I could have danced all night - BitchScopes for the week of December 26, 2022 - January 2, 2023

Happy Post-Xmas, and Happy New Year, Bitches. I have a weird relationship with the holidays and I’m not sure why. Maybe it's an empath thing, maybe its just a human thing. But I’m always glad when it's over. BitchScopes are coming to you a little later in the week than normal because I’m intentionally taking it very slow this week, and maybe next, until the kids go back to school.  

If you read last week’s scopes, I went hard into Nerdville. We started 2022 with a new moon in Cap at 12° and our last moon of 2022 was a new moon in Cap at 1°. We also started 2022 with a Mercury in retrograde in (Aquarius and then) Cap. There is a clear message here about doing a real review of progress and problems and really offering things up for healing. 2023 feels like a year where things might really turn a corner. I think I’ll write a separate blog entry (and likely a podcast episode) with my feelings of what might unfold in 2023. But let’s just look at this week…

There’s some strong indications of “us” trying to figure out our relationships with others and maintain our independence, and Venus and Mercury are both very active this week.

Mercury square Eris is rebellious, controversial, intense speech, and a desire for independence. Because Mercury stations retrograde this week, he will be going over this aspect twice, so it's worth mentioning.

Venus squares Eris is about passions, desires, and seduction to get what we want.

Venus sextiles Neptune is sweet, romantic, affectionate and loving.

Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn and then immediately conjuncts Venus right before she enters Aquarius. One last kiss before you get on the train. This Mercury retrograde is saying slow down, chill out. Put your ambitions on the back burner for 3 weeks and reconnect with ourselves and those around us. Don’t argue, don’t confront…just be. Because we started this year with a Mercury retrograde in Cap, ending it the same has a weird symmetry and synchronicity I haven’t seen very often. Really take time to reflect. Capricorn is traditional stuff so reflect on what traditions and values work and don’t work for your family. What are the cornerstones of your moral compass and foundation? Do those still hold up?

Sun quincunx Mars retrograde (yes, Mars is STILL retrograde) is a need to reconcile and align your core identity and your desires. Is what you say you want really want you want? Do your actions match up with your sense of self? Are you walking the walk?

Venus Conjunct Pluto is passion and desire and trying to form new ways of connecting and relating.

Mercury retrograde sextile Neptune stimulates your mind and creativity. Music is the best way to tap into this.

On my BitchStory podcast a couple months ago we did an episode of lesser known women in classical music. Some of the women were very ground breaking for the times they were active composers, because women often weren’t allowed to do these things. (If the link doesn't work, go to Anchor.fm/bitchstory and look for  “lesson 30”.)

I created a playlist that is really awesome because it spans a couple of centuries and some of it is quite moving.

 Female jazz vocalists might also help you tap into your romantic and creative feelings.

Monday of next week the Sun trines the North Node and squares Chiron.  Sun square Chiron is a bit of an existential crisis, and asks us to question who we are as well as pushing us to utilize our wounds to further uncover the truth of our soul purpose. This could be a painful day of deep feelings and insecurities for some of us. The Sun trine North Node is a very lucky and fate-filled transit that can bring encounters that also move you ahead.

Venus in Aquarius is focused on ethics and philanthropy as a form of love.

The goddess energies of Juno, Eris, and Pallas are strong this week and while they are more subtle than some other other planetary energies, I feel they really offer up the themes of the week:

Can you be who you really are within your relationships? Is there space for you to question, grow, rebel? Is there space for you to succeed and be recognized? Is the morality of your relationship aligned with who you are?

This week's scopes will focus on Mercury retrograde as well as Venus and the questions I posed above. And I think I feel like throwing a card in there. Let's call it a theme for your 2023 and you can use it if it resonates with what you're already feeling aligned with.  I'm using "Tarot of the Divine" by Yoshi Yoshitani because you can focus on both a tarot and a god, goddess, or a fable for inspiration and guidance. Happy New Year! 

And for a real BitchScopes twist - read and apply the tarot card to your moon sign!

ARIES - Mercury retrograde will happen in your 10th house of career, urging you to take care of old business. You should prepare yourself for communication issues with a leader.  You might have the opportunity to re-apply for a job you didn't get in the past...do it! Focus on current projects vs. new ones. Venus is going to shift from practical to philanthropic.  

Your tarot card for 2023 is....the 10 of wands.  Beware of taking on too much this year, and refusing to ask for help. Watch yourself for overwhelm, stress, obligation, and stubborn martyr behavior. The 10 of Wands also pertains to fulfillment of a lifetime of efforts. tale of the Timbo Tree (Paraguay, Guarani Legend) is your message: the head of a tribe, Saguaa, had a daughter who fell in love with a warrior he did not like, so she left with her lover.  He went searching for her alone and for years, often refusing help and he could not find her. He finally put his ear to the ground to listen for her and there he died.  When he died a Timbo tree grew from his ear, symbolizing the fruits he labored for but was unable to enjoy (the fruit of the timbo tree is rather ear shaped), as well as a father's undying love.   This ties in nicely with the message about Mercury retrograde in your 10th house - 10th house and Capricorn are both associated with male figureheads and father energy. 

TAURUS - Mercury retrograde will happen in your 9th house of beliefs and learning, urging you to 66 reexamine what you believe and put your faith in.  Is your life lined up with your personal ethics? What are your long term goals? If you have the opportunity to un-fuck an exam or a class you took, go for it!  Venus is going to shift from understanding the world to understanding power and control. 

Your tarot card for 2023 is... The 5 of Swords.  This card speaks to a battle won by deceit or bullying, and a warning about betrayal. Watch for this in your involvement with others, but also in yourself. The myth assigned to this card is Osiris, Set and Isis. Set overthrows his brother, Osiris, and gloats over his grieving wife. Set is a tyrant, and Isis is defeated...but not forever. She will eventually bring about his defeat.  This seems dark for a card to guide the year, but here's some phrases that may help you digest this: prepare for people to disappoint you with their morals and tactics. Accept your losses gracefully. Resist the urge to press forward against all odds. That sounds romantic and noble, but the price may be too high once you actually win.  The path to your success may be filled with conflict, but be strategic and don't engage in open conflict.  Lose the battle, win the war. And since I'm talking to a Taurus, perhaps...slow and steady wins the race.  I think its interesting that this lesson and theme is aligned so well with the mercury retrograde theme in your 9th house. 

GEMINI- Mercury retrograde will happen in your 8th house of where you end and "other" begins. Make sure you have a good handle on your debts.  Have the difficult conversation about sex. Tell your lover your deep secrets.  Venus is going to shift from understanding your self in the context of intimate relationship (8th house) to understanding your self in terms of the world (9th house) 

Your tarot card for 2023 is...The 2 of Swords (which goes well with Gemini energy!). This is 2 hard choices, a bitter tie, an impasse, a standstill, writer's block, negotiations breakdown, opposing forces, diverging ideologies.  This is defensive energy, a touchy situation & the energy of facing fears.  This decision calls for self reflection, but eventually the balance must be broken and a choice made. The lesson for this card is the myth of Scylla and Charibdes...like the saying "caught between a rock and a hard place, only in this case, caught between a whirlpool and a monster with 2 heads. (Interestingly, this is referenced in The Police song "Wrapped around your finger"- I never knew the meaning and never looked it up... and I consider myself a big Police fan. Nerd fail! 

You consider me the young apprentice
Caught between the Scylla and Charibdes
Hypnotized by you if I should linger
Staring at the ring around your finger

Your message is: call a truce, take a timeout, delay your decision, don't be pressured into a decision, protect your self/heart.

CANCER - Mercury retrograde will happen in your 7th house of relationships.  Misunderstandings and miscommunications with your partner(s) are likely, but need not be a crisis. Airing differences of opinion can be very healthy. Venus is going to shift from relationship to intimacy, and apart from the obvious, this can play out in a variety of ways.   

 Your tarot card for 2023 is...The Queen of Wands.  Look for a woman who is an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius to be an energy for this year. Or, find this energy within yourself. Lead.  Be assertive. Have confidence. Be 100% that Bitch! Your goddess is Pele. She embodies the energy of the volcano, and the chaos that I am always blathering about being a fundamental part of creativity. Volcanos erupt, creating death and destruction, but they also create literal land expansion. The soil is nourished and thrives. The seedlings benefit from the heat.  Perhaps you should take up some Hula lessons and embrace your feminine power of creation and beauty and expression.  I would encourage you to embrace the energy of the world "aloha". We know it means hello, goodbye, etc.   It is also about fellowship and family. The word itself means "the presence of breath" or "the breath of life." It comes from "Alo," meaning presence, front and face, and "ha," meaning breath. Aloha is a way of living and a spirit of love and respect that starts with loving our self.

LEO -Mercury retrograde will happen in your 6th house of wellness and routines. Traffic jams on the way to work, lost weekly reports, and missing emails about your Dr. appointment or Yoga class are all possible. Venus is going to shift from practical and duty bound to commitment oriented (...that looks interesting!) 

Your tarot card for 2023 is...The Hermit.  This should be interesting, a Leo and a Hermit.  Though if you're reading this for your moon sign as I suggested, Leo has a more subtle energy. And fortunately, you don't have to become a hermit, or a recluse, or an introvert.  Though this card is about withdrawal, introspection, meditation, and intense study, it is also about gained wisdom through a probably difficult journey.  Should you be depressed, don't hide from it. Take it out of the bag and talk about it with someone you trust (or journal about it). The Celtic myth of the White Stag is on this card, which encourages the pursuit of spirituality.  The White Stag cannot be caught, and represents the unending quest for spiritual knowledge, as well as an examination of one's transgressions. The Hermit is the 9th card, and 9s represent completion and the end of a cycle. It is appropriate that as you look around you and take stock of your achievements thus far, you take a beat to pause and ponder. 

VIRGO - Mercury retrograde will happen in your 5th house of romance and play. You are the one whose ex lover may come a knockin'. Or maybe a you get a chance to reconnect with a child. Venus is going to shift from sexy to routine, which could cause problems, especially if that old lover does come around! All relationships evolve and no phase is permanent.  Routines can be very freeing and reassuring (which I know you know).   

Your tarot card for 2023 is...The Fool.  I really love this card because its always about a new adventure, freedom, new beginnings. After endings come beginnings. The myth associated with this card is  Danish tale of "The Little Mermaid" and I trust we all know it by now.   The mermaid is ready to dive into a new life, out of the unconscious mind of Neptune's realm and into physical reality, warnings and daddy be "danged" (dang, not damn...cuz she's innocent...haha) (This pairs beautifully with Virgo's dual energy of virgin and seductress.)  This doesn't mean you have to sell all your belongings and live off grid in a tiny house, though no one is really stopping you.  It just means take a risk, take a chance, lighten up and enjoy what life has to offer...even stuff that isn't on your spreadsheet (Look I can't help it!)

LIBRA - Mercury retrograde will happen in your 4th house of family and home. So misunderstandings, miscommunications, and general angst with family communications are all possible.  You might also redecorate some rooms in your home to make it feel more like you. Venus is going to shift from family values to sexy and romantic.  I don't think I need to elaborate on that. 

Your tarot card for 2023 is...The Star.  This is one of the best cards you can have. The themes of this card are hope, serenity, inspiration, insight, optimism, and recovery.  The card from this deck lists a Russian Fairy Tale of Sister Alyonuskha and Brother Ivanuska, and its a little dark, but the moral is making the best out of bad situations and having hope and trust for things to get better. This card is #17 (one of my favorite numbers) which reduces to an 8, the number of abundance.  2023 is a year where you will be recovering, rebuilding, and rehabilitating (probably related to family) from a hard couple of years. 

SCORPIO - Mercury retrograde will happen in your 3rd house of communication and understanding. So you get a real classic Mercury Rx experience here. Double check everything, proof read more than once, and make sure things with moving parts (cars, refrigerators, heaters) are tuned up. Venus is going to shift from socializing to creating a responsible family unit, thought it might not play out exactly in those terms.  

Your tarot card for 2023 is...Temperance (shhhh. I can hear you groaning) This is about balance, meditation, and being "mutable", or knowing when to change with the times. The deity for you is Indian - Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (who you might know as  Kuan Yin). He is concerned with compassion and is very aggrieved at wickedness among humans and protects against shipwreck, fire, assassins, robbers, and wild beasts. This card is #14 in the Tarot, which reduces to 5 the number of disruption, change and movement.  Strive to be more adaptable and compassionate to others in the coming year. 

SAGITTARIUS - Mercury retrograde will happen in your 2nd house of earned income, giving you a chance to focus on saving and re-thinking some of your financial commitments. What is valuable to you will shift under this influence. Venus is going to shift from sensual and secure to taking relationships public. 

Your tarot card for 2023 is...The 7 of Cups. The message is to make a choice, and do so quickly.  The card shows a man with 7 choices: beauty, mystery, knowledge, glory, power, fame and wealth.  This is a great card, but there is a sense of pressure. You have options (more than you realize), but you do have to make hard choices. The myth associated with this card is Aladdin, with whom we are all familiar. Be cautious of daydreaming, fantasy, wishful thinking and procrastination. (Wow This card nails Sagittarius!) 

CAPRICORN - Mercury retrograde will happen in your 1st house of self, and you are invited to examine and reassess who you are in the world and how you express yourself on your path.  Venus is also in your sign but is moving out this week. So the things you value and your personal sense of self can now go out and make money by being you! 

Your tarot card for 2023 is...the King of Swords. This is a very authoritative card which I think matches up nicely with your Mercury message. Own your own power and authority.  Actually stand up for yourself. It seems to others that Caps don't need this message, but in truth, Caps sometimes are avoidant when it comes to confrontation. Disagreements are seen as draining and a waste of time that could be used conquering something. The myth for this card is The Griffin (Persian).  There is great intelligence here, as well as fairness, patience and perseverance

AQUARIUS - Mercury retrograde will happen in your 12th house of isolation and shadows. Your psychic abilities may get a boost during this time. You are going to be treading in the territory of secrets and karma, and it is hard to describe as it will be very personal and private to you. This will be a spiritual journey.  Venus is going to shift from those same shadowy corners into your sense of self and ego.  Things discovered in the 12th will change who you are in the world. It may be more subtle than dramatic, but it depends on your chart. 

Your tarot card for 2023 is...The 9 of Swords. Bitch, get some sleep. You have too much anxiety and worry, and some of it is unfounded. Understandable, but unfounded. What are you obsessing about? What are you scared of?  The harsher message of this card is also "you made your bed, now lie in it". So be careful what you are making your "bed" with.  The card from the deck has the Greek myth of Oedipus (ew, I know. But stay tuned...). The Oracle at Delphi warned the King that his son would kill him out of jealousy. But instead of raising his son with love and kindness, he let his fear and paranoia take over and was an asshole to him, thus sealing his fate. I am an Aquarius and I know many of you have had a rough year or two like I have. When I started with 12Listen almost 7 years ago, my motto was "love over fear".  That is the message I think we have to embrace here: Love over Fear! And also, get a better sleep routine! 

PISCES - Mercury retrograde will happen in your 11th house of hopes and dreams and who helps you achieve them.  Running into old friends, or misunderstandings with friends are possible. And this is a good time to give some thought to what your dreams really are and if they line up with your current values.  Speaking of values, Venus is going to shift from the friend zone to the alone zone.  You may experience a break up, but a more  likely scenario is you withdrawing to intentionally be by yourself. Beware of escapist activities like binge drinking.  

Your tarot card for 2023 is...The King of Wands. This card reeks of alpha male authority, machismo, intensity, and also some resentfulness of the burden of duty.  He is confrontational and ready to start some shit. The card from the deck features the East Asian myth of the Phoenix. He is noble and loyal and overall a much better version of a male in power. He is strong but also resilient - he is reborn and rises from the ashes. In Chinese mythology, the Phoenix is "an immortal bird whose rare appearance is said to be an omen foretelling harmony at the ascent to the throne of a new emperor." So obviously the message here is about power...YOUR power. Wield it well and be more like the Phoenix than the traditional King of Wands (cuz he's a dick)

Monday 26 December
Mercury square Eris
Pallas trine Juno

Tuesday 27 December
Neptune conjunct Juno
Venus opposite Pallas
Saturn quincunx Pallas

Wednesday 28 December
Venus sextile Neptune 
Venus square Eris
Venus sextile Juno

Thursday 29 December
Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn 
Mercury Rx conjunct Venus 

Friday 30 December
Sun quincunx Mars

Saturday 31 December
Venus conjunct Pluto 
Mercury sextile Juno
Mercury square Eris

Sunday 01 January 
Mercury Rx sextile Neptune

Monday 02 January 
Sun trine N Node
Venus opposite Lilith
Sun square Chiron
Venus quincunx Chaos
Venus enters Aquarius