Bitchstrology for the first week of 2024

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Well Happy New Year all my darling Bitches, Bitchsters, and Bitchtresses!  

I always find it interesting that January 1 is such a big deal. The Zodiacal new year would be when the Sun enters Aries on March 21st (the Spring Equinox). It’s kinda weird that we just decided that the transition from December to January would be this big deal, and is somehow vastly different than any other monthly transition. Idanno, but we all bought into it so here we are with all the new year, new you bullshit.  Look, I’m the same me, I’m just more tired than the me last week.

Maybe it’s because I’m an Aquarius, but I’ve always hated goal setting, quotas, resolutions, and the like.  It definitely feels very rules-y, and me no likey the constriction of it. But I have this glorious Capricorn stellium and many people actually tell me I come across very much like a Capricorn. I guess my Gemini rising comes across somewhat. But Gemini is really very misunderstood much of the time. What you’re reading right now is my Gemini. My wit is Gemini. But she’s not a very social Gemini at all. I am an enigma, yay!

Anyway, I hate resolutions. Maybe because they so often revolve around weight loss, which is a culture I simply cannot get down with. It's very toxic and too many people I know are fixated on it.  My early teens I was very obsessed with calories and thigh gaps, like many young girls. But that developed into some dangerous habits, so I’ve been all about body liberation for decades now. 

Why did I go off on this tangent? Idanno but I’ll let it stay. Point is here we are in the New Year with all of its expectations and pressures and I encourage you to check yourself in that regard.  Set intentions for how you want to FEEL this year. Write down things you want to accomplish this year that are less about your weight and how you look and more about personal growth, mental health, and finding joy!

Ok so back to the astrology! This is not a bad week...although there are several squares and a quincunx that can create some tension. But both of those aspects are good at inspiring us to problem solve and adjust our positions on things. It’s a week of confronting things within ourselves, for sure.

We kick it off with Mercury stationing direct and we are all so thrilled about that! I have had all kinds of electrical issues this round, and a bitch is tired of visiting the electrical panel on the side of the house!  Also on Monday Venus squares Saturn.  Venus is a bit of a main character this week.  This square to Saturn is a challenge that can bring up insecurities and tensions.  Venus is in Sagittarius where she just wants to have fun and Saturn is in Pisces taking itself and its morals a bit too seriously. Take me to church, babe, but not in that way!

On Wednesday Venus quincunxes Jupiter, which indicates that our ideals might be out of reach or unrealistic.   This might also highlight an imbalance in your giving and receiving of either love or money (or both?).

Thursday is my favorite day this week, because Mars enters Capricorn. Mars is very happy and productive in this sign, and he gains a bit more patience in this placement. Mars in Cap is ambitious, strategic, and  focused.  This empowers him a great deal so take advantage of this energy over the next few weeks and go after what you want. No, really…do!

Saturday the Sun squares Chiron, which can bring up insecurities that we need to confront.

And then Sunday, Venus squares Lilith. You can feel emboldened and inspired by your desire for freedom. The friction here is a motivator. Where are you repressed? Are you doing it to yourself or is someone else? Where do you feel unsatisfied about having your desires met? Who is responsible for that?  Confronting these issues will liberate you and enable you to express yourself more authentically, especially in love.

While we have some inner work to do, let’s not go ape shit (as my mom would say).  Take it easy. Let’s start the year off soft. Let’s start this make believe transition off with kindness to ourselves. Let’s recognize our own beauty and power and honor it.  There are plenty of transits  this year to freak out about and panic about the shifts.  Let’s do this one with grace and ease!  Cheers!