jupiter will be moving direct in your 7th house. These houses both deal with family and partners. The new moon in your 4th can kick off a season of renewal and rejuvenation for your home and its energy. Over the next 6 months you could absorb some insight about family dynamics and be able to craft a new approach. Jupiter moving forward in your 7th house gives you all kinds of luck when it comes to love and partnerships. Anything that requires a contract is having glitter sprinkled on it.
LIBRA - This fabulous new moon will be scooping up goodness from the mysteries of your 3rd house and Jupiter will be moving direct in your 6th house. A new moon in your 3rd house can boost your social media presence if that’s something you’re interested in. It can also kick off a season of better communication and understanding. You can expect to have some fresh ideas and insight and receive information you need over the next several months. Jupiter direct in your 6th house is about your work environment, health, and daily habits or routine. If things have felt stagnant in your day-to-day grind, that will get better now.
SCORPIO - This fabulous new moon will be scooping up goodness from the mysteries of your 2nd house and Jupiter will be moving direct in your 5th house. Both these houses can put you on a better path. A new moon in the 2nd house kicks off a period of increased cash flow or income. Think about what you really need and want (rather than just being generic), and manifest away! The 5th house is about romance, creativity, and pleasure. I don’t think you need coaching there, so just enjoy! (If you’re not looking to be pregnant, protect yourself accordingly.)
SAGITTARIUS - Because this new moon is in your sign, AND your ruler is stationing direct, you’re about to be uber-blessed for your birthday season. Write down what you want to receive in your life or how you want your life to look over the next year. Check back on your next birthday and see what’s happened. This fabulous new moon will be scooping up goodness from the mysteries of your 1st house and Jupiter will be moving direct in your 4th house. The 1st house is getting an upgrade, your life gets a refresh, and your path becomes just a little clearer. Who you are and how you operate in the world will be refined over the next year. The 4th house is about your family of origin or literal home. Over the next few weeks you can enjoy their company and maybe experience some kind of expansion or growth, either in your family, or your physical house (new house?).
CAPRICORN - This fabulous new moon will be scooping up goodness from the mysteries of your 12th house and Jupiter will be moving direct in your 3rd house. A new moon here can activate stuff that lies just below the surface (aka your unconscious). Awareness will come naturally if you give yourself enough quiet time. Rest, heal, give yourself a much needed break (do you know how to do that? lol)! At the very least, try doing short meditations for 7 straight days (or 14 or 30, whatever floats your boat). A new moon in this house can be particularly helpful if you’re trying to overcome something. Jupiter in your 3rd house is going to make information flow so much better for you, both incoming and outgoing, so yes, you can be extra productive going forward from here. But first, sit still!
AQUARIUS - This fabulous new moon will be scooping up goodness from the mysteries of your 11th house and Jupiter will be moving direct in your 2nd house. This new moon can bring in new friendships and give a boost to your hopes and dreams. You could receive more recognition, see your tribe grow, or receive a surprise gift. Even more exciting than that is that Jupiter going direct in your 2nd house of earned income should improve your cash flow for the next 6 months. The connections you have and make in that 11th house can help you find people to advise you on investing, financing, and other ways make those dreams come true. The pinch you’ve been feeling should be relieved soon!
PISCES - This fabulous new moon will be scooping up goodness from the mysteries of your 10th house and Jupiter will be moving direct in your 1st house. With Jupiter in your sign you should start feeling a little more yourself and a little more clear on your path forward. The 10th house is the career and public life house. So new projects can be seeded and take root now. Your career has had a lot of good juju behind it for awhile, and this is just another nugget of luck and gifts for you. What do you want to experience over the next several months and who do you want to be in the world? Manifest appropriately and hey…congratulations!
SUN --> Sagittarius
MERCURY - Sagittarius
VENUS - Sagittarius
MARS - Gemini (Rx)
JUPITER - Pisces (stationing direct)
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Pisces
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 21 November
Mercury conjunct Venus
Tuesday 22 November
Sun enters Sagittarius
Mars square Ceres
Vesta trine Chaos
Sun quincunx Chaos
Sun square Vesta
Wednesday 23 November
Jupiter goes direct in Pisces
New moon in Sagittarius
Moon trine Lilith
Moon quincunx Eris
Moon trine Pallas
Moon trine Jupiter
Moon quincunx Chaos
Moon Square Vesta
Thursday 24 November
Moon conjunct Venus
Moon conjunct Mercury
Occultation of Mercury by the Moon
Moon Square Juno
Moon trine Chiron
Moon quincunx Uranus
Mercury square Juno
Mercury trine Chiron
Friday 25 November
Mercury quincunx North Node
Neptune opposite Ceres
Venus trine Chiron
Saturday 26 November
Venus quincunx Mean Node
Venus square Juno
Sunday 27 November
Sun sextile Chariklo
Mercury quincunx Uranus
Monday 28 November
Mars trine Saturn
Venus quincunx Uranus
JUPITER - Pisces (stationing direct)
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Pisces
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 21 November
Mercury conjunct Venus
Tuesday 22 November
Sun enters Sagittarius
Mars square Ceres
Vesta trine Chaos
Sun quincunx Chaos
Sun square Vesta
Wednesday 23 November
Jupiter goes direct in Pisces
New moon in Sagittarius
Moon trine Lilith
Moon quincunx Eris
Moon trine Pallas
Moon trine Jupiter
Moon quincunx Chaos
Moon Square Vesta
Thursday 24 November
Moon conjunct Venus
Moon conjunct Mercury
Occultation of Mercury by the Moon
Moon Square Juno
Moon trine Chiron
Moon quincunx Uranus
Mercury square Juno
Mercury trine Chiron
Friday 25 November
Mercury quincunx North Node
Neptune opposite Ceres
Venus trine Chiron
Saturday 26 November
Venus quincunx Mean Node
Venus square Juno
Sunday 27 November
Sun sextile Chariklo
Mercury quincunx Uranus
Monday 28 November
Mars trine Saturn
Venus quincunx Uranus