Bitchstrology for the week of 10/23 - the Mouthy Full Moon and a closing Eclipse

 Well alrighty…we have another eclipse, Bitches!  This week we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Halloween Weekend! This is the final eclipse in the Taurus Scorpio series which has tested our sense of security and how we manage our resources. We are graduating to the next set of eclipses, which is already in session.

Lunar Eclipses are like super-juiced Full Moons.  They scrub off stuff that we need to let go of.  If you can release and let go willingly, it is usually a lot less upsetting and jarring. It is a time of endings and completions, and this is a final nudge to get your shit together where Taurus don’t be surprised when you’re surprised. Haha.  The eclipse happens Saturday, but you might start feeling it earlier in the week.   The Sun moves into Scorpio on Monday, and you’re bound to feel that shift. I think the shift from Libra to Scorpio is one of the most  pronounced of the year.
This week, in addition to this Eclipse, there is a strong wave of determination coming up (similar to last week).  Lilith is active this week, indicating a take-no-shit mentality.  Saturn, Mercury and Mars all make aspects that point to hard work, high energy, and a sharp mind.  Be careful though, because tongues are likely to be sharp as well.  I bet some crazy, harsh shit will be said this week on the world stage. But then…maybe that’s nothing new…? Idanno...I feel some kinda way about this energy. This moon feels mouthy!

Let’s talk about this for a sec…because this Israel-Palestine conflict has really stirred up the social media monsters.   Mercury is the ruler of social media, along with Uranus. Oh social media…it is a blessing and a curse. With the advent of the Internet and the Socials there’s been a HUGE uptick in knowledge around the world.  Our evolution has skyrocketed since the Internet became public around 1993.  (I was introduced to it in college in 1995…when did you start using it?)  So for the first 10 or so years, it was beyond amazing. We were connecting with each other and learning things about people we’d never have the chance to meet otherwise. The doors of dating and relating swung wide open.  Job opportunities soared. When cell phones showed up in earnest in the early 2000’s, another level was unlocked. Around 2010 or so, Smart Phones were invented, and you know how that went. Now we have access to the internet almost anywhere we go.  It’s wild! There was a boom of learning for a while. And then things got weird, competitive, argumentative, and ugly. Now everyone knows everything. Talent is common. Anything  can be learned. Everything  can be monetized.  Bloggers are journalists. Journalists are bloggers. Influencers are millionaires. Millionaires own the media.  And this is where it starts to fall apart. Instead of getting much smarter, like we did there for a couple decades, now we are actively getting stupider and more ignorant by the day. False information, fake news, misleading statistics, and bullshit in general is having a fucking hayday!
Something has to happen that will shift this again.  I shudder to think what it might be.  But if we can all be a little more conscious about what we share, how we share it, what we say, why we say things, I think it can make a difference.  We need to be much better stewards of good information and much better filters of false information. We have big brains. We can discern truth from crap. We have got to be more responsible! About …everything!
My long and rambling point is that eclipses push our evolution forward quickly. Both personally and collectively we are fast-tracked ahead. With the age of Aquarius coming in, intellectualism is going to make a comeback, replacing religion for the most part. Unfortunately, religion is going to always be present, but we are definitely currently in an age of religion being emphasized and prioritized. But over the next many years, it will be less prominent in government etc.   So this last eclipse in Taurus (for 20 years) gives us a chance to check issues like: how we acquire  resources, our debt, our incomes, our budgets, the way we use our money, the reasons we have issues with money, how we value ourselves, what we need to truly feel secure.  With improved sense of security and self worth we then move on into the Aries-Libra eclipses to work on who we are in the world, who we are with our partners, and who our partners are. Psychological Evolution is a fascinating thing! Come along for the ride!
This eclipse happens at 5° of Taurus at around 1:24pm Pacific/4:24pm Eastern. This particular full moon could be quite a bit more intense than other eclipses or other full moons. Because it's in Taurus, pay attention to your body. Your sleep might be affected. With the Sun in Scorpio and the Earth blocking the Sun from the moon (eclipsing this moon), there's a secretive nature to this eclipse. Shady stuff, shadowy stuff, secrets and things that have been buried, things we have hidden from ourselves or been in denial about...all these things could potentially find the light. in the wake of the eclipse, (about 10 hours later) Mars and Mercury oppose the moon. This feels confrontational to me. So be very aware of what you say, why you're saying it, and how you say it. Consider the timing. Consider other people.

We had this exact sign and degree eclipse in October of 2004, and a series of Taurus Scorpio (at other degrees) in 1994. So think about what general themes were unfolding in your life around that time.  Sometimes its hard to put a finger on what was happening, and we can’t always pin down a theme...But that’s what horoscopes are for, babe!

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