BitchStrology for the last week of July (?!) - Pluto Square the Lunar Nodes

Hey Bitches! If my ability to write scopes is any indication of the coming week’s energy, it might be challenging to get anything done. Maybe it’s an empath thing, maybe it’s Maybelline…err, I mean, just me.

This week is colored in large part by Pluto’s repeated square to the Lunar nodes, Mercury’s interaction with the goddesses, and Venus, in general. So let’s see what I can uncover, with great force and focus and grit and determination….hahaha

Monday Venus trines the North Node, which is a fantastic way to start the week. Sidenote: I got some minor shade recently for not starting my horoscope week on a Sunday. Really? Monday is such an American way. What are your thoughts?

Anyway, Venus…North Node…this transit attracts overall goodness into our path. Hal-le-fuckin’-lu-jah!

Tuesday Pluto squares off with the lunar nodes. Pluto has done this at least one other time this month, which I may not have focused on, and will continue to into September. So let’s discuss what Pluto is…

Personally Pluto is a power planet and leads us into our personal evolution via transformations. I tried to leave out the word “destruction” but it applies. Mini and constant destructions are part of life, nature, death…it’s a fact, and Pluto is in charge of that shit. Collectively Pluto is a planet of transformation at any cost, burn down the plutocracy, the patriarchy, the whole fucking thing. Rotten branch? Destroy the whole tree! You get the idea. Scorched Earth.

But Pluto’s interaction with the nodes is not that awful or dramatic, so put away your vodka. Or don’t. Bitch, you do you. Anyway, these transits can expose parts of our proposed journey/goals/plans that no longer align with who we are. Why don’t they align? Because we are constantly changing. Tiny parts of ourselves are constantly dying and being transformed into something else. That nasty breakup didn’t leave you the same way it found you. That job changed you. Parts of your ego have died. Parts of your trauma have died. Parts of your hope have died. You get the idea. This is all okay! Hell, your skin cells are dying and turning over constantly so that you can have fresh skin. It’s not gross or morbid…it’s the process of living and dying at the same time.

So think of Pluto as the god of exfoliation. We must scrub off the old stuff to get to the new stuff. If you’ve hung on to something too long, there might be like…gangrene and stuff. And then the transformation is more dramatic. So our constantly evolving souls require maintenance and recalibration. Pluto does that. And because he is very active and retrograde right now, it is scrubbing season. Like cuffing season, only…not at all like that. Hahaha

We also get the pleasure of watching politicians, billionaires and other “elites” fall from grace. Yaay. Errr, I mean…awwww.

Friday the sun forms a quincunx with Saturn, which is what you want to do vs what you have to do …desire vs. duty. That same day Mercury enters Virgo, which imparts reason, precision, and attention to detail to our thinking. It also makes us wittier*, smarter, and generally awesome (ask any Gemini), as Mercury is “exalted” in Virgo.

*I actually stopped writing here to Google “wittier or more witty” because I am a Gemini rising. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!

Saturday Uranus squares up with Lilith, and this aspect is just straight up rebellion & feminist uprising and I can’t fucking wait! What are you wearing to the Red Robe Rebellion** ?

** reference to Hand Maid’s Tale.

So I’m glad we’re at the Lilith point of the discussion. Let’s discuss goddess activities!

Mercury has conversations with Venus, Eris and Lilith this week. Coincidence? I think not! Mercury will help us to give a  voice to the parts of ourselves (and our society) that we have rejected. Eris is pretty pissy and vengeful, as a rule, but Lilith is a bit more righteous anger. Mercury and Venus is the most civilized of these aspects, focusing on receiving love, feeling appreciated and valued, and encouraging interpersonal interactions, which we need a whole lot more of in this town…er, society…errr…planet? In fact, I would challenge content creators to NOT look at your metrics or analytics, don’t look at the performance of your reel or your post, don’t look at any comments on your posts. Just put out what makes you feel good about what you’re doing (that is where value springs from) that’s it! And I would suggest that all of us try to have face to face interactions where you can, even if it is just at the coffee place. I think these things are what the world needs a lot more of right now! And that’s coming from a curmudgeony Aquarius 8th house troll under the bridge goddess Kali type person!

So, seriously…what are we bringing to the Red Robe meeting? ;) Potluck? Put me down for Vodka and Primordial Rage Salad.

Look at me, finishing the Bitchstrology summary *wipes blood, sweat, and tears off the keyboard* We can do hard things!

This week’s scopes look at the Pluto square to the lunar nodes, and how you can ground yourself using the signs.

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