New moon at 1° Pisces - BitchScopes for the week of February 13-19
This will be an interesting week. Let’s just cut to the chase and go through it day by day:
There are some of those 29° aspects again this week. On Monday we have the first of them with Pluto quincunxes Chaos, which indicates that the Authority (or the Usurper of Power) will have to adjust. This would be like trying to shoot a grape off the head of a sailor standing on the deck of a ship in the raging North Sea (Damn I love my analogies).
Tuesday we have some rebellious words and ideas
Wednesday there’s a mix of love blindness (I guess some call that Romance), nurturing, and feeling like hardships are helping to clarify our purpose
Thursday the Sun conjunct Saturn is all about responsibility and maybe the burden of it.
Friday Mercury sextiles Jupiter, which can provide a broader outlook and the confidence of having better or more information, however, then the Sun trines Chaos at 29°. This is a test of character, integrity, a sense of urgency at the very core. And the moon conjuncts Pluto at 29° of Capricorn Friday as well. That is a Patriarchal power struggle in an emotional shit storm of seriousness.
Saturday the Sun enters Pisces and Mercury conjuncts Chariklo. Enter: the compassionate negotiator. Be aware of shit stirring, or shit stirrers as the moon will square Uranus (bored and maybe volatile) and trines Mars (determined, but probably a bit impulsive).
And then on Sunday, we have a new moon in Pisces which is fantasy, spirituality, compassion, sacrificial, need for boundaries; it will be fresh out of a saturn conjunction (cautious, defensive, serious, realistic. But first, Venus enters Aries, where she is direct and no bullshit about what she wants andwhat she values. As such, she then squares Chaos and sextiles Pluto, both at 29°. This would be a passionate situation, but when you factor in that 29°, it feels urgent, and she’s ready for a throwdown if necessary. This is Divine Feminine in crisis. And remember that feminine energy is more about the process than the output, more about collaboration and inclusion than competition, more creative and intuitive than logical and action based. Pisces is also a feminine sign and Venus is exalted there for perhaps obvious reasons. But Venus is in Aries now and she wants to take action, and I think many of us can relate to that drive. And then we have a new moon in Pisces, almost as if the Sun and Moon come in to back Venus up in this power struggle. Compassion and collaboration win, and they are blacked up by a surprising force - Saturn. The moon will be fresh out of a conjunction with Saturn in 28° of Aquarius, and it will carry that strength into this new moon at 1° of Pisces.
Just as the late degrees of a sign indicate a growing urgency and frustration, the very early degrees of a sign indicate undiluted enthusiasm for the new energy. This Pisces full moon isn’t just your mom or favorite grandma energy…she is Diana Prince…she is Wonder Woman. She’s powerful, and doesn’t want to hurt people if she can avoid it. She is compassionate and sensitive and determined and idealistic.
Now, before I talk about what to do with this new moon, let’s go back over all of what I just said, where I’m sure your mind was racing to apply all of those concepts to your personal life (where they are indeed true), but this time, let’s zoom out and look at what is happening in North America with China and UFOs right now. We have crisis, chaos, the unknown (Pisces and 12th house), super powers collaborating to figure out what is right and best and responsible in the face of what feels a bit like an invasion (of privacy a the very least), or a breach of security (boundaries, borders, airspace…this is all Saturn). We have one toe over the line drawn by Putin in the Ukraine conflict. We have a crisis of relationships, and a power struggle. The crisis of the feminine is everywhere in the US, from abortion bans to heated discussions about Madonna’s face and what it says about ageism, feminism, and free will.
Saturn is one of those interesting planets that is transpersonal (so is Jupiter, which co rules Pisces). It can be personal, and it also transcends the personal qualities and speaks to societal issues. Saturn is realistic and grounded Earth. Because of this influence on this new moon, there may not be a more perfect new moon to manifest and co-create with than this one. This week, spend some time creating a vision board, daydreaming, visualizing and meditating about the future you want. But also make a list (Saturn loves a list!) of realistic action steps you can make toward those goals. Saturn is reality, and Pisces is fantasy. Pisces gives Saturn wings to fly and Saturn gives Pisces a grounding influence that can help make things real.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so it contains a little bit of all the signs. This new moon, and its corresponding full moon will bring closure to things we have started. During this full moon you can look back at where you have been since the last Full Moon in Pisces (September 10th 2022). What are you wrapping up and completing? How does that inform what seeds you are planting now (which you will harvest around August 30th)?
So let’s look at what this looks like for each sign.
ARIES - You will be charming on all fronts, kiddo. With Venus cruising through your 1st house, you can charm all the humans, and with the New Moon in your 12th house (and Saturn next month), you’ve got connections with the other side, the unseen, and the spiritual energies. You might still be feeling a bit of a crisis about your career path, especially with Pisces pulling to a more spiritual connection. Your influences and support will come from your 11th house where those Aquarius transits are happening. You are aligned with the right people and with a little help from your friends (or your audience), you will figure out the way forward. I think you’re gonna start to feel a lot more serious about a spiritual path as this year progresses, so use this new moon to visualize and feel what you’d like that to be.
TAURUS - You are building a tribe. This new moon hits your 11th house of friends and associates. Look at your social circle since last Fall and set some clear intentions about what you want your circle to look like later this year. With Venus in Aries now you’ll start to get a feel for what your path is going to look like later this year when the North Node moves out of your sign and into Aries in your 12th house. This is a more spiritually connected path for you, at least for the next year and a half or so. Lean in to this portion of your evolution and calibrate your spiritual and moral compass so you’re ready for the next part of the journey.
GEMINI - Look back at your career since last September. Something was triggered around then that is going to positively influence your career track. That’s where this new moon hits - in your career house. Keep believing, keep learning, and keep the faith. Those 3 things are what will support you into this next phase. Venus in Aries will cruise through your 11th house where you will either find the connections you need, or find the audience you’ve been seeking. Visualize and feel what you want this area of your life to be and meditate on it, or create a vision board or an idea cluster (we called it brainstorming when I was in school back in the 1800’s). Set clear intentions this week and weekend and plant those seeds with belief that it WILL come to pass.
CANCER - Either you are about to embark on a learning trajectory, or you recently have. Either way, stick with it. Lean into it. This is going to open new doors for you later this year. With Venus in Aries right now, you have the career stability, charm, and drive that you need to keep things running so that you can really focus on whatever this new area is. It might be more subtle than you think as well - just because you aren’t going back to school doesn’t negate the message. This new moon, visualize either what you want to learn, or what kind of doors you would like your learning experience to push open.
LEO - You may be shouldering at least part of a heavy load with someone close to you. This new moon comes to your 8th house to bolster you with compassion and the power of the unseen. If it is your own burden that is too heavy to carry alone, then you need to have compassion for yourself and ask for help. This area of your chart can also rule debt and taxes, and if that is the case, just know that you have the resources you need to handle it. Maybe you’re through the worst of it and it is time for you to set intentions for a fresh start in this area. Maybe a savings plan is called for. Get that vision board out and get those abundance images pasted on there! With Venus cruising through Aries in your 9th house, it might be time to learn about investments or seek the wisdom of an expert in that area.
VIRGO - You don’t lack compassion, and when this moon casts a shadow over your 7th house of partnership, you will be called in to offer support. Where you are strong, you can help your partner, and where you lack strength, trust that the universe will provide it. You will also need to practice good boundaries during this time, both around your health, and around your intimate relationship(s). You could easily over give to your and your other’s detriment. If your relationship needs more compassion or you are looking to call in a compassionate partner, set your new moon intentions around this by visualizing, meditating and having a clear idea about what you want. Focus on what you want to feel from and with your partner rather than superficial details.
LIBRA - This new moon in Pisces falls in your 6th house of health and habit. This house rules both your physical health, your habits, and your everyday/work routines. Think back to last Fall and see if you can pinpoint a change that happened. Regardless, set your intentions around having vibrant health & a healthy work life. Really spend some time visualizing it. While you might feel conflict around this in regards to your family (maybe their opinions), what you have supporting you is creative energy, confidence, and possibly your literal children. Venus in Aries should bolster your finances and committed relationship.
SCORPIO - If you work in the creative arts, this new moon is great for you. The Pisces new moon falls in your 5th house, and that Pisces energy can help you have compassion for your artistic journey as well as giving you spiritual support for those endeavors. Even if you don’t work in the arts, you can really utilize this energy to boost your creativity. I think I said this to you last week - fertility is favored right now so boink mindfully. Consider whether you need better boundaries with your existing children at this time too. Your family will be a source of support for you as you journey forward, regardless of the flavor of your journey. Venus in Aries will cruise through your 6th house of health, habit and routine. You might feel more motivated around various healthy habits right now (money habits included).
SAGITTARIUS - This new moon in Pisces can impart a sense of peace and tranquility to your home life. When you think about how to set intentions for this new moon, consider boundaries and if you need to tweak yours in regards to your family. If you are setting intentions for a new home, visualize it, picture it, write down the criteria and the pieces that you want to come together to make it a reality. The obvious time for this to come to fruition is late August this year, but it could certainly happen whenever the Universe decides its your time. Once you create your vision board or set those intentions, don’t fixate on it anymore. Have the image somewhere that you can see it but in a way that makes you feel happy.
CAPRICORN - This new moon lands in your 3rd house of communication and ideas. Pisces can certainly open psychic channels for you during this time. But at the very least, you should be able to tap in to the creative vastness of Pisces. You will also have the financial resources to support your new ideas. Venus in Aries will cruise through your 4th house of home and family, so if you’re looking to get stuff done or get money for or from your house, this is a good period of time for it. Its a little more abstract to manifest in the 3rd house. How do you visualize an idea you don’t have yet? I would say just be open to information to come in from a variety of sources and maybe work on manifesting the intuition to know which of those sources are legit and most trustworthy.
AQUARIUS - Oh, do I love this new moon for us. Aquarians get a Pisces new moon in the 2nd house of income. So you could get money from a variety of sources in the wake of this moon. Generally things manifest within a few weeks of the new moon, but this might happen, or continue into the Fall of this year. Let’s. Claim. That!! So visualize how this income is going to make you and your life feel, rather than the specifics of how it will happen. Pisces is magical and sneaky so don’t bother trying to figure out the details. Your confidence levels are likely to be high either now or real soon, even if you feel a bit withdrawn (Capricorn 29° happens in your 12th). Also, make sure you have good boundaries around your spending, bitch.
PISCES - This new moon is in your 1st house. You don’t have a compassion deficit or anything, but you might have some compassion fatigue. Boundaries, bitch…boundaries. This new moon could do a whole bunch of things for you. And with Venus cruising through Aries and your 2nd house of income, you could definitely manifest more money! Make that vision board, baby! Your spiritual practice or connections (or your ancestors) have your back in particular this week so lean into all of that when you set your intentions. I doubt you would do this anyway, but whatever you set out to manifest, keep it to yourself this time around. Your friends and the opinions of others might just create confusion for you.
SUN --> Pisces
MERCURY - Aquarius
VENUS --> Aries
MARS - Gemini
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - 29° Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini (Rx)
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
MERCURY - Aquarius
VENUS --> Aries
MARS - Gemini
SATURN - Aquarius
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - 29° Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini (Rx)
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 13 February
Pluto Quincunx Chaos @29°
Tuesday 14 February
Mercury Opposite Lilith
Wednesday 15 February
Venus Conjunct Neptune
Mercury Square North/South Nodes
Mercury Trine Ceres
Thursday 16 February
Pallas Stations Direct
Sun Conjunct Saturn
Friday 17 February
Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Sun Trine Chaos 29°
Moon conjunct Pluto @29° Cap
Saturday 18 February
Sun enters Pisces
Mercury Conjunct Chariklo
Vesta Trine Lilith
Mercury Quincunx Pallas
Moon square Uranus
Moon trine Mars
Sunday 19 February
Venus enters Aries
Venus Square Chaos 29°
Venus Sextile Pluto 29°
Moon conjunct Saturn
Moon trine Chaos
New Moon At 1° Pisces 11:06 Pm Pst (Feb 20 2:05am est)
Monday 20 February
Mercury Sextile Chiron