Dare I say, this week looks "Normal" (emphasis on the quotes)!? - Bitchscopes for April 24-30

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Hey Bitches, guess what? This week we do not have any 29°, or dramatic events, or “interesting” crap. This looks pretty normal, whatever the hell that is. Most of the major aspects are sextiles, which indicates ease and flow. I mean, we are in Mercury retrograde, and he’s being a real shit in my opinion, but it's mostly annoyances in my life. What are you guys experiencing? Where is your Taurus?

Monday, right off the bat, we have some conjunctions with the North Node. This will attract the right people to you…it’s a “right place right time” kinda vibe.

Tuesday the Sun sextile Saturn is a “get’r done” energy. And Venus sextiles Chiron which will draw people to you…and has the potential to heal a bit of a money issues. Let’s visualize Money being drawn to you as if it is a person. I think I’ll dig into this one more…it’s juicy.

Wednesday is a day of deeper connection to your partner, and a focus on spiritual goals. You might feel more determined to make progress on your spiritual work.

Thursday is a Chiron day - Mars squares Chiron. Squares are conflict and Mars squaring anything is a bit confrontational. This is a day you might feel triggered and a wound comes up from the past. You’ll be forced to deal with it in some way.

I just launched this email report last week. It is focused on Chiron and what you need to truly heal and move ahead based on your natal chart. (Email me if you have trouble with the purchasing process - kelly@thebitchwhisperer.me)


Friday, Chiron’s medicine woman wife Chariklo comes in to offer compassion and space holding as you work through whatever this is (She’s included in that report as well!)

Saturday is a mixed bag. The Sun sextile Uranus wants to stir up something fun and exciting but Lilith and a Juno Elatus quincunx have some angry feelings coming up that are hard to express. Maybe dance it out! Yes, that is Dr. Kelly’s prescription.

Sunday is a no pants day. That’s like a wild card you can use as you wish.

For this week’s scopes, I’m going to zone in on Chiron, because I think it’s worth exploring how we can heal individually so we can not feel so much trauma-burn out. And there’s quite a pile up of planets in Taurus: The Sun, Uranus, Juno, and Mercury Rx. So let's check it out for each sign...

ARIES - Unexpected money is what comes to mind when I look at your chart. All that Taurus energy is in your 2nd house and with Uranus and Mercury retrograde there, it’s anyone’s guess. You might have an unexpected bill or receive an unexpected monetary gift. Mars in Cancer is in your 6th house, making you want to organize and schedule and whatnot. But that square to Chiron hits your 1st house, so there’s something happening between your job/routine and your identity. Do you have imposter syndrome? Let me assure you that you are not an imposter and are in fact a badass. So run along now…literally

TAURUS - Your outlook, mood, thought processes, conversational skills…not to mention electronics…are bound to be a little all over the place. Mars in Cancer in your 5th house will have you on a quest for fun and enjoyment. But don’t forget to put some money in the bank, because you know you have a list of things to buy and they ain’t gonna buy themselves! Actually Chiron can help you end negative money patterns, or negative feelings about money. Point being, in all your moodiness, don’t forget to pay attention to your money going in and and moving out of your bank account. Those kinds of surprises suck.

GEMINI - All that Taurus energy is in your 12th house so girl, you need to be on vacation, or staycation, or even just …alone! Mars in Cancer is in your 4th of home, so if you have the ability to be alone in your house, wahoo! You might find yourself invited somewhere and you probably don’t really want to go. But see if you can step out of your comfort zone on this, because Chiron is in your 11th house trying to heal some of your social wounding. Or you might be entertaining at your home. Either way, things are working in your favor, but do spend some time in quiet if you can. (The noise inside your head doesn’t count I guess since you can’t do anything about it. Haha ask me how I know!)

CANCER - Mars transiting your 1st house should give you an energy boost. All that Taurus energy lands in your 11th house, making your social connections and dreams for the future a focus. With Mercury retrograding there you might find yourself thinking about old friends. The Chiron square to Mars could offer you some healing opportunities about your job and how it relates to your self identity. Do you identify with what you do? How do you feel about it? Granted, this healing will first have to be triggered, so there may be a “moment” of anger first.

LEO - There’s a lot of all-over-the-place energy in your career house. Uranus has been there, making changes, but now it’s a full house and that includes Mercury retrograde. So you’re probably doing a lot of thinking about your career/job and what’s next for you. The Mars-chiron Square happens in your spirituality and belief houses. Is there a religion wound you need to tend to? Maybe some issue with forgiveness? If you can identify it, all the better. If you get triggered out of the blue, now you’ll know why.

VIRGO - All the Taurus planets are in your 9th house. Uranus has been there for a while, so some changes to how you view the world, your philosophies of life, and your beliefs, all are going through some changes and expansions. Chiron and Mars square each other from the 8th and 11th houses, respectively, which indicates some kind of trigger is possible stemming from social interactions. Your friendships, associations, maybe even your dreams for the future, are offered deep healing from the 8th house. Feels to me that you are entering the next phase of your life - it’ll be good!

LIBRA - Taurus planets are all lined up in your 8th house, so there might be some debt or taxes or other financial issues that you’re having to pay attention to now. With Mercury retrograding there it is likely this has been brewing for a bit. You have Mars at the top of your chart in Cancer, so your ability to make money is without question. The Chiron-Mars square is between your 7th house of partnership and your 10th house of career. Squares are obstacles and create friction, but they are one of the best aspects for busting through a problem. A person with a lot of squares in their natal chart is a resilient and resourceful person. You and your business or romantic partner will find a solution. So you’ve got this. On the plus side, having sexy Taurus in the potentially sexy 8th house does not suck!

SCORPIO - Well if anyone is going to hear from an Ex this Mercury retrograde, it’s you. Mercury and the other Taurus energy is all lined up in your 7th house. You can of course do what you wish with this, but it feels to me like this is mostly sexual connection. Which…yay you. But it all depends on your current circumstances. In completely different news, it looks like there’s a misalignment between your health or routine and your belief system(s). This could be something as simple as going to church (or not), or something related to your body and your current understanding and knowledge of it needs to be updated.

SAGITTARIUS - With Taurus (money) lining up in your 6th house (work), I think (in the words of the great Britney Spears) you’d better work, bitch. This could mean anything from getting a new job to setting new goals. But both Taurus and Sagittarius energy can be a bit spendy so act accordingly. The Mars-Chiron square happens between your 5th house and 8th house, which is another indication that too much fun can create debt. Get it together Sadge. I know you have Spring fever but get your head out of the clouds and get down to business so you can enjoy summer without burden.

CAPRICORN - Creativity can make you money right now. All those great ideas of yours…put them out in the world! Taurus is packing your 5th house of creativity, joy and children. Pregnancy is a 5th house thing, and creative projects can be considered birthing. Mercury Retrograde in that house indicates the possibility of a project you’ve put on hold coming back up, or…old romantic partners showing up. Ew. Forewarned is forearmed! The Mars-Chiron square is between the 7th and 4th houses, which makes me think of family living arrangements, moving in with a partner, and the issues and blockages that come up around those kinds of discussions. Squares cause friction but usually lead to problem solving as well.

AQUARIUS - Mercury retrograde is happening in your 4th house, so maybe a project will need to be redone, or there are annoying malfunctions around the house. But more interesting to me is the Mars-Chiron square between your 6th and 3rd houses. Mars in the 6th would normally be a lot of physical activity, but because Mars is in Cancer, this is more like doing the inner work. The 3rd house is about communication. So maybe there’s something you need to say or that you’re trying to figure out about yourself. With Mercury retrograde, answers may be harder to find, but you’ll get there.

PISCES - Mercury retrograde happens in your 3rd house, which is Mercury’s natural home. You might have literal communication issues, like your phone flipping out, or you may be doubling down and crank out a book in a weekend. Chiron is (and has been) in your 2nd house of earned income, healing whatever you’ve got going on there. But Mars is squaring him from the 5th house of creativity. Are your creative projects producing fruit the way they should? Is there something that needs to be tweaked to make one really get going? Mercury retrograde is actually a great time to figure that stuff out.


SUN - Taurus
MERCURY  - Taurus (Rx)
VENUS - Gemini
MARS - Cancer
SATURN - Pisces
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - Aquarius
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini 
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Virgo (Rx)
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 24 April
Sun conjunct Vesta
Sun conjunct N Node
Vesta conjunct N Node

Tuesday 25 April
Sun sextile Saturn
Venus sextile Chiron

Wednesday 26 April
Neptune sextile Juno
Saturn sextile Vesta

Thursday 27 April
Mars square Chiron

Friday 28 April
Mercury square Chariklo

Saturday 29 April
Mars sextile Uranus
Mercury square Lilith
Juno quincunx Elatus

Sunday 30 April
No pants!