BitchStrology for the week of August 20th - Get Your Shit Together!

Hey Bitches! 

This planet is insane. I’m in the path of Hurricane Hilary and I’m inland in central California! I’ll be fine, but as I type this we are putting batteries in everything. It should be just a storm by the time it gets to me, but I hope my friends in So Cal will be ok.  There’s so much earth trauma right now.  Maui.  Wildfires all over Canada.  A hurricane in California?! There are wildfires in the Canary Islands in Spain…(Spain has been hot AF and drought-stricken for a couple years).  One can only hope that this is Mother Nature giving us a slap to pay attention to climate change and that the powers that be will finally get it!  Uranus in Taurus has some say in these crazy events. But…that’s not what we are talking about today. 

This is a week of Mercury stationing retrograde! Moreover, the Sun and Mars both change signs, and Uranus stations retrograde. 

Once Uranus stations retrograde, we will have 6 planets in retro.  Jupiter will join them in September, but then Mercury and Venus will go direct by mid-September, giving us just 5 planets retrograde.  During this period of so many retrogrades, you might hear a lot of bullshit that feels unnerving.  Don’t buy into any fear mongeringthis is normal and happens every single year. Mars and Venus retrogrades are probably the most intense for most people.  Mercury retrogrades so often it's more like…period cramps…an annoying inconvenience.  

But back to this week…with this many planets changing energies we will have to  adjust.  So this week might be less pleasant.  I’m calling this week’s energy “Get your shit together!” and here’s why: 

We start the week on Monday with the Sun quincunx Pluto, which can make us a smidge neurotic or obsessive.  Lilith also trines Eris on Monday, an aspect I was giddy about last week.  Focus on feeling empowered.  Say yes to personal boundaries and standing in your power. Say no to Facebook stalking your ex’s new wife. 

Tuesday is a mixed bag, and I don’t mean apples and oranges… I mean strawberries and fish!  Venus Square Jupiter is quite optimistic, but Mars opposite Neptune is the opposite! Mars opposite Neptune can feel discouraging and inadequate.  You are perfectly adequate and worthy of happiness, so try to lean into the strawberry energy.  And if that doesn’t work, just know that any shitty feelings you have will change soon. 

Wednesday the Sun enters Virgo and Mercury begins its retrograde in Virgo.  This is the “get your shit together” energy.  Virgo is precise and detail oriented.  She is embodied and in touch with the flesh suit.  She is dedicated, hardworking, perfectionist, and she can feel critical.  It might be self critical, or it might make some of us critical of others.  Virgo is also very giving, generous, and charitable, so it is a big shift from the massive Leo energy and we might have a bit of an energetic hangover for a few days.  

Mercury retrograde in Virgo is very detail oriented, introspective and focused on routine.  This retrograde might mess up something with your day-to-day flow, tasks, habits, etc.  Like at work instead of working on the massive pile of deadlines you were planning on attacking, you might be “asked” to help a co-worker, and it completely jacks up your flow.  Wherever you have Virgo in your chart, you might be a little obsessive and hyper-focused. Make sure you aren’t over communicating.  Read your emails 2-3 times before sending, both for errors and for pissy-ness.  Back up important data.  Have batteries on hand.  Tend to the needs of your car.  Have phone numbers handy for a plumber, HVAC guy, handyman, electrician, mechanic, etc.  If you aren’t shocked when your car battery suddenly fails, it is a lot less jarring. As a single mother, a dashboard light would send me into a panic.  

Mars is quincunx the North Node on Wednesday as well, so you might need to make adjustments to your plans. Virgo might be the one who finds the error in the process.  She’s useful and helpful even when she’s a bit annoying. 

Thursday through Saturday we have determination and genius problem solving skills thanks to Mars trine Pluto and Mercury conjunct Pallas, respectively. Friday is a no pants day…woohoo!

Sunday, don’t be surprised if something just doesn’t work out. The Sun is opposite Saturn which is a restrictive, contractive energy.  Thank goddess, Mars enters Libra on Sunday, giving us charm and courage. Mars in Libra is an upbeat, generous energy.  Watch for playing (or arguing with) Devil’s advocate. 

Monday is when Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus. Taurus is physical resources, comfort, luxury, sensuality, money, and food.  Uranus, planet of change and rebellion, is an outer, social planet who mostly affects society as a whole.  But Aquarians and strong Uranian people could feel it personally.  Overall it’s an energy of breaking free, rebelling, embracing change. It pairs well with Mercury retrograde in Virgo.  

Mix it up. Get organized.  Get chaotic.  Take it apart to put it back together.  Change things up.  Say no.  Say yes unexpectedly.  Change your mind. Change it back.  Make a list. Make another list. Make a list with colored markers. Download 6 apps.  Face your fears. Refine your goals. Question your own authenticity. Question your purpose. Make a better budget. Decide to be vegan or vegetarian.  Don’t spend too much money. Change how you spend money. Strategize. Make new alliances.  Recognize and accept your feelings about your relationship.  Stand up for justice and equality. Use your charm to move mountains.  Stand still and feel our own power. 

Get your shit together!