Bitchstrology for the week of September 25th
Hey Bitch Tribe,
I did some people-ing this weekend, which I don’t do often these days. It was fun to meet and hang out with new people. But one conversation caught me off guard. I am always interested when I run into resistance to our favorite word - Bitch (in case you needed that hint). I encountered that this weekend just in casual, passing conversation, and it reminded me that this work still matters.
If you’re new here, this whole brand I’ve built revolves around the word Bitch because I am sick of letting certain words have power over me. Bitch has been used for centuries to shut women down. It's incredibly prevalent in the corporate world, even now. At a certain point, after a few decades of feeling very offended by the word Bitch and many others, I was sick of feeling shitty. To avoid "being a bitch" I kept myself small to make other people comfortable, and I kept my educated opinions to myself, and was a people pleaser in general. I was sick of trying so hard to not being a bitch, so I just fully embraced being a bitch and flipped the defintion on its head. Now, to me, a bitch is a strong woman who doesn’t put up with bullshit that is demeaning and degrading and controlling and abusive and generally shitty. A bitch is proud of who she is and where she’s been A bitch has healthy boundaries. A bitch has good self esteem. So when a women, especially younger than me, because I always assume younger women are strong and liberal badasses, is offended by the word, I am reminded that this message still matters.
So thanks for being my bitches. I know some of you still don’t really resonate with that word and that’s ok. You’re showing up and that matters. You get it. There are still lots of women who deserve to be called something…and I am still training myself to make it some other word…like asshole, or ballsack, or a new favorite, dickhole. I’ll pause here for pearl clutching. Done? Ok cool, so anyway…it’s still a work in progress. Sure, some women are not cool, just like some men. But I would encourage you to retrain yourself to use the word bitch more positively.
So thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. It is, by the way, so Gemini rising, Mercury in Capricorn in the 8th house of me to reclaim a bad word. Geminis love words. Capricorn is pretty serious about shit. And the 8th house is where all things taboo reside. I love learning about astrology via understanding myself and I love learning about myself via astrology!
But on to this week! There is a full moon this week in Aries, the sign of individualism. The Sun will be in Libra, the sign of relationships. So this is a classic “Me vs. We” energy. Relationships also receive challenges via the Sun square Vesta, Venus square Uranus, the Moon quincunx Ceres, Mars square Uranus, and Uranus square Juno. This does not mean all relationships are doomed this week, but you should be aware that tensions may arise.
Restlessness is a theme this week, both from Aries and quite a bit of Uranus energy. Affections are high, but so is tension and restlessness, and this is a recipe for affairs and impulsive behavior. Check yourself. Emotions will run high most of the week and a Full Moon is always known for that. Boundaries are very important this week, and compassion for self and others is needed. Sometimes setting a boundary is an act of compassion, so hang on to that idea.
Let’s look at that Full Moon in Aries. This full moon is the counterpart to the Aries New Moon in April of this year, which was an eclipse. That eclipse was at 29° of Aries and was a new path for many of us. 29° indicates an end and a readiness to move on, as it is the last degree of any sign. It’s called the Anaretic degree in astrology and I’ve blogged about it many times. New moons in and of themselves indicate new beginnings. Aries is the initiator. That Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse was the first of the eclipses on the Aries/Libra axis. Those eclipses will continue into all of 2024. The last time we had Aries and Libra eclipses was in 2015 and in 2004, and with the latter, the degrees are an exact match (eclipses repeat in exact sign and degree every 19 years). I will have a lot more to say about these eclipses in the next couple of weeks, but that is the energy of this Full Moon.
New moons are new beginnings, setting intentions and focusing on what you want to manifest in your life. New Moons are for planting seeds. Full Moons bring things into completion and fruition. They illuminate things we didn’t know or see before. Full moons are for harvesting. And this Aries New Moon is called “The Harvest Moon”. It carries the initiating energy of Aries so it is great for entrepreneur energy. This is metaphorically our last push out into the world before we begin the cold, internal season. What do you not want to hibernate with this winter? Consider releasing those things on this moon. But also let’s recognize the big creative energy in its fullness with the full moon. Be bold. Claim confidence. Set boundaries. Go after what you want!
While doing my homework for this week’s scopes I rediscovered the song “Harvest Moon” by Neil Young. I learned a lot about Neil Young actually. 1) he always records under a full moon. Read what he says about it here 2) Neil Young is married to Daryl Hannah! Did you know this?! I did not! They married in 2018! 3) Neil has recorded either 28 or 26 songs about the moon. This blog was the only list I could find and it lists 26. 4) Neil Young doesn’t like Joe Rogan (yay, me neither!)