Bitchscopes for December 5-12 & Wonder Twins Gemini Full Moon
Alright, let me just jump into this. This week we have Mercury and Venus operating in tandem, like the Wonder Twins, not to mention a full moon in Gemini, sign of the twins!
Wonder Twins, form of a Capricorn!
Both Mercury and Venus move into Capricorn this week, and then both Mercury and Venus oppose the asteroid Chaos. Mercury and Venus will be at 0 degrees of Capricorn, and Chaos at 0 degrees of Cancer. 0 degrees of a sign is strong, undiluted energy of that sign. Keeping with our Wonder Twins them…let’s imagine Chaos at 0 degrees of Cancer is our villain (it isn’t a villain, just go with it for now). Chaos stands at the entrance to Cancer-land holding alllll of the feelings and intuition and memories in his grasp. “Mwuahahaha! I have all of the feelings! I will use them for my own Chaotic purposes! Mwuahahaha!”
However, Chaos has met his match with the 0 degree Capricorn Twins! No one can organize like a Cap under pressure! No one can keep a Capricorn Venus from what she desires! Our Capricorn heroes are uber focused, no nonsense and “get out of my way”.
All of this to say, our feelings and intuition may be hard to access during this brief tussle. What we want, and how we express what we want may come out very awkwardly, if at all. So be aware and don’t go blowing up your relationship over a meaningless fight. Utilize the massive creative and nurturing energy of Chaos in this placement to heal yourself of whatever is currently ailing you, especially things of an emotional nature.
The next thing that caught my attention is that Mars and the Sun both oppose Juno, the ruler of marriage. Squabbles could happen. And going back to that chaos situation above, they might even be likely. There may be fundamental incompatibility that becomes obvious. If your ideals or levels of commitment are not the same, you have an issue. Also possible - being attracted to someone who isn’t available, or feeling jealous and insecure. The good news is that Mars might make you determined to make something work, to work out the problems of a good relationship. So not all relationships will suffer.
Next up, Pallas is conjunct Lilith. Pallas is a brilliant mind, a strategic planner, a mastermind. Lilith is rebellious, take no shit - the original feminist. There is a vision, there is a rebellion, and there is a master plan to realize that vision. Furthermore, Venus quincunxes both Pallas and Lilith. Venus represents our values and these quincunxes can cause upset to the status quo. If I was planning a women's march or a protest, these would be great days to do it! (see transit list)
Our stalwart duo, Mercury and Venus both square Jupiter this week. It can be difficult to trust people this week. And we may have a hard time knowing our limits, either in play or in work. Socializing with our friends and co-workers looks great this week, but over indulging is something to watch for.
Last and certainly not least, we have a Full Moon in Gemini! This full moon is conjunct Mars, and Mars in retrograde doesn’t make it any calmer. This full moon can trigger sensitive areas for us and make us more reactive. Mars is our drives and when he is retrograde he will examine motivations, where we put our effort and if it is misplaced or is our energy being wasted. We can question ourselves and WTF we are doing. Furthermore, Mars’ energy is occulted/blocked by this full moon, making our true desires a little harder to access. Our feelings, not our drive to fulfill our actual needs, are going to be driving the bus. This is a recipe for acting out and not really understanding why… like starting a fight and not realizing it's not at all what you want to fight about but you’ve dug in your heels and won’t turn back now.
Also when Mars opposes the Sun, competitive energies arise. Egos get involved and so can hurt feelings. It’s important to be aware of your energy at work, and if your boss is being extra “whatever”, do what you can to avoid them. Don’t get into a drinking competition at the company Christmas party. There are all kinds of scenarios that are possible and most of them will end poorly if you are not operating in awareness.
Full moons are great for releasing things. If you have anger or resentment about something, or you’ve remembered something hurtful (Gemini keeps the receipts!), use this full moon to let it out. Write it down. Or have one of those one sided imaginary arguments while you shower. Yell and scream if it feels right. If you need to be able to do that, but have roommates or neighbors - drive out to an unpopulated area and put on whatever kind of loud music work for you and just rage it out in the car (not while driving. Driving is good for warming up. Some angry Adele singing is good.) If you yell at the imaginary not-present person until you cry, cry it the fuck out! If you’re a writer, write the scathing letter to your boss or partner or ex and say all the things you couldn’t say. Read it out loud. (And make sure you destroy that letter afterward!) If you have been healing or hurting from a relationship this year and you’d like to move the fuck on and get unstuck, this is a good moon for that. Cleanse your emotional energy and make room for fresh, new, good stuff in the coming new year. Maybe even clean out a drawer or a closet for your future lover or partner. Donate your old stuff. Use your old partner’s abandoned underwear for your full moon ritual fire. You get the idea.
The full moon will always illuminate things. With the full moon in Gemini, information and ideas can show up for you. It will always be something you need. Write things down, because Gemini’s energy is fast-moving. And remember this week that while you are conscious and aware and trying to heal and not sabotage, they may not be at that same level of awareness and might start a petty argument or some other kind of shit or drink too much at their company Christmas party etc. etc. Be forgiving and compassionate where it is important. Have good boundaries where you need to. Try to stay calm. A good night’s sleep and a couple days time can do magic.
If you do start a feminist revolution this week, please email me the date and time.
Above all, try to have some fun, find peace, appreciate beauty, believe in magic. We are all the goddamn Wonder Twins!
ARIES - Your wonder twin powers fall in the 3rd house of communication. Expect information to show up within a couple weeks after this full moon. Your communication and values are lined up in your 10th house of career, and the Sun in Sagittarius offers a lot of optimism for your work life right now whether you are content or looking elsewhere. If your job feels like it doesn’t align with your spiritual values, or if your intuition is telling you something is off, I wouldn’t act on it just yet. That is possibly the squares of Mercury and Venus to Jupiter so I would wait until the dust settles from all this full moon and other activity this week when you can access truth and your real feelings.
TAURUS - The wonder twins grace your 2nd house of income, and you could receive news about a raise or a job offer after this full moon. The Sun in your 8th house could get some passive income, loans, or investments percolating and have you feeling optimistic. But keep your wits about you and watch out for over spending or over extending yourself. Mercury and Venus in Cap are in your 9th house of travel and experiences, squaring Jupiter in your house of friends, hopes and dreams, and groups. If you’ve got some travel plans, your friend(s) may flake out (and Mercury is retrograding in Cap at the end of December so keep that in mind), so maybe you’re better off adjusting those plans or having a plan B.
GEMINI - The wonder twins full moon hits your 1st house of course, and this can light up your path for you and show you your next steps. Jupiter is in your 10th house and it can offer some foundational wisdom on how to build whatever it is you’re trying to build. Mercury and Venus in Capricorn can do the same, as well as bringing in ideas and people to add to that foundational structure. The sun is in your partnership house, bringing focus and hopefully warmth there. However, the full moon may agitate your partner and they may be a shit starter. It will pass, so keep your wits about you and keep your sharp tongue in check until the dust settles!
CANCER - The wonder twins moon hits your weird 12th house. Weird isn’t always bad, but it can be eerie, other worldly, unseen…its like the energetic stuff that gets swept under the rug. The full moon might shine a flashlight into those untidy corners. Your sleep and your dreams may be screwy. Any intuitive hits you get about your body or your health at this time are things you should explore. New relationships can get serious with Venus in Capricorn in your 7th house. Communication can be a bit more no-nonsense in your marriage or relationship now as well.
LEO - The wonder twins moon hits your 11th house of friends, dreams, and people who help us achieve those dreams. This full moon can light up and draw into your life people who can help you further your goals and find your audience. The sun in Sagittarius is in your 5th house of creativity and Mercury and Venus in Capricorn will give you the right head for making great strides toward your vision. Don’t be alarmed if there are spats between you and your friends during this full moon energy. But there is also clarity around these issues, so you’ll know if you need to do something with the information that comes up and out.
VIRGO - The wonder twins moon lights up your 10th house of career, which can bring attention to you. But because Mars is involved, I am thinking you’ll need to be aware of blowing up on someone. This could happen anywhere in your “public life”. You might loose your cool on social media, or at work, or in an email (Gemini!) Try to keep your shit together and not blow up, but if you do, all you can do is move ahead. Things might get emotional or pissy at home as well, because the Sagittarius sun is in your 4th house, opposing that moon and Mars. You do have great creative resources this week, so lean into that energy to get done whatever you need to get done and move past all the drama and dust. This too shall pass!
LIBRA - The wonder twins moon lands in your 9th house of ambitions, so you might get a glimpse of a future job or something along those lines. But the Sunis in the 3rd house of communication opposes that moon and Mars. Because Mars is involved, there could be some tension and it would likely be of a know-it-all nature. Mercury and Venus are in your 4th house of family, squaring your routines and work, so things just aren’t aligning with your personal life and people and your ambitions and career. But these things come to light for our benefit and it isn’t likely to be anything huge, just some agitation.
SCORPIO - The wonder twins moon hits your 8th house of secrets and intimacy. You might become aware of something in the light of this moon. With Mars involved, things could get heated. You might also become aware of a debt you owe or someone wants something paid back. Mercury and Venus in Capricorn will be in the 3rd house squaring your 5th house. This makes me think of an argument with a child or a creative block. Whatever comes up around the full moon, take it in stride and try not to overreact. When the dust settles, whatever it is will not be so jarring.
SAGITTARIUS - The wonder twins moon hits your 7th house of partnerships and is conjunct Mars. So an argument is possible. You could also meet someone in this full moon energy, and in this case, Mars would just be making things hot. Money is likely to be a conversation at home, and it may be a source of friction or tension. Make sure that you’re holding up your end of the agreements. This energy will pass and money will start flowing in with more ease in the coming months.
CAPRICORN - The wonder twins moon hits your 6th house of health and habits. You might start to see the benefits of things you’ve been working on, or something could come to your attention that you’ve missed. Mercury and Venus move into your first house, giving you extra charm and wit, so don’t be surprised if you get more attention than usual. The Sun in Sagittarius is in your 12th house, so as I’ve mentioned before, you may have the birthday doldrums. It will pass and you’ll be back on your game later this month.
AQUARIUS - The wonder twins moon hits your 5th house of creativity, play, romance, and offspring. So, if you were trying to get pregnant, you might find out now (and it could be twins!). Creative projects might also be finished or your work on them completed. Jupiter in Pisces is in your 2nd house, so you might be getting paid now for your work too! The Sun in Sagittarius is in your 11th house of friends, so this could be a great period for you socially, however, Mercury and Venus move into your 12th house, where things are a bit more introverted. Mercury will be there for a while, but Venus will move along and you can find more romantic prospects if you are looking.
PISCES - The wonder twins moon hits your 4th house of home and family. That is a Cancer ruled house, so feelings may come out under this moon. Jupiter is still in your sign, bestowing a good amount of luck and juju on you, which is likely to show up in your 10th house (where Sagittarius Sun is) or your 11th house of hopes, dreams, friends, associates, and audience. Things still look really good for your projects and prospects! You’re on Fiyah!!
SUN - Sagittarius
MERCURY --> Capricorn
VENUS --> Capricorn
However, Chaos has met his match with the 0 degree Capricorn Twins! No one can organize like a Cap under pressure! No one can keep a Capricorn Venus from what she desires! Our Capricorn heroes are uber focused, no nonsense and “get out of my way”.
All of this to say, our feelings and intuition may be hard to access during this brief tussle. What we want, and how we express what we want may come out very awkwardly, if at all. So be aware and don’t go blowing up your relationship over a meaningless fight. Utilize the massive creative and nurturing energy of Chaos in this placement to heal yourself of whatever is currently ailing you, especially things of an emotional nature.
The next thing that caught my attention is that Mars and the Sun both oppose Juno, the ruler of marriage. Squabbles could happen. And going back to that chaos situation above, they might even be likely. There may be fundamental incompatibility that becomes obvious. If your ideals or levels of commitment are not the same, you have an issue. Also possible - being attracted to someone who isn’t available, or feeling jealous and insecure. The good news is that Mars might make you determined to make something work, to work out the problems of a good relationship. So not all relationships will suffer.
Next up, Pallas is conjunct Lilith. Pallas is a brilliant mind, a strategic planner, a mastermind. Lilith is rebellious, take no shit - the original feminist. There is a vision, there is a rebellion, and there is a master plan to realize that vision. Furthermore, Venus quincunxes both Pallas and Lilith. Venus represents our values and these quincunxes can cause upset to the status quo. If I was planning a women's march or a protest, these would be great days to do it! (see transit list)
Our stalwart duo, Mercury and Venus both square Jupiter this week. It can be difficult to trust people this week. And we may have a hard time knowing our limits, either in play or in work. Socializing with our friends and co-workers looks great this week, but over indulging is something to watch for.
Last and certainly not least, we have a Full Moon in Gemini! This full moon is conjunct Mars, and Mars in retrograde doesn’t make it any calmer. This full moon can trigger sensitive areas for us and make us more reactive. Mars is our drives and when he is retrograde he will examine motivations, where we put our effort and if it is misplaced or is our energy being wasted. We can question ourselves and WTF we are doing. Furthermore, Mars’ energy is occulted/blocked by this full moon, making our true desires a little harder to access. Our feelings, not our drive to fulfill our actual needs, are going to be driving the bus. This is a recipe for acting out and not really understanding why… like starting a fight and not realizing it's not at all what you want to fight about but you’ve dug in your heels and won’t turn back now.
Also when Mars opposes the Sun, competitive energies arise. Egos get involved and so can hurt feelings. It’s important to be aware of your energy at work, and if your boss is being extra “whatever”, do what you can to avoid them. Don’t get into a drinking competition at the company Christmas party. There are all kinds of scenarios that are possible and most of them will end poorly if you are not operating in awareness.
Full moons are great for releasing things. If you have anger or resentment about something, or you’ve remembered something hurtful (Gemini keeps the receipts!), use this full moon to let it out. Write it down. Or have one of those one sided imaginary arguments while you shower. Yell and scream if it feels right. If you need to be able to do that, but have roommates or neighbors - drive out to an unpopulated area and put on whatever kind of loud music work for you and just rage it out in the car (not while driving. Driving is good for warming up. Some angry Adele singing is good.) If you yell at the imaginary not-present person until you cry, cry it the fuck out! If you’re a writer, write the scathing letter to your boss or partner or ex and say all the things you couldn’t say. Read it out loud. (And make sure you destroy that letter afterward!) If you have been healing or hurting from a relationship this year and you’d like to move the fuck on and get unstuck, this is a good moon for that. Cleanse your emotional energy and make room for fresh, new, good stuff in the coming new year. Maybe even clean out a drawer or a closet for your future lover or partner. Donate your old stuff. Use your old partner’s abandoned underwear for your full moon ritual fire. You get the idea.
The full moon will always illuminate things. With the full moon in Gemini, information and ideas can show up for you. It will always be something you need. Write things down, because Gemini’s energy is fast-moving. And remember this week that while you are conscious and aware and trying to heal and not sabotage, they may not be at that same level of awareness and might start a petty argument or some other kind of shit or drink too much at their company Christmas party etc. etc. Be forgiving and compassionate where it is important. Have good boundaries where you need to. Try to stay calm. A good night’s sleep and a couple days time can do magic.
If you do start a feminist revolution this week, please email me the date and time.
Above all, try to have some fun, find peace, appreciate beauty, believe in magic. We are all the goddamn Wonder Twins!
ARIES - Your wonder twin powers fall in the 3rd house of communication. Expect information to show up within a couple weeks after this full moon. Your communication and values are lined up in your 10th house of career, and the Sun in Sagittarius offers a lot of optimism for your work life right now whether you are content or looking elsewhere. If your job feels like it doesn’t align with your spiritual values, or if your intuition is telling you something is off, I wouldn’t act on it just yet. That is possibly the squares of Mercury and Venus to Jupiter so I would wait until the dust settles from all this full moon and other activity this week when you can access truth and your real feelings.
TAURUS - The wonder twins grace your 2nd house of income, and you could receive news about a raise or a job offer after this full moon. The Sun in your 8th house could get some passive income, loans, or investments percolating and have you feeling optimistic. But keep your wits about you and watch out for over spending or over extending yourself. Mercury and Venus in Cap are in your 9th house of travel and experiences, squaring Jupiter in your house of friends, hopes and dreams, and groups. If you’ve got some travel plans, your friend(s) may flake out (and Mercury is retrograding in Cap at the end of December so keep that in mind), so maybe you’re better off adjusting those plans or having a plan B.
GEMINI - The wonder twins full moon hits your 1st house of course, and this can light up your path for you and show you your next steps. Jupiter is in your 10th house and it can offer some foundational wisdom on how to build whatever it is you’re trying to build. Mercury and Venus in Capricorn can do the same, as well as bringing in ideas and people to add to that foundational structure. The sun is in your partnership house, bringing focus and hopefully warmth there. However, the full moon may agitate your partner and they may be a shit starter. It will pass, so keep your wits about you and keep your sharp tongue in check until the dust settles!
CANCER - The wonder twins moon hits your weird 12th house. Weird isn’t always bad, but it can be eerie, other worldly, unseen…its like the energetic stuff that gets swept under the rug. The full moon might shine a flashlight into those untidy corners. Your sleep and your dreams may be screwy. Any intuitive hits you get about your body or your health at this time are things you should explore. New relationships can get serious with Venus in Capricorn in your 7th house. Communication can be a bit more no-nonsense in your marriage or relationship now as well.
LEO - The wonder twins moon hits your 11th house of friends, dreams, and people who help us achieve those dreams. This full moon can light up and draw into your life people who can help you further your goals and find your audience. The sun in Sagittarius is in your 5th house of creativity and Mercury and Venus in Capricorn will give you the right head for making great strides toward your vision. Don’t be alarmed if there are spats between you and your friends during this full moon energy. But there is also clarity around these issues, so you’ll know if you need to do something with the information that comes up and out.
VIRGO - The wonder twins moon lights up your 10th house of career, which can bring attention to you. But because Mars is involved, I am thinking you’ll need to be aware of blowing up on someone. This could happen anywhere in your “public life”. You might loose your cool on social media, or at work, or in an email (Gemini!) Try to keep your shit together and not blow up, but if you do, all you can do is move ahead. Things might get emotional or pissy at home as well, because the Sagittarius sun is in your 4th house, opposing that moon and Mars. You do have great creative resources this week, so lean into that energy to get done whatever you need to get done and move past all the drama and dust. This too shall pass!
LIBRA - The wonder twins moon lands in your 9th house of ambitions, so you might get a glimpse of a future job or something along those lines. But the Sunis in the 3rd house of communication opposes that moon and Mars. Because Mars is involved, there could be some tension and it would likely be of a know-it-all nature. Mercury and Venus are in your 4th house of family, squaring your routines and work, so things just aren’t aligning with your personal life and people and your ambitions and career. But these things come to light for our benefit and it isn’t likely to be anything huge, just some agitation.
SCORPIO - The wonder twins moon hits your 8th house of secrets and intimacy. You might become aware of something in the light of this moon. With Mars involved, things could get heated. You might also become aware of a debt you owe or someone wants something paid back. Mercury and Venus in Capricorn will be in the 3rd house squaring your 5th house. This makes me think of an argument with a child or a creative block. Whatever comes up around the full moon, take it in stride and try not to overreact. When the dust settles, whatever it is will not be so jarring.
SAGITTARIUS - The wonder twins moon hits your 7th house of partnerships and is conjunct Mars. So an argument is possible. You could also meet someone in this full moon energy, and in this case, Mars would just be making things hot. Money is likely to be a conversation at home, and it may be a source of friction or tension. Make sure that you’re holding up your end of the agreements. This energy will pass and money will start flowing in with more ease in the coming months.
CAPRICORN - The wonder twins moon hits your 6th house of health and habits. You might start to see the benefits of things you’ve been working on, or something could come to your attention that you’ve missed. Mercury and Venus move into your first house, giving you extra charm and wit, so don’t be surprised if you get more attention than usual. The Sun in Sagittarius is in your 12th house, so as I’ve mentioned before, you may have the birthday doldrums. It will pass and you’ll be back on your game later this month.
AQUARIUS - The wonder twins moon hits your 5th house of creativity, play, romance, and offspring. So, if you were trying to get pregnant, you might find out now (and it could be twins!). Creative projects might also be finished or your work on them completed. Jupiter in Pisces is in your 2nd house, so you might be getting paid now for your work too! The Sun in Sagittarius is in your 11th house of friends, so this could be a great period for you socially, however, Mercury and Venus move into your 12th house, where things are a bit more introverted. Mercury will be there for a while, but Venus will move along and you can find more romantic prospects if you are looking.
PISCES - The wonder twins moon hits your 4th house of home and family. That is a Cancer ruled house, so feelings may come out under this moon. Jupiter is still in your sign, bestowing a good amount of luck and juju on you, which is likely to show up in your 10th house (where Sagittarius Sun is) or your 11th house of hopes, dreams, friends, associates, and audience. Things still look really good for your projects and prospects! You’re on Fiyah!!
SUN - Sagittarius
MERCURY --> Capricorn
VENUS --> Capricorn
MARS - Gemini (Rx)
JUPITER - Pisces (recently direct)
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Virgo
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Pisces
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
JUPITER - Pisces (recently direct)
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (Rx)
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Virgo
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Pisces
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 5 December
Venus trine Eris
Tuesday 06 December
Mercury opposite Chaos (0° cap and cancer)
Mercury square Jupiter
Mercury enters Capricorn
Ceres sextile Lilith
Venus quincunx Pallas
Venus quincunx Lilith
Wednesday 07 December
Ceres sextile Pallas
Pallas conjunct Lilith
Sun quincunx Uranus
Full Moon 16° Gemini 8:07 pm
Occultation of Mars by the Moon
Sun opposition Mars
Venus square Ceres
Sun square Juno
Thursday 08 December
Pluto trine Ceres
Uranus sextile Juno
Mars square Juno
Friday 09 December
Venus square Jupiter
Venus enters Capricorn
Saturday 10 December
Venus opposite Chaos 0° (Cap and Cancer)
Sunday 11 December
Mercury sextile Vesta
Monday 12 December
Sun sextile Saturn
Venus trine Eris
Tuesday 06 December
Mercury opposite Chaos (0° cap and cancer)
Mercury square Jupiter
Mercury enters Capricorn
Ceres sextile Lilith
Venus quincunx Pallas
Venus quincunx Lilith
Wednesday 07 December
Ceres sextile Pallas
Pallas conjunct Lilith
Sun quincunx Uranus
Full Moon 16° Gemini 8:07 pm
Occultation of Mars by the Moon
Sun opposition Mars
Venus square Ceres
Sun square Juno
Thursday 08 December
Pluto trine Ceres
Uranus sextile Juno
Mars square Juno
Friday 09 December
Venus square Jupiter
Venus enters Capricorn
Saturday 10 December
Venus opposite Chaos 0° (Cap and Cancer)
Sunday 11 December
Mercury sextile Vesta
Monday 12 December
Sun sextile Saturn