Bitches Get Shit Done - BitchScopes for January 9-16, 2023

My vibe about this week is that there’s a lot of energy bubbling up and wanting to be expressed. One of the most important transits this week is Mars stationing direct. So, if there have been things you’ve wanted to get done but have felt blocked or too tired etc, that’s going to shift now and you can get more shit done. 

Mars is usually only in a sign for about 6 weeks, but Mars entered Gemini in August 2022 and won’t leave until March 2023! (and if you read or listened to my 2023 highlights, you know there's some other major stuff happening in March!)  That’s 7 months in a sign! You might have a vague sense of frustration, or that something is happening as Mars stations direct and then starts to gain forward speed. Then there will be a breakthrough of some kind - it might be subtle or obvious - but progress is going to start happening.
One caveat to this direct transit of Mars is trying to do too much because you suddenly feel like doing everything. Mercury quincunx Mars next monday might create a temptation to burn the candle at both ends. But if you don’t pace yourself, you could end up spinning your wheels unnecessarily. Make some lists about where you feel stuck and things you’re ready to launch and then make plans. I hate fireworks, but here I go with an analogy - imagine buying the (stupid) $100 package of fireworks and then just lighting the package on fire rather than taking out the individual (stupid) fireworks and lighting (and I guess enjoying) them one at a time.

This week, despite the fact that Mercury is retrograde, there are good communication vibes available to us, particularly in relationships. Partnerships and relationships can also really benefit our feelings of security and support our individual goals and desires.

There’s also some stubbornness and rebelliousness in the air this week, thanks mostly to Eris. Your tendencies and desire to individuate, express, and maybe fight should be monitored this week so that you don’t blow up something that is actually good for you. Healthy individuality is what you are looking for. For most of us, we don’t need to have a rebellious meltdown in order to achieve it. But if you feel trapped in something, that wild energy could come in handy for your own self preservation.

Neptune sextiles the Sun this week, so we may be a little sensitive on Friday. The same individuation struggles I discuss above could also be happening for your friends and partner(s), and you might feel butthurt if they aren’t great at how they approach it. Friday has some another aspect to it that might mitigate some of the sensitivity…

This week we have Friday the 13th which is a Goddess Day. Rather than being unlucky, it is very beneficial for female empowerment. Friday is named for the goddess Frigga (or Freyja) - the Norse/Germanic goddess of marriage and fertility. Her gifts are clairvoyance, cleverness, and prophecy. The number 13 is a feminine number that corresponds to 13 lunar (menstrual) cycles a year. So if you want to empower your feminine side, its a fun day to make up a little ceremony for yourself, and it can be as simple as setting an intention to using your voice or standing up for yourself more, and lighting a candle with that intention.

Over the weekend there’s a number of transits that could make people a bit pissy, so it may not be the best time for a get together or first date with someone you don’t know well. You’re better off playing some Stevie Nix and baking or… conjuring heehee.

ARIES - Depending on how you’ve experienced Mars retrograde, you might start feeling your fire coming back (not that it went away, hello!) with Mars going direct. Communication and publishing projects can fully take off in the very near future, in part because you have been forced to do the boring homework. This week you might just feel like being alone or burying yourself in some work. You might be a bit touchy this weekend, as that Eris energy is in your 1st house. I wouldn’t advise first dates or business meetings if you can avoid it this week. Do solitary activities that make you feel strong and vibrant.

TAURUS - You can begin to see your bank account come back to life now with Mars going direct in your 2nd house. Create a savings plan, even if it is humble. The best use of your energy this week, which might be a bit more internally directed, is dreaming about your long term and loftiest goals. Write down 5-10 things you want to experience, even the “crazy” things that seem unattainable. Take a look at your list and categorize them in order of easiest to hardest. Write down the next step for each of them and then put this list somewhere that you have to look at it every day (the bathroom mirror, taped over your computer screen, etc). Watch this list all year.

GEMINI - You might really start to feel your energy increase (mental or physical) as Mars gains forward speed. This week is all about being with people who make you feel safe and understood. Make a plan for this week to spend time with friends who are like minded, understand you, or have similar passions as you. You will be grateful for a friend or 2 that you can “go off” with, get fired up about something with, or just have a bitchfest with. It will result in laughter, no matter how serious the topic. If work is wearing on your this week, find comfort in your partner or someone that you deeply trust.

CANCER - You might poke your head out of your winter shell this week long enough to get fired up about something at work. Go off! People mistake cancers for pushovers, and frankly, that is a big mistake! So sound off where your voice is needed. After that, hunkering down with someone you love is the best use of your energy this week. You might feel a little extra sensitive about your hopes and dreams, because maybe you feel stuck or stagnant. Give yourself and your career some grace. Talk it out with your business or life partner and you’ll feel better.

LEO - Your social life might start to perk up with Mars going direct. People that you share a goal or dream with will be the people you feel most connected to for a few weeks. Maybe these are the friends you know via volunteer or charity work. You may feel restless this week, like you want to run away to another country for awhile. Go for it if you can. If you can’t, chances are you just need a little fun and adventure in your life, so find it where you can. If your love life seems way off right now, don’t sweat it…your perspective may not be seeing things for what they really are.

VIRGO - All work and no play makes Virgo a dull sign. Haha. Play is not just good for you, but this week it might be the thing you are most drawn to. Your career is going to pick up and be busier over the next several weeks, but you’ll be torn because you will just want to have fun! You might also notice that your work feels more fun over the next week or so. Your sense of individuality and desire for independence might hamper your intimate connections briefly, but it will all settle down, unless you’re with someone who dampens your independent spirit, in which case you might need to rethink things.

LIBRA - Travel plans that you make now will give you something to look forward to over the next few months. Work may feel tedious and get on your nerves, especially this week. Home and family will be your sanctuary, with one caveat…You might feel particularly irritated by your spouse or partner over the weekend. So take the necessary precautions or give yourself the pep talk you need to not set everything on fire. This is just a brief annoyance for most.

SCORPIO - Remember your sex life? It might perk up now with Mars going direct in your 8th house. This week it might still feel off because you might feel extra sensitive. Don’t push forward if life throws a wrench in your gears this week. If you reach an obstacle, rather than using stubborn determination to push through, just sit down. This holds true at work too, where you might feel frustrated by stupidity and ineffectiveness. Try not to burn anything down unless its your metaphorical bedroom.

SAGITTARIUS - Your partnership and family houses are all active this week. You might be ready to move things forward with a relationship as Mars gains forward speed in your 7th house. But Eris is all fired up in your romance house, so one of you might feel left out or unappreciated. Pay attention and head that off at the pass if you can. Otherwise, don’t panic, because its just an energy spike and it will pass. Making money will be an area of focus for a few weeks, so concentrate on that rather than how much your mother is irritating you this week in particular.

CAPRICORN - Happy Birthday, if I haven’t said that yet. Work is likely to get much busier over the next few weeks as Mars is going direct in your 6th house. That will suit you fine because you may need something to distract you from obsessing about something just out of your reach. Some issue about your home, or being at home might be a bee in your bonnet this week, but it will pass. Put your energy into writing and publishing and other things you are really good at.

AQUARIUS - The good news is that your romantic life and sense of fun will be perking up over the next few weeks. The “other” news is that you might find yourself in a bit of a tiff or argument about money with someone this week. Eris is a little lit up in your 3rd house, so you are likely to go off and hand someone their ass. It wouldn’t be the first time, eh? The best use of your time might be getting some proper rest, especially if the holiday break has your hours all screwed up.

PISCES - Friendship will be a soothing balm this week. Your friends get you and understand you and that will go far in making you feel good right now. Your house of money (earned) could feel a little touchy this weekend, but honestly, everything is fine. Use your extra sensitivity to intuit your next right steps forward on whatever you are working on. Your need for independence is strong right now, whether it is independence from your family, from your source of income, or from friends that don’t lift you up. Follow your intuition!


SUN - Capricorn
MERCURY - Capricorn (Rx)
VENUS -- Aquarius
MARS - Gemini (direct)
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces 
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries 
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Pisces
ERIS - Aries (direct)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 9 January
Venus trine Mars Rx
Pallas trine Vesta

Tuesday 10 January
Venus square North Node 

Wednesday 11 January
Mercury Rx square Chiron 
Eris stations direct 

Thursday 12 January

Venus sextile Chiron 
Mars stations direct @ 8° Gemini 

Friday 13 January
Juno enters Aries 
Mercury trine North Node 
Sun sextile Neptune 

Saturday 14 January
Saturn sextile Eris 
Venus square Uranus Rx 
Sun square Eris 
Juno trine Lilith 

Sunday 15 January
Venus quincunx Pallas 

Monday 16 January
Mercury quincunx Mars