Enter the Season of Spock with a loaded week - BitchScopes for January 16-23
Hey Bitches! Its birthday week in the Blanket Fort! I’m turning 50! What else could you possibly need to know? Nothing!
Ok great, that's it. Have a good week!
Heehee. Naw, I jest. That's far from "it". This really is a packed week full of significant transits. Sometimes I have to sit with the transits for a minute to intuit what the overarching theme is. This week it's pretty clear: progress! We have planets going direct, a perfect new moon, and lots of big themes.
We start the week with Mars (now Direct! yay!) quincunxing Mercury Rx. This is burning the candle at both ends and spinning our wheels. We may be so hungry for progress that we overdo it. This transit happens twice this week. Progress will come. Let’s keep our shit together.
on Wednesday, Mercury goes direct at 8° of Capricorn. (Mars went direct at 8° of Gemini). Full speed ahead will happen, so there’s no need to push it. Let Mischievous Mercury do his thing. Don’t push.
The Sun conjuncts Pluto, which can be a power struggle or very personally empowering transit. Focus on yourself and use your energy where it is most needed. Notice where others have power and use it to your benefit. This can be a watch your own ego and watch your back kind of day. Pay attention the day before and after this transit.
The Sun enters Aquarius this week, and we shift out of nose-to-the-grindstone Capricorn into one of the think-y-est of the signs, ruled by Uranus. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, and some would say “the higher self”. Uranus is visionary, humanitarian, logical, technological, and well, nerdy.
Uranus stations direct this week. It will take Uranus some time before it reaches full speed, and full speed for Uranus is very slow. But starting in February, all the things Uranus has learned about humanity during his retrograde are going to spark broad changes in society.
Last but certainly not least, there is a New Moon in Aquarius on Saturday this week. This is the first new moon of 2023, and it is at 1°, yet another indication of fresh starts. Just as you will find no two Aquarians alike, you will find no two astrologers who agree on exactly what an Aquarius moon is. But because the moon symbolizes our emotional needs, and Aquarius is logical and aloof and distracted by shiny ideas, it has a tendency to not pay that much attention to emotional needs. I stand by my original comparison of Aquarius energy to Spock from Star Trek - the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few (or the one), and logic is paramount. Feelings in the present moment sometimes get ignored while Aquarius has their eye on the ideals and possibilities of the future.
So of course new moons are widely utilized for personal manifesting. And you can absolutely do that. Some might suggest that you should manifest larger goals and dreams with this Aquarius energy, but I’m not so sure. I think you should use it however it feels best to you. Certainly this new moon does carry the energy of hope, liberation, progress, and freedom. But Uranus is gonna do what Uranus is gonna do that aligns with our higher purposes and our collective higher self (Hello Borg much), and he is not going to take a poll. Instead of specific intentions, maybe be the observer this week and see what is unfolding, then push that energy forward with your positive intentions behind it. Perhaps spend a little time this week visualizing what you would like society to look like in the next 6-12 months, what you would like to see happen within our country. Our collective thought energy can move the needle. And then spend some time with your individual desires, dreams and goals. Pay special attention to themes of individuality and freedom, charity and humanitarianism, technology and science.
Honorable mentions this week go to Venus, Chariklo and Chaos. Venus makes a lonely aspect to Saturn, while Chariklo is standing by as the compassionate Medicine Woman for our collective and individual wounds and healing, and Chaos is quincunx the Sun at 29°. That Chaos aspect is subtle, but that’s potentially a triple whammy of holy shit: Chaos, the quincunx energy itself, and the 29th degree. Chaos is also an important word for Uranus and Aquarius, who often make a big mess as they put things back together in a genius and innovative way.
Live Long and Prosper.
ARIES - There is good flow between your dreams, your personal power, and your mental processes this week. Where your thoughts spend the most time is where you will do well to place your effort. The Aquarius new moon is with Venus, Saturn, and Chariklo in your 11th house of dreams and those who help you achieve them. If there are friendships that need to be healed via the work of apology and ownership, that would be a good focus for your new moon activities. Your house of earned income should see a good boost over the next several weeks with Uranus going direct and Mercury forming an easy trine to your North Node in that 2nd house. I would advise you to be careful with written and spoken words this week while Mercury is stationing direct and Chaos is fiddling around in your 3rd house.
TAURUS - You have what it takes now to empower your career from your life and educational experience. Even if you have minimal of either, you are going to start seeing things come together for you around makin’ a (better) paycheck. Like any of us, you aren’t done learning yet, so take education and training seriously and continue to improve upon your skills. This year you will start to see your individual path more clearly and things will start to make sense, so keep the faith. Use the new moon to set intentions for what you would like your public life/career to look like, both now and in the long term.
GEMINI - You could feel a little “exposed” right now. That may mean financially, or publicly, or like you just need some time alone. Follow your gut. There is a lot of energy focused in your 1st house of self at the moment, so whatever you are going through is making you more of what you are and want to be in the world. If your life doesn’t have the sense of security you would like right now, that’s OK. This year there are kinks working out and next year you’ll start to see bigger dividends, perhaps literally. With Pluto in your 8th house, you can start to have a kind of power over “other people’s money” that you haven’t before. That might mean borrowing power, stock dividends, better tax returns, etc. This new moon falls in your 9th house of faith (among other things), so use prayer, faith and hope to heal the parts of your life that feel vulnerable now.
CANCER - Your private life is emphasized right now over your public life. So if you are feeling like taking a break, hiding away with your loved ones, or just keeping your head down in general, don’t feel guilty. Yeah, read that again…the part about “don’t feel guilty”. A period of quiet isolation is not only appropriate for you before the Spring arrives, but is healthy. You might feel a little lonely, but that’s what your family is for (whether chosen or born into). This new moon might be awkward. You and the moon are both very feely, and this Aquarius placement can feel cold and harsh to you. You want a hug and you get a crossword puzzle instead. Nonetheless, use this new moon to do some healing to the more intimate areas of your life. This could be counseling, debt management, sexual connection or healing, or the burdens of family if that is something you struggle with.
LEO - Like Cancer, this new moon might feel awkward to you. You are warm and affectionate and this new moon hits your 7th house of relationships where you are open-hearted and generous. You might not feel like your emotional needs are being met at the moment. The best thing you can do with this moon is offer up those areas that feel like they don’t receive enough for healing. Your colleagues and friends will be a source of strength for you as well, so don’t shy away from reaching out. Your career looks like it might get pretty busy over the next several weeks, so be careful not to spread yourself too thin. Ask for help as often as you tell others to ask for help.
VIRGO - Your plate this week is piled high with career, work, education and public life. Don’t fret if its your personal or love life that you would really like to see get a boost, because that will come. But right now it looks like a busy period for you, and you might have to do something you don’t like doing - ask for help. This new moon falls in your 6th house of routine and health, and those are both areas you will really need to watch for over-doing it. You are not omnipotent or any of the other “omni”s…sorry to break it to you. Pace yourself. Ask for help. Use this new moon to heal both your body and your routine, and then be open to what healing looks like!
LIBRA - Well I mean, I hate to be a sap (do I though?), but faith and love are looking like themes for you right now. You’ve got Gemini energy in your 9th house of faith (as well as experience and adventure and connecting with the world), and then you have other big players in your 4th, 5th and 8th houses. Family, love, romance, intimacy…these are all current themes for you. The new moon falls in your 5th house of romance, so you can feel free to focus on your individual romantic needs with this moon and the rest will flow outward from there. If your love life, sex life, or intimate connections need healing, set intentions for those things and let the Universe do its work!
SCORPIO - There’s a heavy focus for you right now on how you connect with others in all different kinds of relationships. Intimacy is particularly highlighted. The new moon falls in your 4th house of family and home. There is likely a bit of a disconnect with your roots at this time in your life. Maybe you’ve intentionally put some distance there, or maybe you are just trying to achieve connection and “they” just aren’t really getting it. Use this new moon to reconnect, but don’t expect it to be natural. As you set your intentions, you might even get distracted or have a hard time finding your feelings. This moon is detached and logical and aloof and that can seem the opposite of what you are wanting. But with Chariklo, Venus and Saturn all in Aquarius, you just gotta trust the process. Perhaps what you need is perspective.
SAGITTARIUS - Relationships that are ready to move up to the next level can start to do that now with more energy in your 7th house. But try not to get distracted from your financial and adult-y responsibilities. Your income can see a boost with Mercury direct in Gemini, and your schedule is likely to get pretty busy with Uranus direct in your 6th house. Organization and good communication (with yourself, even!) is very important now. This new moon in Aquarius falls in a very compatible air sign house - the 3rd. Set intentions around having better work habits, organization, time management, and communication and Aquarius is likely to be happy to deliver it for you!
CAPRICORN - We are always talking about work with you. This week don’t be shocked if your work schedule gets wonky, repetitive, annoying. But you have a lot more power and control over these situations than you realize. Leverage it now and then. They truly need you more than you need them. This new moon falls in your 2nd house of income, so do some visualizations about money! You should be paid fairly for your level of expertise, which is considerable, obviously, because you’re you! Your romantic life might become busier or deeper over the next several weeks.
AQUARIUS - Happy Birthday, weirdo! This new moon falls right in your 1st house of your whacky self. There’s so much available to you on this day, especially if you’re birthday is this week (like mine, yay!). You can offer up aspect of yourself that need healing to Chariklo. It is not unusual to be blue on or around your birthday, and with Venus conjunct Saturn on this new moon, you might feel a pang of loneliness or isolation. Feeling understood is a big deal for you, and on this day, you just might not feel connected to others. It will pass. You do have good support from your family and your partner, and that will actually increase this year.
PISCES - Home sweet Home. Your 4th house is getting a lot of juju right now. Family, siblings, and your physical home are all going to be front of mind this week. Mercury will be going direct in your 11th house of friends and “audience”, so you might feel more social than usual…however, that new moon in hits your 12th house, so feelings of isolation are still possible…that sense of being alone in a crowded room. You might even crave the quiet and solitude of being home alone mid-week. Your spiritual life and journey are the focus of this new moon in Aquarius. Having Chariklo in your 12th house can do a lot to heal the past.
SUN --> Aquarius
MERCURY - Capricorn (Direct)
VENUS - Aquarius
MARS - Gemini (recently direct)
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus (Direct)
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini (Rx)
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Pisces
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 16 January
Mercury Rx quincunx Mars
Tuesday 17 January
Mars trine Chariklo
Wednesday 18 January
Mercury Direct 8° Cap
Sun conjunct Pluto
Thursday 19 January
Uranus sextile Pallas
Sun quincunx Chaos @ 29°
Friday 20 January
Sun enters Aquarius
Mercury Direct quincunx Mars
Saturday 21 January
New Moon @ 1° Aquarius
Sun opposite Lilith
Venus sextile Eris
Sunday 22 January
Mercury trine N Node
Jupiter conjunct Juno
Venus conjunct Saturn
Uranus Direct @ 14° Taurus