Mercury goes direct, Huzzah! BitchScopes for May 8-15

Howdy-do, Bitches and Bitchsters! We survived another eclipse, huzzah!

The chart of the skies this week is packed with Taurus energy: The Sun, North Node, Uranus, and Mercury are all in Taurus. Venus and Mars are both in Cancer. Mars is far ahead of Venus in degrees, but having them both in the same nurturing sign puts the masculine and feminine energy on the same page. But the big news is that Mercury stations direct this week! Huzzah! That happens on Sunday the 14th. And while even I, the covert optimist, are happy to be done with that nonsense, be forewarned - the day that Mercury stations either retrograde or direct is usually the day with the most fuckery.

This has been a classic Mercury retrograde for me. We’ve had oddball car behavior, wifi strangeness, bad phone connections for no reason, and things like that. I have been having some super fucking weird dreams, which is unusual for me (Mercury is retrograding in my 12th house). I usually don’t recall my dreams at all, which is how I prefer it because they just bother me a lot. When I do dream, it is like a Pink Floyd video directed by Jordan Peele (the man who gave us “Us”, “Nope” etc.). Aaaanyway, I’m just as glad as you all are that this round is ending. Mercury will still be in his shadow until June 2nd, but honestly, by May 22, things should feel a lot more “normal”...whatever the hell that is!

Our work week starts and ends with a "no pants day" (aka a day with no major transits), which is a nice, unencumbered vibe. 

This week I will be focusing on that conglomeration of Taurus in each chart, because what choice do I have? Haha. Taurus has a reputation for stubbornness which is rightfully earned. This makes them hard workers when they are properly motivated, but Taurus is also very sensual and comfort oriented. Let’s soothe ourselves with the finest tea and the softest blanket and the smelliest candle. Let’s get a massage and cook a gourmet meal and listen to opera and then nosh on expensive chocolates!

Oh wait… there is also a smattering of Saturn this week, with aspects to Mercury, Venus and Juno. Relationships can benefit from good judgement, steadfast loyalty, and a sense of responsibility even in conflict.

Mars does also square his sister Eris this week, which is a passionate hunger for power and recognition (think dysfunctional sibling rivalry on PCP). The plus side of this is that Mars will absolutely bulldoze anything that stands in his way. He isn’t bulldozing Eris, per se. Eris is in Aries, the sign that Mars rules. They have the same desires for themselves, and possibly bring out the fire in each other. Depending on your chart, you might have to keep an eye on yourself to avoid behavior that is ultimately self destructive.

Next Monday the 15th, Mars is trine Neptune. This is a yummy little transit that is sexy and sensitive. Also next Monday - Jupiter changes signs. This only happens once a year and it’s always exciting because it brings a sense of good luck and expansion to wherever he lands. More on that next week…

Ok now, back to our blankies and fine chocolates…

ARIES - Taurus piles up in your 2nd house of income, which Taurus naturally rules. You should be in a good financial flow unless your 8th house is pulling toward that side with debt. But even if it is, there is enough energy in your earnings house to get things going in the right direction for you. Saturn in Pisces is in your 12th house, so you might be feeling more serious about your spiritual practices or routines. This is not natural placement for Saturn at all, so there may be some awkwardness involved in getting your beliefs or shadow work dialed in. Neptune is also in that house, which is his domain, and from there he trines Mars in Cancer in your 4th house. Peace in yourself and peace within your family life are intrinsically connected, and this week, it will show.

TAURUS - You should be feeling pretty good about yourself these days, although you might need to watch for a bit of apathy or complacency. You still gotta work for what you want. Saturn is in your 11th house of friends and future dreams, which is good because it can offset any laziness you might fall prey to. Neptune is also in that 11th house, enhancing your thoughts and desires for your future with a dreamy and idealistic quality. He is trining Mars, who is in your 3rd house of communication. So if you have a paper to write or a sales pitch to present, you’ll have the poetic charisma to impress many.

GEMINI - All this Taurus energy piles up in the closet of your 12th house, where everything is nebulous and “weird”. Pay attention to your dreams, and face issues from your past with compassion for yourself. The healing that takes place these days is really significant for your progression. Saturn is in your 10th house of career and public image, making you determined and serious about professional goals. Neptune is also in that 10th house, giving an artsy vibe to those dreams. Neptune trines Mars who is in your 2nd house of money you earn…so those artsy dreams are definitely worth pursuing and have the potential to create income!

CANCER - Taurus is packing your 11th house of friends and people you know. So you probably find yourself pretty busy networking these days. Saturn is in your 9th house of beliefs and expansion. You might be seriously considering a move or long term trip overseas, or digging into your formal educational experiences (aka school). From that 9th house of expansion, Neptune trines Mars in your 1st house. Opportunities for personal growth can present themselves during this period of time, especially from overseas, in a teaching position, or in regards to your belief systems.

LEO - Your career continues to be the topic du jour, and Taurus in your 10th house indicates that there is positive money flow happening for you either now or in the near future. You aren’t going to make the wrong choice. I don’t think you can make the wrong choice. Saturn in Pisces in your 8th house looks like you have good support from others, whether it is your partner, or financial backers. Neptune is also in that 8th house, so don’t underestimate the power of your intuition and psychic powers at this time. Further to that, Neptune will trine Mars in Cancer in your 12th house. You absolutely have loved ones and ancestors on the other side to guide you right now. You always have that, but it is particularly emphasized right now!

VIRGO - Whether you are in school or not, you are in a time of learning and expansion. Your 9th house is packed full of Taurus. Rather than book knowledge, this feels like experiential knowledge from things you touch, taste, see, etc. That sounds a lot like travel to me, but it does depend on your chart. With Saturn in Pisces in your 7th house, you are definitely either in the process of formalizing a relationship, or getting ready to experience a deeper level of seriousness with a partner (either love or business). Neptune is also in that 7th house, creating romance and/or artsy-ness. Neptune trines Mars who is in your 11th house of dreams for the future. Artistic and sensitive endeavors are really blessed at this time, and you’ll find the right people to make your dreams for the future come true.

LIBRA - Your 8th house of intimacy and joint resources is standing room only right now. You have the support of “others”, either financial or emotional (or both!). Saturn in Pisces makes artistic and emotional pursuits have stronger footing than we are accustomed to. Saturn is in your 6th house of health, routine, and day to day work. There’s a psychic enhancement to finding job and health security right now. Mars in Cancer is usually a placement associated with good money. Mars will trine Neptune, creating a perfect flow between your “routines” and your “career” houses, and all of this looks really good!

SCORPIO - I hope you’re soaking up the sexy Taurus vibes that are brimming over in your 7th house! If you’re in a relationship, you should be benefitting from these energies and feeling more connected overall. If you’re single and/or career focused, partnerships and work relationships will benefit from the Taurean determination and loyalty. Saturn and Neptune are both in your 5th house, giving joy and creativity a sense of importance and meaning. Connection to children should also be very good right now. Neptune will trine Mars, who is in your 9th house giving you a desire for experience and maybe travel. The trine between the 5th house and 9th house pretty much screams “let’s have an adventure”!

SAGITTARIUS - Your 6th house is full of Taurus energy right now, indicating a week or so of hustle and grind. The 6th house also rules physical health, and Taurus is a very body oriented sign. This is a good time to work on good habits for yourself, or to pay attention to anything that doesn’t feel quite right. Saturn in Pisces is in your 4th house, so there’s a focus and sensitivity around home and family right now. Neptune is also in that house, and it’s likely that if you’re already a sensitive person or an empath, you probably will feel very connected to your family and roots. Neptune will trine Mars, who is in your 8th house, feeling very ambitious and passionate. Use your intuition to sense the way forward and you’ll make great strides in this period of time!

CAPRICORN - you have Taurus in the 5th house brimming over right now. This is a recipe for romance and flirting, but also of creativity, particularly of artistic projects that involve the senses. Creative expression (and children or child like energy) will be emphasized as long as this conglomeration of Taurus is hanging out in that area of your chart. Saturn is in your 3rd house giving a lot of emphasis to communication, ideas, expression and learning. Neptune is also there, adding creativity to the mix. Neptune will trine Mars, who is in your 7th house currently. So all in all, there is a strong emphasis on personal and family relationships.

AQUARIUS - Home and family is one of the strongest themes for you right now. The Taurus pile up happens in your 4th house. Caring for loved ones, decorating your house, providing comfort, and material well being for your family are emphasized as long as this clump (or should I say “herd”?) of Taurus sits there. Good news - Saturn in Pisces in your 2nd house can create income from artistic pursuits. Neptune is also there, adding more artsy and creative vibes. Mars in Cancer is in your 6th house of work, but this combination of energies is well suited to working for yourself, which we all know is your preference! Neptune will trine Mars, creating a natural flow between your work routine and tasks and making money!

PISCES - The pile up of Taurus in your 3rd house gives a very practical and rational approach to your thinking and decision making. Even though some of this energy will break up a little, the North Node remains there until mid summer, and Uranus will be there for a few more years. Your thinking will be fast, and may not be understood by everyone. But there’s a lot of potential for genius-like breakthroughs for a long time to come. Saturn and Neptune are both in your 1st house creating both a seriousness and sense of responsibility, and a creative, sensitive and artistic flair. Lots of personal growth will happen over the next few years. Mars is in Cancer in the creative and joyful 5th house, and he just wants to have fu-uhn. Mars is very proud here as well, for better or worse. Neptune will trine Mars and give you a sense of pride and regal-ness and enhance your creative energy.


SUN - Taurus
MERCURY  - Taurus (Direct this week)
VENUS - Cancer
MARS - Cancer
SATURN - Pisces
URANUS - Taurus
NEPTUNE - Pisces
PLUTO - Aquarius (Rx)
CHIRON - Aries
CHARIKLO - Aquarius
CHAOS - Gemini 
N. NODE - Taurus
CERES - Virgo (Rx)
JUNO - Gemini
VESTA - Taurus
ERIS - Aries
SIRIUS- Cancer (fixed)


Monday 08 May

Tuesday 09 May
Sun conjunct Uranus
Mars sextile Ceres

Wednesday 10 May
Venus sextile North Node
Pallas square North Node

Thursday 11 May
Mars square Eris

Friday 12 May
Mercury sextile Saturn
Mercury sextile Venus
Venus trine Saturn
Saturn square Juno

Saturday 13 May

Sunday 14 May
Mercury turns direct
Sun trine Ceres

Monday 15 May
Mars trine Neptune