Bitchstrology for the week of September 4-11 - "Shake it Off" (sorry I can't stop T. Swifting)
Well damn howdy if last week wasn’t an ass-kicker! Woo! It was seriously emotionally fraught for so many people i know! That was a major Full Moon event. And I'm sorry if I inadvertently shamed you indirectly on social media, but I was legit shocked at how many people thought the Blue Moon was literally going to be colored blue. Nope. But it was pretty much a dick regardless of what color it looked like to you. It will bring about major shifts, and is already doing so...but it was EMO!
As I type this we have 6 retrograde planets. But Sunday September 3rd Venus goes direct…hallefuckinlujah! Venus has been retrograde in Leo since July 22nd, stirring up issues around worth and joy and if we make ourselves too small, and making some of our relationships janky. Well she’s going to be moving ahead and on into Virgo eventually. And no sooner has she stationed direct that we get Jupiter stationing retrograde to take her place as planet #6.

The transits, in general, point to inner work, shadow work, and lots of opportunities for healing. There are some transits that speak to spiritual insights regarding path and purpose. And at the end of this week there’s an emphasis around your personal authority and boundaries. Try to consciously slow down every day. Slow the grind. Notice the details in your life. Stop rushing. Stop cramming your calendar so full.
Take this week to recover from the last couple. If you’re experiencing Mercury retrograde like I am, you’re probably fairly frustrated! Ease up on expectations for yourself and everything else right now. If you have a healing practice, lean into it. If you don’t, just pray or meditate about it. If you don’t know what to do, the best thing you can do is just slow down, be still, and let the Universe give you what you need.
Virgo, where the Sun and Mercury currently are, is the sign of the healer. Even though Mercury is being a twatwaffle right now, we can channel our own healing with that energy facing inward like it currently is.
Aaaand, the energy around September 11th can be heavy for the collective. Let’s set an intention for a kind and peaceful week with an elevation of our shared consciousness. I need a Taylor Swift song for that...Hmmm. Maybe "You need to calm down". or "Delicate".
Aaaand, the energy around September 11th can be heavy for the collective. Let’s set an intention for a kind and peaceful week with an elevation of our shared consciousness. I need a Taylor Swift song for that...Hmmm. Maybe "You need to calm down". or "Delicate".
What would you pick?
Here's the Taylor Swift Eras playlist:
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