BitchScopes for the week of February 20-27 - Unfuckwithable! - A Heroine's Journey

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Stay with me and read the whole thing, because this is a play in 5 acts kind of week

When I look at the transits as a whole, the overall feeling that comes to me is one of emotional discomfort, vulnerability, insecurity (stuff that needs to be healed - Chiron) and feeling a bit overwhelmed by feelings to the point that opportunities might be missed. There's a lot of Aries energy forming up (moon, Jupiter and Venus!)  Aries wants to do stuff. Let's make a plan and take some action! But we have to adjust our plan (quincunx energy is adjustment) to make room for compassion (Pisces, Chariklo) . We might be so laser focused on our goal, that we neglect to factor in the needs of others. There’s definitely a rebellious spirit in the air. We have more activity than usual from Lilith and one of those is a quincunx to the Sun - this speaks to facing our past, our repression, and our rage. Lilith doesn’t mess around with just feeling bitter and passive aggressive. She’s more like the “fuck around and find out” gal. But I’m getting ahead of myself because Lilith energy kinda turns me on, ya know?

I’ve included some of the moon’s transits, which I normally do not. The moon is a fast moving object and it aspects all the planets on a regular basis. But this Pisces new moon we just had was significant, and we are in the waxing crescent phase all week long. Waxing crescent is a time of taking action and rebuilding. We are moving toward our goal of healing our hurt and our rage. Healing is an ongoing and unending process. We do it every single day, and this week has the potential to unlock a big shift and a level up. The reason I have included the moon this week is because this is a seemingly emotionally fraught week. But let’s break this down before we freak out.

So Monday, as the play begins, we have our Heroine on stage, wounded and confused - we start with a Chiron transit to Mercury, and this give us insight into our wounds.

Tuesday we want to nurture, we want to accept Jupiter’s offer of expansion of compassion, but we are impatient due to Mercury square Uranus.

Wednesday is a peak day - Our Heroine is gearing up. Wednesday the moon moves out of Pisces and into Aries where we are getting fired up. We have our wheels turning, we want to act, we want to make a plan. We need to make accommodations and space in the plan for healing. We are antsy. And we may be in our own way with this plan. Jupiter is occulted (eclipsed) by the Moon on Wednesday. Jupiter’s opportunities, optimism, and expansion is muted by our emotions, but only briefly. As the moon moves away and Jupiter emerges, then Jupiter’s energy is super loud and emphasized for a little bit, and we'll get a power boost. (As a side note, the moon occults other planets on a regular basis. However, the moon occults Jupiter only 4 times this year.) The moon sextiles Pluto Wednesday, and this is deep and intense feelings (this happens every couple of weeks).

It seems by Thursday we have moved out of a phase of being overwhelmed and into a phase of being a little pissed. The Moon is still in Aries. This is good. Anger is a motivator and a mover of energy. Aries wants to get shit done. Our Heroine’s healing journey gets real and she makes an intense discovery within herself.  The sun forms a quincunx with Lilith  which is awkward at best, but forces us to come to terms with our pain and transform it into power. 

Friday, our Heroine is using what she’s learned to care for more than just herself, but also those around her.  The moon (still in Aries) squares Lilith (who has been in Leo only since mid January after being in Cancer since April of 2022). This is deep, deep emotion that reaches into the cracks of your soul - OOF! You will find all kinds of things in those crevices where you’ve been broken - anger, grief, abandonment, rejection…yeah it's just a bowl of emotional fruity pebbles, right? This square to Lilith happens about twice a month, although, you probably only notice this when you are going through something. (I feel there must be a reason I am noticing it in *this* week, and I think it's because this week screams empowerment through pain!) She's on the move as the moon moves into Taurus, and anger morphs into this energy that I can best describe as “Mama Bear”. I am very familiar with this energy myself as it is a big part of who I am, and not just for my own kids. This Mama Bear energy is also a “fuck around and find out” vibe. Compassion and rebellion combine to make a protective barrier...the product of the alchemical process of adding grief and sacrificial love together. She emerges, a hero, having rescued herself and protected those she loves.

Don’t feel nervous about all the emotional shit.
You should feel a bit excited about this. Because under all this emotion is purpose. When the energy of the various feelings burns off, we are left with a deeper knowing of not just ourselves, but our partner(s) and “bear cubs”. A calling is forming. Not necessarily a calling that is like “Hey quit your job and sell everything and let’s go do blah blah blah.” This is more like a calling that will be added to your current soul plan. Not a rewrite, but a revision…an amendment. It will give us clarity. Look at the Heroine’s journey we have from Monday to Monday! We move from victim to Victorious.

Monday the 27th we have Mercury sextile Eris, which is fearless and bold expression of “You can not reject me. You can not fuck with me. I am unfuckwithable!”

ARIES - Much of the activity I discussed in the summary is happening in Aries, which is your 1st house of self.  There's a rebirth going on within you. The truth is, that rebirth has been building for awhile. But this new moon in Pisces we just had is really getting something moving.  The Aries activity feeds into Lilith in your 5th house, which is a fantastic place to have her! Sexual liberation and personal confidence...hello?! Get ready world, this Aries bitch is comin' out! 

TAURUS - The flurry of Aries activity happens in your 12th house. This is an awkward place for Aries, because it's not a house of action, its one of introspection.  This is a spiritual awakening. and that spiritual work is feeding into Lilith in your 4th house of home where it will strengthen your foundations.  Lilith enables you to be more authentic in your family dynamic, and can act as a protective energy for your home. Go full woo and get out the sage and salt and get your house blessed for the Spring Equinox. 

GEMINI - Gemini, you've got Aries all up in your 11th house of your peeps.  This is great energy for you, as it will encourage connections, help you find your audience, and bolster your tribe.  That energy is feeding into Lilith, who is currently in your 3rd house of communication. So if you're in publishing or podcasting, this is good stuff!  No matter how or with whom you are communicating, Lilith will help you find your authentic voice. 

CANCER - Aries rules your 10th house of public life, reputation, and career. You have a lot of plans and things you're trying to do, professionally.  You should start to see things coming together with a little more regularity.  Lilith is in Leo in your 2nd house of money.  She's transforming your money guilt into badassness and unapologetic earning power.  You won't feel the need to over explain yourself regarding money now. You'll stop second guessing your worth! Big things are coming together for you. 

LEO - Aries rules your 9th house of expansion, experience, travel and learning.  You might start to feel pretty restless over the next few days/weeks.  If you can't get on a plane and go to Tuscany, at least move your body. It will help the frustrated Aries energy to dissipate.  Also try to engage your brain in learning something new or expanding your experience of the world in some way.  Lilith is currently in your 1st house, giving you a whole new "no fucks given" makeover.  You have already undergone a lot of the hard work, and now you are learning to settle in to your new skin.  Lilith will help you embrace all the parts of you so that as you go out into the world, you are a more authentic version of you. 

VIRGO - This period is a deep dive for you.  Aries rules your 8th house, which is deep in and of itself. Lilith is currently in your 12th house, which is the shadowy-est house.  Aries in your 8th house will want to take action toward healing your relationships with money and sex.  Believe it or not, where one of those energies goes, the other tends to follow.  If you have difficulty accepting money, you probably have difficulty being vulnerable and receiving sexual pleasure.  This energy is connecting with your 12th house of the past, karma, and shadow work. Lilith will liberate you in big ways if you let her!  

LIBRA - This should be a pleasant shift for you. While there is a shift into Aries, the Sun is just now getting comfy in Pisces and that does soften things up a bit, which suits you.  Aries rules your 7th house of relationships, so things that need to get done in the way of relationship healing will be activated now. All that energy is feeding into and being empowered by Lilith in your 11th house of friends and associates.  No more fake friends for you. Lilith is cleaning house and you will find yourself letting go of people who do not appreciate the real you and encourage you to be authentic.  Out with them! 

SCORPIO - Your work life is getting a makeover.  Aries rules your 6th house and you'll be motivated to change up your routine, or your office layout, as well as some of your daily habits.  This house also rules health, so if you get the itch to do some exercise, please do. Aries energy has a tendency to collect if its not given movement, and you'll feel it in your body.  Lilith in Leo is in your 10th house of career and public image.  She's going to give you an authenticity make over.  This isn't like Saturn where you have to prove yourself. This is an infusion of confidence and badassness.  You probably already have felt this brewing. Let it in! 

SAGITTARIUS - Excuse me while I put on some Barry White music for you... Aries rules your 5th house of play and pleasure. Venus and the moon in that sign will stir up romance and ooh-la-la vibes for you.  I don't think I need to instruct you, since you're a fire sign and this energy is also in a fire sign.  Lilith is also in a fire sign, so DAMN. Calm your tits, and let's not set everything on fire.  Lilith here is going to ask you to dig down and find what you truly believe in.  She's going to question your spiritual expectations and push against blind faith and dogmatic beliefs.  Expect to have a different outlook on life and your experiences after she is finished. 

CAPRICORN - This Aries influence is going to help you get shit done around the house. Aries rules your 4th house of home and family.  You might have a brief hiccup with family or mother energy when Jupiter is occulted by the moon, but it will be moving on quickly. Other than that, Venus should be inspiring you to make things pretty. You might feel antsy for the Spring to come, so channel that frustration into something indoors if you must.  Lilith is over in your 8th house where she is at one of her most powerful placements! She will be eliminating any shame you have around sexual expression or feelings of value from other people. This is a badass Lilith placement so I hope you enjoy it, you kinky bitch!

AQUARIUS - Aries rules your 3rd house of communication and social events.  You might feel more social (less anti social haha) than usual during this time.  Meanwhile Lilith is over in your marriage house transforming it into its truest form.  Authenticity and honest are key to her work there, and because she is the goddess of sexual liberation, you can expect a deepening of your sexual relationship as well.  Single? Probably not for long unless you want to be.  She'll still be stripping off any layers of shame you have about relationships and imbuing you with confidence and sexiness to do with whatever you damn well please!  

PISCES - You have Aries ruling your 2nd house of income, so you should see a boost in money that comes in during this time, as well as a boost about your feelings around it.  Lilith is in Leo in your 6th house. This is a fantastic placement for her when it comes to feelings about our body.  She will remove any shame you have about your body, your health, and how you feel in your skin.  She might even inspire some new self care habits that you can incorporate with no guilt!  This is a great period of "love and value yourself" for you! 


SUN - Pisces
MERCURY - Aquarius
VENUS - Aries
MARS - Gemini
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - 29° Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini (Rx)
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 20 February
Mercury Sextile Chiron 
Moon quincunx Lilith 

Moon quincunx Ceres 
Moon square Mars 

Tuesday 21 February
Ceres opposite Vesta 
Mercury square Uranus 
Jupiter sextile Chariklo 

Wednesday 22 February
Pallas quincunx Chariklo 
Mercury trine Mars 
Moon conjunct Jupiter
Occultation of Jupiter by the Moon 
Moon sextile chariklo
Moon trine Lilith
Moon sextile Pluto 
Moon conjunct venus 

Thursday 23 February
Sun quincunx Lilith 
Sun quincunx Ceres
Jupiter square Pallas 

Friday 24 February
Ceres sextile Lilith 
Venus trine Lilith 
Venus opposite Ceres 
Sun sextile North Node 
Moon square Lilith 

Saturday 25 February
Intermission/no pants day :)

Sunday 26 February
Mercury sextile Juno 
Saturn trine Chaos
Venus conjunct Vesta 

Monday 27 February
Mercury sextile Eris