Indictment Asteroids, Sex Worker Power Play, Spring Break & Full Moon in Libra - BitchScopes for April 3-10
Alrighty, so we made it through a very packed March and here we are in April. Before I get into this week, I wanted to geek out, which you know is one of my pastimes.
I know that most astrologers that are podcasting and publishing etc, tend to avoid being polarizing by discussing politics. Obviously I do not fall into that crowd. I think that at the present time, pretending you can avoid politics is some kind of chosen blindness and luxury. There’s too much at stake for our personal human rights, and globally there is so much unrest and shifting of power. I don’t think passionate people like myself can stay out of politics because it is touching everything. It would be a little weird to take our eye off that ball right now.
And because I have made it no secret where and how I align, I know I’ve lost a few people. But I gotta be meeeee. And I have to discuss the most current events, namely, Trump’s indictment. I hope this is one small step for New York, one giant leap for mankind…but we’ll see.
I wanted to see what the astrology was on the day of the indictment, and I found way more than I was prepared for. There are some brilliant minds out there figuring shit out that I’ve never heard of. So on indictment day, The Sun in Aries was exactly trine Trump's natal Pluto in Leo, AND his ascendant. His ascendant in Leo is at 29°, and you know what that means, kids! That is a wild and out personality, which we already know. Pluto on your ascendant is going to transform who you are in the world. If you’re an asshole, well, things might get ugly. For most of us, it won’t include federal indictments. And as Pluto retrogrades back into 29° of Capricorn later this year, that is going to also trigger his ascendant, and it will quincunx his natal Pluto. That’s an uncomfortable quincunx if there ever was one. It involves his 5th house and 12th house, so karma is coming, and it will drag his kids into it eventually too, which I think is appropriate.
So here’s something give your brain a new wrinkle or 6. There are a gajillion asteroids (ok its about 21000 on Astrodienst) and there are asteroids with almost any name, in part because people can just name asteroids pretty much whatever they want, although there are some naming standards (one of which is apparently that you can’t name them after pets, which is kinda bullshit…but I digress). So this guy, Alex Miller…is some kind of crazy genius. When there is a big news event, he finds asteroids with names that go with the event and looks at how they interact. You can call it reverse engineering I guess, but the results are pretty mind blowing!
For the date of the Trump Indictment, Alex has picked the following asteroids:
- Letitia and James - the first and last names of the prosecutor on Trump’s indictment
- D’Arrest - named after a 19th century astronomer, and discovered in the 60’s, its name denotes exactly the energy the asteroid is associated with the filing of charges and such.
- Justitia - justice related
- Bilk - named after an observatory in Germany but English gives it an association with fuckery
- Donn & Troemper - obvious representing the dumpster himself in this wild astrological story
- Nemesis & Swindle - seriously?
There are others, but I’m already way deep in the weeds here so I’ll summarize the best I can (You can read it at his website) :
- Trump is having a D’arrest return (the asteroid is currently in the same position as when he was born)
- D’arrest is conjunct Letitia and square Justitia
- D’arrest is conjunct his natal Chiron (wound) and Jupiter (exaggerations)
- D’arrest is square to Trump’s Natal “Nemesis” and “Bilk”
- D’arrest is hit by 2 eclipses in 2023
So you get the idea. I think ultimately Trump will be held to account, but it probably isn’t going to be in one fell swoop, much to my chagrin. This initial indictment just flares up all kinds of political bullshit and one-up-manship - the GOP is very likely going to try to find a state law to screw Biden on, especially in regard to his son. I mean, the GOP are still whining about “her emails”, having a collective mantrum about men in dresses when a good portion of them are secretly getting blowjobs in airport bathrooms, wearing AK47 tie pins in the wake of yet another horrible school shooting. They don’t have much class or decorum left anymore, and I don’t think Pluto is going to be kind to them. The Democrats are continuously called “extreme leftists”, because I guess extreme leftists want people to have lives above the poverty line and healthcare, and education, and food, and be able to make their own medical decisions. What do I know? So this will be a long running saga that we get to watch unfold/implode. I hope for justice, but we know how that usually goes.
Wow, what a downer. Get to this week, Kelly.
Okay! But I’d also like to point out one more thing - a sex worker, once ostracized and shunned by society (for centuries!!) now holding the cards, and willing to testify against the abusive power monger poster boy of the 21st century United States. This is a thing to behold. She was recently quoted as saying: "He’s done so much worse that he should have been taken down [for] before. I am fully aware of the insanity of it being a porn star. But it’s also poetic; this p(ussy) grabbed back.” And is she afraid, despite the constant threats of violence and retribution? “I've seen him naked. There's no way he could be scarier with his clothes on." The rise of the feminine could not have a better woman-of-the-moment than Stormy Daniels. Get ‘em, girl!
Ok, now back to our regularly scheduled program. We start the week with Mercury changing signs to Taurus (where it will retrograde later in April). We have a full moon coming up in Libra this coming week. This beauty falls between 2 Aries New Moons, which is very unique, as there is usually one new moon in a sign per year. But this year we have so much emphasis on fresh starts, new cycles, ending old patterns, starting new projects...even when I pull cards, I get an Ace almost every time.
The 2nd Aries new moon is an eclipse, which is a course corrector/change inducing lunation. More beginnings. And more on that in 2 weeks...
Full moons illuminate things that were previously hidden or unknown to us, and this one shines a light on relationships. This moon is aspected by: Jupiter, Eris, Neptune, Venus and Juno and Chiron. Eris might make things a little tense for some, but that tension is just a flag that we need to do some work on our feelings of worth. There’s a lot of expansion and healing available with this moon. This Libra full moon is a great opportunity to shed old stuff, particularly relationship patterns of the past. No more taking shit as payment for your love, no more people pleasing, no more shoving your desires aside, no more avoidance, no more wounded birds as partners. Because this full moon is between 2 new moons in Aries, I feel like it is screaming for a fantastic release ceremony!

This is Spring Break week for many schools in the States, and following that Full Moon (which can only make Spring Break whackier…please stay out of the ERs kids!) we have not one, not two, but THREE no pants days! That feels strangely appropriate for a full moon about karma and healing and Spring Break in the USA. I say this jokingly, but take care and precautions. If you’re a Sagittarius rising, the new moons hit your 5th house of children, so I think you’re pickin’ up what I’m layin’ down, eh?
Venus enters Gemini next Monday, which is also great Spring Break vibes! If you’re young, please enjoy, safely. If you’re old, please enjoy safely. Heehee. Whatever floats your boat, Bitches! Have a great week!
ARIES - You’re definitely having your moment in the Sun. Plus you’ve got Jupiter in your sign! This week the Libra full moon illuminates your 7th house of relationships. New relationships might level up or bottom out. Established relationships can experience healing from past crap and its a great opportunity for you to release old patterns! This is the full moon ceremony where you burn your ex’s tshirt or underwear or photo! And Venus in Gemini lights up your 3rd house of Gemini’s natural habitat. Your social life will feel this energy in a great way!
TAURUS - This full moon hits your 6th house of health, habit and work. If you’ve been neglecting your body or your health, you might be made aware of it now. You also might find the doctor you’ve been looking for, or finally break a bad habit. Chiron is connected to this moon from the 12th house, suggesting that your healing might be a spiritual one, at least in part (I think that’s always true, to be honest). Or there might be some wound that is very old that you can offer up for completion and healing during this time. Details can also be the devil with this full moon shining a light and a microscope on your work. This is a good full moon for releasing habits that just don’t make you feel good. It might be something at work, like being too much of a pleaser, or it could be a health-related habit. Have fun with your ceremony and include your body as much as possible.
GEMINI - The Libra full moon lands in your 5th house of creativity and fun. This could illuminate the joy you are missing in your life. You could be feeling some FOMO and desires that you’ve buried might pop up around this time. The 5th house also rules romance and casual sex. This is a great opportunity to release old lovers and any energy they’ve left on you. You could get together with a Pisces girl friend and sage your yonis. But you can also release your habits that limit joy in your life. Venus is in your sign starting next week, so you will be perceived as charming and lovely. With the sun in your 11th house, your social life is going to be as lit as you’d like it to be (saged yoni optional).
CANCER - This moon lands in your 4th house, which is ruled by Cancer. This could be an emotional full moon, as it could illuminate feelings that you may have stuffed down. Your family or your physical home might need more attention, and might try to get it with something dramatic. The 4th house and Cancer deal with the past, family history, ancestry, inherited wounds and dysfunctional patterns. So under this full moon, those old family patterns that are no longer needed (they usually arise as a means of protecting us, but as they are passed down they become irrelevant at some point.), or that are unhealthy. You could also do a house clearing. Gemini in Venus will transit your 12th house, which is not a natural place for chatty and social gemini. You will be more attracted to quiet intimacy and introspection. Let Venus unlock the ways you have allowed yourself to feel unworthy and unattractive (both of which are bullshit, I might add).
LEO - The full moon illuminates your 3rd house, so it's possible that you learn of some gossip in your friends group, or some other news comes up seemingly out of the blue. You could also gain understanding of some issue that you’ve struggled with. Prioritize your important friendships and relationships during this time and let people know how you feel. If gossip or hurtful words are an issue, that’s a great thing to release under this Libra moon, which wants harmony. Venus in Gemini will be in your 11th house, which is so perfect for you! Venus will make you magnetic, and the perfect audience/clients/connections can show up for you for whatever projects you are working on.
VIRGO - The Libra full moon will light up your 2nd house of money. Things can become clear around budgeting and spending. You might also see a raise if that has been floating around you. Things can be completed at this time - maybe you pay something off or finally purchase something. What relationship seeds did you plant around your birthday last year? Those might start to sprout. Watch your tendency for perfectionism and criticism as you observe what’s coming to fruition. This is a great moon for releasing unhealthy money patterns, many of which we inherited without realizing it. Venus in Gemini will be in your 10th house of career, making you magnetic and charming to higher ups, so that raise could very well materialize!
LIBRA - Well this full moon is all yours, hitting your 1st house of self and individuation. Self awareness of all kinds can come up for you at this time. Your next steps, or maybe a new path, can become clearer. Be fully you, authentically yourself, and boldly original! This is your permission slip to self promote and be proud of who you are! For your ceremony, think about the ways you keep yourself small, shrink to make others comfortable, and over-give. Release unhealthy habits that make you too passive and cause you to shove your own desires or true nature down. Venus in Gemini will be in your 9th house. This could indicate travel, travel plans, or you could get an intellectual itch to learn something. If you’re inclined, some therapeutic art could be really great for you.
SCORPIO - The Libra full moon will shine a light into your 12th house closet. What secrets are you keeping, particularly from a partner? Don’t be surprised if some creep to the surface. Affairs are indicated here. You do you, boo, but be careful not to hurt others, or yourself in the process. You also might find yourself in a position of needing to forgive a partner, or an ex. The 12th house is about karma, so forgiveness is a good theme here. Release relationships that are harmful, forgive those that you are able to forgive, and clean your emotional slate. Further emphasizing this theme is Venus in Gemini entering your 8th house. That is other people’s closets! Venus will crave deep connection and intimacy here, and communication will be bolstered by Gemini’s energy. It is a couple weeks of deep connection and feelings for you, Scorp.
SAGITTARIUS - The full moon illuminates your 11th house of connections and audience. What big dreams are currently on your heart? You are the poster child for the big dreamer of the zodiac, after all. Action steps about those dreams and goals can become clearer during this time. The people you need to help you on your path can also show up around this time. There is a theme of being able to trust others here. You could have some friend issues, arguments, or misunderstandings. You could use this moon to release friendships and alliances that don’t serve your higher purpose or just don’t feel right anymore. Venus in Gemini is in your 7th house of relationships, so your social life could be pretty off the hook these weeks. It’s a couple weeks of focus on friendships and relationships and figuring out who supports your dreams.
CAPRICORN - The Libra full moon lands in your 10th house, which is naturally ruled by your sign. A new job, new opportunities, or changes can appear around this time. The light is shining on you, for better or worse. You will be noticed. This moon might bring up feelings about your career or path in life. Projects might near completion and you might be in a position to make a significant change. (The Aries eclipse will hit your 4th house. Is there a move in your future?) You can utilize this full moon energy to release job energy that doesn’t fulfill you on some level. Work is work and it is not necessarily fun and airy fairy for most of us. But it can be enjoyable if you’re in the right place. Release obstacles that prevent that for yourself. Venus in Gemini will be in your 6th house of work. This is such a fantastic “coincidence”! You have the ability to network with a Midas touch during the next couple weeks. Reach out to anyone you admire, people in an industry you are attracted to etc. Speak up about things at work that don’t feel right. This is your time to even the scales for your work life experience!
AQUARIUS - This full moon hits your 9th house of big dreams and ambitions and in the opposite 3rd house, Jupiter is available to expand your understanding of things. You might be feeling a nudge to shift your ambitions and pursue a different course. This full moon you can do a ceremony to let go of the ways you’ve kept yourself small in order to make others comfortable. Burn the vision board that has so many limitations and constraints and details that even Burger King couldn’t make good on that order. Write down the ways you’ve stayed on a path that maybe was chosen for you, or one that you never quite vibed with. Let yourself dream big, without a ceiling or practical constraints. Venus in Gemini will be in your 5th house of creativity, so use her wisdom!
PISCES - This full moon lights up the closet of your partner or lover, or the people whose shit you find yourself burdened with. Co-dependence lives here…it’s your 8th house. You can become aware of things that have been kept from you, or heal from things that have gotten on you in the course of intimate relationships. This is that full moon ceremony where you can sage your yoni (that’s your vaj, for the uninitiated) of the sexual energy of lovers past. I mean, feel free to sage your cajones too, if you’ve got those. You might also become aware of some money situation - loans, taxes, unexpected money for better or worse. Venus in Gemini will be in your 4th house. Party at your place?
SUN - Aries
MERCURY --> Taurus
VENUS --> Gemini
MARS - Cancer
SATURN - Pisces
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - Aquarius
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Virgo (Rx)
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Venus enters Gemini next Monday, which is also great Spring Break vibes! If you’re young, please enjoy, safely. If you’re old, please enjoy safely. Heehee. Whatever floats your boat, Bitches! Have a great week!
ARIES - You’re definitely having your moment in the Sun. Plus you’ve got Jupiter in your sign! This week the Libra full moon illuminates your 7th house of relationships. New relationships might level up or bottom out. Established relationships can experience healing from past crap and its a great opportunity for you to release old patterns! This is the full moon ceremony where you burn your ex’s tshirt or underwear or photo! And Venus in Gemini lights up your 3rd house of Gemini’s natural habitat. Your social life will feel this energy in a great way!
TAURUS - This full moon hits your 6th house of health, habit and work. If you’ve been neglecting your body or your health, you might be made aware of it now. You also might find the doctor you’ve been looking for, or finally break a bad habit. Chiron is connected to this moon from the 12th house, suggesting that your healing might be a spiritual one, at least in part (I think that’s always true, to be honest). Or there might be some wound that is very old that you can offer up for completion and healing during this time. Details can also be the devil with this full moon shining a light and a microscope on your work. This is a good full moon for releasing habits that just don’t make you feel good. It might be something at work, like being too much of a pleaser, or it could be a health-related habit. Have fun with your ceremony and include your body as much as possible.
GEMINI - The Libra full moon lands in your 5th house of creativity and fun. This could illuminate the joy you are missing in your life. You could be feeling some FOMO and desires that you’ve buried might pop up around this time. The 5th house also rules romance and casual sex. This is a great opportunity to release old lovers and any energy they’ve left on you. You could get together with a Pisces girl friend and sage your yonis. But you can also release your habits that limit joy in your life. Venus is in your sign starting next week, so you will be perceived as charming and lovely. With the sun in your 11th house, your social life is going to be as lit as you’d like it to be (saged yoni optional).
CANCER - This moon lands in your 4th house, which is ruled by Cancer. This could be an emotional full moon, as it could illuminate feelings that you may have stuffed down. Your family or your physical home might need more attention, and might try to get it with something dramatic. The 4th house and Cancer deal with the past, family history, ancestry, inherited wounds and dysfunctional patterns. So under this full moon, those old family patterns that are no longer needed (they usually arise as a means of protecting us, but as they are passed down they become irrelevant at some point.), or that are unhealthy. You could also do a house clearing. Gemini in Venus will transit your 12th house, which is not a natural place for chatty and social gemini. You will be more attracted to quiet intimacy and introspection. Let Venus unlock the ways you have allowed yourself to feel unworthy and unattractive (both of which are bullshit, I might add).
LEO - The full moon illuminates your 3rd house, so it's possible that you learn of some gossip in your friends group, or some other news comes up seemingly out of the blue. You could also gain understanding of some issue that you’ve struggled with. Prioritize your important friendships and relationships during this time and let people know how you feel. If gossip or hurtful words are an issue, that’s a great thing to release under this Libra moon, which wants harmony. Venus in Gemini will be in your 11th house, which is so perfect for you! Venus will make you magnetic, and the perfect audience/clients/connections can show up for you for whatever projects you are working on.
VIRGO - The Libra full moon will light up your 2nd house of money. Things can become clear around budgeting and spending. You might also see a raise if that has been floating around you. Things can be completed at this time - maybe you pay something off or finally purchase something. What relationship seeds did you plant around your birthday last year? Those might start to sprout. Watch your tendency for perfectionism and criticism as you observe what’s coming to fruition. This is a great moon for releasing unhealthy money patterns, many of which we inherited without realizing it. Venus in Gemini will be in your 10th house of career, making you magnetic and charming to higher ups, so that raise could very well materialize!
LIBRA - Well this full moon is all yours, hitting your 1st house of self and individuation. Self awareness of all kinds can come up for you at this time. Your next steps, or maybe a new path, can become clearer. Be fully you, authentically yourself, and boldly original! This is your permission slip to self promote and be proud of who you are! For your ceremony, think about the ways you keep yourself small, shrink to make others comfortable, and over-give. Release unhealthy habits that make you too passive and cause you to shove your own desires or true nature down. Venus in Gemini will be in your 9th house. This could indicate travel, travel plans, or you could get an intellectual itch to learn something. If you’re inclined, some therapeutic art could be really great for you.
SCORPIO - The Libra full moon will shine a light into your 12th house closet. What secrets are you keeping, particularly from a partner? Don’t be surprised if some creep to the surface. Affairs are indicated here. You do you, boo, but be careful not to hurt others, or yourself in the process. You also might find yourself in a position of needing to forgive a partner, or an ex. The 12th house is about karma, so forgiveness is a good theme here. Release relationships that are harmful, forgive those that you are able to forgive, and clean your emotional slate. Further emphasizing this theme is Venus in Gemini entering your 8th house. That is other people’s closets! Venus will crave deep connection and intimacy here, and communication will be bolstered by Gemini’s energy. It is a couple weeks of deep connection and feelings for you, Scorp.
SAGITTARIUS - The full moon illuminates your 11th house of connections and audience. What big dreams are currently on your heart? You are the poster child for the big dreamer of the zodiac, after all. Action steps about those dreams and goals can become clearer during this time. The people you need to help you on your path can also show up around this time. There is a theme of being able to trust others here. You could have some friend issues, arguments, or misunderstandings. You could use this moon to release friendships and alliances that don’t serve your higher purpose or just don’t feel right anymore. Venus in Gemini is in your 7th house of relationships, so your social life could be pretty off the hook these weeks. It’s a couple weeks of focus on friendships and relationships and figuring out who supports your dreams.
CAPRICORN - The Libra full moon lands in your 10th house, which is naturally ruled by your sign. A new job, new opportunities, or changes can appear around this time. The light is shining on you, for better or worse. You will be noticed. This moon might bring up feelings about your career or path in life. Projects might near completion and you might be in a position to make a significant change. (The Aries eclipse will hit your 4th house. Is there a move in your future?) You can utilize this full moon energy to release job energy that doesn’t fulfill you on some level. Work is work and it is not necessarily fun and airy fairy for most of us. But it can be enjoyable if you’re in the right place. Release obstacles that prevent that for yourself. Venus in Gemini will be in your 6th house of work. This is such a fantastic “coincidence”! You have the ability to network with a Midas touch during the next couple weeks. Reach out to anyone you admire, people in an industry you are attracted to etc. Speak up about things at work that don’t feel right. This is your time to even the scales for your work life experience!
AQUARIUS - This full moon hits your 9th house of big dreams and ambitions and in the opposite 3rd house, Jupiter is available to expand your understanding of things. You might be feeling a nudge to shift your ambitions and pursue a different course. This full moon you can do a ceremony to let go of the ways you’ve kept yourself small in order to make others comfortable. Burn the vision board that has so many limitations and constraints and details that even Burger King couldn’t make good on that order. Write down the ways you’ve stayed on a path that maybe was chosen for you, or one that you never quite vibed with. Let yourself dream big, without a ceiling or practical constraints. Venus in Gemini will be in your 5th house of creativity, so use her wisdom!
PISCES - This full moon lights up the closet of your partner or lover, or the people whose shit you find yourself burdened with. Co-dependence lives here…it’s your 8th house. You can become aware of things that have been kept from you, or heal from things that have gotten on you in the course of intimate relationships. This is that full moon ceremony where you can sage your yoni (that’s your vaj, for the uninitiated) of the sexual energy of lovers past. I mean, feel free to sage your cajones too, if you’ve got those. You might also become aware of some money situation - loans, taxes, unexpected money for better or worse. Venus in Gemini will be in your 4th house. Party at your place?
SUN - Aries
MERCURY --> Taurus
VENUS --> Gemini
MARS - Cancer
SATURN - Pisces
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - Aquarius
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Virgo (Rx)
PALLAS - Cancer
JUNO - Aries
VESTA - Aries
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 03 April
Mercury enters Taurus
Mercury square Pluto
Tuesday 04 April
Mars sextile North Node
Wednesday 05 April
Mercury conjunct North Node
Full Moon 16° Libra 9:34pm PT on 4/5/12:34am ET on 4/6
Mercury sextile Saturn
Sun conjunct Chiron / Moon Opp Chiron
Moon opposite Jupiter
Moon opposite Eris
Moon quincunx Neptune
Moon quincunx Venus
Moon quincunx Juno
Thursday 06 April
No Pants!
Friday 07 April
Mercury conjunct North Node
Venus sextile Neptune
Mercury sextile Mars
Venus trine Ceres
Jupiter square Pallas
Saturday 08 April
No Pants!
Sunday 09 April
No Pants!
Monday 10 April
Venus enters Gemini
Uranus conjunct Juno