Ho Ho and Happy Effing New Year! BitchStrology for 12/25/23-1/1/24!!
Happy holidays bitches! I hope it was Merry and Bright. Mine was OK. You know how I feel about holidays.
However - Happy Kwanzaa to those that celebrate it! If you like to do some shopping after Christmas, look for black and female owned businesses this week.
This week we celebrate the New Year, roll up our hopes and dreams and wishes (and ballots) and stroll into 2024 with fingers crossed.
There are a few big things happening this week in addition to the New Year, and the day-after-Xmas sales…
We have a full moon in Cancer, 3 planets stationing direct, and Venus enters Sagittarius. That’s just the major stuff, which is probably all I will cover this week- so let’s do it.
Tuesday is the Full Moon. She’s at 4° of Cancer at 4:33pm Pacific. This is a great opportunity to release emotional burdens at the end of the year. This moon conjunct Sirius, which is said to be our spiritual Sun, and sextiles Jupiter, creating an expansive flow of emotions. Sirius can beam psychic insights to us via this Full Moon. Emotions can feel harsh and overwhelming at this time, so give yourself space and grace to feel and deal! Also on Tuesday, Chiron stations direct. Chiron has a wonky orbit so he’s retrograde often. The Moon will square Chiron, and this could bring up wounds, insecurities and guilt. WHAT? At the holidays?! You don’t say! Girl, yes! The Moon will also: trine Saturn (much needed stability for this Full Moon!), sextile Lilith (emotionally edgy), quincunx Chariklo and Ceres (challenged with compassion), and trine Pallas (enhanced intuition). Yeah that’s alot. But you can see the theme around emotions.
Wednesday the Sun trines Jupiter, giving us access to luck and a sense of vitality. Mercury (still retrograde) will conjunct Mars, making us more decisive and analytical. Mercury will also square Neptune (confusion) and trine Eris (thinking outside the box). Mars also trines Eris (motivated and inspired).
Thursday Mars squares Neptune, which is not awesome. This can bring guilt, paranoia, and just general blah feelings. Venus will help though! First she sextiles Pluto, giving us passion, and then she enters Sagittarius, giving us a sense of optimism and adventure with love and money. I would try to keep your risk-taking to a reasonable level, because I’m a Capricorn, and also because Mercury is still retrograde in Capricorn. Practicality is Queen for the moment.
Saturday the ruling planet of Sagittarius, Jupiter, goes direct after it’s annual backwards trot. Progress is easier to find after this. And then, everyone’s favorite news, on Monday January 1, 2024, Mercury goes Direct! Huzzah! Mercury started it’s retrograde at 8° of Cap on December 13th. He stations direct at 22° of Sagittarius, and will move forward, returning to all those points he backed over, and zooming back into Capricorn. The shadow period ends on my birthday, January 20th. *hair toss* If your Venus is really craving some excitement after you’ve behaved, she will still be in Sagittarius for 3 days after Mercury is clear of the shadow. So January 20-23, your wild ass can go after whatever you want.
Happy New Year. In 2024, let’s build communes and take over the world!