Nerdy Numbers, Longest Night and New Moon bookends - BitchScopes for December 19-26
As I write this it is December 18th. But as per my usual dufus-ness, I almost prepared Scopes from December 19th through January 2nd. And I was wondering how in the world next week was already the end of the year! Well it's 2 weeks away, still SO close but first we have Christmas, if you celebrate that. But for us astro nerds, what’s more interesting is the Winter Solstice on the 21st and the New moon in Capricorn on the 23rd
We have a podcast episode about the solstice up (or going up very shortly) so check out BitchStory on Apple or Spotify for all kinds of nerdy education about this winter holiday season.
"Winter Solstice" by tijanadraws |
The solstice is the longest night of the year, the peak of winter’s coldness. When we emerge on December 22nd (ish) we welcome back the Sun as the days slowly get a little bit longer. You might notice the potential play on words with welcoming the Sun and welcoming “the Son” (of God) and the timing of Christmas. Interesting eh? For real, check out the podcast episode. But basically the Romans incorporated many of the Pagan traditions into newly formed Christian traditions in order to roll those people up into the Roman Kingdom rulership. So almost all the Christian traditions, rites, and holidays have roots in the Pagan deity worship and their traditions.
Shortly after the solstice, which also marks to Sun’s ingress into Capricorn, we have a Capricorn new moon. This moon is at 1° of Capricorn, so there’s all kinds of fresh new beginnings possible as we wrap up 2022 and head into ‘23. But, nerd alert! There’s more! We started 2022 with a new moon in Capricorn. On January 2nd, we had a 12° new moon. Let’s get nerdy about the numbers:
12 is a number of awakening, growth, cycle completion, and the pause before the changes happen. In our everyday life, there are 12’s everywhere: 12 months, 12 hours in the day, 12 hours in the night, 12 days of Christmas, 12 disciples, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 colors on the standard color wheel, 12 people have walked on the moon, 12 jurors on a trial, 12 knights in King Arthur’s court, and many other examples. 12 represents a graduation of sorts from the physical to the spiritual. 1is the number of manifestation, 2 is the number of faith and balance and relationships. You get the idea.
This new moon is at 1°, and 1 correlates to freedom, independence, leadership. It’s also interesting to note that Jupiter moves into Aries this week, where it will be for most of next year. Jupiter has a way of coloring and giving a theme to the year, and in this case, Aries echos all of those number 1 qualities. (Jupiter in Pisces had that 12 energy from the 12th house!)
Capricorn, like Aries, is ambitious and goal oriented. Aries tends to be a little more impulsive and sprint-y, where Cap is more of a marathon and long term goal energy.
On the same day as the New Moon, Chiron goes direct in…Aries! So there is a lot of healing that can happen under this lunation. What are your wounds and how can they, or have they, informed your feeling of purpose in the world? I have said many times that our greatest weakness is also our greatest superpower. Give that some thought and see what comes up for you.
Set an intention for finding and connecting with your current purpose in life (your purpose can change many times!). What new skills do you want to attain? What changes to your business would you like to make? Even if you don’t work, own a business, or have any desire to acquire new skills, you can use this new moon to set intentions for personal or spiritual goals for the next year.
In other news for this week, Venus and Mars are still not 100% on the same page, so relationships may still feel slightly off. Mars is still retrograde and doing some healing of the past. Venus is getting antsy waiting for his ass to come out of his little man cave.
Mercury offers a mood lift as he is buzzing around shaking hands and rubbing elbows before he goes retrograde starting next week.
2 interesting degree aspects this week involving the asteroid Chaos. Chaos is retrograde has has been in Cancer. This week he backs into Gemini and stirs up a little shit. He, at 29° Gemini, will square Jupiter at 29° Pisces, and oppose the sun Sun in the last degree of Sagittarius. As I have mentioned many times, 29° is a real bajiggity energy, and since we are talking about Chaos, there is both a burning need to create, and one to fuck things up a bit. Gemini and Sagittarius are the student and the teacher/philosopher so this aspect could give you some kind of intellectual breakthrough if you wanted to harness it.
This week’s scopes will focus on the new moon where it hits each sign’s chart, and I’m pulling a card to indicate “your Christmas wish”.
Happy whatever! I love all you magical bitches!
ARIES - The moon hits your 10th house of career and public image. What begins around this time is going to move you forward a great deal on your path. You might be recognized for some accomplishment in the coming few days. This is a benchmark for a new beginning of some kind in who you are to the world at large. The card I picked from the “Love your Inner Goddess” deck (by Alana Fairchild) is “Mermaid Soul”. This speaks to your magical qualities and feminine freedom. You crave interesting things and are easily bored so you need to magic you can find in life. Live your life according to what fills your soul!
TAURUS - The moon hits your 9th house of experience and adventure. A new chapter of your journey (maybe literally) might be starting. Your beliefs and worldview may undergo a significant shift. Reconnect with hopes and dreams and your true aspirations. The card I picked from the “Love your Inner Goddess” deck (by Alana Fairchild) is “Daughter of the Sacred Heart”. You are an infinite being and as such, there are no mistakes or misses in life. There are only experiences and growth. You are loved unconditionally regardless of what paths you’ve taken or how you may have “screwed up”. You are a child of the Divine and you are loved and protected!
GEMINI - The moon hits your 8th house of (kinky) secrets and other people’s money (I love the 8th house and I think I change what I call it every week. heehee.) This house is what you gain from other people, and also what you carry for other people to some degree. This moon might give you access to something you haven’t been able to get to before. This is a deep house and the meaning of this new moon here will also be deep. This is also a place of control and power (Pluto). and transformation. Perhaps there’s a “rising from the ashes” coming for you. The card I picked from the “Love your Inner Goddess” deck (by Alana Fairchild) is “Angel of Truth”. This is a great cue to take stock of your life and see what is true for you, what have you outgrown, and what just feels absolutely bullshit to you. The 8th house loves the deeper truth, so I love the way this card plays with that.
CANCER - The moon hits your 7th house of relationships. So you could start a new relationship, a new job, get a new contract, or something of that nature. The card I picked from the “Love your Inner Goddess” deck (by Alana Fairchild) is “Rockstar”. Have you ever had “imposter syndrome”? This would be a great time to work that out. Set intentions with this moon to be given opportunities for letting your light shine its brightest. No more being held back or down. Bust out into your own spotlight!
LEO - The moon hits your 6th house of work, routine and habits. This plants a seed for a new way of life, new lifestyle, new habits etc. Seemingly small changes you make in your daily life can have a positive effect on your long term health and wellness. If there are situations at work that are icky, this new moon could be the turning point. The card I picked from the “Love your Inner Goddess” deck (by Alana Fairchild) is “Moon Child”. This card is a strong indicator that by pulling down the energy of this new moon in the darkness of this long night, you can really activate changes!
VIRGO - The moon hits your 5th house of play and romance. Heads up about pregnancy in this lunation. If you are trying, have fun! If you are not…back away slowly haha. This moon also gives a breath of life to any creative projects you have and offers a sense of freedom for the next chapter of your life. The card I picked from the “Love your Inner Goddess” deck (by Alana Fairchild) is “wild and free”. The quote on the card says “all good things are wild and free” which is from Thoreau. This card goes perfectly with the energy of freedom and creation.
LIBRA - The moon hits your 4th house of home and family. Because this is a new moon, I feel like you are turning a page and starting a new chapter. Old karma has possibly cleared, or can be healed with this moon. And a renewal can come as you emerge into the new year and beyond. The card I picked from the “Love your Inner Goddess” deck (by Alana Fairchild) is “Divine Bad Ass”. I feel like this card gives a nod and a high-five to the unhealthy familial patterns and chains that you’ve broken. You have that ability and energy that allows people to feel safe so that wounds can be healed. Going forward, give that energy to yourself, in spades! Stand up for what you are worth in every aspect of life.
SCORPIO - The moon hits your 3rd house of communication and learning. If you aren’t learning something new now, you will be soon. Your social life, and maybe your social media presence, can feel busier during this lunation period. You might be working on gathering inspiration for a book or something you will publish. This moon can help you a lot with that, especially as you generally feel more inspired in the quiet of the dark anyway. The card I picked from the “Love your Inner Goddess” deck (by Alana Fairchild) is “Free Spirit”. Give yourself permission to make “mistakes” by saying yes to more things, more opportunities, more people. Your spirit is a beautiful bird that many admire. Don’t leave it in the cage to protect it all the time…let if fly!
SAGITTARIUS - The moon hits your 2nd house of earned income. This is a good time to take stock of your income and debts, wishes and things you’ve saved up for. Going forward, you can look forward to higher earnings and more money that stays with you. The card I picked from the “Love your Inner Goddess” deck (by Alana Fairchild) is “be there for you”. You are a loyal and trustworthy friend who offers great advice. Going forward you’ll have more people that reciprocate that back to you, more of a feeling that someone “has your back”. But you also need to have your own back as much as you have everyone else’s.
CAPRICORN - The moon hits your 1st house of self and as we emerge from this dark moon, you may see yourself differently, in a “whole new light” so to speak. This moon really speaks to who you are and what your purpose is right now. The card I picked from the “Love your Inner Goddess” deck (by Alana Fairchild) is “Tribe of the Kindred”. Your tribe, your sacred connections with friends and loved ones, is going to be strengthened. The card actually references one of my all time favorite poems by ee cummings: “I carry your heart with me”, so you might check out the poem and see what it brings up for you. A deepening of the knowledge of who you are means you will attract in people and connections that are much more congruent with your spirit.
AQUARIUS - The moon hits your 12th house, which I think is a fascinating house. It rules the unconscious mind, past lives, isolation, unfinished business, karma, and pretty much everything that didn’t fit in the other 11 houses. I refer to it as the closet. Things you’ve put on hold can be activated by this new moon. Your dreams may be more vivid during this time. Everything will lead you to the next right launch point. The card I picked from the “Love your Inner Goddess” deck (by Alana Fairchild) is…well…perfect. It’s “On your own terms” if an Aquarius knows any other way. I think you are headed into a period where you feel much more in control of your path. This also means you will be your own savior, superhero and knight on a white horse. But you’ve always been that for yourself. You get to call the shots much more going forward!
PISCES - The moon hits your 11th house of hopes and dreams and who helps you find them. A new moon here can bring a new alliance, friendship, or even a new dream. Magical surprise gifts can show up after this kind of moon, and if that happens just say Thank You! The card I picked from the “Love your Inner Goddess” deck (by Alana Fairchild) is “Starborn”. Piscean people are always magical. As such you can sometimes feel like you don’t quite belong on earth. But you’re here for a reason and the Earth loves and needs your energy. Earth is a messy place but has so much beauty. Next time you look up from this rock to the night skies, recognize that you are made of the dust of ancient stars.
SUN - Sagittarius
MERCURY - Capricorn
VENUS - Capricorn
MARS - Gemini (Rx)
JUPITER - Pisces
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (recently direct)
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Virgo
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Pisces
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 19 December
Ceres enters Libra (direct)
Venus quincunx Mars
Venus trine North Node
Tuesday 20 December
Venus square Chiron
Sun quincunx Lilith
Mars sextile Chiron
Chaos enters Gemini (retrograde)
Jupiter square Chaos @ 29° Pisces and Gemini
Jupiter enters Aries
Pallas square Eris
Wednesday 21 December
Sun opposite Chaos @ 29° Sagittarius and Gemini
Sun enters Capricorn/Winter Solstice
Sun square Jupiter
Thursday 22 December
Venus trine Uranus
Mercury sextile Juno
Vesta sextile North Node
Friday 23 December
Sun square Ceres
New moon - 1° Capricorn at 5:16 AM PACIFIC
Chiron goes direct in Aries
Mars square Vesta
Saturday 24 December
Mercury sextile Neptune
Mercury opposite Pallas
Sunday 25 December
Neptune trine Pallas
Monday 26 December
Mercury square Eris
Pallas trine Juno
PISCES - The moon hits your 11th house of hopes and dreams and who helps you find them. A new moon here can bring a new alliance, friendship, or even a new dream. Magical surprise gifts can show up after this kind of moon, and if that happens just say Thank You! The card I picked from the “Love your Inner Goddess” deck (by Alana Fairchild) is “Starborn”. Piscean people are always magical. As such you can sometimes feel like you don’t quite belong on earth. But you’re here for a reason and the Earth loves and needs your energy. Earth is a messy place but has so much beauty. Next time you look up from this rock to the night skies, recognize that you are made of the dust of ancient stars.
SUN - Sagittarius
MERCURY - Capricorn
VENUS - Capricorn
MARS - Gemini (Rx)
JUPITER - Pisces
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (recently direct)
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Virgo
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Pisces
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 19 December
Ceres enters Libra (direct)
Venus quincunx Mars
Venus trine North Node
Tuesday 20 December
Venus square Chiron
Sun quincunx Lilith
Mars sextile Chiron
Chaos enters Gemini (retrograde)
Jupiter square Chaos @ 29° Pisces and Gemini
Jupiter enters Aries
Pallas square Eris
Wednesday 21 December
Sun opposite Chaos @ 29° Sagittarius and Gemini
Sun enters Capricorn/Winter Solstice
Sun square Jupiter
Thursday 22 December
Venus trine Uranus
Mercury sextile Juno
Vesta sextile North Node
Friday 23 December
Sun square Ceres
New moon - 1° Capricorn at 5:16 AM PACIFIC
Chiron goes direct in Aries
Mars square Vesta
Saturday 24 December
Mercury sextile Neptune
Mercury opposite Pallas
Sunday 25 December
Neptune trine Pallas
Monday 26 December
Mercury square Eris
Pallas trine Juno