Teenager Energy - BitchScopes for the Week of December 12-19

Mercurial - /mərˈkyo͝orēəl/ adjective subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.
Synonyms: volatile capricious temperamental excitable fickle changeable

It’s going to be a Mercurial kind of week, y’all. Mercury is busy and enters its shadow phase this week. Mercury will retrograde in Capricorn from December 29 until January 19th. We will begin 2023 in Mercury retrograde AND 2024. This month’s retrograde will usher in Mercury retrograding in earth signs until 2024. So starting this week, pay attention to what is happening for you around career, ambition, and public life. Things may get bumpy with authority figures or your social media presence, and other things that put you in the public eye. Obviously Capricorns and the other earth signs could feel this the most, as well as the other Cardinal signs of Libra, Aries, and Cancer. But honestly, generally Mercury retrogrades touch everyone to some degree.

This week Mercury also forms awkward quincunxes with Mars and Venus, and Mars and Venus quincunx each other, so disagreements and harsh words are possible. Again, just watch yourself. Fun fact: As someone who tells people every single week to “be aware”, you might (not) be surprised to know that I always step in the planetary shit I am warning you guys about. *eyeroll*

Mercury trines Uranus this week, which portends “exciting news”, and with Mercury in Capricorn territory, it is likely related to those 10th house things already mentioned. “Exciting” is subject to interpretation and experience and this is a good reminder that Mercury (or any) retrograde is not “bad”. A lot of great things can and do happen under retrogrades and it doesn’t mean they won’t “stick” or last. So Mercury trine Uranus could be a great thing. Optimism, bitches! Optimism!

Mercury trines the North Node this week, which gives your words a certain kind of magic and magnetism to attract good things and fated people that can help you toward your goals.

The Sun conjuncts the Galactic Center (every year at this time), and this is a time when we can get powerful spiritual downloads that can provide inspiration about our path and purpose. The Sun also trines Eris, increasing feistyness, but squares Neptune, decreasing motivation.
Galactic Center as captured by Hubble

So this week is basically a teenager: moody, full of potential, but lazy and argumentative… Yes I would like a glass of wine, thanks. 

ARIES - The Sun and Galactic Center are in your 9th house of ambitions, and Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn in your 10th house of career. You could really be preparing (whether you are conscious of it at this time or not) to launch something big in your life. Neptune is in your 12th house, which can be a very psychic placement for it. It is squaring your 9th house of big dreams so you may be resisting some adjustments to your dream board. Mars is retrograding in your 3rd house, so your communication might be a little hampered, or your dialogue is mostly internal. That’s OK. You will come out with whatever feels right when it is right. Make sure your professional emails remain professional this week and going forward through Mercury retrograde, and likewise, keep your words in check. With your 10th house energy squaring your 3rd house, you might insert foot in mouth. 

TAURUS - The Sun and Galactic Center are in your 8th house of intimacy and secrets, and Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn in your 9th house of ambitions. This is a time when you can really take deeper knowledge of yourself and start to carve out a deeper or new path. Neptune is in your 11th house of friends squaring that deep 8th house, so your friends group may be changing because you are changing. Mars is retrograding in your 2nd house, so your money might be feeling tight. Use this time for budgeting, so that when Mars goes direct, it can shoot out of that bow like an arrow on target for making, having, and keeping more of your money. With your 9th house of big dreams squaring your 2nd house, make sure are not over extending yourself based on idealism alone.

GEMINI - The Sun and Galactic Center are in your 7th house of contracts, agreements and relationships, and Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn in your 8th house of intimacy and secrets. Your experiences in the present time are going to take you deeper into yourself and your relationships if you let them. Neptune in your 10th house can make things really hard to figure out or have the energy to do, and Mars is retrograding in your 1st house, so your sense of identity might be either really inspired or struggling to find its light. But when Mars goes direct, the energy will settle and you will feel like a new you in some ways. What motivates and drives you will shift and change next year, so don’t be surprised if what used to turn you on (both intellectually and physically), doesn’t really anymore. It’s just growth - nothing to self sabotage about.

CANCER - The Sun and Galactic Center are in your 6th house of routine, health and habit, and Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn in your 7th house of contractual relationships. Taking care of yourself is something you owe not only to yourself, but to those that depend on you. That means don’t burn the candle at both ends, delegate, and generally engage in self care more regularly. Neptune in the 9th house of ambitions squares the Sun and Galactic center, so you may be resisting some necessary work changes. Mars is retrograding in your 12th house, so your energy could be off, subdued, or just plain ol’ low. It will definitely get better after Mars goes direct. But this is your not so subtle hint by the Creator that makes all this magical shit work together to take advantage of this quiet time of inspiration, and make yourself a priority!

LEO - The Sun and Galactic Center are in your 5th house of creativity, and Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn in your 6th house of health and habits. That 5th house energy is your home and dominion, so you can really feel inspired and get some juicy downloads from the Sun at the Galactic Center on Sunday the 18th. I would encourage you to really tap in, meditate, or create on that day. Mars is retrograding in your 11th house, so your social life might be more low key than usual. That is not only ok, it gives you permission to really squeeze everything you can out of this creative energy without distraction.

VIRGO - The Sun and Galactic Center are in your 4th house of home and family, and Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn in your 5th house of creativity, fun, and romance. Are you introducing your significant other to your family this holiday season? Maybe your sweetie is on your nerves, and you can blame that Neptune Square Sun for that. It’ll pass. Holiday traditions may be shifting to include more children and even with a few hiccups, the holidays look pretty yummy and sweet. Your career may feel kinda meh right now, and that’s because Mars is retrograding there. It will start moving forward after the new year and you’ll be plenty busy and hair on fire to serve, as you are wont to do. Have some fun. “Make hay while the sun shines”, as they say.

LIBRA - The Sun and Galactic Center are in your 3rd house of communications, and Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn in your 4th house of family. Even though Mercury is slowing down, conversations with family, or information about family roots can be enlightening. Mars is retrograding in your 9th house of travel and experience and Neptune is transiting your 6th house, so you may be questioning if your current “job” (or routine) is really what you want. Your dreams and ambitions may not fit the way they used to, and that is likely due to some kind of family dynamic. Maybe they need your more or less than they used to so that changes the plan.

SCORPIO - The Sun and Galactic Center are in your 2nd house of money, and Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn in your 3rd house of information. With Mercury slowing down and preparing to retrograde in that 3rd house, and with the inspiration from the Galactic Center, you might be struck with inspiration and ideas for some kind of income stream. Use sunday the 18th to meditate around these issues. Mars is retrograding in your 8th house of debt and other people’s money, so that will figure into this equation too, especially once it goes direct in January.

SAGITTARIUS - The Sun and Galactic Center are in your 1st house of self. Happy Birthday! No wonder you are such a source of inspiration and deep thought…you get it from the galaxy! When Mercury retrogrades in your 2nd house of earned income, your income might slow down a little. Adding to this, your contractual relationships (that means marriage partners and bosses or employees) are being affected by Mars retrograde in your 7th house. That will get much better when Mars goes direct. Take time to clean up your bookkeeping so you can have a 2023 of maximum financial efficiency!

CAPRICORN - The Sun and Galactic Center are in your 12th house of isolation and old crap, and Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn in your 1st house of self. You are very likely going through some deep changes and healing from things in your past (even past lives). Also at this time, Mars is retrograding in your 6th house of work and routine. When Mars goes direct in January, things at work are going to pick up speed so take this opportunity to do the deeper self examination. You will be a bit of a brand new person in 2023, so make the most of this time so that you can emerge as a badass butterfly!

AQUARIUS - The Sun and Galactic Center are in your 11th house of audience, and Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn in your 12th house of old crap and karma. Friendships that ended badly could be on your mind. This is a chance for you to heal that shit and be done with it! Mars is retrograding in your 5th house, so your relationships with your kids, or other people’s kids (or your creative process) might be a little strained. It will improve in the new year. You have Neptune sort of clouding issues and energy levels in your income sector, and that will continue to bounce around a bit for another year or so. Keep your focus on what you feel most passionate about even if that has changed. Your vision will align you to your best life!

PISCES - The Sun and Galactic Center are in your 10th house of career, and Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn in your 11th house of audience. Your career should be pretty strong right now. Even with Mercury getting ready to retrograde in that 11th house, you are likely to just glean deeper knowledge about who you are trying to reach with your work. That Galactic Center situation on Sunday the 18th could give you some real juicy inspiration about your public life/career. I don’t have to tell you to meditate, as your life is a walking meditation - especially with your ruler and Jupiter in your 1st house. If family connections seem “off”, it will improve when Mars goes direct. I think I’ve said this to you before but it’s ok to focus on your career dreams right now! Everything has a season (cue the song)!


SUN - Sagittarius
MERCURY - Capricorn
VENUS - Capricorn
MARS - Gemini (Rx)
JUPITER - Pisces 
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces (recently direct)
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries (Rx)
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Virgo
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Pisces
LILITH - Cancer
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 12 December
Sun sextile Saturn
Mercury enters shadow phase (8° Cap)

Tuesday 13 December

No pants day

Wednesday 14 December 
Pluto opposite Lilith
Sun square Neptune
Mercury trine North Node
Mercury square Chiron

Thursday 15 December 
Sun trine Eris
Mercury quincunx Mars

Friday 16 December 
Venus sextile Vesta

Saturday 17 December 
Sun quincunx Pallas
Mercury trine Uranus 
Jupiter opposite Ceres

Sunday 18 December 
Ceres enters Libra 
Sun conjunct Galactic Center

Monday 19 December 
Venus quincunx Mars
Venus trine North Node