Bitchstrology for the week of 11/27 - Evolution and Awakening
We start the week off with that Full Moon in Gemini, which I talked about last week. I don’t think this is going to be a soft full moon. This girl is opposite Mars and Square Pluto. I think words might fly. Truths can be uncovered. Things will be illuminated. Gemini is a bit of a shit talker, so keep yourself in check. Although if something comes up and bites you in the ass, it probably isn’t something you said very recently. This moon is for letting things go. Get rid of clutter. Get rid of shitty friends. Get rid of noise in your head (hahaha. I wish!) Simplify. This is a time of year where we get really insane, but what we really need is to honor the season and slow down, breathe, take our time, sleep, notice what is beautiful around us. Use this moon to de-clutter your life, your mind, your house, your work space. Look at your list of projects and see if it needs to be narrowed. Look at all your lists and see what needs to go. ...