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Y'all! There is a lot happening this week! The Sun moves into Aries and we celebrate the Spring Equinox. We have both Mercury and Venus changing signs. And quite a few significant transits. I will admit I don't have the attention span to ramble like I normally do, so I'm going to go through the most significant transits (in my humble opinion).
Monday we have a no pants day, yay! No major transits to report.
Tuesday Mars squares Neptune - this transit happens about once a year. When Mars retrogrades we get it twice. This transit can bring scandal and intrigue. Kylie Jenner and Britney Spears and Henry VIII all were born with a strong Mars square Neptune. We might feel a little suspicious or paranoid during this transit. Mind your own business for at least a couple days. This transit can also create a feeling of discouragement, so just be aware.
Wednesday, Mars FINALLY leaves its retrograde shadow. And then the Sun conjuncts Neptune, which is a very sensitive, psychic vibe.
Thursday is crazy and the rest of the week is as well. Mercury conjunct Neptune makes us ponder the mysteries of life, but that's the last of the feely transits for a bit. That same day, the Sun square Mars is like a challenge from a competitor, Venus square Pluto at 29° and this can create a some intense shit in relationships (or with your bank account). A couple hours later, Venus will calm her tits when she moves into Taurus, which she rules. But then we are back on our bullshit when Mercury squares Mars, which can cause short tempers and impulsive thinking and decision making. Think Ouummmmmm Venus in Tauruuuuuuusssss...
Friday kicks off with the Sun conjunct Mercury - and our minds are in high gear. Venus sextile Saturn makes love take on a serious tone. We want love, serious love. The current state of affairs will determine your mood around that. Next we get some interesting downloads of info when both Mercury and the Sun square the Galactic Center - this raises some awarenesses which may or may not be conscious about how out of alignment we are with the Universe. Life on Earth is, newsflash, fucked up. These squares can create a feeling of conflict, which, if we are tapped in, we can use as a means to realign. If only the whole world could tap in...
Over the weekend things are super light and fluffy <sarcasm> Mercury sextile Pluto adds intensity and depth to our thoughts and conversations. Oh good, cuz we've been so shallow up to now! Then, mercifully, Mercury moves into Aries where it is less engulfed and more confident. Mercury and the Sun make several aspects to the asteroids, including one to Sedna, which is said to be our Spiritual Sun, giving us access to spiritual growth.
I have to cover Monday for a couple reasons. Venus conjuncts the North Node of the Moon, which is a chance for us to embrace Venusian things like beauty and love and things we value (money). The Spring Equinox is the welcoming of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a time of rebirth and renewal as we (hopefully) emerge from the dark, cold days of Winter and into the warmth of the Sun (soon, anyway. Too soon where I am!). The Sun sextiles Pluto on Monday as well, giving us a will to succeed and a determination that may have been sleeping for a while, as this transit occurs only twice a year.
Next week I will cover the New Moon in Aries (woooo I'm excited for that!), more about the Equinox, and Pluto moving into Aquarius (yay! I think...)
This is a lot to cover, so I'm going to get real simple with these scopes, and pull a Tarot card for each. I'm using one of my Cat Tarot decks, because, of course...and because I think cat energy is marvelously confident and affectionate and empowered.
ARIES - Your 1st house gets a real energy boost with both the Sun and Mercury moving into that area. Venus moving into Taurus gives your income sector a sigh of relief. Both of these transits are given intensity and power thanks to influence from Pluto at 29° Capricorn. Appropriately enough (of course!), your card is the Page of Wands, which is the first flickerings of a creative flame, a little bit of restlessness about it (29°), which can send you in a new, positive direction.
TAURUS - Things could get real deep and spiritual in your life with the Sun and Mercury moving into your 12th house. They are given an extra boost by Pluto at 29° of serious Saturn still in your 9th house of beliefs, idealism, and experience. Venus moving into your 1st house makes you charming and attractive to damn near anyone, but you'll be drawn to depth. Your card is the 2 of pentacles. This cards calls for adaptability and flexibility. Keep your options open because the path isn't clear just yet.
GEMINI - Your social life gets a boost by the Sun and Mercury moving into your 11th house. These could be professional connections or personal friendships. Venus will be in your 12th house while in Taurus, so you might feel like spending time alone. The flow of Love and Money might slow down a bit during this time, but it's temporary. Pluto is in your 8th house making one final dramatic gesture, which adds secretive influence to Venus, Mercury and the Sun. Your card is the Page of Pentacles, which can bring financial opportunities. Be practical in your pursuits.
CANCER - Your career sector is getting a great boost by the Sun and Mercury moving into Aries. Pluto intensifies that energy from the 7th house of partnerships. Even if an obstacle appears, it will be relatively minor and you'll have more than enough chutzpah to overcome it and find a solution. Venus will be entering your 11th house making your social life charming and pleasant. Your card is the 4 of Pentacles which is all about stability and success. What you have put work into will pay off!
LEO - The Sun and Mercury will be entering your 9th house of learning and belief. Your mind will be open and ripe for new ideas. Venus enters your career house, making you charming and well received to those you work with. Pluto is giving you one last blast from 29° of Capricorn in your 6th house of health, work and routine. Your card is the 10 of Cups. This is the happy family card, so it looks like this period of time will be one of harmony and happiness for you!
VIRGO - The Sun and Mercury will enter your 8th house of other people's money/stuff and Venus will enter Sagittarius. You might find yourself more able to pay down debt, or get something financed over the next month. Venus in Sagittarius values freedom and adventure. Your card is Temperance. This is a card of compromise, cooperation and adaptation. Be patient and look for the middle road. (The Justice card fell out as well. So if you are waiting for news or determination of something, it looks like it will be resolved in your favor or mutually agreeable terms.)
LIBRA - Your relationship, partnership, and intimacy houses will be activated when the Sun, Mercury and Venus change signs this week. Venus in the 8th house is about affection and intimacy, and its in Taurus, no less! Yum! Pluto is sending one last beam of power from your 4th house of home and family, so it looks like the stability you so deeply crave is already happening. Your card is the King of Pentacles. This is a reminder to enjoy the material pleasures and fruits of your hard work. (You might also cross paths with a professional that could be very helpful to you.)
SCORPIO - The Sun and Mercury move into your 6th house this week, and your vitality, energy, motivation and thinking processes could all level up. Venus moves into your 7th house of relationships, offering happiness and harmony to your marriage or business partnerships. Your card is the 6 of Swords - the drama is behind you and you can progress to the next phase now. There is movement involved, whether it is physical or mental, and it is positive.
SAGITTARIUS - The Sun and Mercury move into your 5th house of good times. Fun and pleasure should be the theme of the next few weeks at least. Venus enters your 6th house of health and habit and could make you lucky with work. All 3 of those are squaring Pluto at 29° in your 2nd house. Your ambition will pay off. Your card is the 3 of Wands - goals will be reached and there are new horizons to explore (damn that is perfect for Sagittarius!).
CAPRICORN - Your home, family and children sectors are activated by the movement this week. The Sun and Mercury enter your 4th house, bringing lively activity to the home. Venus enters the 5th which is fantastic for romance. Family fun, romantic looks like a great few weeks! Your card is the Moon - you may be feeling a bit unsettled emotionally. Lean in to your intuition and your tools during this time to suss out the deeper meanings. (Pluto at 29° in your 1st house of "who the hell am I?" is probably responsible for much of this. He's moving on next week and you'll be able to embrace that romance and fun)
AQUARIUS - Your intellectual activity could get a boost this week (like you need that?) with the Sun and Mercury moving into your 3rd house of communication. This is Mercury's natural domicile so your thought processes should be flowing with ease. Information is likely to come up from your unconscious as well as Pluto gives you one last zap from the 12th house. Venus enters your 4th house of home and family, bringing a sense of harmony to the home life. Your card is the 7 of Cups - this is about imagination and vision (so you!). The possibilities are many so you'll have to find a focus at some point.
PISCES - The Sun and Mercury leave your 1st house of identity and move into your "show me the money" house. Your ideas and energy will be more directed to making and receiving money for at least a few weeks. Pluto is having one last hurrah in your 11th house of people you know, so it is possible that some profitable connections can be made. Venus enters your 3rd house of communication, making you most attracted to humor and the exchange of ideas. Grumpy Gus will not be invited to your party. Your card is The World. This is the last card of the Major Arcana, and Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. I don't plan this shit, I just deliver the messages! Anyway...goals will be reached, efforts rewarded. A cycle is ending, but an even better one is starting. I hope you can lean back and enjoy the view.
SUN - Pisces
MERCURY --> Aries
VENUS -->Taurus
MARS - Gemini
SATURN - Pisces
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - 29° Capricorn
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini (recently direct)
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Libra
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 13 March 2023
Tuesday 14 March
Mars square Neptune
Ceres quincunx Juno
Wednesday 15 March
Sun conjunct Neptune
Venus sextile Chaos
Mars leaves shadow phase
Thursday 16 March
Mercury conjunct Neptune
Sun square Mars
Venus square Pluto
Venus → TAURUS
Mercury square Mars
Friday 17 March
Sun conjunct Mercury
Venus sextile Saturn
Mercury square Galactic Center
Sun square Galactic Center
Venus quincunx Ceres
Saturn quincunx Ceres
Saturday 18 March
Mercury sextile Pluto
Mercury → ARIES
Mercury square Chaos
Mercury sextile Sedna
Sunday 19 March
Mercury opposite Ceres
Chiron square Pallas
Sun square Chaos
Sun sextile Sedna
Monday 20 March
Venus conjunct North Node
Sun sextile Pluto