Your RAWR Summer Solstice BitchScopes for June 19-26
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Check out my June Reading Special - Hot Goddess Summer
I am a very visual person. I often have to draw diagrams or scribble out a picture to understand a concept. I use color coding so I can grasp a big picture at a glance. As I was looking through the transits and aspects for this week, I felt like I noticed something, so I did my color coding thing. All the Sun’s aspects are bolded. The aspects Mercury makes are in blue. The Pluto 29° aspects are in red. And the ingresses are underlined.
This week we have 4 planets changing signs, including the sun. Mercury makes 9 aspects. There are 5 29° aspects. The sun makes 4 aspects.
Anytime the sun is doing something, we should pay attention. This week he moves into Cancer and then immediately sextiles the North Node. To me, this feels like a “hey, pay attention to what comes into your life in the next 30 days”. Mercury will follow the Sun into Cancer at the end of the week, and then our communication also becomes Cancerian. Mercury is very busy this week, and that means we probably will be as well.
Cancer energy is like an M&M candy…crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Cancer people, even if they aren’t meant for you, tend to be easy to love. But Cancers aren’t suckers. They are tough and they stick to their own moral compass fiercely. If you piss them off they won’t come at you directly and say “hey, that pisses me off.” Like the crab they are named after, they will come at you from the side, or sideways, in order to protect themselves, and jab at you in a way that sometimes feels random and unrelated. They are far more sensitive than they usually let on, and they are natural nurturers. They are rarely boring, in part because they are ruled by an ever-fluid moon. Cancers are moony…and therefore moody. It is sometimes hard to figure out or know where you stand with a Cancer. They are aloof, and they have that outer shell. I have a Masters Degree in Cancer people, and I still don’t always understand them.
Now we gotta talk about Pluto. Pluto is retrograde and moves very slow. So he is burning a hole at 29° right now, so everything he touches will be a 29° aspect for awhile (until the end of July). While 29° is the “critical degree”, that doesn’t necessarily mean that everything will be a crisis. It's just something to be aware of. The best way to know what is going on with you is to look at your own chart. The aspects I offer here are the overarching macro-themes. But with Pluto at 29° you can bet things will be dramatic wherever there is power and control at stake…like say…politics. I should take a look at Trump’s chart but it literally makes me so angry that it isn’t a good idea. But we know that some things are cookin’ for sure. Indictment charges have stuck (thank you Grand Jurists!), his lawyers quit, and now we can just hope that justice is actually served, because that man is a traitor to this country the likes of which we have not seen since…the revolutionary war…hmmmm. We also have DeSantis practicing his Fascist Tango in the wings. And even after Pluto leaves 29°, he will remain in Capricorn, the sign of the Patriarchy, until the end of this year. So business will be settled one way or another as we go forward. We live in the accursed “interesting times”. Remember when things were boring? I love boring!
The Summer Solstice happens this week when the Sun enters Cancer. The Summer Solstice is the longest day and the beginning of summer in the Northern hemisphere.
Here are your scopes for this week, with a focus on the Leo goddess lineup as well as the Cancer Sun/Solstice:
ARIES - Cancer rules your 4th house of home and family. Decorate your home according to the season you are about to enter. Honor your ancestors if that appeals to you. Remember or call in the energies of freedom and liberation and beauty. The Leo goddesses hold hands in your 5th house of creativity, children, fun, joy and romance. Who better to bless your love life than Lilith and Venus?! Happy Solstice!
TAURUS - Cancer rules your 3rd house of siblings, neighbors, learning and communication. Journaling is a great way to lean into this energy. Think about your hopes when the year started, look at how far you’ve come, envision the 2nd half of the year. What is your soul drawn toward? What are your desires and passions? Meanwhile, the Leo ladies bless your home and family sector. Do you feel safe at home? What would it take for you to feel more secure there? Happy Solstice!
GEMINI - Cancer rules your 2nd house of income. Decorate your office with things that feel abundant. Work on your money manifestation practices. Reflect on your financial progress or hangups since the year began and set intentions for the 2nd half. Meanwhile, the Leo goddesses encircle your 3rd house of communication. Speaking up for yourself, using your voice, discovering truth…these are all themes for you this summer.
CANCER - Happy YOU season! This solstice shines a light right on you, your gifts, your offerings to the world and your hopes for the future. If you think about it, there have probably been many major turning points for you around this time of year in your history. There will be some this summer too. What do you envision and want to manifest for the rest of this year? The Leo goddesses encircle your money house. How can it get better than having these badass ladies blessing your income sector? And Lilith and Venus will be there all summer blessing your money! Happy Solstice!
LEO - Cancer rules your 12th house, and so you might feel like pulling back and reflecting on things in a more private way. Meditation, any kind of ritual or ceremony can yield really beautiful results for you. The Leo goddesses will be encircling YOU all summer long, giving you confidence and blessing you as you go out into the world. The hot goddess summer is all yours! Happy Solstice.
VIRGO - Cancer rules your 11th house of people you know, so it could be a very social summer for you. However, you have a choice here. The Leo goddesses encircle your 12th house of solitude. It is possible you would prefer a bit more privacy or even solitude this summer. You might even choose to work on a project with a charity, hospital or something like that. No matter how you handle it, it is going to give you a big confidence boost. Happy Solstice!
LIBRA - Cancer rules your 10th house of public image and career. Your personal brand or career direction might undergo a make over this summer. Utilize the Solstice as a time to reflect of your journey so far this year, and what you’d like to do going forward. The Leo goddesses are in your 11th house, blessings your networking efforts. There was never a better time to be seen on social media than this summer, maybe with a new look for your business/plan. Happy Solstice!
SCORPIO - Cancer rules your 9th house of adventure and big dreams. I’m not gonna lie, having the Solstice cross this house is pretty sweet! Set your intentions to have experiences that expand your world. Dare to dream big and allow your (skeptical ass) self to believe. The Leo goddesses encircle your public life and career house. If there is a power career move to make, this summer is a good time to do it! Happy Solstice!
SAGITTARIUS - Cancer rules your 8th house of intimacy, secrets, and things we aren’t supposed to talk about at family gatherings. This is a double water area of your chart, placement so don’t be surprised if this summer feels emotionally intense The Leo goddesses are in your sign’s domain - the 9th house. With their blessing and empowerment you can experience travel and other experiences that enhance your life and world view. Happy Solstice!
CAPRICORN - Cancer rules your 7th house of partnership. Do something romantic with your spouse or partner to usher in the beautiful energy of the Solstice. Something with flowers would be really cool ( a hike, a botanical garden etc). The Leo goddesses are lined up in your 8th house, really blessing your intimacy…all summer! If you’re not in a relationship, take this opportunity to work on manifesting it with beauty and optimism and heart centered desires. Happy Solstice!
AQUARIUS - Cancer rules your 6th house of work and routine. Make sure your desk or every day work area feels beautiful. Add some flowers to your office area. The Leo goddesses are in your 7th house of partnerships. You can utilize their bold energy to enhance your business relationships or your romantic ones. It’s going to be a productive summer, professionally and personally! Happy Solstice!
PISCES - Cancer rules your 5th house of romance and joy. What a beautiful placement to celebrate beauty in general. Add some flowers to your home or your office, or even to your hair. Close your eyes and think about how joy feels in your body. Extend a lovely gesture to your partner. The Leo goddesses are in your 6th house of work. If you need to make a bold move in terms of your job description, job duties, or other “how” aspects of your work, this summer is a great time to make those changes! Happy Solstice!
Monday 19 June
Jupiter sextile Saturn
Mercury opposite Great Attractor
Venus opposite Chariklo
Tuesday 20 June
Sun conjunct Juno
Pluto trine Ceres 29°
Uranus square Pallas
Mars conjunct Lilith
Wednesday 21 June
Sun quincunx Pluto 29°
Ceres enters Libra
Mercury sextile Lilith
Sun enters Cancer/ Summer Solstice
Mercury sextile Mars
Sun square Ceres
Thursday 22 June
Mercury sextile Chiron
Pluto quincunx Juno 29°
Pluto trine Vesta 29°
Sun sextile North Node
Vesta enters Gemini
Mars trine Chiron
Friday 23 June
Sun sextile North Node
Mercury sextile Pallas
Saturday 24 June
Mercury sextile Eris
Sunday 25 June
Mercury square Neptune
Monday 26 June
Mars square Uranus
Mercury quincunx Pluto 29°
Mercury enters Cancer
This week we have 4 planets changing signs, including the sun. Mercury makes 9 aspects. There are 5 29° aspects. The sun makes 4 aspects.
Anytime the sun is doing something, we should pay attention. This week he moves into Cancer and then immediately sextiles the North Node. To me, this feels like a “hey, pay attention to what comes into your life in the next 30 days”. Mercury will follow the Sun into Cancer at the end of the week, and then our communication also becomes Cancerian. Mercury is very busy this week, and that means we probably will be as well.
Cancer energy is like an M&M candy…crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Cancer people, even if they aren’t meant for you, tend to be easy to love. But Cancers aren’t suckers. They are tough and they stick to their own moral compass fiercely. If you piss them off they won’t come at you directly and say “hey, that pisses me off.” Like the crab they are named after, they will come at you from the side, or sideways, in order to protect themselves, and jab at you in a way that sometimes feels random and unrelated. They are far more sensitive than they usually let on, and they are natural nurturers. They are rarely boring, in part because they are ruled by an ever-fluid moon. Cancers are moony…and therefore moody. It is sometimes hard to figure out or know where you stand with a Cancer. They are aloof, and they have that outer shell. I have a Masters Degree in Cancer people, and I still don’t always understand them.
Now we gotta talk about Pluto. Pluto is retrograde and moves very slow. So he is burning a hole at 29° right now, so everything he touches will be a 29° aspect for awhile (until the end of July). While 29° is the “critical degree”, that doesn’t necessarily mean that everything will be a crisis. It's just something to be aware of. The best way to know what is going on with you is to look at your own chart. The aspects I offer here are the overarching macro-themes. But with Pluto at 29° you can bet things will be dramatic wherever there is power and control at stake…like say…politics. I should take a look at Trump’s chart but it literally makes me so angry that it isn’t a good idea. But we know that some things are cookin’ for sure. Indictment charges have stuck (thank you Grand Jurists!), his lawyers quit, and now we can just hope that justice is actually served, because that man is a traitor to this country the likes of which we have not seen since…the revolutionary war…hmmmm. We also have DeSantis practicing his Fascist Tango in the wings. And even after Pluto leaves 29°, he will remain in Capricorn, the sign of the Patriarchy, until the end of this year. So business will be settled one way or another as we go forward. We live in the accursed “interesting times”. Remember when things were boring? I love boring!
The Summer Solstice happens this week when the Sun enters Cancer. The Summer Solstice is the longest day and the beginning of summer in the Northern hemisphere.
This is a time of culmination and claiming what we’ve earned, won, or gained. We can stand “in the light” and offer what we have to the world.
It is the Sun’s highest point, and so is a climax of sorts. Cancer energy is about the home, ancestry, and foundations. With the light of the sun shining on our lives we can see our way.
In the Southern hemisphere this is the longest night, and a time where we withdraw into the quiet to be with ourselves and our inner knowing. Sometimes the darkness can feel more comfortable and safer than the spotlight of the Sun. (I must be from the Southern hemisphere in my soul, because this resonates with me at this time of year.) Anyway, just get quiet and still and observe your feelings.
Northern or Southern hemisphere, this is a time of new beginnings, reflection, and gratitude.
At the moment the Sun enters Cancer, there is a goddess lineup is pretty badass.... The Moon, Venus, and Lilith are all in Leo. This is bold, proud feminine energy! And Mars joins the ladies there as well. I like to think of him as guarding the door to the sacred feminine as we honor the Solstice. Lilith and Venus will be in Leo all summer long!
In the Southern hemisphere this is the longest night, and a time where we withdraw into the quiet to be with ourselves and our inner knowing. Sometimes the darkness can feel more comfortable and safer than the spotlight of the Sun. (I must be from the Southern hemisphere in my soul, because this resonates with me at this time of year.) Anyway, just get quiet and still and observe your feelings.
Northern or Southern hemisphere, this is a time of new beginnings, reflection, and gratitude.
At the moment the Sun enters Cancer, there is a goddess lineup is pretty badass.... The Moon, Venus, and Lilith are all in Leo. This is bold, proud feminine energy! And Mars joins the ladies there as well. I like to think of him as guarding the door to the sacred feminine as we honor the Solstice. Lilith and Venus will be in Leo all summer long!
Marilyn Monroe had Lilith in Leo, and she was a Leo rising.
Here are your scopes for this week, with a focus on the Leo goddess lineup as well as the Cancer Sun/Solstice:
ARIES - Cancer rules your 4th house of home and family. Decorate your home according to the season you are about to enter. Honor your ancestors if that appeals to you. Remember or call in the energies of freedom and liberation and beauty. The Leo goddesses hold hands in your 5th house of creativity, children, fun, joy and romance. Who better to bless your love life than Lilith and Venus?! Happy Solstice!
TAURUS - Cancer rules your 3rd house of siblings, neighbors, learning and communication. Journaling is a great way to lean into this energy. Think about your hopes when the year started, look at how far you’ve come, envision the 2nd half of the year. What is your soul drawn toward? What are your desires and passions? Meanwhile, the Leo ladies bless your home and family sector. Do you feel safe at home? What would it take for you to feel more secure there? Happy Solstice!
GEMINI - Cancer rules your 2nd house of income. Decorate your office with things that feel abundant. Work on your money manifestation practices. Reflect on your financial progress or hangups since the year began and set intentions for the 2nd half. Meanwhile, the Leo goddesses encircle your 3rd house of communication. Speaking up for yourself, using your voice, discovering truth…these are all themes for you this summer.
CANCER - Happy YOU season! This solstice shines a light right on you, your gifts, your offerings to the world and your hopes for the future. If you think about it, there have probably been many major turning points for you around this time of year in your history. There will be some this summer too. What do you envision and want to manifest for the rest of this year? The Leo goddesses encircle your money house. How can it get better than having these badass ladies blessing your income sector? And Lilith and Venus will be there all summer blessing your money! Happy Solstice!
LEO - Cancer rules your 12th house, and so you might feel like pulling back and reflecting on things in a more private way. Meditation, any kind of ritual or ceremony can yield really beautiful results for you. The Leo goddesses will be encircling YOU all summer long, giving you confidence and blessing you as you go out into the world. The hot goddess summer is all yours! Happy Solstice.
VIRGO - Cancer rules your 11th house of people you know, so it could be a very social summer for you. However, you have a choice here. The Leo goddesses encircle your 12th house of solitude. It is possible you would prefer a bit more privacy or even solitude this summer. You might even choose to work on a project with a charity, hospital or something like that. No matter how you handle it, it is going to give you a big confidence boost. Happy Solstice!
LIBRA - Cancer rules your 10th house of public image and career. Your personal brand or career direction might undergo a make over this summer. Utilize the Solstice as a time to reflect of your journey so far this year, and what you’d like to do going forward. The Leo goddesses are in your 11th house, blessings your networking efforts. There was never a better time to be seen on social media than this summer, maybe with a new look for your business/plan. Happy Solstice!
SCORPIO - Cancer rules your 9th house of adventure and big dreams. I’m not gonna lie, having the Solstice cross this house is pretty sweet! Set your intentions to have experiences that expand your world. Dare to dream big and allow your (skeptical ass) self to believe. The Leo goddesses encircle your public life and career house. If there is a power career move to make, this summer is a good time to do it! Happy Solstice!
SAGITTARIUS - Cancer rules your 8th house of intimacy, secrets, and things we aren’t supposed to talk about at family gatherings. This is a double water area of your chart, placement so don’t be surprised if this summer feels emotionally intense The Leo goddesses are in your sign’s domain - the 9th house. With their blessing and empowerment you can experience travel and other experiences that enhance your life and world view. Happy Solstice!
CAPRICORN - Cancer rules your 7th house of partnership. Do something romantic with your spouse or partner to usher in the beautiful energy of the Solstice. Something with flowers would be really cool ( a hike, a botanical garden etc). The Leo goddesses are lined up in your 8th house, really blessing your intimacy…all summer! If you’re not in a relationship, take this opportunity to work on manifesting it with beauty and optimism and heart centered desires. Happy Solstice!
AQUARIUS - Cancer rules your 6th house of work and routine. Make sure your desk or every day work area feels beautiful. Add some flowers to your office area. The Leo goddesses are in your 7th house of partnerships. You can utilize their bold energy to enhance your business relationships or your romantic ones. It’s going to be a productive summer, professionally and personally! Happy Solstice!
PISCES - Cancer rules your 5th house of romance and joy. What a beautiful placement to celebrate beauty in general. Add some flowers to your home or your office, or even to your hair. Close your eyes and think about how joy feels in your body. Extend a lovely gesture to your partner. The Leo goddesses are in your 6th house of work. If you need to make a bold move in terms of your job description, job duties, or other “how” aspects of your work, this summer is a great time to make those changes! Happy Solstice!
Monday 19 June
Jupiter sextile Saturn
Mercury opposite Great Attractor
Venus opposite Chariklo
Tuesday 20 June
Sun conjunct Juno
Pluto trine Ceres 29°
Uranus square Pallas
Mars conjunct Lilith
Wednesday 21 June
Sun quincunx Pluto 29°
Ceres enters Libra
Mercury sextile Lilith
Sun enters Cancer/ Summer Solstice
Mercury sextile Mars
Sun square Ceres
Thursday 22 June
Mercury sextile Chiron
Pluto quincunx Juno 29°
Pluto trine Vesta 29°
Sun sextile North Node
Vesta enters Gemini
Mars trine Chiron
Friday 23 June
Sun sextile North Node
Mercury sextile Pallas
Saturday 24 June
Mercury sextile Eris
Sunday 25 June
Mercury square Neptune
Monday 26 June
Mars square Uranus
Mercury quincunx Pluto 29°
Mercury enters Cancer