Bitchstrology for that big ol' Blue Full Moon in Pisces August 30, 2023

Woo! Guys, I’m just gonna get right into it because this week is very powerful!

Oh hi, how are you? Mmmm, good. Ok great.

Ok so anyway. Big, powerful breakthroughs this week, Bitch! Here’s the quick n dirty - 

Venus is going direct, Uranus is going retrograde, there’s a Full Blue Moon, and Jupiter is going retrograde!

We have a lot of Earth energy, which can make us feel stuck, stubborn, and a bit too worried about details. Venus going direct will help by giving us some needed fire. But we are still a bit unbalanced in the earth energy.

“Oh but that Full Pisces Moon, Kelly…what about that, ya dumb Bitch?”
Oh. MmmHmmm. So we have a bunch of stiff ass Taurus earth. And then we're gonna add a torrential downpour of Pisces. You know what that sounds like? A mudslide. And if I expound upon that metaphor, we have intense emotions AND worry, running amok, knocking down trees and old ladies and mailboxes…it’s not pretty.

What is almost completely lacking this week? AIR! Logic, reason, accountability, boundaries…

Oh, sweet, sweet boundaries. Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Boundaries, boundaries, whereforeart thou, Boundaries?

We have no idea. Saturn and all decorum is drowning in Pisces! Politics has no boundaries and I think that’s self explanatory. Parents have no boundaries - they’re cracking eggs on their unsuspecting children’s head for fuck’s sake! Dating has no boundaries. AI has no boundaries. Hmmm…Sports might have some. Good job, Sports. Anyway…I’ve gone off roading. Let me get this vehicle back between the lines.

Monday - Uranus, planet of change and rebellion, retrogrades in Taurus, so we can reflect on how we have changed and see how we want to break free

Wednesday - There’s a Full Blue Moon in Pisces. This is the 2nd Full Moon in the month of August, hence the “blue”. This makes it supercharged. This moon is carrying the energy of BIG energetic and emotional release! Saturn retrograde in Pisces is only 3ish degrees away from this moon, either dissolving boundaries or enforcing them. Chiron is hanging out on Wednesday too, offering healing and with Mercury’s help, overcoming and healing blockages.

Friday is interesting because for one, Mars is quincunx Saturn, which can be frustrating. Ok its not interesting, its frustrating. But then…then there is the occultation of Neptune by the moon. The Moon occults, or obscures, Neptune. Neptune is the planet of dream, fantasy, illusion, intuition. If the moon, our emotional intelligence, is obscuring the illusion, then we must be facing the truth…yes?

Yes. So this is still related to that release of the Full Moon. It’s a doozy.

Saturday and Sunday we get some planetary vitamins. Saturday the Sun is quincunx Chariklo. Chariklo helps us have compassion and hold space for ourselves, and boy is that well timed! Thanks, girl!

Sunday Venus goes direct, thank goddess! The show resumes! Intermission is over! The house lights are flickering! Back to your seats! Places!

Also on Sunday Neptune is quincunx Lilith. This is personal growth! I have fewer exclamatory sentences for this one! That’s it! Personal Growth! That’s enough!

And that’s a wrap for this week! It’s a big one. It could be dramatic. It could be emotional. It could be intense. But you know what? It could also be beautiful. It could also be liberating. It could also be celebratory. It could also be revolutionary and/or revelatory! (Ooooh, word play. Look, there’s Air!)

We do actually need some Air energy. So in Bitchscopes I suggest how you can balance all this muddy mess with an air sign/house well aspected to to your sign. I also suggest what you might consider releasing in a full moon ceremony. For these ceremonies, write some things down on small pieces of paper. To release the energy, either burn the paper or put the paper in a small container of water. Or partially burn it and put it in the water. There aren’t rules in magic! Put the water/ashes/paper under the moonlight (with your crystals if you’re charging them). Before the Sun is fully up, toss your wish water out in your garden and bring in your crystals. Also, if you want to release something that isn’t mentioned in your horoscope…do it!

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