Major Astro Highlights for 2023 and long term predictions

2023 has 3 major players changing signs…actually 4.  Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and the Lunar Nodes will all move into new signs this year! That’s a lot! Pluto changes signs only every 20 years. Saturn changes signs every 3 ½ years. The lunar nodes shift around every 18 months. And Jupiter changes signs each year.  For all of those major outer planets to be changing in one year spells some major changes.  Luckily they aren’t all going to happen this year, but the ingress of each of these planets will be felt!  

Pluto is the slowest and creates the deepest social changes. Saturn is felt more personally but also rules social structures.  Jupiter is so big that honestly, it touches everything. Luckily, Jupiter’s influence is mostly beneficial, with the warning that it can lead to over-doing things.  

Let’s break down what’s happening this year and look at some of my predictions

Pluto in Aquarius

On March 23, 2023 Pluto will move into Aquarius for the first time since 1778.  If that date rings a bell, that’s the birthdate of the USA, which is why you’ve been hearing about the US’s Pluto return. It’s evident if you observe or live in the US that things are rather unsettled (ahem: understatement?) 

Interesting side note here - look at the date of this ingress - 3/23/23. 

Pluto in Capricorn gave power to government and corporations in its 20 year reign.  Now power will be shifting to the people.  That is probably not going to happen quietly. Aquarius represents rebellion, and I’m sure we’ll see plenty more of what we are already seeing.  

Pluto in Aquarius is also going to favor feminism, tribes and smaller collectives within the major collective.   

Themes: Power & control, scapegoating, revolution,transformation, societal norms and rules, Shadows, humanitarianism, personal freedoms, death and dying,  Innovation, Fanaticism (fixed energy + power), Questioning authority, questioning technology,  Science,

My Pluto in aquarius predictions 

  • more humanitarianism, perhaps even mandated charity 
  • Discovery of misuse of funds by some charities
  • More blue states 
  • The reappearance of workers unions
  • Major rise in Technology and spike in the use of Artificial intelligence
  • Questions of the ethics around robotics, AI, and synthetic companions (see the show WifeLike)
  • Questions and examinations of social media, concepts of privacy, perhaps conversations about the NSA 
  • Tik Tok will be out and I think YouTube will regain some popularity
  • Changes in the film industry practices in general: The Alec Baldwin issue, ethics in pornography, equal pay
  • Kardashians are out
  • Gun control is very likely to happen over this 20 year period. Hopefully sooner than later! 
  • Changes in the funeral industry and the way we bury people (mushroom suits, tree pods etc. becoming more popular)
  • science as the new religion
  • fanaticism about science,  death,  about “the fountain of youth”, and discoveries in Science about delaying or defeating death!
  • Libertarianism becoming a viable 3rd party
  • A revamping of the UN
  • First female president in the US is not only likely, but its overdue. If we don’t accomplish that in the next 20 years then…WTF
  • Scottish independence - This prediction is backed by Scotland’s history and other astro events. Their exit from the UK would have major implications for Britain. 
  • The end of plutocracy, the Elon era, and the 1% bullshit
  • When Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn and squares the lunar nodes, I predict business with Trump will be trying to finalize in some way. 
  • a rise in fascist vs anti fascist discussions, activity, demonstrations (the world is ripe for a new fascist dictator)

Saturn in Pisces

On March 7 Saturn will leave Aquarius for Pisces. This should be interesting! These are totally opposite energies - Saturn is boundaries and rules and Pisces is connectedness and spiritual. 

Saturn in Pisces Dates

February 14th 1935, to April 25th 1937
October 17th 1937, to January 14th, 1938
March 23rd, 1964, to September 16th, 1964
December 16th, 1964, to March  3rd, 1967
May 21st, 1993, to June 30th, 1993
January 28th, 1994, to April  7th, 1996
March  7th, 2023, to May 24th, 2025
September  1st, 2025, to February 13th, 2026

Themes: Religion, discipline, boundaries, lack of boundaries, confronting addiction, charity, compassion, depression, melancholy,  immigration law, Fascism vs anti fascism (again. This concept will be big). 

We are already seeing a decline in organized religions, and Christianity has come under heavy criticism over the last few years.  As Christianity declines (its a cycle…it’ll come back, weirder), antisemitism is likely to surge.  

Hitler came into power during Saturn in Pisces, 

  • Emergence of belief systems that focus on autonomy (the church of satan was founded under saturn in pisces) 

 he wanted to eradicate the Christian church. We already know what else he wanted to eradicate.  Also during this transit, the Church of England allowed its first female priests.  New age and esoteric religions have generally become popular during these cycles. 

Saturn in Pisces could be lonely, and we might see a lot more discussion around depression. The health care entities in the Western world are likely to formally embrace mental health care in a more significant way. Also very likely are more public discussions about substance additions, recovery, sobriety.  Melancholy will be a theme that we will see played out in music, movies, and literature. Nihilism will slowly move on as we realize that we can’t just sit on our asses and be sad about climate doom etc. 

My Predictions for Saturn in Pisces 

  • Melancholy as an artform and cultural vibe
  • Israel- Palestine escalation
  • Birth control protection will be codified (birth control was developed under Saturn in Pisces)
  • Religious zealotry
  • Minimum age issues examined (driving, drinking, social media ad targeting, etc).
  • Regulation over technology
  • Big pharma will be called out in a major way, and western medicine will begin to move away from hard core pain killers (I just saw a new technique for post C-sections that involves an implanted thread that delivers just lidocaine to the area via a balloon and pump!) 
  • Prison reform - specifically I expect to see some people released who are in prison for just Cannabis. 
  • A new prohibition and attempts to de-popularize drinking.  Non drinkers as a new social norm (bespoke mocktails industry is already forming)
  • Conspiracy theories will settle down
  • Younger generations who have been complaining about our collective doom will need to get their shit together and get jobs.
  • Interest in Psychology will surge 
  • Psychedelics will be the new Marijuana

Jupiter in Taurus

On May 16, Jupiter will leave Aries for Taurus. Jupiter has a tendency to color the year as a whole. Jupiter in Aries has given us confidence, which we needed as we came out of a frickin pandemic.  We started new things, whether it was a new business, or new ways of self care.  Jupiter in Taurus will help us nurture those things.  This is like the 2nd phase of a 12 step process and we go from infancy to toddlerhood.  But like any good toddler, Jupiter in Taurus can definitely go overboard and do too much of open the peanut butter and smear it from head to toe. Jupiter will expand whatever it touches. So major transits like the conjunction to the north node will make that energy extra strong. 

My Jupiter in Taurus Predictions:

  • Be careful who you put your faith in (the world is ripe for a fascist leader)
  • Pleasure seeking & Hedonism will surge for a bit (society is already moving away from organized religion)
  • Liberalism and the Labor Parties will be strengthened.
  • Theme of rebuilding (various things around the world, some cities and countries, literally)

Venus Retrograde

On July 23 (another 23) Venus will begin a retrograde cycle.  Venus retrogrades are not common and we tend to feel them pretty profoundly.  Not all relationships are doomed, of course. In fact, the transit of Venus through Leo (and the retrograde makes that a longer transit than normal) will bring out romanticism and sappyness.  We will want to be coupled, loved, seen, adored, appreciated (all Venus things). But that can also make us feel vulnerable.  

Venus will retrograde in Leo, the sign that rules romance, at 28° and will station direct at 12° Leo on September 24th.  If there was ever a retrograde where old loves might show up, its this one! Romance also might be a bit dramatic, like the last scene of a romcom where one person is racing against time to catch the other person.  

Just because an old love is knockin' on the door, doesn't mean you have to open it! 

Focus on people that bring out the best in you, regardless of Venus' placement! 

Mercury retrogrades every year, so I won't spend too much time on this.  All of Mercury's retrogrades this year are in Earth signs, so themes are: malfunctions with physical things like cars, phones, etc.,  security, money, authority, confidence; focus on practicality rather than introspection

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus  April 21 - May 14

Themes: purchases, money, income, what we value, insecurity/security

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo  August 23 - September 15

Themes: plans go awry, things stop working, overanalyzing, be prepared, anxiety

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Sagittarius December 13 - January 1 (similar to how we just ended a year in merc rx in cap!)

Themes: system reset, double-check travel plans, monitor your expectations, be realistic, slow down, avoid heated discussions at the holiday table (I'm lookin' at you Sagittarius!) 

Lunar nodes moving into Aries (N) and Libra (S) 

On July 18 the nodes of the moon will shift signs from the North Node in Taurus to the North Node in Aries (and the South Node in Libra).  This is an 18 month cycle. For reference, the last time the North Node was in Aries was 2005-2006.  In reverse, the last time the North Node was in Libra was 2014-2015.  

These transits can be very personally enlightening and they always trigger path corrections or big moves forward. For example, I am a natal capricorn north node. The last time the NN was in Cap was 2009-2011 and that is precisely when I left my marriage …TO a cancer, it was completely codependent (because he was abusive so I walked on eggshells), which is very cancerian.  While the NN was in Cancer in 2020, I left my corporate job (which was a lot like my marriage!) to be my own boss (capricorn). The north node entered cancer on what would have been my anniversary! 

Under the North Node in Taurus, we are likely to be experiencing a release of things like seducing, manipulating, using sex as a weapon, being overly secretive, relying on other people’s money.  And we likely have experienced an increased focus on: truth, grounding yourself, sex as a means of connection, no bullshit, making your own money. 

As the North Node moves into Aries, we can expect to be working on releasing: Hiding behind relationships, accepting 2nd place in a partnership,  being too comfortable/complacent, avoiding confrontation, competition and challenge, being the peace keeper, compromising too much, being passive aggressive or co-dependent. 

And our lessons will be around embracing our own leadership, prioritizing our own needs and goals, risk taking, standing up for what you believe in, self care, learning to express anger in a positive and healthy way. 


The last eclipses on this lunar axis were in 2014-2015. Think back to major events during that time and you will get a flavor of the upcoming eclipses. But they are never exactly the same, so don't apply too much literalness to it.

Total Solar Eclipse in Aries  April 20

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio  May 5

Solar Eclipse in Libra  October 14

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus  October 28