Young and Untamed - BitchScopes for March 27 - April 3

Hey Bitches, how are you? You survived last week, so that’s something!  I got hammered with a head cold so I cleared my entire week and stayed in bed. I didn’t get better any faster for doing so, which annoyed me. But while I was convalescing, I did feel some energy shifts, and that was interesting to observe. I’m pleased to tell you that this week is much calmer, on the planetary front at least. It is a week of Mercury without a doubt. Mercury changes signs and moves into Taurus, where he is much slower than in Aries. Our thinking, expression and planning will be practical, slower, and determined. If Aries can be described as “searing” (cooking hot and fast), Taurus is “low and slow”. (Maybe I was hungry when I wrote this?)

Mercury indeed accounts for the majority of the activity this week. And what’s better - 
the vast majority of the transits are very positive. Our themes this week are passion, rebellion, strength, determination, and potential. I love seeing the Sun trine Lilith in this week’s line up, simply because Lilith is badass and one of my faves. 

One of the stand-out transits is Mercury square Pluto. This square happens right after Mercury moves into Taurus, (and this is where Mercury will retrograde in late April, so what's happening here is noteworthy!) so we are dealing with 0° of Taurus and Pluto in 0° of Aquarius. The early degrees of any sign, and especially 0°, are very enthusiastic and a little wild. This Mercury square Pluto transit asks you to dig deeper to get to the deeper truths. We also have Mars trine Saturn -  with both planets at a young 2° of cancer and Pisces. This transit is full of ambition and determination! So there’s a lot of “young” and untamed energy.

Tap in to your inner 17 year old and see what happens!

ARIES - There’s a lot of juicy energy that you will love this week, and it’s your season after all. If you don’t feel all inspired and lit up, that’s ok too. Just know that it is there if you want to lean into it. One of the things you can sort of meditate on this week is what you feel your value is among your friends and “associates”, or which friends and colleagues you value the most and why. Pluto in your 11th will be working on this for a long time, so you may as well examine this now. The other energy you can study is the spiritual vibe of your home and family. Is there a spiritual practice you engage in as a family unit? If not, maybe there could be. Think about what that would be and how you’d want it to feel.

TAURUS - Taurus makes a statement this week so you should feel an energetic boost of some kind. One of the areas that is getting warmed up for you is who you are in the world. Pluto will be in your 10th house for a long time. The Mercury square Pluto transit suggests that the identity that you have for yourself is a little (or a lot) different than the way others perceive you “publicly”. Some re-alignment is needed. Are you being truthful about who you are, how you present to the world, and what your core beliefs are? Your friends are a valuable asset for you in figuring this out. They will tell you the truth of how they experience you and this will help you redefine yourself.

GEMINI - Something about your beliefs is a source of friction in your life. Friction is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is something you have to overcome in order to have movement. Pluto will be in your 9th house for a long time, and Mercury is squaring it from the 12th house. Take a look at your spiritual beliefs and practices this week and get focused on what needs to happen to clarify these things for you. Meanwhile, your career house is trine your money house, so it looks like a good week for business. Listen to emotions this week (yours and others’).

CANCER - This week there is a strong focus on what other people provide to your life. This is about money, loans, connections, networks, audience. Your 11th and 8th houses are square each other, and it suggests that your target audience needs to be adjusted, or you have some obstacles to overcome in order to get to that target audience (and it is probably a financial obstacle). Meanwhile, your houses of belief and self are cooperating nicely, so expressing who you are via what you believe will come easily or naturally for you. Because the Universe is very wise, I suspect this easy expression of “faith” will lead you to that target audience you’re looking for.

LEO - This week your professional life and personal life are clashing. Your marriage (or business partnership or committed relationship) is going to be under Pluto’s eye for a long time. Things need to get serious and deep in some way. Further, your 8th and 12th houses are trine each other in water signs. Those are deep houses, and deep water. The word that comes to mind for all of this is “vulnerability”. This is certainly not one of your favorite words, but here it is this week. What does that mean to you? Is it difficult to be vulnerable? If you were to try to open up more and explore intimacy, what might shift in your life? Can you “get naked” either literally or figuratively? What about spiritually? These are all things you can ponder this week.

VIRGO - Does the work you do line up with the beliefs you hold? The planets suggest that’s a “no”. Mercury and Pluto are squaring in your 9th and 6th houses. Your daily life needs to be realigned to match up with what you believe, or perhaps you need to have a realization that your beliefs have changed. Meanwhile, you have great support from your lover, partner, friends, etc. Your people will support any adjustments you make in these areas. They might even help clarify things for you if needed. You really don’t even need to share this explicitly with them, just be around them and the support will kind of be absorbed, like by osmosis.

LIBRA - This week sets the stage for what I feel is deeper connection with your sources of joy. This could also be that some source of support shows up or is realized that fuels your creative fire. But you’ll need to overcome something in order to experience this depth. And because the Universe is so wise, I suspect the answer to what you have to overcome lies in this trine between Saturn and Mars in the water signs. This trine is between your 6th house of routine and work and 10th house of public image. You are successful. Period. Is your success a bit of an issue in your personal, romantic, sexual, creative life? Can you have both success and joy? Explore that question.

SCORPIO - Your creative fire (or spark of joy) is lit this week with a trine between your 5th and 9th houses. Your creativity and philosophy of life are feed off of each other in a special way. You are likely to feel seen or recognized in some way from this aspect. Meanwhile your partner and your family might not be on the same page, or you might have difficulty figuring out how to integrate them both in your life. That aspect is a square, and squares are obstacles that give us opportunities to resolve a conflict so we can move up a notch. Your creativity is part of the solution to this integration “problem”.

SAGITTARIUS - You have a square between your 6th and 3rd houses this week, indicating a conflict between your communication/thought process and your work life. Are you following through on tasks? Are you speaking up when you need support? Conversely, is your work intellectually fulfilling? Because we know you’re easily bored. Pluto will be in Aquarius for a very long time, asking you to go deep and transform your thinking and communication habits. You also have a trine between your 4th and 8th houses this week, so your family is a resource for you both emotionally and financially. If you need help, speak up.

CAPRICORN - This week you are challenged to resolve a conflict between what you do for enjoyment and what you do because you have to. The 5th house where Mercury is ingressing squares the 2nd house where Pluto is setting up long term camp. You may experience this transit as a bit of a “fuck that boring job” rebellious feeling. This is just a reminder that most leisure is not “free”, and I’m singing to the choir for the most part because Caps tend to OVER do their feelings of obligation. The good news is that communication with your partner is thumbs up this week, and that will contribute to your overall well being.

AQUARIUS - Pluto is setting up in your 1st house for a long run, and this week Pluto squares Mercury who is entering your 4th house of family. Your family or home life may make you feel conflicted in some way about who you are. If you are lost, look to your chart for light. What house is your sun in? Lean into that energy to find your authenticity and try to release family judgment. This conflict is temporary for most of you, but it’s a great reminder to anchor into your authentic self because Pluto will be giving you a makeover in that house for years to come. There’s a trine between your 2nd and 6th houses this week, so money from your job looks good, particularly if your job involves feelings (yours or other peoples). And lest you think this only applies to psychologists, psychics and Reiki workers, marketing has all kinds of emotional manipulations, as does acting, coaching…even working around your crazy boss’s personality issues. It applies to all of us in some way, and we can get financial benefit from being good at it.

PISCES - There’s a conflict this week between your rational mind and your spiritual self. This is a reflection of the 3rd house squaring the 12th house. Pluto is setting up long term camp in that 12th house of all things deep and mysterious and Mercury is entering Taurus and your 3rd house. Don’t succumb to the temptation to get lost in the depths of that 12th house closet. Pluto will do the work, you just answer the calls as they come up. This is merely an obstacle to remind you of who you are. Saturn in Pisces is in your 1st house, so knowing who you are is Saturn’s job. Saturn is trine to Mars who is freshly into your 5th house of creativity. Your creative skills and ambitions will light the way to shedding any bajiggityness that arises this week.


SUN - Aries


VENUS -Taurus

MARS - Cancer


SATURN - Pisces

URANUS - Taurus

NEPTUNE - Pisces

PLUTO -  Aquarius 

CHIRON - Aries

CHARIKLO - Aquarius

CHAOS - Gemini (recently direct)

N. NODE - Taurus

CERES - Virgo (Rx) 

PALLAS - Cancer

JUNO - Aries

VESTA - Aries


ERIS - Aries

SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 27 March
Mercury conjunct Jupiter
Mercury square Pallas

Tuesday 28 March

Wednesday 29 March
Sun trine Lilith

Thursday 30 March
Mars trine Saturn
Venus conjunct Uranus
Mercury conjunct Vesta

Friday 31 March
Mercury conjunct Eris

Saturday 01 April
Venus sextile Pallas

Sunday 02 April 
Mercury quincunx Ceres
Sun sextile Chariklo

Monday 03 April
Mercury enters Taurus (direct)
Mercury square Pluto