Bitchstrology for the week of Halloween! (Plus some heavier topics that we need to acknowledge)

Greetings, Bitches…or maybe I should substitute with the word “Witches” for this week. *witchy laugh* Blessed Samhain, Happy Halloween, and Feliz Dia De Los Muertos. It’s the latter that I really enjoy getting into, to be honest. I am fascinated by genealogy and family lineage. I’m fortunate in that I can trace one of our family lines all the way back to Robert the Bruce, 1st King of Scotland. I am descended from a number of Scottish Clan Chiefs, including Hector the Red, “Lachlan the Hairy”, and many others. I am descended from the Plantagenets, Tudors, Stuarts, the Valois, and some other pretty interesting historical names. Alas, no one has mailed me my crown…yet. But even just in pulling up the info to type this, it is SO easy for me to go down a rabbit hole because I love this family information! So on Dia De Los Muertos, I channel 3% “Aztec and Indigenous Americas” DNA, and set up an ancestor alter. I put up some favorite pictures, and gawk in am...