Full Moon in Cancer - BitchScopes for January 2-9, 2023!
But here we are in 2023. Look at my metallic jumpsuit and instant nail polish and hovercraft vehicle which runs on cat shit. oooooh. Neat! The future is cool!
Annnnyway, there are very clear messages from the Universe that we need to slow down. This is a great week to recover from travel, family angst, messy houses, depleted bank accounts, low physical energy, and just the holidays in general. Rest. Recover. Even if you have to go to work, take it easy if you have the option. Mars is still retrograde, Mercury is retrograde, and Uranus is retrograde. Uranus is an outer planet that is more of societal vibe, but he's also responsible for progress and technology and brilliant ideas. We might have the ideas now, especially because all that mental energy is internalized, but doing something with the ideas would be an uphill battle. And that's if you could find the motivation while Mars is retrograde. So, we are invited to slow down and just observe life and make lists and set goals.
This moon suggests that this is a great opportunity to spend time with the people who make you feel loved and nurtured. Great conversation is likely. It's just all very feely around the "hearth". If you either do not have family, or family that you like, or are just isolated for any reason, you can absolutely pull down the energy of this full moon to feel the nurturing power of the Universe. Spend some time looking at the moon, or meditating on the feelings you have. Offer up any pain or wounds for clearing. Ask to have those painful things replaced with something that feels nurturing. Maybe in the next couple weeks you will get some kind of offer that will fill your cup! Anything is possible.
Alternately, you are perfectly allowed to lie in bed and cry and eat stale Xmas cookies. Because that is also a very Cancer thing to do. Whatever you do with this time, be gentle with yourself. This is a very sensitive time of year, so if you need to NOT be alone, please reach out. I know many of you are struggling with relationships and family issues right now, so do whatever you can to protect yourself from too much darkness. Being gloomy and grumpy is fine. Being despondent is not. Know when you need a little help. Asking for help is not weak, its strong!
Opposite the moon is the Sun in goal oriented and ambitious Capricorn, and that may be more of a focus for some of us. Nurturing your work, your goals, and your close professional relationships are also valuable uses of time. This is not a strong week for blazing through to-do lists and getting shit done. Its a good week to have mental insights and review everything on our desk. The Sun conjuncts Mercury this week, which is an indication that you might have an a-ha moment. Look at your projects as far back as 6 months ago and see if they're complete. They may need to be finished, or scrapped, re-worked, or be completely irrelevant now.
As for the rest of this week's astrology, it's a fairly uncomplicated week. There are some good transits for social activities (Venus trine Mars in particular). There are a couple that might cause some relationship tension, but nothing huge. Other than the emotions of a Cancer full moon, it's a mixed bag of nothing real major, and ain't that a fucking thrill in itself?
This full moon falls in your 4th house of roots and foundation. How is your family supporting you or sabotaging you? Look at the family dynamics in your life and see how you might shift things to support your more spiritual work and goals. With this full moon you can reset, release, and realign yourself with your soul purpose, and also around mother issues. Do you have the relationship you want with your mother or with your children? What are the boulders in the middle of the river? Are you judging yourself or your mother too harshly? Is your acceptance equal to or greater than your awareness of any negative influences? Write down some clear goals from your heart and contemplate what steps will get you there.
With this Cancer full moon hitting your 3rd house, you might see changes in your immediate environment such as house projects completed. This is also the house of communication and socializing and full moons can illuminate things. Gossip is prevalent in this placement. So if your friends have any secrets, the tea might be spilled now. You have an opportunity within your social circles to interact differently and likely in a healthier way. If your social circle does not nurture you, or if you find yourself having trouble truly caring about them, it may be time for some gentle clearing out of the old pals.
This full moon illuminates your 2nd house of earned income. In addition to highlighting and boosting your financial situation, this moon can bring up emotions around how you feel valued (or don't). Maybe you're not getting as much as you're giving at work (probably true!) Consider some releasing around feelings of obligation and the idea that you have to bust your ass to get ahead or even to stay afloat. Hard work is fine, but overwork is not. What are the fucked up beliefs you've inherited about working hard? Also, who do you pay first when you get paid? It should always, always be you. Even if that means being late on an obligation.
Well you're sure to feel a bit vulnerable and emo with this full moon beaming into your 1st house of self. Feelings of insecurity might have you wanting to withdraw, cancel plans, and skip the things you thought you were going to do this month. It is important that you confide in someone you trust about feeling meh. Part of the reason you might be feeling scared is that people are noticing you...oh shit. Listen...adjust your perspective. People are noticing you for all the right reasons. Take time to release your feelings of insecurity in exchange for confidence.
This full moon lands in your 12th house of rest and isolation. Take time this week to be by yourself and calm the noise around you. Listen to your heart. Release things that are burdening you to this full moon. Guilt looms large in the 12th house, and that's always a good thing to release! Move slowly and be gentle with yourself as you navigate what might be some difficult shadow feelings about money and feeling supported. Let the moon nurture you and remind you that you are cared for!
This full moon hits your 11th house and puts the spotlight on your tribe, your audience, your peeps. Cancer is a nurturing energy like your own, so take time to give some love to your friendships and associates. If you need to do some releasing with this full moon, perhaps consider the friendships that are uneven and unequal. Where do you give too much and which friends are just takers? It might be time to let them go.
You're a hard worker and that will be illuminated by this full moon. How is your work-life balance? Cancer wants to nurture, so take a moment and BE nurtured. What can you release along this axis of home and career? The 10th house is ruled by Saturn, so guilt can be a real issue for you. Are you feeling guilty about not working enough? Stop that and let that shit go! Let things just be enough, because YOU are enough. What is keeping you from feeling your most confident in life and at work? Let that shit go too!
With the full moon falling in your 9th house, you might be taking stock of your long term goals and feeling some kinda way about those goals, whether you've met them, or if you even want to. Let go of any aspirations that you have that aren't from your heart and don't align with your soul. Those are someone else's and you can release them now. Also, what might be standing in the way of you having more adventure, experience and travel and education? Whatever those obstacles are, give them up to the Universe at this time and clear the path forward.
You could be feeling pretty snuggly and vulnerable this week because this moon hits your 8th house of intimacy. Closeness with a partner is the obvious solution. But there might also be a deep discussion that needs to be had, or some kind of personal healing around intimacy. How open can you be? If wounds are holding you back from deep connection, allow those to be healed. Sometimes we hang on to pain for various reasons, but there always comes a time when it is right to release it. This is also a house of secrets, and the full moon may illuminate some. This is always for your highest good, but if it is too hard to carry, connect with someone you trust and let them support and nurture you during this time.
The full moon in Cancer lights up your 7th house of partnerships. So you may feel a deepening or a boost in the light of this moon. Things you've been working on around your relationships and partnerships can feel completed or fulfilled around now. This is a good moon to release excess co-dependency. All relationships are co-dependent to a point, but there is always that line that, when crossed, becomes unhealthy attachment to someone else's moods, behaviors, and other shit. Be clear about your own energy and send love to the areas of relating that may need some vitamins.
This moon hits your 6th house, so you might gain some (unexpected) awareness around a health issue or how you care for yourself. Especially because this is a Cancer full moon, self care is the end all right now. Release any feelings you have around poor health, feeling your body has failed you, or things like adrenal fatigue from overworking and stress. Set yourself up for good mental health by including self care in your daily routine. Release any stubbornness (what? You?!) around avoiding things like doctors and appointments you know you should take care of!
This Cancer full moon is set up to beam nurturing goodness into your 5th house of romance and creativity. Lead with your heart this week. Include play in your routine. Be open to warm fuzzies. Even if you are not in a relationship, this full moon could help you remember to be dreamy and hopeful. And as the trite cliche saying goes - love yourself first. That doesn't mean you need to be perfect about it, but try to imagine how you would want your lover to treat you and do some of those things for your self! Release any jaded or wounded viewpoints you might have accumulated due to dating frustration and the like.
SUN - Capricorn
MERCURY - Capricorn (Rx)
VENUS --> Aquarius
MARS - Gemini (Rx)
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Pisces
LILITH --> Leo
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
SUN - Capricorn
MERCURY - Capricorn (Rx)
VENUS --> Aquarius
MARS - Gemini (Rx)
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus (Rx)
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Cancer
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Pisces
VESTA - Pisces
LILITH --> Leo
ERIS - Aries (Rx)
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 2 January
Sun trine N Node
Venus opposite Lilith
Sun square Chiron
Venus quincunx Chaos
Venus enters Aquarius
Tuesday 3 January
Uranus sextile Vesta
Occultation of Mars by the Moon
Wednesday 4 January
Venus sextile Jupiter
Sun trine N Node
Venus opposite Lilith
Sun square Chiron
Venus quincunx Chaos
Venus enters Aquarius
Tuesday 3 January
Uranus sextile Vesta
Occultation of Mars by the Moon
Wednesday 4 January
Venus sextile Jupiter
Thursday 5 January
Sun trine Uranus
Mercury opposite Pallas
Friday 6 January
Full Moon in 16° Cancer 3:08pm PST
Venus trine Ceres
Saturday 7 January
Sun trine Uranus
Mercury opposite Pallas
Friday 6 January
Full Moon in 16° Cancer 3:08pm PST
Venus trine Ceres
Saturday 7 January
Sun conjunct Mercury Rx
Sun sextile Vesta
Sun sextile Vesta
Sunday 8 January
Mercury Rx trine Uranus Rx
Lilith enters Leo
Pluto sextile Juno
Sun opposite Pallas
Venus conjunct Chariklo
Monday 9 January
Venus trine Mars Rx
Mercury Rx trine Uranus Rx
Lilith enters Leo
Pluto sextile Juno
Sun opposite Pallas
Venus conjunct Chariklo
Monday 9 January
Venus trine Mars Rx