Saturn moves into Pisces AND a full moon in Virgo! BitchScopes for the week of March 6-12

Ok bitches! Here we are. Astrologers have been talking about March 2023 for many months.  This week, things start shifting!  

I'm going to cut straight to the chase this week. Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday after being in Aquarius for 2.5 years.  Here's what I wrote at the beginning of 2023 about this crucial transit: 

On March 7, Saturn will leave Aquarius for Pisces. This should be interesting! These are totally opposite energies - Saturn is boundaries and rules and Pisces is connectedness and spiritual.

Saturn in Pisces Dates:
  • February 14th 1935, to April 25th 1937
  • October 17th 1937, to January 14th, 1938
  • March 23rd, 1964, to September 16th, 1964
  • December 16th, 1964, to March 3rd, 1967
  • May 21st, 1993, to June 30th, 1993
  • January 28th, 1994, to April 7th, 1996
  • March 7th, 2023, to May 24th, 2025
  • September 1st, 2025, to February 13th, 2026

Themes: Religion, discipline, boundaries, lack of boundaries, confronting addiction, charity, compassion, depression, melancholy, immigration law, Fascism vs anti fascism (again. This concept will be big).

We are already seeing a decline in organized religions, and Christianity has come under heavy criticism over the last few years. As Christianity declines (its a cycle…it’ll come back, weirder), antisemitism is likely to surge.

Hitler came into power during Saturn in Pisces, Emergence of belief systems that focus on autonomy (the church of satan was founded under saturn in pisces)

he wanted to eradicate the Christian church. We already know what else he wanted to eradicate. Also during this transit, the Church of England allowed its first female priests. New age and esoteric religions have generally become popular during these cycles.

Saturn in Pisces could be lonely, and we might see a lot more discussion around depression. The health care entities in the Western world are likely to formally embrace mental health care in a more significant way. Also very likely are more public discussions about substance additions, recovery, sobriety. Melancholy will be a theme that we will see played out in music, movies, and literature. Nihilism will slowly move on as we realize that we can’t just sit on our asses and be sad about climate doom etc.

My Predictions for Saturn in Pisces
  • Melancholy as an artform and cultural vibe
  • Israel- Palestine escalation
  • Birth control protection will be codified (birth control was developed under Saturn in Pisces)
  • Religious zealotry
  • Minimum age issues examined (driving, drinking, social media ad targeting, etc).
  • Regulation over technology
  • Big pharma will be called out in a major way, and western medicine will begin to move away from hard core pain killers (I just saw a new technique for post C-sections that involves an implanted thread that delivers just lidocaine to the area via a balloon and pump!)
  • Prison reform - specifically I expect to see some people released who are in prison for just Cannabis.
  • A new prohibition and attempts to de-popularize drinking. Non drinkers as a new social norm (bespoke mocktails industry is already forming)
  • Conspiracy theories will settle down
  • Younger generations who have been complaining about our collective doom will need to get their shit together and get jobs.
  • Interest in Psychology will surge
  • Psychedelics will be the new Marijuana

The above is how  Saturn will affect society.  Personally, Saturn will firm up whatever area he's passing through.  For example, I got married when Saturn was in  my 7th house.  But a couple who has been struggling might decide it is time to just go separate ways in a 7th similar transit.  Saturn makes things serious, permanent, secure, and provides boundaries.  Saturn will be transiting my midheaven during his time in Pisces. So it will be interesting to see what happens with my career over the next couple of years. 

That same day (Tuesday) we have a full moon in Virgo (interestingly, the opposite of Pisces).  So that 6th house and 12th house axis is very activated this week.  I will go through how that affects each sign (specifically you should read your rising sign for this info). 

Uranus has a strong influence on this full moon, and I love to say about Uranus "expect the unexpected".  That was a the motto of a safety department I worked for once.  How stupid and yet...logical? Anyway, sudden events can happen with Uranus' influence.  Add that to a full moon my case it seems it has set all my cats on "level 10 weirdo", at least at the moment.  

Pluto is still at 29° and will be moving into Aquarius in a couple weeks. But for now, any aspects Pluto makes will be at that critical degree.  Wherever Pluto is in your chart right now, there is extra emphasis and weight.  Things are getting wrapped up before he shifts into Aquarius later this month.  

There are plenty of other interesting aspects, (Venus, Mars and Eris are dancing around each other creating an empowering triad) but Saturn and the full moon kind of overshadow everything so that's what we are going to focus on.  Here we go!

ARIES - Saturn is taking you to Spiritual grad school.  You will be reflecting on the past, your wounds, your secrets, your general there is a lot of depth in this transit.  But it isn't necessarily going to make you lonely or unhappy.  You are just likely to be focusing on what is really "real" in your life.  You will examine what is important and what you need for security (this is often the healing of those old wounds).  Pluto is finishing up work in your 10th house.  You have been very focused on career and achievements and some aspect of that might feel really big or heavy right now.  You have established strong foundations for your public life and you're entering a period where friendships and alliances will be emphasized.  The full moon in Virgo lights up information in your 6th house. The full moon enlightens us, and brings information into the open.  This moon could provide answers about your health or something with your physical body. There might also be changes in your day-to-day tasks at work, or how you feel about your work.  

TAURUS - This Saturn transit is going to tighten up your circle of friends.  People who aren't really your friend will be moved out of your inner circle, and people who have proven they are trustworthy will have their connection with your strengthened.  This period of time will show you that you can achieve great things with "a little help from your friends".  Friends are not always the BFF kind of people.  In the 11th house they can be business associates, peers, or colleagues as well as people you share things in common with, like clubs. Pluto is wrapping things up in your 9th house of learning, travel and experience.  What you believe has been anchored in after years of sorting through various philosophies and weighing them for yourself.  This full moon in Virgo happens in your 5th house.  Romantic relationships can become serious, dramatic, or sexually charged.  Or you might realize that you need more of some particular thing that offers you joy and pleasure.  

GEMINI - Saturn will be moving into your office, so to speak.  Your 10th house of career is going to be solidified under this transit.  Speaking as a Gemini rising myself, this is going to be interesting.  With Gemini rising, we also have Pisces Midheaven (MC), and our careers may have wandered a bit, never quite feeling solid.  Whereas some of our friends have always known what they want to do and what they are good at,  we Pisces MC's have been very fluid.  Saturn is likely to firm up this part of our lives.  Pluto is finishing up business in the 8th house of other people's stuff/money.  Pluto has been digging out what we've buried in regards to finances, intimacy, and our more primal urges.   The Virgo full moon happens in the 4th house, where truths about home and family can be suddenly realized, or something with our physical home can soon be finalized. 

CANCER - Saturn will be setting up shop in your 9th house and you are going on a deep dive for truth and meaning.  You will be reviewing what you've learned thus far and  what you are keeping and tossing. Your principles and ideals may be tested during this 2 year period. And woe until they who cross a cancer's principles! Especially if it affects someone they love.  During this time you are also likely to see your ambitions begin to bear good fruit.  Pluto is finishing up business in the 7th house where he has been for 15 years.  Power struggles in relationships are finishing up in some way now. These connections will either go deeper or go away.  The Virgo full moon lights up your 3rd house of communication. This is prime gossip territory so be aware.  Information or secrets can come out as well.   

LEO - Saturn in Pisces will happen in your 8th house.  During this time, your security will be derived by discovering your own power as well as resources of "others".   This could mean a partnership forms, or that you secure financing that will help you achieve the desired security.  Something about this transit feels to me like you'll utilize the resources and even people around you  to secure yourself solid footing before you go out on your own in some way.  Pluto is finishing up in your 6th house, where your physical vitality has been tested for the last 15 years.  Perhaps you've been self sacrificing and if so, you're feeling pretty over it at this point.  This Virgo full moon illuminates your 2nd house of earned money.  This might bring up feelings around money, or have you reassessing your budget in some way. You might make a large purchase that you've been saving for. You could get the raise you've been asking for.  Something financial comes to fruition. 

VIRGO - Saturn's time in Pisces will land in your 7th house of partnership.  If you're in a solid relationship, it could become permanent in the next couple years.  (It happened to me!) If you're married or in a business partnership that is faltering and struggling, this 2 years will ask you to get serious about WTF you're doing.  Business relationships can be really strengthened at this time as well, it just depends on how things are as you enter this transit.  Pluto is wrapping up his time in your 5th house.  Maybe there's a feeling of urgency or major power struggles happening around your children, or the desire to have children, etc.  Perhaps the last 15 years have been a creative fiesta for you.  And if you are, say...a professional dominatrix, you'll probably be hanging up your riding crop soon.  Last but certainly not least this full moon is all about you.  It will illuminate your 1st house of self and give you a sense of direction for your next steps (from dominatrix in the 5th house to sexual healer in the 6th house?). 

LIBRA - Saturn's transit through Pisces will happen in your 6th house of health and habits.  Your sense of security is likely to come from your routines during this time.  Saturn will ask you to get serious about your health. If there are any issues, he'll point them out. If your work tasks or routine are not cutting it, he will push you to make changes there for your advancement.   Something to watch for during this time is fixation.  It might be you, or it might be someone around you and that is a reflection of the 6th house. Don't spin your wheels about the mole on your back...go get it checked.  Don't spin your wheels about some minor matter in your relationship.  Focus on the bigger picture.   Just something to be aware of.  Pluto is finishing up in your 4th house.  Your family situation has been challenging in some way over the last 2 years and that should be winding down, though right now it might still feel a bit heavy.  Finally, the full moon in Virgo is in your 12th house. This is a classic "things fallout out of the closet" type thing.  If you have shoved things aside or tried to bury them, or plain forgotten about something, these things might just float to the surface under Virgo's eagle eye and the spotlight of the full moon.  

SCORPIO - Saturn will set up shop in your 5th house for the next 2 years.  This could be a very eye opening time for you, depending on life circumstances. The 5th house is joy, fun, children, romance, and sex.  You might have a kind of sexual awakening.  You might have to deal with the security of your children in some way. Or you might just realize that you need some F-U-N in your life ASAP.  Saturn will make sure you are aware of what you've been missing. It could be really fun!  Pluto is finishing up in your 3rd house .  If you happen to be working on a book, you might be feeling the pressure right now to get it finished.  During the last 15 years with Pluto in the 3rd, you may have felt challenged to express yourself in some way. This can be a psychologically difficult transit in this house.  But you are about to emerge from it with a very new outlook. The Virgo full moon on Tuesday hits your 11th house.  This can shine a light on your friendships and associations with peers and colleagues and give you a sort of insight you didn't have before. If there are touchy issues in an 11th house relationship, it might come to a head during this moon.  

SAGITTARIUS -  Saturn will be camping out in your living room for a couple years...and by that I mean in your 4th house of home and family.  Family situations and circumstances can take on a more serious tone during this time, or maybe you move out on your own (that's very Saturnian) during this period and set up your own house. You'll get familiar with Saturn real quick when you have new responsibilities and obligations.   Pluto is finishing up business in your 2nd house, where you have been learning about what you truly value, what makes you feel valued, and what makes you feel secure.  If you had entrenched circumstances or people that made you feel crappy, chances are you've decided to move on from them during the last 15 years.  The full moon in Virgo highlights your 10th house of career and public image.  You have the spotlight on you, and whether that's good or bad only you know.  But you will be noticed. 

CAPRICORN -  Since Saturn is your ruling planet, you are pretty at-home with the energy he offers.  He'll be moving into your 3rd house, making you get serious about how you express yourself, learning, publishing, even how you think.  This can be a time where depression can creep in, so do be aware of that and take care of your mental health.  Your sense of security is going to be attached to your mental energy during this time. You may come up with big solutions to big problems, or your sense of being heard and understood might feel challenged.   Meanwhile, Pluto is saying his goodbyes to Cap, and I know all the caps are standing on their metaphorical porches waving enthusiastically "Ok bye. byeeee. ok now, bye. Right. Have a nice trip. Uh huh, thanks, you too. Ok bye".  and then slamming that damn door and pouring a drink.  Your whole sense of self and identity has been undergoing a 15 year make over. Sure 15 years changes anyone. But 15 year with Pluto looking back at you in the mirror is intense! But look at you, bitch! Thriving. Winning. Surviving.  Whatever state you're in, it's OK!  Finally the full moon in Virgo will be in your 9th house of belief, travel and experience. Big dreams live here as well, so you might get a little taste of your future during this illuminated time.  

AQUARIUS - Saturn is your co-ruler, and so like Capricorn, you're pretty used to having him as your boss.  He will be in your 2nd house as he's traveling through Pisces, making sure you learn how to budget, balance your checkbook, and pay yourself first throughout life.  Your earnings can increase during this time because Saturn will make you get serious about money and spending. Or you might feel a little cramped as he puts a hold on your spending in some way. Pluto is finishing up in your 12th house...and man what a fun placement that is! NOT!  So toodaloo Pluto, thanks for the trip deep into my subconscious mind, my wounds, karma, and secrets.  Thanks for transforming my entire psyche.  Have a nice trip house. You're gonna be transformed, little duckling!  Anyway, the 1st is better than the 12th, kid!  The full moon in Virgo illuminates your 8th house of debt and taxes, and also other people's stuff.  Get your tax return squared away.  You might also just decide you're done doing the heavy emotional lifting in a relationship, or something alone those lines. 

PISCES - Welcome to the jungle, Pisces! It's your turn with Saturn.  Actually I feel like Saturn would have a very well manicured lawn, not a jungle.  And he will make sure your metaphorical front yard is in top shape too.  Saturn in your 1st house asks you to get serious about who you are and what makes you identify as you do.  The 1st house is who you are in the world and how you present yourself. Saturn will show you yourself with great clarity, ready or not.  Pluto is tidying up from his "party" in the 11th house for the last 15 years.  There he has been transforming your connections with peer groups, colleagues, and friends. He's also made you take a hard look at your hope and dreams and decide what stays and what goes.   Heaviness around friendships should lighten up over the next weeks and months, and you'll feel like you have a better handle on what you want and need from those connections.  Finally, the full moon in Virgo hits your 7th house. You might feel critical of a partner or spouse during this lunation.  You might also get a contract for a job or project.  Generally, feelings about partners will be magnified during this time.  


SUN - Pisces
MERCURY - Pisces
VENUS - Aries
MARS - Gemini
SATURN --> Pisces
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - 29° Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini (Rx)
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO --> Taurus
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 06 March 
Sun  sextile Uranus 
Mercury quincunx Lilith  
Mercury  sextile N Node 

Tuesday 07 March 
Full Moon in Virgo  4:40 am PST
Saturn enters Pisces 
Pallas  square Vesta 

Wednesday 08 March
N.Node square Lilith

Thursday 09 March
Juno  sextile Chaos 
Mercury trine Pallas 

Friday 10 March

Saturday 11 March
Venus sextile Mars 
Mercury sextile Uranus 
Venus conjunct Eris 

Pluto  square Juno  @29° Capricorn/Aries
Jupiter  conjunct Chiron 

Sunday 12 March
Mars sextile Eris 
Chiron  conjunct Vesta 
Jupiter  conjunct Vesta
Saturn  sextile Juno

Monday 13 March