A Quest, going on, are we - BitchScopes for May 22-29
My son and I were just talking about Star Wars (we were assigning a Star Wars character to each cat, if you must know what kind of deep, intellectual discourse goes on around here), and when I talk about the nodes of fate I am really drawn to the Luke Skywalker story. If you are a Star Wars “Noob”, basically Luke was a humble farm boy (albeit on a distant planet in a time long, long ago…) who discovers the truth of his “real” parents (a Queen and a “bad boy” who was foretold to be the Chosen One who would bring balance between good and evil, no pressure. He chooses evil, but his offspring actually do ultimately bring balance by defeating the Dark Side) and therein the burden/gift of his purpose in life, which is to end the tyranny of the Sith (the Evil guys). Aaaanyway, he had to draw on his simple past to understand his complicated future.

But then Mars also squares the nodes of the moon (Mars sits at 90° to the hypothetical nodal axis that runs through the center of the Moon), which is a turning point wherein we have to utilize the friction and conflict of the Square aspect to decide on the path forward. In the case of Squares, there is always a conflict. We are essentially motivated by discomfort to move out of the square.
We just came out of a set of eclipses, and then last week’s Taurus New Moon. So it feels apropos to me that we have this “nodes of fate” energy where we are trying to decipher the path forward after learning of a purpose (the eclipses often smack us in this way). Even if you aren’t on a Skywalker-esque quest, chances are strong that the eclipses did shake things up for you.
Jupiter also begins a conjunction with the North Node this week and remains within orb (within a few degrees) until Mid June (technically exact on June 1st). This is a really fortunate and fateful conjunction that brings us into alignment with the right people, places, and things to move us forward. It is, in short, “lucky”. Things that are magnetically drawn to us now will affect our future (in positive ways for the most part. And I only say “for the most part” as a disclaimer. Just accept that it is positive, OK?)
In minor news, there is also a Venus sextile to Vesta this week which helps us attract the right people to our “quest” (for Luke, this is, well, everyone else in the original 3 movies - Yoda, Leia, Han Solo, Obi Wan) Venus also sextiles Uranus, which is the need for excitement.
(side note: The Sun sextiles Saturn on Sunday and this can be a mopey or depressed transit. You might feel it a few days before or after, so if you suddenly feel just Meh AF, you can blame that. Even Luke Skywalker had an off day occasionally.)
Mars in Leo is proud and determined, Jupiter in Taurus is expanding our material resource, Vesta and the North Node in Taurus are giving us fated connections and opportunities - those are the defining energies of this week. I have been talking about Taurus for the last few weeks, so this week I’m going to pull a card for each sign. The card will be indicative of where or how this fated energy plays out in your life.
Have a great week, Bitches. Check out the podcasts all in one place now - “House of Bleep”.
ARIES - As I’ve mentioned several times, Taurus stacks up in your 2nd house of income, giving you all kinds of luck with money and income for the coming weeks and months. Your Tarot card is the Wheel of Fortune. This is pretty amusing to me. The Wheel card is about chance, luck, destiny, karma, fate…all the things I’ve talked about in this week’s blog post. So your opportunities for financial growth are just going to show up magically. They are truly fated, destined and karmic in nature. So you are going to have quite an adventure. There will be some great stuff and some meh stuff. But when things are meh, remember that overall you are slated to truly receive abundance!
TAURUS - As I’ve mentioned over a few weeks now, the stellium of planets in your sign is setting you up for a transformation of self. There are lots of changes happening, particularly in the way you perceive yourself and how you put yourself out in the world. This is a natural growth period and it will unfold over months. Your Tarot card is the 5 of Cups. This is not a cheery card but it is a good reminder that when things change it is normal to feel a little sadness and grief about the way things were or the way things could have been. It is hard to see it when you are in the midst of uncertainty, but things are always working out for you. You have a destiny that is unique to you and it can’t be deterred. Have faith in Divine Love.
GEMINI - As I’ve mentioned before, the stack of Taurus planets lands in your 12th house of Spirituality, isolation, and hidden things. I really feel like this is a time of healing for you. Your Tarot card is the Page of Swords. This is pretty wild because this card describes Gemini perfectly: curious, innovative, thirsty for knowledge, determined, energetic. You have everything you need for this journey of healing. Just be you. Follow your instincts and you’ll find all the right information and energy for whatever is in front of you. Destiny will unfold as you discover and share new information.
CANCER - As I’ve written several times recently, there’s a lot of focus on who you know right now. Your network of friends, colleagues and associates is getting a real push from the practical side of things. The people you need to complete your “quest” will just show up. Your Tarot card is the 4 of Cups reversed. There’s a sense of acceptance and contentment that is starting to form in you. With that, you might have the realization that you need to let go of some people in your current network and move on from them. There’s nothing negative about that - things run their course. There’s a new chapter happening for you and new people will show up to write and read it!
LEO - As mentioned recently, the Taurus energy is stacked up in your 10th house of career right now. There might be a strong pull within you to do something - that is the path of destiny tugging on you. Maybe you don’t know what to do to make “it” happen, and maybe you don’t know what “it” is. Let’s look - Your Tarot card is the Moon, reversed. People tend to freak out about reversed cards but check this out…the moon card upright is about illusion and confusion. Reversed, it is about clarity and conscious awareness. This is an indication that the answers you’ve been waiting for are coming!
VIRGO - As you know if you’ve been following BitchScopes, the Taurus stellium of the moment is in your 9th house of expansion and experience. Material success is added to this expansion by Taurus. What’s this look like? Well your Tarot card is The Knight of Pentacles. This card is about responsibility and yes, the daily grind. Routine and productivity are necessary to achieve this financial/life experience expansion. To me this card feels like it is about “adulting”, which gets a bad rap. Predictability and dependability are very underrated! The good news is that what you need to get this grown up party started will show up in your life as if by magic.
LIBRA - As we’ve discussed in recent BitchScopes, the Taurus stellium hits your 8th house of transformation, intimacy and other people’s money (aka: sex, death and taxes). This is a house of deep experience no matter what is passing through it. So what will fated opportunities look like? Ha! Your Tarot card is the 10 of cups! This is the “happily ever after” card. There are blessings coming for your family that will align you with your dreams, family harmony and needs fulfilled. This is obviously a great indicator. Take time every day to recognize the good things that are unfolding, even if they are small. Gratitude will only enhance this experience.
SCORPIO - As I’ve been saying for a while now, the Taurus stellium will fill your 7th house of relationships and agreements. Financial security in your relationships (professional included) is a strong focus for you. Your Tarot card is the 8 of Swords. This card is about being a victim of your own negativity in some way. You feel powerless, but you are not! A change of perspective could be helpful. You must take back your power. The fated aspect of this might come from a partner, or might affect you and your partner. But fate will step in and unbind you!
SAGITTARIUS - So, the cluster of Taurus planets lands in your 6th house of …ew…routine. This is a real test for you, the most easily bored of the signs, to find something and stick to it. Because Taurus is involved this could include finances, or your physical health, which is also a 6th house function. How will Destiny show up for you in these Jupiter-influenced times? Your Tarot card is the Ace of Swords, reversed. This means that you have a great idea but you’re afraid to introduce it to the world, or you don’t know how. Reflect on what you want to get out of this, and Spirit will help you with the dreadfully practical 6th house details.
CAPRICORN - It’s your 5th house of creativity that is benefitting from this Taurus stellium. You stand to make good money from your creative ideas right now! But I also regularly lecture you about fun and joy and play. These are all sacral chakra energies so if you’re really struggling with putting down your laptop to play, work on that sacral chakra! Destiny will show up to help you with this creative endeavor. Let’s see how…Your Tarot card is The King of Cups reversed and this is definitely not a fun guy. This is a masculine energy that is being an asshole. Is it you? Or is it someone who is being an asshole to you? The Universe will set it straight and reset the balance of power.
AQUARIUS - It’s your 4th house that hosts the Taurus stellium, and which will benefit from that grounded energy and yes, financial security. This house is your home and family, and this energy might have you wanting to spend more time on your comfy couch. What might destiny have in store for you? Your Tarot card is the 3 of Pentacles. This is a card about collaboration and teamwork, as well as learning. I’m a little smirky about this because first of all, the 4th house is not a natural place for Aquarius to feel at home. It’s a little too feely and connected. And teamwork is most definitely not a word in the Glossary of Aquarius! So you have a challenge in the coming months that will push you out of your “I work alone” comfort zone. Make sure you are acknowledging the gifts and contributions of your team mates, and yes, your family…when it all comes together, you’ll be glad you did.
PISCES - As I’ve mentioned a time or two recently, it is your 3rd house that hosts this stack of Taurus planets. Investing in learning, or in the book you’re writing, or even in a new phone will pay off. What you put in to the 3rd house, you will harvest and then some. Invest in what it is you are communicating to the world. Destiny will step in and give you a microphone. Your Tarot card is the Magician. This is such a Mercury/3rd house card in and of itself. You will have the resources and information you need to move ahead, no problem! It will just show up for you…it might show up “just in time”, which can be annoying. But have faith!
SUN - Taurus
MERCURY - Taurus (Direct)
VENUS - Cancer
MARS - Leo
JUPITER - Taurus
SATURN - Pisces
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - Aquarius (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Virgo
JUNO - Gemini
VESTA - Taurus
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)
Monday 22 May
Mars square Jupiter
Tuesday 23 May
Venus sextile Vesta
Wednesday 24 May
Mercury square Pallas
Venus square Chiron
Thursday 25 May
Friday 26 May
Venus sextile Uranus
Mars square Lunar Nodes
Saturday 27 May
Jupiter conjunct Mean Node
Sunday 28 May
Sun square Saturn