Bitchstrology for the week of July 17th

This week starts with a bang and ends with a retrograde! Let’s get into this…
So as I mentioned and focused on last week, Monday there’s a New Moon in Cancer AND then the nodes of the moon shift from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra. This shift touches everyone and everything and will color the mood board of humanity for the next couple years. It’s a beautiful gift of synchronicity that we have a New Moon (side note: Last week I intentionally did not capitalize “new moon”. This week I am. WTF. Is it a proper noun? I don’t know!! *pause for Googling*. Yes, proper noun. Apologies to the moon for not capitalizing it last week. Moving on…) um…where was I? Oh, I love that we get a New Moon right as this nodal shift happens. We get so many opportunities for resets every year, every week, and truly, every day. I personally suck at the every day kind. But I LOVE a NEW MOOOOON (all the caps!).
Read last week's scopes to get the whole story on how the new moon affects you.
So we start the week all fresh and new and full of hope and change! Then Tuesday and Wednesday…NO PANTS! No major transits. Just continue to soak up the now waxing moon and visualize your intentions becoming real. Oummmmm.
Ok now put your pants back on, Bitch because some shit’s happening Thursday through Saturday!
Thursday Mars opposes Saturn. This is the classic “driving with one foot on the brake, and one foot on the gas” analogy. Mars wants to GO, Saturn says NO. Mars is impulsive, Saturn is disciplined. We could feel frustrated with something.
Then Friday, the Sun opposes Pluto…at 29°! Oof. This is a crisis of authority. (Watch the news that day!) There could be a situation that makes you feel powerless. There could be a power struggle. You might have to confront (key word here) something within yourself. There is an intensity to this transit that cannot be denied. Wake up, set careful intentions for your day, realizing you may have to be light on your feet, mindful of your feelings, and careful with your words. Visualize yourself having a beautiful day where all the right things are drawn to you. Stand in your authority with calm confidence. Be aware of power and control in all your interactions. Other than that, don’t sweat it. Hahaha. No, it’ll be fine!
Saturday, the Sun enters Leo! Rawr! We are bold and fearless and expressive and creative and playful and sexy and dramatic and affectionate! Woohoo!!
And then…Venus stations Retrograde. And this, Bitches, is what this week’s BitchScopes will focus on for each sign.

Venus retrograde only happens every 18 months.
The last time Venus was retrograde was December 2021 to January 2022 in Capricorn. It’s helpful to look back at that time and see what was going on in your life. It takes the freak out level down a little when you can have a concrete example. I sometimes struggle to remember WTF happened last week, let alone 2 years ago. So I look in my old calendars and planners, I read old emails and messages, and I look at my social media posts for that period to remind me what was happening for me.

Basically, where Venus retrogrades in your natal chart, you will see these themes come up: Value, harmony, money, security, beauty, love, & romance. You might be facing old romantic stories - real or the stories you tell yourself. You can reassess the value of your relationships. You might find yourself thinking about your own value, and valueS, and rethinking what and who you place value on etc. etc. Maybe you need to examine how you get paid or how you pay yourself. You will be given opportunities to notice where there are imbalances in your life, particularly in relationships. Where is there injustice that you can affect change? Old legal issues AND old lovers can show up during this time. If your relationship is wonky, the retrograde might shake it up even more, or you might just be ready to end it. There is a chance that if you break up during a retrograde, it won’t quite “stick”. I did that once and it definitely stuck, but just be aware that relationships you start and end in a Venus retrograde may not have "staying power" *snort*.

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