BitchStrology for the week of July 31- August 6th - Full Moon & Lion's Gate Healing Opportunities!
Astrological Summary of the Week Ahead
Ok Band of Bitches…hey, maybe I should collectively refer to y’all as BOB. Oh wait, that’s a slang term for a vibrator. Nevermind.
CUT! ahem...
Hey Bitches! We have a great week ahead! We have 2 Full Moons in August, bookending the month. The first of them is this Tuesday, in Aquarius, and will illuminate our healing process. We are also in the Lion’s Gate portal right now. And Mercury will enter his shadow phase this week. WTF does all of that mean? Well I’m glad you asked!
Monday the moon conjuncts Pluto which can lead to some intense emotions. That aspect is still active on Tuesday, influencing the Full Moon.
That seems apropos, because Tuesday we start out with Mercury quincunx the Moon. This is an indicator that emotions will rule, not logic. But that intense emotional energy breaks up and a few hours later we have the Full Moon in Aquarius at 11:32AM Pacific / 2:32PM Eastern. This is the Moon in Aquarius, directly opposite the Sun in Leo. Aquarius is eccentric, cerebral and detached, and Leo is expressive, flamboyant and passionate. Full Moons are for releasing energy, situations, people and most importantly, emotions, that are not doing us any good. This is old energy that needs to be scrubbed off. This moon in particular is a great one for an overall detox of anything that doesn’t align with you any more. Aquarius is intellectual energy (which also helps offset the emotionality of the full moon), so what are the thoughts and beliefs that you could let go of? What shitty self talk do you catch yourself engaging in that you should stop? Aquarius and Uranus (which rules Aquarius) are future oriented energies. What are your beliefs about your personal future? Are you dreaming big enough? Are you thinking broadly enough? What thought processes are holding you back?
I highly recommend journaling these ideas out, and then write down their antidote - an affirmation that expresses the opposite.
This full moon is also conjunct Chariklo. I have talked about her before, but in short, she is Chiron’s wife. Chiron is the “wounded healer” that shows us where our innate, lifetime wound is. It is from that pain and healing that we derive our greatest strength. Chariklo is also a healer, but is more of a Medicine Woman. She guides us to the healing and is a great source of compassion, particularly for self. Chariklo is in a loose sextile with Chiron right now, and they will continue to be within orb of each other in this aspect for years. Sextiles provide “opportunity” for something…this sextile provides us an opportunity to heal, to find healing both within the self and outside of self, and to heal our identity in some way as well. Here are the other aspects Chiron and Chariklo have this week (which I probably wouldn’t mention but for their interaction with Venus, and the Lion’s Gate): Chiron in loose trine with Lion’s Gate, Chariklo opposite Venus Retrograde, Chariklo conjunct (almost full) moon.
Having this Full Moon conjunct Chariklo is another indicator that we are releasing, detoxing and healing. Into Wednesday, the Moon is also opposite Venus retrograde…yet ANOTHER indicator for self care! Make sure you value yourself and that your damn self knows she/he is WORTHY!
Thursday the Sun lines up opposite of Chariklo, so our compassion could meet with some frustration or literal opposition. That same day, Pluto squares the Lunar Nodes again (read last week’s blog), indicating that our goals are out of alignment with who we are in some way. And then Mercury enters his shadow in Virgo. Mercury will retrograde in Virgo from 8/23-9/15, and the shadow period can offer clues as to what kind of fuckery Mercury will get up to. (I will definitely cover this in the near future.)
I have to give you a heads up about the Lion’s Gate Portal. It is exact on Tuesday August 8th, but the energy is active and open now. The Lion’s Gate is the period of time where Sirius, said to be our Spiritual Sun, separates from the Sun enough to come into view. Sirius is the brightest star in our sky. Ancient cultures worshipped Sirius. His return to the morning sky was the mark of a new year and the beginning of the farming season. This is a powerful energy that can offer healing, heightened vibrations, and energy that helps us with our evolution.
This is also a fantastic time to manifest! Most of the time, the time around a Full Moon is best utilized for releasing and recognizing the fruition of previous hopes, dreams, goals and intentions. But the 8/8 portal is one of my favorite times of the spiritual year. The number 8 is a number of abundance, eternity, and material wealth. Scorpio, a water sign (water signs are emotional) is the 8th sign and rules the 8th house. It is the middle of the 3 water signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, and is the bridge between the emotional (Cancer) and the Spiritual (Pisces). The 8th house lies on the “money axis”, but also rules power, transformation, passion, intimacy, and sexual energy. The best way to experience this is to find and lean into your Leo energy. Venus is retrograde there right now as well, reminding us for the umpteenth time that we are worthy of our biggest and boldest dreams for ourselves! Gratitude is another beautiful practice for this coming week. Think beyond the usual, and go deep.
So this week’s BitchScopes I will highlight where the full moon hits your chart, how to lean into your Leo energy and utilize the Lion’s Gate, and what area of your life you might want to focus your healing intentions on. This is a doozy of a week, but in the best way. There is huge emotional healing potential here. The area of your life that needs healing is probably the area that is from imagining, and thereby reaching, your greatest dreams!
(I have a question for you guys - when I write, I include the houses and planets responsible for the energy that I’m discussing. Is that confusing? Too much info? Or do you like it? Because I could certainly write these without all that, but for some reason I assumed that everyone is like me and wants to know the “how” and “why” of the “what”. Please let me know - Thx! )
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